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Crensch ago


Dishonest shitposter is worse for Voat than any Q poster.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm a Q poster. Search my comments.

Crensch ago

And yet, here you are being a dishonest prick, and trying to define a pedophile out of the proper label of "pedophile".

And still no evidence of you calling out anyone for doxxing me, and using real world info on the two people they tried to doxx me as.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

you're a prick!


You have no idea what we do.

Crensch ago

I do, actually.

I've been highlighting it for everyone pretty consistently for a while now, thanks to you guys not letting it go.

I know you've all enjoyed it, because I've been hammered with downvotes you use to try and hide it.

TheBuddha ago

One of your Qtards has actually decided he'd threaten me.

I don't actually mind, but I do see it as sporting fun.

You might want to wrangle 'em a bit tighter. They're your tards and I can respect that, but they're getting kind of ballsy. That's to the detriment of this site. Once upon a time, you cared about this site. Please reflect on that. Please?

If you want to wrangle the tards, I am going to hold you accountable for them.

Also, you leave @clamhurt_legbeard out of it. He's done plenty wrong, but none of it is directed at you. If you're going to defend the 'tards, you're taking responsibility for them.

Crensch ago

Is there a link to any of this?

TheBuddha ago

To @thislionsheart? Obviously. Shit, the idiot threatened to beat me up and I've since offered to pay his way here. You know me. I'm not scared.

To clammy? Links don't prove a negative and I know you know better than that. There are no magical links that prove him innocent. Your links don't prove his guilt.

He does stupid shit. I can't help that - but I am pretty sure he's not maliciously impacted your movement. I know, 'cause I've watched.

Crensch ago

To @thislionsheart? Obviously. Shit, the idiot threatened to beat me up and I've since offered to pay his way here. You know me. I'm not scared.

To the offending comments/comment nests

To clammy? Links don't prove a negative and I know you know better than that. There are no magical links that prove him innocent. Your links don't prove his guilt.

My post was asking any of the users to prove the positive that they admonished/shunned any users that believed they were doxxing me with real-world information on two people.

No links have been presented.

He does stupid shit. I can't help that - but I am pretty sure he's not maliciously impacted your movement. I know, 'cause I've watched.

My movement?

If you're talking about Q, I'm not claiming he has.

If you're talking about what I'm doing, he showed up trying to define zyklon out of being a pedophile when all I asked was for SBBH users to link to their holding their users accountable.

If you link me to the offending comments, I'll be happy to point the user to the TOS if they've violated it, and even ban them.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, it's okay. I already dealt with 'em.

No, I hold you accountable for the Qtards as you're their gatekeeper. They're in your sub and you're the one I expect to know better but still facilitates them.

And... Wait... No, they're not doxing you. The only doxxing of you that I've seen is them pointing to someone that's a college professor in a wheelchair. You're definitely not them, You're not a college professor. That means you're not being actually doxxed.

So, yes... Your movement. You're an active part in it and you're a person I can point to and "name." If you don't like that, don't do it - but you'll not stop, probably because you like the power. Your morals have always been suspect.

Finally, clammy has done all sorts of shit wrong - but I bet none of it has actually damaged your movement or your credibility with the Qtards. Leave him alone. Thanks. Be the adult for once.

Crensch ago

And... Wait... No, they're not doxing you. The only doxxing of you that I've seen is them pointing to someone that's a college professor in a wheelchair. You're definitely not them, You're not a college professor. That means you're not being actually doxxed.

3 things:

1) You don't know that.

2) They believe it enough to drop real world info

3) Whomever is linked to my account is likely to have some very bad repercussions in their real life. The doxxed person you're referencing has a Jew professor. How would it ruin his life if his professor thought he was linked to this username?

Are you saying that's ok with you?

So, yes... Your movement. You're an active part in it and you're a person I can point to and "name." If you don't like that, don't do it - but you'll not stop, probably because you like the power. Your morals have always been suspect.

My morals?

Nearly everything your ilk have accused me of has been utterly false, or perpetrated by one of them - demonstrably.

Finally, clammy has done all sorts of shit wrong - but I bet none of it has actually damaged your movement or your credibility with the Qtards. Leave him alone. Thanks. Be the adult for once.

Show me where I started this with him. He started today with a comment that appeared as if he hadn't even read the OP. If he doesn't want to get responded to, or thought of as one of (((them))), he's welcome to avoid my posts.

I pinged him because he's peripherally one of the bigger shitposting names that should feel like he has a dog in this fight, since what's happening is that shitposters are losing their narrative and credibility. He considers his soapdox to be separate from zyklon, but it houses many of the same names that continue to be exceedingly immoral.

Highlighted today by their inability to show that they give a fuck about innocent people that might be linked to my username by other shitposters/alts of theirs in their shitposting sub.

TheBuddha ago

I do know that. The link they give is to a college professor. You are not a college professor. I'm 99% confident of this - which is pretty good. You're not them. Don't even pretend to be unless you want to send me some credentials. I know better, you know better.

Their beliefs are immaterial. Nobody is gonna believe any accusations about the real professor, except in Imaginary Land. That's silly to consider it a problem.

Yes, your morals and fuck you with "your ilk." You and I both know better. Need I reference the many times you've said, "Hey, that half-nigger knows what's going on. You dumb cunts!" (Or something like that.) C'mon now...

I didn't say you started it with him. I'm saying you can end it by being the bigger man. He has no dog in this fight and you know that. I'm appealing to your shame and hoping you have some.

You've seriously changed since the Qtard shit and it's not in a good way. I know you're not that dumb. One of us here has a reputation of being honest about this sort of shit - and that's me. I'll not step in and mention that you've co-opted it because I don't care. But, at least have the ability to be honest with me. It's like you've forgotten that, or maybe you can't.

I hate to admit it, but I kinda miss the old you. Blah blah blah and all that staring into the abyss thing...

So, yes, your morals...

Crensch ago

Their beliefs are immaterial.

Not really. They're out to ruin some innocent person's life, one way or the other.

Yes, your morals and fuck you with "your ilk."

Let's be honest, you're still friends with zyklon.

Need I reference the many times you've said, "Hey, that half-nigger knows what's going on. You dumb cunts!" (Or something like that.) C'mon now...

You are the only one.

I didn't say you started it with him. I'm saying you can end it by being the bigger man. He has no dog in this fight and you know that. I'm appealing to your shame and hoping you have some.

That's the thing with shitposters, everyone else is supposed to have a sense of shame and "be the bigger man". It mirrors what constantly happens to white people IRL.

You've seriously changed since the Qtard shit and it's not in a good way. I know you're not that dumb. One of us here has a reputation of being honest about this sort of shit - and that's me.

My positions have changed, but I don't see much change outside of that. Are you saying I have a reputation of being dishonest? Are you referencing the (((SBBH))) honesty index there, or do you have some specific instances of dishonesty on my part?

I'll not step in and mention that you've co-opted it because I don't care. But, at least have the ability to be honest with me. It's like you've forgotten that, or maybe you can't.

I'm afraid you lost me, here.

I hate to admit it, but I kinda miss the old you. Blah blah blah and all that staring into the abyss thing...

I was under the impression you thought I was the same as always. That was the narrative last time I checked.

So, yes, your morals...

My morals?

Do tell.

TheBuddha ago

Do tell.

Once upon a time, you'd have acknowledge the claim that they're going to ruin someone's life is immaterial 'cause that's about as improbable as me touching the moon. You've changed. It's not necessarily for the better. You were, shall we say, more able to acknowledge facts.

You never directly supported any of it.

Oh, fuck no... No, what was done was unacceptable on every level - from pretty much everyone. Try as I might, I can't find anyone that's 'not guilty.'

The biggest thing that pissed me off was the MANY people that made private messages public messages. I'm a huge fan of keeping things private, regardless of the outcome. I have not now, nor will I ever, share something said in private with you. That's my morality.

And, if you're curious, I never stood for it in private. In fact, I stood up for you multiple times - both in public and in private. As I recall (I'm kinda drunk) I even made it a point to not ping you when I defended you. The reason for not doing so was because you didn't need to know and I wasn't doing it for brownie points.

For the record, I'm still disgusted by the behavior of a number of people. It took months before I'd talk to Zyklon again.

Crensch ago

Once upon a time, you'd have acknowledge the claim that they're going to ruin someone's life is immaterial 'cause that's about as improbable as me touching the moon.

Once upon a time leftists weren't actively and constantly out to ruin the lives of "Nazis".

You've changed. It's not necessarily for the better. You were, shall we say, more able to acknowledge facts.

The field hasn't changed in 4 years, to your mind?

Oh, fuck no... No, what was done was unacceptable on every level - from pretty much everyone. Try as I might, I can't find anyone that's 'not guilty.'

Same here, but within (((SBBH))).

The biggest thing that pissed me off was the MANY people that made private messages public messages. I'm a huge fan of keeping things private, regardless of the outcome. I have not now, nor will I ever, share something said in private with you. That's my morality.


And from my side, that was only done after the sub with her face plastered all over it, and kevdude stabbing her in the back.

And, if you're curious, I never stood for it in private. In fact, I stood up for you multiple times - both in public and in private. As I recall (I'm kinda drunk) I even made it a point to not ping you when I defended you. The reason for not doing so was because you didn't need to know and I wasn't doing it for brownie points.

I noticed.

For the record, I'm still disgusted by the behavior of a number of people. It took months before I'd talk to Zyklon again.

Why ever talk to him again?

In vino veritas, no?

TheBuddha ago

Nah, the field hasn't changed. It's pretty much the same, you're just more fearful. In this, you're expressing your fear of 'leftists.'

And, why ever talk to him again? Because I can forgive and forget - most of the time. I can move on.

Amusingly, when you banned me accusing me of being his friend, it was during a time when I'd given up trying to talk to him. I wouldn't speak to him for another four, maybe six, months.

See, to me, he's a mentally troubled young man that has faced untold difficulties and had a difficult life. That doesn't excuse his behavior, it does mean that I don't want to give up on him. I don't want to give up on you, either.

It has to suck to go through life being afraid of so many things.

Crensch ago

For the record, I'm still disgusted by the behavior of a number of people. It took months before I'd talk to Zyklon again.


I think, in this instance, you've misjudged.

What I'm doing is not out of fear for myself or my well-being.

These innocent people linked to my username could have their livelihoods taken from them with a simple phonecall and directions to this website.

And, why ever talk to him again? Because I can forgive and forget - most of the time. I can move on.

I don't have friends that are pedophiles. That's pretty unforgivable in my book.

Amusingly, when you banned me accusing me of being his friend, it was during a time when I'd given up trying to talk to him. I wouldn't speak to him for another four, maybe six, months.

All I knew is that you were part of the shitposting crew, you were his friend, and that's really all I needed to know.

See, to me, he's a mentally troubled young man that has faced untold difficulties and had a difficult life. That doesn't excuse his behavior, it does mean that I don't want to give up on him. I don't want to give up on you, either.

I'm not a pedophile.

It has to suck to go through life being afraid of so many things.

Again, I think you've miscalculated on this facet.

For months I barely responded as (((SBBH))) kikes attacked me, attacked srayzie, talked about her real life, "doxxed" me as various people... and now that I'm finally highlighting what they have done wrong, and shutting them down with facts, evidence of those facts, and logical conclusions based on those facts, everyone peripherally related to them is trying whatever they can to get me to stop.

I'm not doing this for me. I'm not doing this for her. I'm not doing this out of fear.

I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do. I've always done what I thought was right, which is why your assertion that I've changed is so puzzling.

I wonder why it is that so many (((SBBH))) users have asked me what it is I want, or told me to "get help" or asked me to set aside what I'm doing to fight X, or just to set aside what I'm doing because "it's in the past".

TheBuddha ago

I don't think you understand. I'm not sure you will...

You know, I don't hate you. I know how you feel about me and my race - and I even know how you feel about me as a person (on a good day). Yet, I still don't hate you.

I kinda feel sorry for you. No, I do feel sorry for you. I can't imagine what life must be like to be so scared all the time.

We've known each other for going on four years and four years ago you told me that you were certain a race war was coming within five years. You then told me that you were "always" correct.

I told you then that you were full of shit. The other day, I seem to recall reading a comment where you once again said it was coming within the next five years.

You're scared. You fill yourself up with hopium. You twist reality to suit your beliefs and then change your stance when reality didn't work out the way you expected - still while believing you're right.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I don't hate you. You seem to think I miscalculate but that's just you misunderstanding and not seeing the world around you. I don't really make many mistakes, C. That's because I am a fan of probabilities.

Your time is almost up for your five year claim. I plan on waiting until then to see if you're more open to accepting reality. I fear you won't be, because you've taken a turn for the worse with your association with the Qtards. It might be time to check in with a qualified mental health professional and see if you're still stable - and that's not an insult, but an observation.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

I kinda feel sorry for you. No, I do feel sorry for you. I can't imagine what life must be like to be so scared all the time.

Again with that "scared" narrative.

We've known each other for going on four years and four years ago you told me that you were certain a race war was coming within five years. You then told me that you were "always" correct.

I'm quite sure the "always" correct was within a specific context if, indeed, I said it.

I told you then that you were full of shit. The other day, I seem to recall reading a comment where you once again said it was coming within the next five years.

Maybe so. And?

You're scared. You fill yourself up with hopium. You twist reality to suit your beliefs and then change your stance when reality didn't work out the way you expected - still while believing you're right.

One doesn't follow the other.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I don't hate you. You seem to think I miscalculate but that's just you misunderstanding and not seeing the world around you. I don't really make many mistakes, C. That's because I am a fan of probabilities.

You know, I'm pretty sure I've always said "I don't make many mistakes" or "I rarely make mistakes", simply because I am a fan of probabilities.

You're stating exactly what I am, and what I've always argued about how the probability of getting stabbed/shot around 100 niggers is far higher than around 100 whites. I'd like to see evidence of these supposed faux pas of verbiage that I supposedly wrote long ago.

Your time is almost up for your five year claim. I plan on waiting until then to see if you're more open to accepting reality. I fear you won't be, because you've taken a turn for the worse with your association with the Qtards. It might be time to check in with a qualified mental health professional and see if you're still stable - and that's not an insult, but an observation.

So... going with that narrative now? I need help?

I did some digging for you:

That's all I got. Just that one reference.

TheBuddha ago

I need help?

Yes. Yes, you do.

I doubt you'll admit it but my hunch is you know it. I know you're not dumb. I know you're self-aware.

I also know you started with a bad premise.

You display symptoms of paranoia and delusions. They have reached the point where your life is negatively affected by them, at least as is observed by me - and outsider. There's some chance I could be wrong and that you have your shit together, but that seems unlikely.

It's funny that you mention probabilities. In the United States, you have something like 0.0003% chance of being a victim of violent crime. That has been trending downward, by the way. This may be worth ignoring:

Crensch ago

You display symptoms of paranoia and delusions. They have reached the point where your life is negatively affected by them, at least as is observed by me - and outsider. There's some chance I could be wrong and that you have your shit together, but that seems unlikely.


Might want to recalculate. Or at least direct me to these "paranoia" and "delusions" you're mentioning.

TheBuddha ago

Well, how long have you been saying a race war is coming in five years?

How many posts have you made supporting Q?

The first, you've been saying for a long time. The second has no substantiation. They'd be okay, but they're negatively impacting your life - which is when they become mental illness.

People mistake the DSM and think anything listed is a mental illness. It's not. It's only a mental illness when it negatively impacts your life in an uncontrollable manner.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

Well, how long have you been saying a race war is coming in five years?

I don't know. You should know I have a goldfish brain about this kind of thing.

How many posts have you made supporting Q?

Some handful, why?

The first, you've been saying for a long time. The second has no substantiation. They'd be okay, but they're negatively impacting your life - which is when they become mental illness.

What historical country ever survived "multiculturalism" for any time during its golden years? No, it's only during its descent into a shithole that its people are forced to live with invaders.

No substantiation with what? Context required.

People mistake the DSM and think anything listed is a mental illness. It's not. It's only a mental illness when it negatively impacts your life in an uncontrollable manner.

You think I'm negatively impacted by what's happening?

Have you not seen my posts lately asking if anyone else is enjoying the mood? Almost daily I get to feel a nice big justice boner about calling out these shitposters.

Being wary of niggers? They're low-IQ savages, and I can see that with my own two eyes.

You're going to need to be more clear on specifics here. I'm getting tired of addressing multiple possible meanings of your words.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t know

You’ve been wrong about your claims. Reassess your beliefs.

some handful

It’s a proven jewish hoax. We proved it two years ago. It’s a cult. Abandon it.

ever survived

We’ve had it for over a century now. Europe for almost as long. History is irrelevant to today.

context required

You’re too brain damaged to read two sentences because you’re existentially terrified that your proven jewish hoax actually IS a proven jewish hoax.

you think I’m

Oh, so you openly admit that you’re NOT depressed about the world today.


Because no one else would be happy about these things.

be more clear


TheBuddha ago

What historical country ever survived "multiculturalism" for any time during its golden years?

Umm... Probably all of them? There were no great dynasties or empires made up of a single race. To pick one as an early example, the Roman Empire. You know, for some definition of "survived."

In fact, I can't think of any that stopped because of multiculturalism in the manner that you're using it. I'm pretty sure you can't, either. You do know there's not been any homogeneous societies for millennia, right?

Being so scared of low probability events that you adjust your life accordingly is not mentally healthy. Instead of niggers, pick aliens. Every time you say niggers, pick aliens instead.

I've shown you the data. You have a REALLY low chance of being the victim of anything violent. Being afraid of low probability events is silly. If you want something to be scared of, pick driving in your car. That's more likely to kill you than niggers - as is heart disease, which can be caused by stress by the way.

Or not...

'Snot like you're gonna listen to reason. That's why I say you need help. Alas, I'm unqualified to provide that help. I will, however, offer to pay for it. If you ever decide you want to get a mental health evaluation - just let me know. I'm not kidding. I'll first try to find you local resources that will be long-term and, barring that, I'll pay for your initial evaluation myself.

And no... No, the last thing I expect you to do is agree. That's kinda the point.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

Umm... Probably all of them?


There were no great dynasties or empires made up of a single race.

Ruling from one country to another, but the healthy facets of it were homogenous, and the rowdy facets were forced to live with foreigners, and forced to change their customs and their way of life to fit some other ideal.

To pick one as an early example, the Roman Empire. You know, for some definition of "survived."

Degeneracy and population-mixing started happening, then it fell.

In fact, I can't think of any that stopped because of multiculturalism in the manner that you're using it. I'm pretty sure you can't, either. You do know there's not been any homogeneous societies for millennia, right?


Ok, you're done.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, that demonstrates sanity and an understanding of history and reality...

Seriously, get some help. Your life will be greatly improved.

Crensch ago

Japan. United states circa 1776. Most Western European countries pre-2000. 99,9% homogenous.

TheBuddha ago

You're gonna call Japan successful? They had a brief run and previously a shitty society. The US? The US has never been homogeneous. Even if you want to call it that, that lasted for how long? Since then, things have drastically improved in EVERY FUCKING WAY. European countries? You mean the inbred fucking morons that bombed themselves into rubble every other generation and prior to that pretty much sucked for all but their royalty? You mean the idiots that completely fucked up everything they touched - from their own nations to the rest of the planet they tried to colonize and then did the whole League of Nations thing which America is still cleaning up for them?

Stop with the nonsense. You know better than that. You're not dumb. Stop pretending you are.

Crensch ago

The US has never been homogeneous.


White christian protestants. Yeah, it was.

Japan is currently a high-trust homogenous society. Poland is currently a high-trust homogenous society.

And niggers never built anything. Ever.

TheBuddha ago

Japan is pretty much a vassal state of the US and the US is better by EVERY FUCKING POSSIBLE metric (including crime) now than it has ever been. Japan had a brief run where they did well. We call their end of time a little something known as WWII.

Reality sucks. Deal with it.

Crensch ago

Japan is pretty much a vassal state of the US and the US is better by EVERY FUCKING POSSIBLE metric (including crime) now than it has ever been.

Wait... you could be saying one of two things here:

1) US has less crime than Japan. (KEK - no fucking way)

2) The US has less crime than ever (Thanks Trump?)

apan had a brief run where they did well. We call their end of time a little something known as WWII.

And they rebuilt cities that were nuked to the ground, and they look better, and are safer than any mostly-nigger city in the united states.

TheBuddha ago

No, we have less crime 'cause it has been trending downward since the 80s. Trump had nothing to do with that. We are literally better off than we've ever been, by pretty much every metric.

I know you're smarter than this. I'm not one of your Qtards, I have the data. I understand the data.

I'm going to bed, but you might want to think about getting that help.

Crensch ago

I'm just slowly dismantling what deserves it.

Enjoy your nap.

Crensch ago

Are there, or are there not, places where people cannot safely go?

Are there, or are there not, non-whites in those places?

Do you lock your doors because of white people, or because of niggers and other nonwhites?

I'll give you a hint:

Most people didn't used to lock their doors, or need 12 foot fences, hence the 'white picket fence' cliche.

TheBuddha ago

And yet crime is down, across the board.

I don't make the stats. I just understand 'em.

And yet, you're more fearful...

If it helps, I'm entirely unqualified to help you. You're gonna need a different doctor for that - and reaching out for help doesn't make you bad or a lesser person.