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Qdini ago

There's several:

In the past day, she made another post linked to the same conspiracy site she used today:

Here's one where she claims kids are being stolen and trafficked from Disney Parks with no credible evidence:

Here she claims Epstein was gang raped it Jail -- again, no credible evidence. This post says he was "fisted" (which is serious stuff), yet he shows up in court a few days later with not a mark on him:

Here she smeared an aviation company "Wheels Up" saying it was a player in the human trafficking ring, with no evidence. I looked into thee company and it's legit, not only that they are doing quite well financially.

Here she claims that Epstein was allowed to have sex with young girls in PRISON. Epstein wasn't in prison -- he was in jail and was allowed out each day on work release. That's where the alleged trysts took place with girls older than 18. But these are accusations not yet proven:

There's more too.... but this is a good start. I thought GodsAngell was a bit looney -- but now I think she might just be purposely spreading disinfo to discredit the Great Awakening board.

Crensch ago

Here she smeared an aviation company "Wheels Up" saying it was a player in the human trafficking ring, with no evidence. I looked into thee company and it's legit, not only that they are doing quite well financially.

Q drops 3414 and 3423. Is this a Q sub?

Please explain this.

Qdini ago

Wheels Up is a military term for an operation has begun. There's also an online reference to "Wheels Up" for Haiti, which is a Clinton initiative.

It has nothing to do with an aviation firm called Wheels Up. Do the research on the firm like I did. They had another aviation firm called Marquis Jets that they sold to Warren Buffet. They recreated the same business model with a new firm Wheels Up. They also have a very successful liquor brand, a portion of which they sold for $100 million. These are college buddies who create lucrative niche startup firms. They are not a human trafficking firm. To smear them with this is irresponsible and slanderous.

argosciv ago

It has nothing to do with an aviation firm called Wheels Up.

Actually, that's where it does get interesting...


Wheels Up Partners, LLC, and the Haiti (IHRC) initiative are linked by a common thread, as you pointed out, to none other than the Clintons:

Wheels Up Partners, LLC <- [Kenny Dichter]* -> Marquis Jet -> NetJets <- Berkshire Hathaway [(Warren Buffett)]* -> Clayton Homes -> IHRC initiative

[Kenny Dichter | Warren Buffett | Bill & Hillary Clinton]

Noteworthy that Buffet/BH are a central element to Wheels Up and Haiti?


Now that doesn't mean that anyone should run around and haphazardly accuse Wheels Up et al, of facilitating human trafficking -- but in terms of links/relationships found by "following the money", well, there's enough there to be worth mapping out and making a note of.

Qdini ago

Already looked at it. They sold Marquis Jets to Berkshire Hathaway, it's now a subsidiary. Wheels Up is another start up they created after selling Marquis. Same business model. These guys are entreprenuers who create niche companies, build them up and sell them off. They are doing it again. Take a look at their tequila firm they created -- the sold a portion of it off for $100 million. These guys have money. But they aren't ultra rich like the Wall Street guys that are tied to Epstein.

There is absolutely no info to suggest that Wheels Up LLC is involved in human trafficking. To say this is irresponsible. The Reddit GA site was taken down for just such a claim. I want to avoid that.

argosciv ago

Oh I've looked quite far into Dichter and co. now, they're staying on my list because of the various things I found, but I'm also not one to run around accusing every connected party of being involved in the worst of the worst.

Personally, I'm following the money/favors/influence trail just as much as the nastier stuff. Story for another time really. But while I must insist that the relationship/dealings between Dichter, Buffett and the Clintons is noteworthy, I do agree that irresponsible allegations are not a good look.

Qdini ago

Have you looked into Apollo Group. It appears to link to everything and ties back to Obama:

Fateswebb ago

Here is an example of a Q post, that was posted by a very respected mod as well... WHEELS UP. And it's listed as a reason GA is posting disinformation WHEN Q HIMSELF TOLD US TO LOOK INTO THIS!!!

Moloch Hunter a very respected mod posts about a drop from Q saying to look into "wheels up"

But when GA looks into it and posts she gets attacked as disinformation. A post of hers on "wheels up" is listed as a reason she is spreading disinformation, and QDINI even says he looked into it and sees no reason for her to be attacking this company.. blah blah..

EXCEPT Q-ANON HIMSELF said to.. so this is what we are attacking this user for? DOING EXACTLY TO THE LETTER WHAT THE BOARD IS INTENDED FOR???

Do explain....

Here is another actually reported in vanity Fair, he uses to attack her saying she had no proof..

She may have gotten the wording slightly wrong, but definitely didn't deserve to be attack for this... Qdini claims she had no proof at all..

Kids being kidnapped at Disney parks? No proof??? Another reason he is citing that he claims is disinformation. But let's see...

So I quite literally just debunked every single complaint he had about her with the exception of the unprovable one that he just simply has a competing theory on that nobody can prove either way.

So why again are we attacking this user when I just proved in just 3 minutes WITH GOOGLE that each point he has complained about was actually a legit post?.. USING ALL MAINSTREAM NEWS SOURCES AND QANON HIMSELF?

Yeah this is a personal attack and at this point I wonder just who is spreading the disinformation .

AlphabeticalAnon ago

My 2 cents:

I've always thought the headline stuff that was particularly negative or bad news seemed to be exaggerated a lot. But I thought the Wheels Up was something mentioned by Q. Or am I missing something?

Anyway, I do my own thing, and if I ask that user questions it's because I have questions! Not because I'm a "fan" or a "follower" and I resent some here who have downvoted me for fucking asking questions! So I say fuck all this! It's too much drama. I just don't care if it is a shill or not, I stopped reading that user's posts anyway because I never got any damned answers! Just downvotes. So my opinion of any of this is pretty much what Dick Solomon from 3rd Rock from the Sun would say: Leave me alone, I'm bitter.

DawnPendraig ago

She is a treasure trove for Media Matters or Haggerman to make smear pieces ans have direct quotes from oue board of how insane and libelous we are...

I am not for censorship generally either but spam and her deceptive altering of her posts when she gets called out / caught spreading disinfo are looking more and more suspicious

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

but now I think she might just be purposely spreading disinfo to discredit the Great Awakening board.

When their posts are upvoted, it appears to confirm the credulous nature of Q-followers.