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feli00 ago

Without proof, you don't have to believe anything because the kikes that rule apart from murderers are liars

Bern666 ago

This is (one) you are up against///

It aint NO getting them in reality.....

They all do have a purpose and you have a choice.

sleepingbagpudding ago

oy vey

BettyLiberty ago

No Country for Chomos

Banky1974 ago

I'd like to believe it's true, but I'm skeptical considering that Epstein is at the center of the spider web that connects the deep state. Even the fact that he was attacked is difficult for me to believe considering his importance. The ONLY reason I can think of that he wouldn't be directly watched around the clock by U.S. Marshalls or Marines would be if he's already been thoroughly interrogated on the record and given the DoJ everything they want/need.

Think about it. If you were POTUS and you have this kind of leverage over your enemies, would you take any chances that Epstein could be killed before testifying? Hell, you'd have the guy packed in bubble wrap.

Leatherwood123 ago

Q says "we have everything". This leads me to believe they have the evidence they need to take down the worldwide cabal, with or without Epstein. His arrest could be more of message to the cabal about the fate that awaits them. Remember, we are watching a movie.

Banky1974 ago

Very true. Of course, there's always the possibility of disinfo with that statement to rattle the DS, but I haven't seen anything yet to make me believe that's the case. Everything has happened as Q has stated it will.

i_scream_trucks ago

That makes sense

Don_Tomaso ago

Untill the former filth nigger in chief, clinton whore, schitt, msm bosses, soc media executives, nadler, aoc, omar, soros and more are raped to death in prison and mossad and its isreali goverment controllers are nuked I really dont care.

Blacksmith21 ago

These are prison rumors and Justiceporn. No one has the slightest idea what happened.

webster_warrior ago

I need a little more before I'm going to fall for this. Fake news is always on the alert for stories. This is a whopper. You have a man who is the center of national attention. We are not Africa, yet, although, we are fast getting there.

M3Top ago


JediOnWelfare ago

Usually I’d feel bad if this happened to someone. In this case it seems warranted.

beefartist ago

Some alleged prisonfag was on here saying this particular facility is a nasty filthy hole of a place and seems to end up with a lot of very famous guests. Putting guys like El Chapo and Epstein here sends them a clear message about how differently they will be treated by the law now

Quisp ago

El Chapo Was Moved to MAX Security in Colorado after the Power "outage"

QCrumbCatcher ago

Need a better sauce.

Ltlgeneral64 ago

He'd enjoy that....he's a sicko....

Ddboomer ago

He deserves EVERY MINUTE OF IT. Scum bag!!

darkb ago

sweet prison justice,,, more coming

monsterdoggie ago

I am sure somebody very powerful paid a lot of money and applied other leverage to see to it that this happened.

MrTotenkopf ago

Fake and gay, Positive Propaganda.

Rhondaher ago

I dont like to say I told you so but I predicted this in a comment last week. The Bible says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Now he got a taste of what he has done to so many children. I for one am not sorry. There is no punishment bad enough. Death is not enough for the lives hes ruined.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Popcorn worthy for sure. Mossad elites are feeling the Pain.

QualityWhite ago

This is just gossip from "420girl"

new4now ago

The Mossad took care of Robert Maxwell

Whether they killed him or whisked him away, he was taken care of

The Mossad will take care of Epstein too

pby1000 ago

We are better than them. That is all I’ll say.

mathemagician33 ago

given how many people he could potentially have info on, he absolutely needs to be kept alive until trial. teaching him a lesson he won't soon forget, on the other hand...

NoBS ago

They are not only buttering him up. They are letting the Clinton Crime Cartel get a peek at accountability and vengeance.

e-traiu ago

The evil they did cannot be reversed. We need to raise our vibration, and not go down to theie leveL. Fair trial, the apropriate penalty

SeanBox ago

this is part of the penalty for those charges. it will go on the rest of his life.

eldorann ago

Don't believe it. if really happened, the other prisoners would have killed him after.

NoBS ago

The guards can harass loved one on the outside with trumped up charges and a prison stint. They call that a stern warning.

GodsAngell ago

Not if they were operating under orders, to only go so far.

HoppyHap ago

Crime happens so fast in prison that guards can barely catch it. No need of wink and look the other way.

redtoe_skipper ago

true, if he is in genpop. But given the nature of what he is suspected off having done, I would not be surprised to him being in the jail within the jail. And this is a high profile case. This needs to go by the book.

So, if that really happened it would mean he is really in danger. Too dangerous to be left alive? Too dangerous to stand trial? It only adds to his appeal.... by happenstance ...

UKD ago

In Clown World criminals dispense the deserved justice.

DickTick ago

Once again posting this as if it's an absolute fact when it's not even loosely corroborated yet... Damnit man...

I really do still have hope for you yet /u/GodsAngell. I swear I do...

Ddboomer ago

I just saw this. Damn it. This postin person pushes a ton of unsubstantiated fact!! Rumor

DickTick ago

If we could only get her to clearly separate her opinions from the facts she would actually be a great asset to this movement... She is relentless and that's what we need, but it has to be the truth and not speculation spread as truth or we're no better than the enemy we fight.

Ddboomer ago

Yes, exactly!! It’s like she wants to make everyone believe she has “inside “ info when the fact of the’s her opinion which is not fact. I get very frustrated with her posts. It’s almost like she does this to gain followers and then creates Mis-info on purpose which hurts the movement. Annoying. WWG1WGA

Qdini ago

Me too. ;)

G45Colt_II ago

If this is true, when did it go from - hey, this is kind of kinky - to - stop, stop, please stop?

Qdini ago

There is no way he'd be back in his cell in 24 hours if that really happened. This is a rumor.

GodsAngell ago

He was apparently raped last week. How many weeks does he get to languish in a hospital?

Qdini ago

Do you even know what fisting is?

DickTick ago

Yep.. barely even very loosely corroborated at this point. I made sure I told her that up top. I'm trying to do it a much more constructive way now.. we'll see how it goes.

Qdini ago

Apparently not well. See her response below.

NoBS ago

Maybe if we can ask him nicely if he got ass raped? I'm sure he's a kiss and tell type of CIA asset.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

That's risky shit to make sure they don't kill him or his ass backs up and causes him to have internal injury leading to death.

WhiteChickens ago

Yeah, that's not right.

Plenty of time to let him get ass raped later, when his services are no longer needed.

Sosacms ago

As much as I'm ok with this. This is the kind of shit that'll destroy the case against him. Is it justice if a gang rape leads to his release before trial? Go by the book, hard and smart, and this might unravel at a global scale. We might actually create a global great depression because we purged so many powerful pedos. Worth it.

Leatherwood123 ago

global Great Depression? not if we confiscate their wealth and take control of the monetary system(s).

G45Colt_II ago

I don't think prison rape plays into any trial stuff. That's like slipping on a bar of soap in the shower on the day of your arraignment, and expecting that gives you an excuse and you don't have to show up.

Sosacms ago

Guards ignoring it or covering it up might play a roll in the case. Cases get thrown out over bullshit all the time. Don't give them the opening.

angelCole ago

Nope, has one has NOTHING to do with the other. If it did people would be using it all the time to get out of jail/prison/trouble.

GodsAngell ago

Epstein would have to PROVE guards looked the other way.

Sosacms ago

I'm just saying wait for the guilty verdict then throw him to the animals.

GodsAngell ago

Why does he deserve special treatment? He is in prison with other rapists and murderers, and this is what is done in prison. It goes with the territory.

NoBS ago

These were not the animals. This gang bang was the smallest dicks in the prison. Baby steps.

bciar-iwdc ago

Sounds like they gave him the backdoor

MetalThatMatters ago

You reap what you sow ...

boomersarecylons ago

On the one hand the things he is accused of are pretty awful, but it is the place of the law to administer justice. Dereliction of duty should not be given a nod and a wink.

mf1776 ago

The law isn't going to administer gang rape until death. And that's what he deserves. Glad we have the flexibility to have these things just work themselves out.

R2D11 ago

umm, your statement would be correct ONLY IF we were operating under "rule of law" ... if we review the past several decades closely your assertion becomes nonsense

i_scream_trucks ago

Dude should be dead. Once you blatantly ignore someone else's rights you forfeit your own

No sympathy.

GodsAngell ago

Did the children and babies he raped to death, have a SAFE place of the law to administer justice, before they were raped to death???

He is a rapist and murderer and should be treated like all other rapists and murderers....

fuckingmockies ago

Law is always second to morality. Always.

Ddboomer ago

Why not? It is people like you who are co-dependent towards these vile pedos. Justice.

amarQ144 ago

(wink wink)

Mr_Wolf ago

it's the only justice they ever really get, as they never seem to actually get any lengthy sentence.

virge ago

If you think prisons are for Justice I've got news for me.

markrod420 ago

Well most of our country currently views it as our duty to protect "gods chosen people" in israel... things have been a bit turned on their head at this point. Operating entirely within the confines of the current system nearly guarantees failure. Not that letting inmates rape epstein does us any good. But overall the idea that we need to stay within the confines of traditionally acceptable tactics will likely lead to failure.

NoBS ago

It was just boys being boys. Wink.

Cloudrdr ago

That's just 'Hello to prison dude!'

They were from the Welcome Wagon (Train).

itsmaddentime ago

You can derelick my balls

GodsAngell ago

Did the children and babies he raped to death, have a place of SAFE place of the law to administer justice, before they were raped to death???

LanJon310 ago

My stance - I don't want the gov/guards to treat epstein any different in either +/- direction.

And with that, it means he will be housed along-side all other thugs (who, also aren't given special treatment).

This is what happens when you choose to be a piece of shit.

800B7355 ago

This guy should be ass raped into oblivion and then death penaltied. That's justice.

Six_Cents ago

The justice you speak of is "Man's justice" - which does not come from God.

You may down-vote me now.

800B7355 ago

It's that all this has come to a couple of up voats? Seriously, get a grip abd hand on to your extra cents.

Six_Cents ago

You really missed the point of my comment.

800B7355 ago

Down voated.

Six_Cents ago


800B7355 ago

Oh no please don't down voat me.

Furlefonce ago

I know this is going to get downvoted ...

It’s not. This is called revenge. And as satisfactory as it might appear at first glance ...

Q is about justice and rule of law.

I understand your impulse. Totally. But it is a sin. Satan’s offers are seductive.

I didn’t write it to be patronizing. I wrote it because a lot of psychopaths also get a kick from watching others fall into the darkness.

This why the end of se7en was so haunting. And yes, it was a film with Kevin Spacey. And he was freakishly brilliant. Most likely because he didn’t have to act one bit.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Trial must happen first. Agreed.

Six_Cents ago

It's so enticing for many to believe and convince themselves "it's God's justice" when the opposite is true.

IamJulianAssange ago

Blame Bobby Kennedy who desegregated the Pink Wings into the general population.

fuckingmockies ago

Rule of Law is bullshit.

Congress could hold a Constitutional Convention and, with a super majority even the President can't veto, rescind the Bill of Rights and make it mandatory for all females to surrender their first born child to the State for ritualized rape and murder.

And it would be totally, 100% legal. Unlikely? Sure. Legal? Yep.

But such a thing will never be moral. That's why morality always trumps legality.

Furlefonce ago

Your comment is the explicit reason why we need RoL. Sure it is possible to write whatever laws appear convenient. And every single tyranny/ tyrant has proven to be more than willing to do.

Let me emphasize: It is possible to write whatever you want and turn into a law. The possibilities are literally endless.

But the number of laws that enable and further peaceful coexistence - now and into the future - is very limited.

It’s the same with the thought experiment “Imagine yourself to be allowed to do everything.” Theoretically no boundaries (and suspiciously close to the SJW unicorns ideology) when in reality your behavior stays subject to other people’s approval/ confirmation - not just now in the moment but also for the rest of your life.

Choose wisely, my friend.

beefartist ago

GOD'S law, not man's

Furlefonce ago

There’s no wisdom outside of God.

800B7355 ago

You're right. Justice is enough. The ass raping can take a back seat.

beefartist ago

No one is telling you the important reason why this attitude is wrong. Start with genesis and a basic bible study podcast

amarQ144 ago

blablabla...of course you are right...that said, if it's what it is

ketoll ago

I absolutely agree. Such cruel and unusual punishment isn't Constitutional, and we all know what happens when we're willing to circumstantially bypass our Constitution.

Furlefonce ago


But also: Criminals like Epstein are easy to point at/ out. What many people though refuse to acknowledge is their own dark side. NOT that most of us could ever rape, kill or just hit a child.

But underlying drives like “rage” and/ or sadistic impulses are known to everyone. And as long as we’re not standing up to face/ recognize them within ourselves we are dangerously untamed impulse driven fools that should never be trusted with neither responsibility nor power. Because we - sure as heck - would be corrupted in the blink of an eye.

That’s the real Satan. The one too close to our skin to see. Which is why President Trump is - in a POSITIVE meaning - dangerous. He knows the devil. And he tamed himself (at least more than most of us)

e-traiu ago

Yes! I love all of this truth people are getting out there! Brilliantly put❤️

Your_Friend_John ago

You're actually quite right. Thanks for being level - headed!

Furlefonce ago

Ty. I think we can’t stress it enough. If RoL gets tossed over board there’s nothing left. Nothing. That’ll be the end. And them winning.

Related just fresh at ZH:

beefartist ago

I appreciate this whole thread of logic but I am saddened to not hear a single mention of Christ. Rule of law is important but avoiding the slippery slope of revenge vs defense is more important for our souls than the constitution.

Furlefonce ago

Glad you bring that up. 😉

I intentionally kept it that way (in the beginning) in order to point at a natural hierarchy in opposition to liberalism’s whateverism that can deliver the necessary logical distinction as long as we haven’t even started sm chat of how to get there.

There’s no wisdom outside of God. And the more I pray and meditate the more I acknowledge the need for distilling it down to essential and simple rules like the Ten Commandments and a cultivated instinct for what is sinful and virtues/ in resonance with God’s natural order.

You’re spot on. But you’ll also know people that introduce God in order to kill a conversation.

God gives us all options how to lead our lives. In order to learn. Some get the lesson instinctively and have him at the center of their lives naturally. In some sense “they never leave him”.

Others loose sight of him or were never properly introduced to this divine dimension in our human existence.

I intended to give the latter an intellectual reasoning why we ought to be careful and humble in our efforts to structure society, interaction, coexistence. And that there’s a central well from which the deep underlying wisdom can be sourced when we open ourselves and become willing to listen and learn.

It is a well much deeper than western philosophy since it draws/ offers an overall practical approach towards life and doesn’t remain in the realm of fancy thoughts.

The spirit of Christ enabled our civilization. We must not discount how central he has been to all our cultural achievements. Ever.

angelCole ago

Please, not right now, no preaching about this, we're all adults.

Furlefonce ago


lifeduringwartime ago

It works, ty, sort of the same bits in my thinking just didn't connect it.

redtoe_skipper ago

after his conviction in front of the cameras

CMAnon ago

yep. And broadcast live so the rest of the pedos know what will happen to them. Eye for an eye.

Overland_bound ago

Brown eye for a brown eye.

GritD2 ago


Except maybe this once.

blueblur ago

Yeah this is a tough one. Poetic justice is nice sometimes.

DawnPendraig ago


TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Maybe he an cooperate to make a deal to be out of general population.

Drunkenst ago

I read it was the prison’s mime group - they did unspeakable things to Jeff. Bwahahahaaaaaaa.

DawnPendraig ago

That's so bad... And yet I really did lol

Witsend ago

I tried fairly hard not to laugh.

NoBS ago

I too am a failure.

Witsend ago


NoBS ago

It was a pleasant pain. As in it hurt sooo good.

VolunteerForTrump ago

took me awhile but I finally got it.

barmalu ago

Couldn't have happened to a better guy

GodsAngell ago

I think you mean, "It couldn't have happened to a more DESERVING guy."

User890020 ago

I'm sure he learned his lesson! /s

Ddboomer ago

Doubt it

bb22 ago

I can think of few better ones for it to happen to, like Jacob Rothschild, or Obama.

derram ago :

Four20Girl on Twitter: "Rumor has it...

QAnon #Epstein #EpsteinSuicide… "

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