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brettco12 ago

its okay- je was/is USA intelligence

robowriter ago

If you don't advocate for Epstein's release your anti-semitic. That's his defense and that's the entire reason hate speech laws exist.

Questionable_1 ago

While what you wrote was informative, it's written like a cnn article. It's written so that if a low IQ person were to read it, they would miss the small detail that he did this while out on work release.

DickTick ago

/u/GodsAngell Exactly how many times in a 24-hour period are you attempting to get me to call you out for blatant lies. .

"He was allowed" ??? Now you really are just acting retarded. Do you have any fucking idea what a work release program is or how it actually functions you're not allowed to do any goddamn thing during the day while you're supposed to be at work you can really do whatever the fuck you want to do because that's the way work release programs have always worked if you're cool with your boss then it will allow you some free time

Now of course work release of any kind for his crime is a fucked-up thing...

but that's not what we're discussing here, we're discussing your title which is a blatant fucking lie told by pathological liar

Somehow you managed to tell two lies and one title and then your very own fucking post calls you out for being a liar.

He was not allowed to do anything. He chose to do it while following the work release programs protocols and it sure as fuck did not happen inside a prison, which is exactly what your title says... I'm not sure if you're actually retarded or not, but when you're out of the prison for work release, you're not inside of the prison at all... I sort of thought that would be self-explanatory.

feli00 ago

I do not care. Epstein is another distraction of Q Rothschild so that we turn our eyes away from the families that control the political and economic world

Qdini ago

Epstein likely works for the Rothschilds cabal, so it's important to focus on this. Watch and see what gets revealed because of this pedo network being taken down.

PacaGoat ago

Can we just get a butter knife and peal his face off and get rid of this twerp already?

Bull sharks love pedos I hear.

Hoppinmad ago

After we get the goods on his bosses. He never really had a job that would make him rich. Hi cash is coming from somewhere.

PacaGoat ago

Soros, Vatican, private donations for..."services rendered, towit: hotdogs and pizza delivered to 1600 Penn. Ave.

GodsAngell ago

It came from MOSSAD, who set him up, and from blackmail money.

Pudge76 ago

This is absolutely abhorrent! This slimy pedophile can't make it thru a day without defiling one of God's children!!! I pray he meets his judgement sooner rather than later, and I guarantee he's being treated far better than any of his victims right now! Please, Lord, protect our children from these filthy satanists!

GodsAngell ago

Great. FINALLY....someone GETS IT!!!!

So many pro-Epstein pedo/satanists on this website, it isn't funny. They will support pedos to the end!

DickTick ago

No one is saying your whole post is wrong... Jesus fucking Christ woman. Get it together!

In most of your posts I generally only call out one to two things out of the entire post! How is it that hard to understand we're trying to help you and our movement??

you know for a fact that I always give you praise whenever you get it right so how could we possibly be shills or pedo lovers?

What the actual fuck?

DickTick ago

So wasting immeasurable amounts of time trying to go through your post and correct all of the things you embellish or blatantly lie about, so that people actually get the truth and so that we don't look just like the Democrats just saying whatever we want to, and somehow that must mean we're a pro pedophilia Epstein lover...???

Holy fuck woman, do you even hear yourself? We are actually trying to help you by making sure everything you say is factually correct, and yet somehow us trying our best to keep our subverse limited to the truth when it is actually provable and verifiable, the way Q has asked us to many times, is the most abhorrent thing you can imagine....?


GhostOfSwartz ago

This exactly why every post you're responsible for leads to countless downvotes. People call you out for hyperventilating and false information and you go all sjw Salem witch accuser and call them Satanists and paid trolls. By the way, I think you left off three exclamation points.

DickTick ago


It feels so good seeing intelligent people call her out with me. I absolutely wish she would just be consistent with her posting and commenting because she could actually be good for a movement if she wasn't such a fear saleswoman.

I absolutely think she is a patriot at heart and I do not want to have to do this, but she alone can cause untold amounts of damage to our movement.. So I resigned myself that if I have to be the only one calling her out on every comment and post then that's what I'll do, but it sure is nice when I get some help!

It's also worth noting, through proof of both of our accounts, that I give her praise whenever she gets it right too.

Thank you though, for real.

RainDrops ago

You need serious help!
The people you continually insult, disrespect and call disgusting names here are American loving patriots, Q supporters, Trump supporters, and incredibly good people!

You sound like a freaken libtard demoncrat.

As President Trump said: "If you don't like it here, LEAVE!"

DickTick ago


It feels so good seeing intelligent people call her out with me. I absolutely wish she would just be consistent with her posting and commenting because she could actually be good for a movement if she wasn't such a fear saleswoman.

I absolutely think she is a patriot at heart and I do not want to have to do this, but she alone can cause untold amounts of damage to our movement.. So I resigned myself that if I have to be the only one calling her out on every comment and post then that's what I'll do, but it sure is nice when I get some help!

It's also worth noting, through proof of both of our accounts, that I give her praise whenever she gets it right too.

Thank you though, for real!

Raglan1974 ago

Isn't Florida where they "teach" pedophilia is a "sexual orientation"?

Rondiggity ago

I'm in Florida. No they do not.

Raglan1974 ago

No offence mate, its California, my U.S geography isn't fantastic.

RockmanRaiden ago

I have read Cali.

Probably Florida too.

Raglan1974 ago

Yeah you're right mate, it is Cali.

DickTick ago

Ahhh, the ironclad verifiable proof and source of "I read somewhere, one-time"

Can't argue with that logic, slick.

Qdini ago

Not while he was physically in jail, but get was out 6 days a week on work release

DickTick ago


She clearly is a sheltered boomer who has zero idea what a work release program is.. So she actually thinks this was allowed to take place inside the walls of the jail...

it's very interesting that she's so incredibly gullible that she will believe absolutely anything she hears the very first time around, but then if you turn around and try to explain to her why she is even slightly wrong then she doesn't believe that at all no matter what proof you have... It's the damnedest thing...

Thank you very much for caring about these types of details. You know how much they mean to Q, Trump, and definitely myself.

jimibulgin ago

I'm a simple man. I see the word 'boomer', I downvote.

DickTick ago

That is the term for when you were born to that generation... you are a baby boomer... They are as easy to spot and call out on social media as glow-worm faggots are on the chans....

They sort of give themselves away when you can tell in the first three sentences that they were just barely able to soak up how to use technology and social media in the first place.. Unfortunately for the rest of us they have managed to learn to type and carry online conversations..

But their ignorance shines through like a fucking heavenly beacon... They should have just stayed on local TV channels and telephones and left internetting to the rest of us who can actually grow, learn, think logically, critically, and without emotion the way Q begs us to do all the time..

So what else are we supposed to call them besides exactly what they are?

GodsAngell ago

You say: . Not while he was physically in jail, but he was out 6 days a week on work release


"...literally while he was in ‘jail."


What part of this sentence do you not understand?


My God, you are unbelievably naive.

After all Q has shown us.


Corruption in the Justice Departments.....does that ring any bells??????


GodsAngell ago

You say: Not while he was physically in jail, but he was out 6 days a week on work release


"...literally while he was in ‘jail."


What part of this sentence do you not understand?


My God, you are unbelievably naive.

After all Q has shown us.


Corruption in the Justice Departments.....does that ring any bells??????

Shotinthedark ago

Your title says prison. He wasn't in prison.

DickTick ago

You are a fucking retard. You seriously need to look up what the fuck of work release program is you dumb cunt. Your own fucking post calls you out for being a dumb cunt, you dumb cunt.

Jo99pine ago

Maybe the misconception lies with the fact that this monster was actually allowed 6 work days outside of jail because he barely got a slap on the wrist. Hope he rots this time

GodsAngell ago

"literally while he was in ‘jail."

What part of this sentence do you not understand?

Legalize-Murder ago

You're missing his point retard.

GodsAngell ago

Legalize-Murder is a RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks, anyone who chooses this as a "handle" is a Soros TROLL!!!

He's on the WRONG TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Legalize-Murder ago

Lmao you qtard boomers are the dumbest bunch we've had.

Qdini ago

Just so you know, the claim is coming from an accuser's attorney, not the Feds. From the NY Post:

"Jeffrey Epstein’s cushy Florida plea deal allowed him to leave jail nearly every day to go to a private office on “work release,” but his office time was spent on an entirely different form of release — sex with young women, a lawyer alleges."

So contact allegedly occurred when he was on work release.

Stop calling people names, you look more sane.

Qdini ago

You think that's true because you are quoting some blog no one has ever heard of? It's likely he did continue but at his nearby office.

amarQ144 ago

His near by office was in his near by home, and he was not restricted from having anyone over. This is big if it turns out he was having relations with a consenting legal adult of the opposite sex!

Qdini ago

Yeah, the accusation is coming from an attorney representing one of his original accusers. It's likely he's guilty, but it didn't occur in jail. Here's the NYPost article:

GodsAngell ago

My God, you are unbelievably naive.

After all Q has shown us.

Qdini ago

I see SerialBrain2 has posted. You haven't yet gone over there to tell him he's not as smart as you are, like you did a month ago. LOL.

GodsAngell ago

My God are YOU ever STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join up with Hildabeast and her belong!!!!

Qdini ago

LOL. How did I lie?

GodsAngell ago

You are too stupid to even do the math.