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SearchVoatBot ago

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everlastingphelps ago

when the store was full of places to hide from the shooter and throw something back at him, like, you know, perhaps a cordless drill? A can of spray paint? How about a small exercise weight?

That Walmart sells RIFLES AND AMMUNITION. You don't need to improvise anything. You just need to go to sporting goods, tell the clerk to give you the key to the case, and load up a dozen rifles with the ammunition sitting right there beside it.

GodsAngell ago

Interesting, I was wondering if this Walmart had a gun section. Thanks.

Or they could have just thrown a can at the glass to break it and retrieve the guns.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Sooo... everyone left their shoes. To run? I only see sneakers in the pile. They are harder to remove. Double knots...laces, etc. AND THE ONLY SHOES YOU CAN R U N IN? Why would you remove those? And where are all the sandles wedges etc?

GodsAngell ago

Yes, the pavement in El Paso in August must be very hot.

Duckhunter1960 ago

I lived in south Texas, promise you, it's hotter than shit. We could fry an egg on the pavement from July through Sept. No one is running across the parking lot barefooted.

TurquoiseLover ago

The corrupt FBI has to take all their shoes off to put a DEAD sticker on their toe. Doesn't this remind you of the stuff Hitler was doing?

greatheart ago

Okay, I said I would not talk about my source anymore. I JUST talked to him about this. He knows That Walmart very well. He knows some people in that Walmart very well. The shooting DID happen at that Walmart. While he does not buy into the offical story of the reason the shooting did happen there. He knows who watched the camera feeds in real-time. That guy is NOT Deep State. Let's stick to the truth here. We don't know why it happened there but it did happen there. As far as I am concerned this was a FF event. Let's not spread rumors that it did not happen. That does not serve the truth. It just makes us look like a bunch of kooks. Plus it helps coverup some bs that did happen there. Please remember He told me and I posted here that they would claim he was a White Supermacist and Trump supporter at least 1 hour before it hit the news

GodsAngell ago

Prove it wasn't a hoax. An anonymous friend who wasn't at the scene, doesn't help much. Wasn't this the same friend who claimed multiple WalMart stores being attacked? Enough said.

greatheart ago

Hi GodsAngell, You want me to prove it wasn't a hoax? I am not sure why anybody questions if people were killed there. My "friend" knows it happened. He also does not believe for one minute that this is about some lone gunman. People were killed at THAT Walmart, that is fact. I do not know why people are trying to say that nothing happened. As far as Other Walmarts he actually said shopping centers I assumed Walmart and I also corrected what I said. Can't you see what is being said here? According to THE PEOPLE THAT REALLY KNOW, WHO WHERE ON THE SCENE this was a planned attack with multi shooters. Also Multi Locations. Those Locations may be outside of El Paso. At the time he warned to say away from shopping centers for the day...In other words whatever was happening may very well spread. He knows that Walmart VERY WELL and I can't say why because Iam not going to put him at risk. This Walmart (shopping center) is used by USA and Mexican citizens. From the way He explained it to me People can and do just cross the bridge from Mexico to shop, work, go to school in El Paso. Kids from Juarez cross the border every morning to go to school in El Paso. Border checks happen OUTSIDE of El Paso. El Paso is in a way both Mexican and US.

He said that because of what he was told at the time. He was told this was NOT a lone gunman. He was told Multiple shooters. He was told Multiple locations. He also told me to be careful today (Saturday) anyplace. That was the information he had at the time. I don't know why this nonsense about this being a Hoax is going around. People were murdered that part is not a hoax. I hope that whatever else they were planning was crushed but I don't know. I know I trust my "source" with my life. So you can believe what you want. I know who the TRUTH is am only interested in walking with Him. Whatever is going on, people were murdered and that is not a Hoax.

TurquoiseLover ago

Who said it didn't happen?

TurquoiseLover ago

I don't see ANYONE doing a damn thing about it, including Trump. How many of these have we had on his dime?

Ddboomer ago

They are. You should be mad at the Deep State /Cabal cause they’re the ones doing these false flags. POTUS is draining them, but it isavery hard, nasty job.

Plan1988 ago

I remember the Orlando

false flag. Truthers

started calling hospitals

to talk with supposed victims.

Was telling..some were able to even

record calls as they talked to hospital

operators trying to connect the call.

Avinaria ago

This makes me sad, your entitled to your own opinion but tell me what happened to Luis then if it was a false flag because he is dead I knew him, worked with him at Universal Studios. As well one of my current co-workers use to work at the Pulse and had several of his friends die that day. I am interested to know what your view is of people who died in these incidents if they are false flags.

Duckhunter1960 ago

False Flag = there was an "event", some may have got injured or dead, but not the way advertised and the numbers exaggerated. ie Vegas. Hoax = complete play. No one dies except maybe an expendable family member or shooter to cover tracks. ie Sandy Hoax.

Avinaria ago

Thanks for clarifying! I was under the impression that people who claimed false flags denied the event happened where it harmed innocent people.

Duckhunter1960 ago

For sure. What's distressing is the fact that (((they))) are willing to injure and / or kill innocent Americans to push their agenda. That can be hard to wrap your head around. There are several articles, videos etc on this topic, that are worth exploring that help to decipher these events. (search False Flag vs Hoax) Best wishes and have a great day.

FatLadySings ago

A false flag does not mean that no one died. It means that it was purposefully staged by the deep state to create a narrative.

Mscss ago

Good questions, check out my video of the New Zealand mosque shooting, with frame numbers of errors they made.

ZombiClown ago

Maybe he had magazines on the floor like in NZ, I think we can joke now. its ahoax

Plan1988 ago

Not yet.

But saw a casting call for Dayton Ohio

- was posted on Twitter last night

(Ad was not a

Craig's list ad)

smacl61 ago

This can all be stopped - just expose one FF that's happened in the last 2 years. Someone with enough clearance (Q?) to drop the smoking gun and make it public. It will cause everyone to question these and any further mass shootings.

GodsAngell ago

If I am not mistaken Q has pointed out False Flags for us.

Plan1988 ago

The shoes piled up on the street all LOOK New to me.

Weird looking picture. Also could not identify

pairs..only single shoe (s).

Nachose ago

There were some pairs.