Drkadrka ago

Jesus fucking Christ on a mil-spec pogo stick!

Are you fucking morons still falling for Sorcha Faal? What kind of fucking idiots believe this shit? For fucks sake we have known Sorcha Faal to be pure and utter bullshit for at least the last decade or two.

What type of retards are you? Does your mom ever let you off your leash when she takes you to Peter Piper Pizza? I bet she makes you keep your helmet on in the ball pit, just in case.

Check your fucking sources. Idiots. Or maybe just stop grasping for anything to justify your Qtardation.

Six_Cents ago

If true, our Military - especially SEALs, were in on a plot to assassinate the POTUS... I'm sick to my stomach. Please don't let this be true.

GodsAngell ago

Lots of bad actors out there that are Deep State Team Players. Remember the arrests have not begun yet. What did you expect? Deep State was operating in a vacuum? The DS has tainted operators everywhere in the CIA, the FBI, the military.....you name it.

boomeredpill ago

WOW - ok, so the reported "16 Marines Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking was a cover story? Sounds like it was also a wake up story for people who say it's only Dems being arrested. Well, if we're arresting military guys, must be legit, right? or am I reading too much into this.

This is a lot to digest, but when we think about the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK -- we can see how these anti-American fucks operate. This has C_A written all over it. The "regime Changers" all need to be shut down and imprisoned for sedition

GodsAngell ago

Yes, all gov't agencies have been honeycombed with deep state operators.....including the military.

Early on in Trump's president, there was a massive "house cleaning" that went in the military, particularly the Navy, as I recall. Many arrested or "retired" at that time. But they must not have gotten "all of them". So still some well paid deep state team players hiding out in the Navy, which just got exposed and "purged" from the Navy.

Trump putting people with army backgrounds in charge of things, I guess means, fewer army deep state team players in the Army.

I was really surprised with the corrupt Marines. They normally are charged with guarding the President and Embassies around the world. But I suppose because they are around the world, it is the perfect cover for also working for the CIA clowns too.

ticketyboo ago

I've watched that Abel Danger before and I'm still not sure if his info is good.

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Very interesting story, Deep State even has infiltrated the Seals and Marines, such a shame, POTUS will fix it. Has to be that Vice-Admiral William Moran is Deep State attempting another coup against President Trump by using foreigners. It also shows that POTUS can make deals with Putin for mutual cooperation.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, keep POTUS in prayer round the clock. The DS will continue to try to bump him off until they themselves have been executed. They won't get executed until they get tried in court, and they won't get tried in court until after they have been CHARGED and ARRESTED. So hopefully these FACTS will encourage Trump to move things along. Balls in his court.

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Agree with you. We pray for the President all the time. I believe that with everything President Trump has gone through, no other man could have survived such an assault by MSM, DS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, I definitely believe that there is divine intervention at play. The democrats had so thouroughly rigged the election for hildabeast to win, that they still can't figure out how they lost, so they blamed Russia. Dems are simply sore losers, you see the insanity in their eyes and pure hate for such a good man who loves America and is a true Patriot. Yes, there has to be divine intervention.

GodsAngell ago

...so they blamed Russia.

The Dems knew for a FACT that Russia was not involved in our Election, that is why the Dems MURDERED Seth Rich. They KNEW Seth Rich was the one who downloaded the damaging emails and delivered them to WikiLeaks for public exposure.

So publicly blaming Russia was a known hoax from the beginning. Hildabeast paid for and ordered the creation of the totally fraudulent Steele Dossier. The FISA warrants to spy on Trump was in order to TRY to get something on Trump, ANYthing on Trump. They were never able to. They erroneously assumed Trump was as dirty as they have always been, and were totally shocked when they couldn't find a dang thing on Trump even with all the eavesdropping going on.....and spies planted on Trump's Team and spyware planted inside the White House.

The Dems also KNOW that THEY had electronically rigged the tallying of the votes on Election Day, so that Hildabeast would win. That was all set up, it was a sure thing, even if no one went to vote that day. THAT was why everyone was so shocked when Trump won. They KNEW the White Hats UNRIGGED the election tallying, so honest results were seen.....or "more honest" results were seen. The Dems area always cheating every way possible....dead people voting, voting in multiple states.

QJFKjr2024 ago

Thank you GA. That's a lot to wade through but inquiring minds want to know.

Vozlo ago

You are pollution.

ZombiClown ago
