SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Na if anything he will be the one leaving, I think he will breakdown, after he realizes what a fool he has made of himself, shit alt.

letouejil ago

I believe that tactic is also known as gaslighting. It's widely used by abusers and those with personality disorders.

Crensch ago

You are correct! Very astute observation, goat!

letouejil ago

I think it's safe to say all of SBBH are mental ill.

Crensch ago

Definitely safe to say that.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


I am now 100% convinced that you smoke crack.

argosciv ago


I am now 100% convinced that you smoke crack.

Care to elaborate on how you're 100% convinced of that, by the mere mention of "Gang-stalking"?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

It's kinda like how i assume someone is a naive uninformed retard if they unironically use the phrase "sovereign citizen"

argosciv ago

So... and i'm just trying to make sure I understand here, you don't actually have any valid reason to explicitly attribute the mention of "gang-stalking" to the usage of stimulants?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Crack causes paranoia.

argosciv ago

And so your implication is that the mention of "Gang-stalking" must mean @Crensch is being paranoid? Why's that? Because gang-stalking isn't real?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Yes. Because gang-stalking is made up bullshit.

argosciv ago

You doth protest too much and in doing so reveal exactly what you are.

Called it.

@Vindicator @Crensch @MolochHunter @bopper @MolochHunter

NikolasCruznUSA ago

Me too!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

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AndrewBlazeIt ago

I'm gang stalking you right now

Datawych ago

Oh, okay, so you’re a T A R G E T E D I N D I V I D U A L


BrennKommando ago

This is what gang-stalking is.

argosciv ago

Wasn't talking to you.

Crensch ago

SBBHUniversity - of COURSE this user doesn't have some kind of bias against those that would attack Soaboxbanhammer!

AndrewBlazeIt ago

When someone at the bar is mean, they might just be an asshole. When EVERYONE at the bar is mean, it's because you're the asshole.

Crensch ago

Yeah, when a bunch of semi-anonymous usernames are mean and claim you have no evidence when you do, they're glowniggers.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Believing you have evidence when you don't is a potential side effect of smoking too much crack

Crensch ago

There you go with the "you're not mentally stable, crackhead" narrative. Kek.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I call you a crackhead because you're behaving like one.

Crensch ago

Notice how I gave evidence that you had a bias?

Yet somehow I'm still crazy.


Thanks glownigger.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Giving evidence that I'm biased doesn't make me wrong, though. Are you magically not-biased? You're defending yourself from a completely neutral third perspective? Is it not possible that you're wrong and you just refuse to see it because of your own bias?

You've been posting about this constantly for months now. If you're not mentally unstable, at the very least you're severely autistic.

Crensch ago

Giving evidence that I'm biased doesn't make me wrong, though.

I post about you and your ilk calling me crazy.

You comment that I'm crazy.

I point out that you're part of SBBH and have a vested interest in keeping that idea alive.

"doesn't make me wrong, though"


AndrewBlazeIt ago

100% crazy.

And because I just used the word 'crazy', you will respond in an appropriately crazy manner.

Crensch ago



AndrewBlazeIt ago

See? It's like those clicker things that dog trainers use.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm bein' gang stalked and I wanna noe why, mane


heygeorge ago

You were probably asking for it with that high skirt

Questionable_1 ago

Hahaha thanks for showing your mental illness for v/all to enjoy get a grip faggot I said my peace leave me be.

Crensch ago

As a community - based agent (CBA) you will have the privilege of working with a team capable of delivering better “justice” than the official system.

Questionable_1 ago

Also if you're just looking for a friend I'll be your fren but you have to promise not to bring up old shit

AndrewBlazeIt ago

His post history resoudingly demonstrates that he can't NOT bring up old shit.

Questionable_1 ago

v/psychologist maybe they can help

LuciusAM ago

So to confirm, are you saying you aren't crazy? Like, not even a little?

Because linking a bunch of posts where people are calling you crazy isn't really the best way to convince people you are sane. You could instead just not be insane and those who called you insane will look like they are retarded.

Crensch ago

So to confirm, are you saying you aren't crazy? Like, not even a little?

What happens when you have evidence for your claims, but the other side has none for their claims, and tries to paint you as insane anyway?

Because linking a bunch of posts where people are calling you crazy isn't really the best way to convince people you are sane. You could instead just not be insane and those who called you insane will look like they are retarded.

So it doesn't occur to you that the declassified manual on gangstalking suggests that tactic specifically because the average person will not think that? You think taking the high road works with the human psyche like that?

LuciusAM ago

Well it did occur to me, but it seems far more likely that you are just crazy than there is a targeted effort to discredit a voat poster.

As for you having evidence, you umm don't need evidence. Just don't be crazy, trying to prove to people that you aren't crazy is like trying to prove to people that you are honest.

Crensch ago

Well it did occur to me, but it seems far more likely that you are just crazy than there is a targeted effort to discredit a voat poster.

Are you not familiar with (((SBBH))) and what they do here?

As for you having evidence, you umm don't need evidence. Just don't be crazy, trying to prove to people that you aren't crazy is like trying to prove to people that you are honest.

I'm not trying to prove to people that I'm not crazy. I'm showing that they're operating as a group - as if anyone paying attention had any doubts, but all pieces of evidence help paint the picture.

LuciusAM ago

Are you not familiar with (((SBBH))) and what they do here?>

No, I am not familiar other than knowing that they are a thing that exists on this site.

I'm not trying to prove to people that I'm not crazy. I'm showing that they're operating as a group - as if anyone paying attention had any doubts, but all pieces of evidence help paint the picture.~~~

Are you sure, because your whole premise hinges on you not being crazy. Otherwise it is just a bunch of people calling a crazy person, well crazy.

Crensch ago

Are you sure, because your whole premise hinges on you not being crazy.

Everyone's whole premise hinges on that.

Otherwise it is just a bunch of people calling a crazy person, well crazy.

If you don't want the evidence that my claims against them are legit, and you won't assess their baseless claims as well, you really don't get to make that judgment.

If you just believe what it seems like "a bunch of people" are saying, then you're just admitting you're a sheeple following along with popular opinion. You're admitting to being the useful idiot.

And if you think groups like these don't exist IRL, ShareBlue and the JIDF straight up admit doing this kind of thing.

LuciusAM ago

I am not accepting their claims, I am judging this entirely based on your post. It really has nothing to do with them, just pointing out that had you not posted what you did I wouldn't be nearly as convinced that you were crazy.

Crensch ago

I am not accepting their claims, I am judging this entirely based on your post.

And my post led to your question about legitimacy/lunacy. You didn't want evidence that when I call them a group of pedophile-protectors, I have evidence that they're protecting pedophiles. Right there is a single instance where you could confirm that I'm not crazy.

It really has nothing to do with them, just pointing out that had you not posted what you did I wouldn't be nearly as convinced that you were crazy.

What I posted was part of a declassified PSYOP manual for forums, and evidence that users were engaging in exactly that kind of behaviour.

And you conclude that I'm crazy, but don't want me to show you I'm not.

3 submissions in 2.6 years. Poorly kept-up sockpuppet.

Rotteuxx ago

@trigglypuff @heygeorge @gabara @expertshitposter @brennkommando

@Crensch just admitted to being in the possession of a psyop manual for forums. By his own "logic" he's just admitted to being a professional shill since we're all pedos.

BrennKommando ago

Oh shit this thread is epic :P

AndrewBlazeIt ago

capped logged archived

heygeorge ago

all pedos

Nah that’s just projection.

You see, Crensch can’t remember things. This is why he responds to comments line by line. He is likely incapable of holding an entire paragraph’s worth of thought at one time.

Rotteuxx ago

Good observationing !

Crensch ago

just admitted to being in the possession of a psyop manual for forums.

And the lot of you revealed as using those tactics. Find one I've used. Go for it.

Rotteuxx ago

What tactics?

Poking the retard until he jumps on command ?

ExpertShitposter ago


Crensch ago

Kek. Nice try, glownigger.

Rotteuxx ago

I thought I was a pedo ?

Make up your mind.

Crensch ago

The two aren't mutually exclusive, glownigger.

Rotteuxx ago

Alright, play with that buzzword until the next one pops into your tiny mind.

Crensch ago

Aww, he doesn't like when I point out what he and his little buddies are doing.


Rotteuxx ago

We weren't even talking about that, retard.

gabara ago

hon hon hon!

Crensch ago

No, I am not familiar other than knowing that they are a thing that exists on this site.

All right.

SBBH is the "shitposting" cover-story for the glowniggers/clowns/alphabet/shareblue types here. Shitposting gives them plausible deniability when threatening users' children with rape, cannibalism and death because "it's just jokes/satire/shitposting". They attack users that are in positions of importance here, and use multiple accounts to keep these pawns in line.

I know. I was one of those pawns.

They're also this "Voat immune system" you've heard so much about, where they jump all over any and all waves of users that come here in order to run them off - to make people too awake for Reddit feel like they have no home here.

Gothamgirl ago

Position of importance 🤣


Crensch ago


Position of importance.


Gothamgirl ago

I bet that's exactly who you work for.

Crensch ago

Nobody likes you, caterpillarbrows.

Gothamgirl ago

Not true lispy loser.

Crensch ago

Oh, I'm sorry, you have your beta orbiter, Dial, who, after talking with me, like he demanded, deleted his account within 20s.

Gothamgirl ago

Dial is my bro for life, I was talking about people I have meet in the real world. I sense butt hurt and jealousy 😂

Dial talked about deleting his account before he ever had a conversation with you. Plus he is here on Voat still so that doesn't even make sense. You have a severe case of narcissism and delusions.

Crensch ago

Dial is my bro for life

Beta orbiters are like that

I am talking about people

I don't consider beta orbiters people, either.

I have meet in the real world.

That are scared you might headbutt them with wrecking-ball-tier cheekbones?

I sense butt hurt and jealousy 😂

You sense disgust.

Dial talked about deleting his account before he ever had a conversation with you.

More of your pathetic anecdotes.

He deleted 20 seconds after talking to me. Meaning I caused it to anyone interested in being honest about the situation.

Plus he is here on Voat still so that doesn't even make sense. You have a severe case of narcissism and delusions.

He deleted his account because of me. Claiming anything different is simply laughable.

Gothamgirl ago

-dial haha this motherfucker is psychotic 🤣🤣🤣

It absolutely had nothing to do with you. Why are so full of yourself? Your weak and ineffective.

I really couldn't not care what you think of me though.

I bet Srayzie is so used up she makes the Lincoln tunnel seem tight.

Crensch ago

It had everything to do with me, and you know it. Your beta-buddy is a little bitch.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually he never mentioned anything about you at all, he told my the reason why before all that even happened.

Your someone's boy toy and butt buddy, so just shut it lispy.

Crensch ago

Actually he never mentioned anything about you at all, he told my the reason why before all that even happened.

"totally told me a reason why he deleted just like @nadesh did for her account here on voat totally had nothing to do with contact with Crensch. totally. you can believe me. I haven't lied about EVERYTHING... yet" "Evience? What evidence? YOu don't need evidence, take my word for it! I swear on my caterpillar eyebrows!"

Gothamgirl ago

He told me over the phone and your name was never even mentioned because it was before whatever happened between you 2 happened. Don't flatter yourself over your fantasies.

Crensch ago

"He told me X" "He told me Y"

"Why don't you believe my anecdotes?"

Cave troll can't understand what evidence is.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @R3BIRTH.

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Gothamgirl ago

You have nerve you never provide any for what you say and you duck 90% of the questions I ask of you.

LuciusAM ago

Then they do a shitty job, because I came from reddit and they never ran me off. I did ask to be banned from certain subs so maybe that is why I don't see them that much ;).

Crensch ago

Then they do a shitty job, because I came from reddit and they never ran me off.

You made 3 submissions. Your contributions are virtually nil, and you likely don't have opinions Uncle Sam wouldn't like. Certainly not to the degree of myself and some others that have been run off.

LuciusAM ago

I mean, I casually browse this place mostly for funny memes. I am actually a little surprised I even had 3 submissions, I must have been drinking or something.

Gothamgirl ago

Take hint fucker.

Rotteuxx ago

Exactly this, @Crensch is way too egotistical & self righteous to even come close to having the capacity for honest introspection.

Notice how he's always perfect & it's always other people who are the problem?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

There's a few fuckers running around here like that

Gothamgirl ago

He can't understand why zyklon went after them. What did this guy expect after disrespecting me so badly? Some comments were much more toxic them these.

@Crensch it's your mouth that got Srayzie fucked off so bad. You are to blame.

Crensch ago


Weak gutterslut. Fucking a druggie leftist violent pedophile convict from Voat. Attacking srayzie for no goddamned reason then whining about it later.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove what you say. I don't use drugs. I am not a leftist, zyklon isn't a pedo.

Everyone knows Srayzie is the gutter slut now, didn't hide it very well. I guarantee that's why she is hiding. I couldn't imagine the humiliation she feels 😆🤣😂🤣😂🤣😆

We broke you, her and Shizy who's weak?

😆 💪👊

Crensch ago

These 3 things I don't use drugs.

Anencephaly is cause 90% of the time by some fucking drug. Try again.

I am not a leftist

Re-read my words. All of that was describing zyklon, you stupid fucking cave troll.

zyklon isn't a pedo

He threatened to rape kids constantly for over a month. Went into detail.

Notice how you didn't object to the violent convict part? You know, how you let the violent convict in with your retard boy and fake underage daughter?

Everyone knows Srayzie is the gutter slut now

You invited zyklon into your home knowing he was a violent convict, and you asked srayzie to find out if flynnlives liked you.

I guarantee that's why she is hiding. I couldn't imagine the humiliation she feels 😆🤣😂🤣😂🤣😆


We broke you, her and Shizy who's weak?

You are, gutterslut.

Gothamgirl ago

Show where it say anencephaly is caused 90% of the time by drugs.

Zyklon doesn't support any party. He trusts no one and questions everything. Zyklon can't even vote dumbass.

You still haven't supported you claim of him threatening to rape kids several times a day for a month, I have been asking for over a week now. You make this claim often but you absolutely refuse to back it up...

I wasn't aware of zyklons whole past in the beginning, and he was never voilent be towards us.

There is more to that story with Flynnl1ve5. She was the one who told me he likes me. I asked if he had ever seen a pic of me, and she said she would ask him. She also said she felt like she was our matchmaker. The next day she sent me video of the guy talking about his wife.

If I am a gutterslut, then srayzie is a sewerslut and probably stinks like it too. You are a flaming faggot.

Crensch ago

Zyklon doesn't support any party.

Horseshit. Everything he did and said was a benefit to the leftist kikes in SBBH.

There is more to that story with Flynnl1ve5. She was the one who told me he likes me. I asked if he had ever seen a pic of me, and she said she would ask him. She also said she felt like she was our matchmaker. The next day she sent me video of the guy talking about his wife.

Horseshit. Gutterslut.

Single mother gutterslut.

The easiest way to determine if a child is going to act like a fucked up nigger (for their genetics) is to find out of they're raised by a single mother.

If I am a gutterslut, then srayzie is a sewerslut and probably stinks like it too. You are a flaming faggot.

You invited a pedo into your home, you had CP on your phone, you're a single mother, and claim to be by choice.

Gothamgirl ago

So still no proof of any of your claims, just a bunch of horseshit by a mentally ill basket case.

Ive been asking your lame ass for proof for days.

Zyklon likes anything free and that is all....

My kid's never have been in any type of trouble ever, they were straight A students every year in school with presidential honors and played sports. But I did fund a famous professional UFC fighter, so he taught them how to fight. At bootcamp my son won the pugal stick fighting in the Army beating out everyone. My 2 oldest are college grads, with well paying jobs, food stamp.

Your lies are so bad your boring the shit out of me.

Welp time for my massage and going for a swim to, so have fun.

Remember no one likes you, and it's all you fault. Toodles Tinkerbell.

Crensch ago

Zyklon likes anything free and that is all....

Like money and drugs from you?


Thanks for that.

Gothamgirl ago

Damn your beyond delusional. No you were talking about him being a leftist Fucktard. He liked having a free Obama phone, and getting an SSI check for his disability.

The only thing he had from me was a roof over his head cause my home is paid for. He did contribute to the bills though. I think I may have purchased a few cases of beer here and there, and food. We both did our share.

Crensch ago

For anyone not of SBBH/Soapboxbanhammer, ask me for evidence for my claims against these guys.

Ask them for the same.

See which actually comes up with something valid.

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx ago

Did you learn that trick from your personal copy of the JIDF Forum Psyop manual ?

Crensch ago

If you can find it in there, point me to it.

If not, looks like the lot of you were caught using exactly that tactic on me.

Oh, here are yours:

Gothamgirl ago

You fail mention you said those types of things to me first though. As usual..

You are one mentally fucked individual

Sir_Valence ago

What's the hint Hammy?

Gothamgirl ago

That he is cray cray, shit alt.

Crensch ago

That you're gangstalking me with them?


Heebro ago

There's that 'kek' again. This is the signal that he is perturbed but trying to hide it.

Crensch sucks micropenis for keks.

Gothamgirl ago

Na I am just stalking you because you talked shit about my children, and I am intentionally trying to drive you crazy, but I don't think I need to, cause you already are nuts. I don't need help, or money because I find fun and quite rewarding.

Crensch ago

Na I am just stalking you because you talked shit about my children

Their mother is a failure, too.

and I am intentionally trying to drive you crazy, but I don't think I need to, cause you already are nuts. I don't need help, or money because I find fun and quite rewarding.

Anything to get people to not look at your cheekbones, eh?

Gothamgirl ago

Your mother should've aborted you like srayzie did to her baby. We would all have 1 less headache around here.

Umm think I told you this before, I careless what other people think, but in reality I get zero complaints.

What kind've drugs are you on seriously?

Crensch ago

Your mother should've aborted you like srayzie did to her baby.

Kek, two things that didn't happen.

Umm think I told you this before, I careless what other people think, but in reality I get zero complaints.

When you look like you could break a brick wall with your face, people don't complain to you.

Gothamgirl ago

If I could break a brick wall with my face, I would toss your beaner friends to the other side, where they fucking belong.

Crensch ago

But not your taconigger offspring?

Gothamgirl ago

No they aren't taconiggers, wrong country you dumbfuck that's Mexicans. The racial slur for Puerto Ricans is spic, and south Americans are wetbacks.

My kids are half Puerto Rican.

Crensch ago

Also they are still lighter then your friend srayzie.


Caterpillar brows and half-native island taconiggers. Too funny, cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

It still beats being a White Knight for some busted drugged out beaner bitch.

You claim to hate Jews and minorities, but you support Trump who is surrounded by kikes, and producing a fuckton of employment for minorities, and with Q you must've forget this part #WWG1WGA

That's what's funny and everyone here is laughing at you poser.

You are not different from a chameleon at this point.

Crensch ago

Single mother of 2 disabled island taconiggers, because you couldn't put down the fork.

(Could have been 3!)

Gothamgirl ago

Just keep your hands off the 90lb kids ok...

I have 3 sons and you should really pass this on to Srayzie or does she get a pussy pass?

Crensch ago

You had CP on your phone and invited a pedophile into your home, but somehow I'm the danger to kids?


Gothamgirl ago

Are you serious? you laugh and made fun of the death of an infant on her birth and death day. Your a despicable loser. Voat will never forget what a deranged motherfucker you are. You will never have respect here again never.

There is a reason zyklon has people standing up for him and you don't, unless it's one of your shit alts. Eventually it will eat you alive, 🤣

It dosen't matter how many times you claim I had cp on my phone, it's not true. I have never in my life been anywhere near a pedophile.

Crensch ago

Are you serious? you laugh and made fun of the death of an infant on her birth and death day.

So? Nothing near what you've done.

There is a reason zyklon has people standing up for him and you don't,

Pedophiles stick together, I guess. Some invite others into their homes with their kids.

It dosen't matter how many times you claim I had cp on my phone, it's not true. I have never in my life been anywhere near a pedophile.


Gothamgirl ago

Actually your right I a much more effective then you 😆

Everyone is a pedo in your crazy eyes So no one believes you, everyone is laughing at you.

Your the one interested in 90lb kids, and associating with Pedos.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

How many did you and Srayzie gang stalk?

Crensch ago

Generalities and very few direct accusations. Want to check and see if those users got the same treatment I did by searching replies to them with those keywords?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Why do you support a married Ethot and her sexual misadventures on Voat? Adultery is disgusting. Why do you support that?

Heebro ago

he's married to her duh

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You think Crensch is Srayzie's husband? I also entertained that thought and laughed because why would a mexican be larping as a Nazi on Voat?

Heebro ago

only person on earth who thinks the poor man's Stacey Poole is a 'smokeshow' also if you see his social media you can see that very few peoples lives are that much of a sad joke

Rotteuxx ago

Good question for @Crensch while he accuses people of what he's done himself

Gothamgirl ago

You're bat shit crazy. You write posts all day long slandering us, everyday. Of course we are all going to respond to your insane nonsense.

They're Beatles friends I rarely talk to any of them. They are pretty cool though.

You are attacking them over what Beatle did. Why you think, they would think of you any differently, is baffling.

Crensch ago

You're bat shit crazy. You write posts all day long slandering us, everyday. Of course we are all going to respond to your insane nonsense.

I don't slander anyone. I have evidence for 90% of my claims or more, while the lot of you have ZERO evidence for nearly 100% of your claims.

They're Beatles friends I rarely talk to any of them. They are pretty cool though.

Beatle is a pedophile, and they protect him and think he dindu nuffin.

You are attacking them over what Beatle did. Why you think, they would think of you any differently, is baffling.

They also attacked the pedophile's victims. What is one to think of people that help pedophiles attack their victims?

I know what I think about them.

Gothamgirl ago

Lmao this is complete nonsense, and you can't understand why everyone thinks your crazy.

Back up this slander:

So you're either Sarah, or with her. Got it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/AnonTalk comment.

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