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Crensch ago

"but muh crensch sperged" - with logos and logic. Showing exactly why I'm right.

Keep acting like a 4chan cheetobater if you must, but if you cannot justify your position, or reconcile the hypocrisy, you have no legitimate leg to stand on.

Rotteuxx ago

Sounds like you're taking the internet too srsly

Or instead of writing 100 more lines about it just make a reeeeeee post in your reeeeing sub. Have fun running your one faggot crusade.

Crensch ago

I'm not the one that whines about people taking the internet too seriously when held accountable for my actions. I can smell the butthurt on you, faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

I can smell the butthurt on you, faggot.

Visit a sub like /v/sbbhtantrums if you want to witness real butthurt. Oh, wait... silly me.

Crensch ago

Yeah, documenting you faggots being incapable of addressing your hypocrisy is kinda fun. The REEEEEE, both in your pathetic attempts to do so, and in your attempts to ignore this place, is delicious.

Rotteuxx ago

We address it but unlike you, we don't go into an autistic diatribe to nitpick at anything you can grasp at in a vein effort to salvage your once respectable name while projecting out of your ass.

You should seek fresh air and disconnect for a while, your level of obsessive emotional engagement in this is unhealthy. In an effort to help you let go and move on I'll stop replying to you.

Crensch ago

We address it but unlike you, we don't go into an autistic diatribe to nitpick at anything you can grasp at in a vein effort to salvage your once respectable name while projecting out of your ass.

It's always the unequipped that whine about how I address each point specifically. Is there something wrong with being thorough, where you're from? Oh, maybe I should sperg out with nigger-tier posts about 1990 to make you feel more comfortable in this discussion?

Effort is looked down upon where you're from, apparently. Let that sink in.

You should seek fresh air and disconnect for a while, your level of obsessive emotional engagement in this is unhealthy. In an effort to help you let go and move on I'll stop replying to you.

You'll stop replying to me because you know you can't justify your actions. How does it feel to be so mentally infirm that you can't even handle a little accountability? I can't imagine.

Enjoy shoving your head in the sand, but one link to this is all that's needed to ruin your credibility if you ever choose to weigh in on anything outside of your shithole subverses again.

Rotteuxx ago

Ok, ok, I'll indulge you one last time :

Effort is looked down upon where you're from, apparently. Let that sink in.

/v/welding, teach me something about effort, faggot.

Now keep on letting the butthurt eat at you from the inside, it's fucking hilarious to watch you sink to grade school level bickering while you imagine yourself as some sage on a mountain top.

1990 motherfucker !

Crensch ago

/v/welding, teach me something about effort, faggot.

It applies outside of your chosen trade.

Now keep on letting the butthurt eat at you from the inside, it's fucking hilarious to watch you sink to grade school level bickering while you imagine yourself as some sage on a mountain top.

I've lowered myself to your shithole in order to fight with you on even ground. And none of you seem capable of standing up to me.

1990 motherfucker !

Had to reach for that security blanket, did you?

Crensch ago

More of that security blanket? Kek.