Fateswebb ago

Here is an example of a Q post, that was posted by a very respected mod as well... WHEELS UP. And it's listed as a reason GA is posting disinformation WHEN Q HIMSELF TOLD US TO LOOK INTO THIS!!!


Moloch Hunter a very respected mod posts about a drop from Q saying to look into "wheels up"

But when GA looks into it and posts she gets attacked as disinformation. A post of hers on "wheels up" is listed as a reason she is spreading disinformation, and QDINI even says he looked into it and sees no reason for her to be attacking this company.. blah blah..

EXCEPT Q-ANON HIMSELF said to.. so this is what we are attacking this user for? DOING EXACTLY TO THE LETTER WHAT THE BOARD IS INTENDED FOR???

Do explain....

Crensch ago

This is the kind of information I was looking for. Stick with the facts, I don't take the rest of it very well.

Godsangell couldn't argue her way out of a 30-minute overboiled macaroni noodle, and nobody else seemed interested in providing what you just did.

Here is another actually reported in vanity Fair, he uses to attack her saying she had no proof..

"No credible evidence" is what he said, and a tweet isn't credible evidence.

But I'll agree that HER wording wasn't stating it as undeniable fact, she was reporting what she read and said "So maybe THAT's why...". But her source was WEAK as fuck, too, though.

Kids being kidnapped at Disney parks? No proof??? Another reason he is citing that he claims is disinformation. But let's see...

First link:

"Since 2006, at least 35 Disney World workers have been arrested during various child sex investigations for crimes that have included attempting to meet a minor for sex and possession of child pornography."

Not kidnapping.

Second link:

The kid was found, the park did what it was supposed to do. Do you not think parents would cause a fucking outrage if multiple kids disappeared there? I duno, seems kinda fantastically stupid to suggest it'd be smart Child Trafficking business for kids to go missing there.

Your link certainly doesn't prove jack shit.

So I quite literally just debunked every single complaint he had about her with the exception of the unprovable one that he just simply has a competing theory on that nobody can prove either way.

No, you really didn't.

So why again are we attacking this user when I just proved in just 3 minutes WITH GOOGLE that each point he has complained about was actually a legit post?.. USING ALL MAINSTREAM NEWS SOURCES AND QANON HIMSELF?

Because her source was a hearsay tweet? You couldn't support kids being kidnapped at Disney? The other one might be fine, but you're 1 for 3 there.

God dammit, @shizie @MolochHunter @bopper @godsangell @qdini if you want me getting involved in who's claiming what, everyone's going to have a really, really bad day.

Fateswebb ago

Okay well I didn't dig into her posts, I went off of what dini said.. and the second link on Disney I left in there was an accident I didn't mean to post that.. but since I do have your ear I know there's more on the Disney thing.

Also you didn't even comment on how he attacked her on the wheels up when that was an actual qanon lead..

But yeah Disney..

I looked closer at her post and it starts off linking again to QANON saying there is a connection with Disney and Epstein. TOTALLY ON TOPIC literally exactly what the board is meant for .

But, @crench I urge you to follow his link to the post she made on Disney and check it out for yourself. I already pointed out it's on topic to what qanon said.. and she sources all of her claims on that post.. I'm not seeing what the problem is with it. Check it out here... It seems very well sourced.


So based on that we have

1) a post with a video of a newscaster saying "this hasn't happened yet, that qdini has an alternate yet just as unproven theory on.

2) a post one wheels up an aviation company that qanon himself said to look into

3) a post on Disney another topic that qanon himself said to look Into and she starts by stating that..The post contains lots of links as her sources for her claims. Granted maybe some aren't that great of sources it could be argued but who's to say what a good source is, one is newspunch and one is an interview with a Disney employee.

And finally

4) a post claiming that Epstein was gang raped.. in this post she cites a tweet, BUT ALSO cites QANON himself saying it wasn't attempted suicide as we were told in the press or wherever we got that official story..

So yeah that one seems a bit weak I'll agree, but also I see people posting links to tweets all the damn time on here, so at least hers was trying to explain QANONS post.

Honestly she might be the most on topic poster we have. All of these submissions are directly related to a QANON DROP ..

Crensch ago

Also you didn't even comment on how he attacked her on the wheels up when that was an actual qanon lead..

Because I ask questions sometimes before I attack. https://vo at.co/v/GreatAwakeningMeta/3370150/20062071

I didn't want anyone responding to that before qdini had the chance to respond.

I looked closer at her post and it starts off linking again to QANON saying there is a connection with Disney and Epstein. TOTALLY ON TOPIC literally exactly what the board is meant for .

So? I still haven't seen kidnapping AT Disney.

It seems very well sourced.



No. Every link "source" there says FUCK-ALL about missing children that are never found. How fucking stupid do you think I am? THIS is the kind of thing that will make me not trust you. READ THE FUCKING SOURCES YOU WANNABE RESEARCHING PIECE OF SHIT. Same with you, @GodsAngell.

REPORT TRUTHS or fuck off.

The video? A security guard? #metoo? Come the fuck on. Need something more than the ramblings of someone with dollar signs in their eyes, or a bone to pick with their former employer.

1) a post with a video of a newscaster saying "this hasn't happened yet, that qdini has an alternate yet just as unproven theory on.

So @godsangell made a popular post about a completely unproven theory? Good to know!

2) a post one wheels up an aviation company that qanon himself said to look into

Looking into that, but you might be right.

3) a post on Disney another topic that qanon himself said to look Into and she starts by stating that..The post contains lots of links as her sources for her claims. Granted maybe some aren't that great of sources it could be argued but who's to say what a good source is, one is newspunch and one is an interview with a Disney employee.

LOTS OF LINKS DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE. Seriously, pull this shit again and I will absolutely destroy you. When you get me involved in shit, bring your fucking A game. Better researchers than you avoid riling me up for good reason.

4) a post claiming that Epstein was gang raped.. in this post she cites a tweet, BUT ALSO cites QANON himself saying it wasn't attempted suicide as we were told in the press or wherever we got that official story..

Specifically FISTED by a... HEARSAY TWEET.


So yeah that one seems a bit weak I'll agree, but also I see people posting links to tweets all the damn time on here, so at least hers was trying to explain QANONS post.

Maybe she could stop sensationalizing it, and instead say "I hope this is true!" or something like that? Her words are newspeak, and that's dishonest.

Honestly she might be the most on topic poster we have. All of these submissions are directly related to a QANON DROP ..

Except the ones based on unconfirmed hearsay tweets and completely unsourced except for a disgruntled ex employee claims?

No police reports of missing children. No national outcry. No plethora of personal webpages of parents who lost their kids but were silenced. No group of parents getting together to fight Disney over their lost kids. Nothing.

At this point both sides have behaved dishonorably. You, specifically, have my ear and decided to waste my fucking time on something that "seems very well sourced"; I HATE having my time wasted by bullshit like this.

Do your goddamned homework before you respond to me again.

Fateswebb ago

But dude, this is a place to discuss all angles of shit, so she provides her theories and or angles. I didn't say I BELIEVE her angles, but I will fight for her right to not be attacked on her for participating and trying to look into all angles.

That's why we have the rule that you don't create submissions attacking other users, and it's also why we have the "possible disinformation " flair.

So what if she posts things that we don't all believe, we can get in there and say, hey dumb ass this is fucking stupid. There's no proof. It's the whole point of the board to participate and discuss. Just because someone buys into shit that others don't doesn't make them wrong, or deserve to be attacked in a submission with their name stickied to the front page there is no proof she is intentionally providing disinformation. He is researching and bringing what she finds to us to discuss. Doesn't mean it's all going to be written on stone tablets by some god as truth, just means she is trying to open dialogue.

Sure she gets sensational at times and says whatever like . BOMBSHELL, or BREAKING or whatever but last time I checked that wasn't against the rules.

So what we have now is a user GA that ISNT breaking the rules, but that some people disagree with...

And other users THAT ARE breaking the rules, simply because they disagree with her

Flair it as possible disinformation, respond to her post and tell her she's full of shit. Down vote it... But my problem is why should people be allowed to break the rules about attacking other users by calling them out in submissions by name just because they disagree?

Srayzie had a good reason for creating that rule, because attacking users in submissions discourages free speech, it discourages users from posting and this place is about throwing out a theory and letting the people EACH ONE decide, not about witch-hunts with burning crosses attacking specific users just because you don't believe what they post.

I don't believe Epstein was gang raped, I don't believe some of the other shit she posted, but I DID ENJOY reading the theory and getting the opportunity to decide for myself if I like it or not

I don't believe the earth is flat, but ya know what? I listened to what they had to say before I destroyed them with facts and called them idiots

Let's not forget what this is about. It's about leaving no stone unturned. No theory is too crazy to be discussed and looked into... Is Hillary part lizard? Ahaha maybe she is, we have no proof, but I think we should discuss it and if someone wants to post it I'll have a look ...

Crensch ago

I told you to get your shit together before responding.

You're really not going to like my response when I have time to fully dissect this shit-tier comment.

Fateswebb ago

hey crensch, one of the posts that he attacked her on was about the dayton shooter and included in it that the shooter died in 2014 citing a obituary...


you also attacking GA for posting a fake obituary about the dayton shooter? well here ya go dude, it wasnt fake... it was really him....

Dayton shooter died in 2014. here's the proof..

see this photo?

BUT is it photoshopped? maybe its fake, lets have a look shall we????


NOTE the link is dropping the last part so be sure to copy and paste it...

while you have to pay for a subscription to view the whole page notice how you can see the dudes picture... validating the image as authentic.. The guy theyre showing in pictures as the Dayton Shooter, matches the guys picture in the obituary.

everyone that attacked her on this owes her and me for that matter an apology...

Fateswebb ago

Gotta be kidding me. Hah. Let's see it there bud..

Tear it apart.

so far you've done fairly well. But this comment I made is rock fucking solid. It cuts to the core principal of the group and even the website itself.

You have decided that mods will now determine if a post belongs based on whether or not they believe the content of the post.. destroying the main principal of the group and website

Post something the mods disagree with? You're outte here.. sorry GA it's not that you actually broke a rule we just don't believe your posts content itself. you will be hung up for all to see and skinned alive in a fucking sticky. Make me a sticky now dude, you decided my mouth is to be stripped, as my protection of the main principal wasn't up to snuff. Because that's really what this is about for me dude. Preserving users rights to post and not be attacked by lunch mobs for trying... Which is what you guys are doing to GA. you have decided her posts weren't good enough that users can break the fucking rules and attack her. Not because she broke the rules but just because her posts were kinda meh..

Okay mark fucking Zuckerberg, thanks for the warning..... Can we hmget the rules changed in the side bar as well? And does this apply to other subs? If so can we get @putitout to make a sitewide announcement? completely fucking destroying voat as it stands in all its glory. As a bastion of free speech..

I have been here years upon years actually damn close to as long as you have.. and honestly I never thought I would see this day, and especially from you @crench. But if it's true then yeah I resign because this destroys the whole fucking point of the place

You win with all your power and glory and tryany always will when us peasants have no voice unless it has to pass the powerfulls censorship check. Or should I call it crenchsorship?

Because that's what it is at that point Fucking crenchsorship. When did you decide we would do a dictatorship?

Qdini ago

You sound exactly like GodsAngell

argosciv ago

Quite kekworthy that FW is now sperging like a champion and citing the exact same bullshit LARP source, "Jim Stone", as GA, regarding the debunked claim that Connor D. Betts(dead 2014, age 22) is the same Connor S. Betts(dead 2019, age 24).

Why, it's almost as if they have a ve$ted intere$t in peddling "Jim Stone", aka "James Stone", aka "James Smith", aka ???

Naturally, this follows pulling the ol' "muh free speech!" card so that FW can now claim censorship at the drop of a pin.

All of this reeing and bending over backwards to defend a garbage source being constantly pushed by a user whose posts are at least 90% sensationalist, disinfo garbage or "speculation" at best.

What a fuckin' joke xD


Crensch ago

Yeah. Need to remove myself from this or there will be nothing left of either side, it seems.

Fateswebb ago


argosciv ago

Fuckin' REE harder, dickhead.

You cited the same source as GA in your little sperge-fest, spoiler alert, that's "Jim Stone". Fucking moron xD

Fateswebb ago

No I fucking didn't jack ass I linked DIRECTLY TO and archive of THE NEWSPAPER that listed the obit IN FUCKING PRINT. You didn't read the post and are no fucking making shit up jack ass. THAT was my source and the obit had a picture of the same fucking guy. You're a drooling idiot that attacks people based on your preconceived notions

Fateswebb ago

oh yeah I already debunked that lame attempt at an attack, like I said I have been on here longer than you and her added up and multiplied by two, you also attacking GA for posting a fake obituary about the dayton shooter? well here ya go dude, it wasnt fake... it was really him....

Dayton shooter died in 2014. here's the proof..

see this photo?

BUT is it photoshopped? maybe its fake, lets have a look shall we????


NOTE the link is dropping the last part so be sure to copy and paste it...

while you have to pay for a subscription to view the whole page notice how you can see the dudes picture... validating the image as authentic.. The guy theyre showing in pictures as the Dayton Shooter, matches the guys picture in the obituary.

This proves that while you think you're ALWAYS RIGHT, you can be proven to be WRONG, and as such you shouldn't be attacking her for bringing content just because you find it hard to believe. YOU DEFINITELY OWE HER AN APOLOGY... and me for that matter... go ahead and tag me in it, since I am the one that came to her defense.

argosciv ago

/me grabs popcorns

solo7 ago

Once a poster shows they lack research or truth....I down vote and don't view them anymore. Research and know who to follow. Too much lies mixed with a bit of truth only leads downward.

DanaNordic ago

Crensch, You sound concerned you will be ridiculed or shut down by the deep state. It doesn't matter what the current submissions are, if they decide to do so, they will create the necessary environment to ridicule and shut you down. Now if your gut instinct tells you Godsangell is deep state, then act accordingly. I don't know enough about Godsangell's submissions to even hazard an opinion. However, if your gut instinct tells you Godsangell's belief system tends to the fantastical and hyperbolic, yet is a staunch supporter, not sycophant, of POTUS and the Q movement, then act accordingly. If your objective is to present only "correct" information, well then, good luck with that. I have seen lots of misinfo/disinfo here and it is not necessarily intentional. I did notice in this thread you used the term, conspiracy, in the indoctrinated negative sense. You seem to want to be the arbiter of what is real and what is not, what is truth and what is not -- to control the information available to others. Be careful there. Remember, Q wrote the public can not fathom the evil that exists -- it is beyond our current level of understanding. Respect others enough to make their own decisions in their own time about what to accept and what not to accept.

insanitea ago

I seem to recall her replying to a comment of mine months ago. It's too far back to quote but at the time it seemed assumptious and overly critical.

The speculative hope porn on GA has gotten ridiculous in the past few weeks and the amount of people defending it to death without evidence even more so. If anyone thinks this is bad, another good example is ShillBrains2 and their "chemtrails are good now" bullshit (post 1, post 2). Absolutely no proof... just absurd mental gymnastics. Of course their nonsense spread like wildfire and suddenly there's dozens of people on Twitter claiming it's now magical fairy dust that heals me.

Fucking what.

lilomeunq ago

Laugh and point like they are the Dunsmen (Dunces) of old - too smart to learn.... then patiently give them your best information and source. God already has his angels sorted out. Leave it to Him and pray for our own discernment.

Some people honestly believe disinformation. My own Mom was convinced JFK Jr is alive and feeding info to DJT to take down the cabal, patiently, I was able to unconvince her. You have put it on 'Sticky' people are certainly forewarned.

DaraChaos ago

FWIW, I just take this user's posts with a grain of salt, as I do some others. My take on the situation is that he/she may just be gullible and repost anything that they run across on the webs. I don't know if it's an attempt to contribute or "fit in", or if it's an effort to mislead. Either way, if a post doesn't pass the smell test, I ignore it and move on.

1stResponder ago

As a longtime lurker, I try to treat everything with reservation.

It seems GodsAngel was on the Jim Stone stump, who I find rather dubious. Just know "Stone" is a popular Jewish name. Notwithstanding, GodsAngel may be providing good intel. However, you should always be guarded against a sting.

It's a incontrovertible FACT, there are many "firewall" journalists out there in league with DS/MSM. Believe me, they don't have your best interest in mind. Never did. They may very well be your enemy and a spy in the midst of the camp. Too many people still fall to the past belief that journalists are "fair" and report the news accurately. What a crock.

In addition, there exists putatively many different levels of firewalls. It's ironic that Mark Levin was once hysterically anti-Trump during the presidential campaign, while Mike Savage (aka Michael Alan Weiner) was pro-Trump during the same time.

They are now opposites --- go figure.

Whose loyalty does Jack Posobiec and Mark Cernovich belong? Alex Jones? Glenn Beck? Others?

I'm not stating all of these people are "guilty" of anything. I'm only stating they are all strangers to you all. You don't know them nor should ever trust them. It's all about IFF (identify friend or foe). A stranger is never a friend. You may listen to them all the time, but have no way of knowing them personally. Therefore, they are ALWAYS considered a stranger... and NOT a friend.

I guarantee there are mouthpieces out there that will burrow to the center of nationalist groups waiting for the very moment to betray the cause. There are many reasons -- They may be DS moles, or co-opted individuals through ideology, blackmail, financial reward,...

Indeed, the list is many.

In the world of spies, there are many loyalties. In many cases money, wealth, and immunity are the biggest reward.

You cannot believe ANYONE.

You cannot believe ANYTHING.

You must vet EVERYTHING.

Your source may be providing you with good information and appears to be loyal to the cause, until that day they decide to turn against you.

How are you prepared to deal with this?

Are your defenses in place?

Are your COMMS set to simply disengage and go about your mission?

Or are you left devastated and defeated?

This is NOT a game.

We are at WAR.

The DS recognizes this. You need to also.

lilomeunq ago

"You cannot believe ANYONE.

You cannot believe ANYTHING.

You must vet EVERYTHING.

Your source may be providing you with good information and appears to be loyal to the cause, until that day they decide to turn against you."

Sounds like you've been lurking and learning well.

ketoll ago


Fateswebb ago

Why are we allowing mods to break the rules of the group? Has this group become corrupt where mods can break the rules? So while we're here fighting corruption in our government by those that are supposed to lead and enforce the laws, we have the same sort of corruption in the sub where mods are allowed to break the groups rules? I'm disgusted by this and have to consider if I still want to be a part of this community. The mods should not be calling out user by name in submissions.

Crensch ago

What rules were broken?

Qdini ago

Fateswebb has been badgering me all night about GodsAngell being accurate and claiming GodsAngell's post about the El Paso second shooter is true. So take that into account.

TurquoiseLover ago

Pin brain in action.

Fateswebb ago

What the fuck do you think this place is for? To discuss things from all angles, or to claim you're right and another user is wrong?

All I have done is pointed out that you have proven NOTHING but have attacked another user as if you had proof.

Why is that okay? Why is it okay that you break the rules? Attacking abother user by name in a submission, when you have what you believe to be an answer to what happened but you have no more proof than she did?

What is cost for? To discuss all angles and try to find the truth, but if someone disagrees with you you attack them as if you have proven something.

The deal is this.

What if the news lady did start to report foreknowledge of a shooting, realized it had not happened yet and said, this hasn't happened yet.

Then they news station knowing they fucked up calls the police and goes.. "oops we accidentally reported the shooting 30 minutes early."

Then the police go.. that's okay we will just make a tweet at 3pm and call off the shooting... We got it covered

Now what I just suggested is just as possible as what you have been explaining. And what I said ACTUALLY FITS THE EVIDENCE, whereas you have to make all these excuses to make your story fit about people changing their clocks and shit..

So you have proven nothing, but used this as an excuse to break the rules..

Do explain how that's acceptable...

Qdini ago

The Police tweet went out at 1 PM, long before the newscast. Your whole case falls apart. Nice try.

Fateswebb ago

Now you're flat out lying. The police tweet was at 3pm PER THE LINK YOU PROVIDED.

Qdini ago

The link says 1 PM

Fateswebb ago

Nevermind I screenshotted it.. why are you lying? And you're accusing someone else of disinformation when this lie is so easily proven.

And I'm in CST so if it's displaying my time zone then that's still not 1pm in mountain time.. actually that's not 1pm in ANY time zone. It would have been 2pm in the local time.......



Fateswebb ago

Link it again.....

grace8 ago

Is that you Godsangel?

Double_D ago

I don't think she's a shill, just an idiot.

I can only imagine the emails her grandkids are getting on a daily basis...

Crackrocknigga ago

How many glowsticks does good ol uncle Benjamin have?

Johnny_Ninja ago

"There are a lot of them...."

You mean like, all of them.

You guys just realized this? Just now?

Crensch ago

Nobody "just realized" anything. I'm a lazy fuck and didn't want to have to do more than I needed to, so when I got pings/messages today, I had to act.

GAll has posted horseshit before, but the last time I looked I wasn't even a mod here.

How about you shelf the snark and contribute to the conversation a bit more?

Johnny_Ninja ago

Chill dude. It wasn't directed at you in particular. In general, GA posts horseshit.

And yes, I'm still wondering if it's just getting noticed.

Crensch ago

If it is not getting noticed by enough people, I won't act.

Crackrocknigga ago

Give him the glownigger test, see if he fails.

@syriansfuckcorpses failed quite miserably


Otherwise I have mixed feelings about you @Crensch because you've admitted using alts to downvoat people you don't like.

Crensch ago

Otherwise I have mixed feelings about you @Crensch because you've admitted using alts to downvoat people you don't like.

Prove this or apologize.

Crackrocknigga ago

From your post history


There was a thread a while back too with a lot more of your bullshit

Crensch ago

There was a thread a while back too with a lot more of your bullshit

Not impressed.

Shizie ago

That link has nothing to do with what you’ve alleged about crensch.

Have you apologized yet?

Crackrocknigga ago

I'll keep looking I'm sorry I don't remember every fucking thing I look at, but there was a big thread on it and I'll find it

standwithuQ ago

Not sure if the person is a shill/disinfo agent or a 'drama queen' who doesn't check the sources and then exaggerates an already exaggerated and sometimes completely false story. I, myself , may have an instance or two of posting something that might not be completely validated but I try not to. If the story seems like conjecture or doesn't pass the 'sniff test' then I don't post it . Sometimes I see things that I think we need to dig into in case it might lead to something( Q said we have more than we know) like, for example, the Wheels Up company which Q mentioned in Q Post 3414 and 3423 . BUT Godsangell

should tone things down with the mellow drama and be totally clear when things aren't concrete. As well. when someone disagrees with the content or points out the lack of credibility with the post, he/she should not go on the attack, and should not erase it only to re-post it. Godsangell should be warned, then if it happens again, flagged, and if that doesn't stop it, then banned .... since at that point the person must be a shill/disinfo agent/deranged. It has already been called out many times by members of this community, that I've noticed , so why is it still happening. Something is definitely wrong.

BenevolentQness ago

I am not convinced Gods Angel intent is it to misinform as much as they are easily fooled. I rarely even look at their posts.

Crensch ago

But it seems like a lot of people do, and it seems like a lot of people up vote them. If they are lies, that is not a good thing.

DawnPendraig ago

With such an obsessive personality as she seems to have, and seemingly endless time to waste, I wouldn't put it past her to have a couple dozen accounts to upvote and comment on herself

Crensch ago

Entirely possible, too. Lotta questions so far. Answers come after lots of input.

Crpowell821 ago

She has a tremendous following....and I think she's thriving on it.

Crensch ago

Yeah, not sure what that's about except clickbait gets the sheeple.

grace8 ago

I have warned v/godsa many times about hyperbole and exaggeration. He seems to do well with grounded facts for weeks and then go gaga.

As far as what to do, give him a chance to edit posts to more factual content or delete posts till he sticks to facts/reasonable sources. Require him to edit posts when others point out exaggerations, far fetched theories, misinterpretations.

In the past Strayzie flaired his post when she received a complaint about me due to him calling for riots. But then we ran out of flairs using them up on stuff like this. There are times when he posts very factually but most of the time it is hyperbole and I know Moloch Hunter and Strayzie have both spanked him on this.

It used to be that about every other week he would post a, "its happening post" based on some source or theory and I rode him pretty hard on that. He seems to have stopped that.

Qdini ago

She called for riots? Thats not good.

Crensch ago

Thank you very much for the input!

DickTick ago

It's like Christmas morning for me!!!!

EarnYourVote ago

Godsangell posts some legit stuff but too much sensationalist crap - I more than likely downvote and move on. I gave him/her my opinion of the posts made but was dismissed. It is almost like they just want to accumulate post points so they make up headlines that will garner the most attention. That is just what the MSM does and I think we should aim higher.

If there was a way to put them on 'post approval', that would be ideal. I don't think they are a regular troll type and would not want to see them outright banned.

singlebrain1 ago

My take as well. She will post multiples one after the other. Some ok some questionable. My take is that she is looking for points. The other issue is her antagonism towards others who disagree. I just move on and ignore. I don't think that she is a shill but she does have issues. She has a posse that def supports her. I tend to ignore her posts. I do not agree on any kind of censorship. People just need to take note and move on. My main gripe is her hostility not her posts. Her crew as well. We can challenge and disagree without drama. I hate drama.

GodsAngell ago

[–] JohnQ-Arkenstone 7.1 hours ago

Its true that all voaters have to do the best in their abilities to get the facts out to the goats, and if we screw up we usually admit /retract and move on, its the civil thing to do. No Patriots here want to intentionally deceive other Patriots, only DS/MSM and Liberals in general engage in such activity. I have not been on Great Awakening for very long as compared to many others, but I was quite surprised at the hostility of some voaters against GodsAngel. I don't think we should attack other voaters this way, its just what the Deep State wants. A mistake or misinterpretation is NOT the same as an outright lie of omission intended to deceive. GodsAngel made a call and we just have to jump in the crucible and DISCUSS the post until the truth comes out.

Nonetheless, I think that GA's posting relating to Jim Stone's webpage has credibility. Deductive reasoning tells me that it does not matter what the time zone is, if someone can predict an earthquake on the other side of the planet 23 minutes ahead of the event, remembering that this is all in REAL TIME, I would venture to guess that this someone has inside information, right? As such, with the FOX report, logic tells me again that it does not matter what US time zone you are in, its all real time reporting, the newsfeed is live and people are watching and the FOX reporterette did talk about another shooting 23 minutes before it happened then looking confused at her twitter message which is ALSO real-time said, "that hasn't happened yet". Jim Stone says this was about a potential third shooting. There can only be one conclusion here that the reporterette had information beforehand. I also believe that we will never see all the WalMart video footage from the outside cameras and indoor cameras in a timely manner, DS needs time to edit and fabricate events.

grace8 ago

GA is a very frequent poster of hyperbole filled, sensationalist crap that harms new users, lurkers by inflating fear, anger, or false hope depending on the day. 75% or more of his posts meet these standards. He has called for violence, tired to incite riots, and posted every 2 weeks for 6 months or more that "its happening" based on some unreliable source or personal insider source who is never right. I myself spent 2 months talking to him about these problems and talking to the mods about it. I have seen multiple others do the same. The mods have flaired his posts with warnings and snaked him calling his posts irresponsible, likely inaccurate, hyperbole. He has met all efforts to encourage, discourage, factual rebuttals with ignoring, anger, and very personal attacks on users personality, motives and ethics.

Yesterday, I read a comment on QRV about this user that when he first started posting on that sub he was anti-Trump. He was banned for acting like a shill and then turned around and immediately started posting here as if he supported Q and Trump. If that is true, he is likely controlled opposition here to discredit and misdirect Q believers into painful false hope and dead ends and discredit the movement.

This sub and all subs related to Q have attracted unprecedented attacks and if you really are not GA, sorry but GA has used multiple accounts to support himself before and since this is a new account....

User GA has had hundreds of warnings both kind and angry.

G45Colt_II ago

That has been my experience, except that my trust level has dropped, and I'm much less likely to check out a post from that user.

There's a lot of junk on the net, and vetting it isn't always easy. Even some trusted sites get it wrong and repeat bad info. I don't mind if it's questionable and the OP acknowledges that up front to get eyes on the information.

Crensch ago

This is the direction I'm leaning in. Hoping to get a lot more input before making a decision.

amarQ144 ago

Personally, I would miss all the caps and large fonts. I don't think it's malicious. I suspect our fellow poster is genuinely an attention starved air head. Also, if shit really hits the fan around here, we can all point at GA and claim the satire defense.

Moorgarten ago

attention starved... this somehow clicks something

DawnPendraig ago

One way to look at it. lol

Don't forget her titles with a hundred !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amarQ144 ago

I do love those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Crensch ago

Also, if shit really hits the fan around here, we can all point at GA and claim the satire defense.

This made me laugh, and I don't have a sense of humour.

Qdini ago

Hi -

The original sticky from earlier today (about the false El Paso shooting report) has been updated by GodsAngell twice more with conspiracy info. When her comments were down voted. She posted them again near the top so everyone could see it.

In the past when she's been called out and down voted (or said something embarrassing that has been clearly corrected by others) she deletes the comment so no one else can see the thread, then goes on to post more false info elsewhere in the post.

Not good.

GodsAngell ago

Ignore Qdini's "Facts".

Qdini's FACTS come straight from SNOPES and CNN.

Qdini wouldn't know SPIN if it hit her in the face.


Ddboomer ago

Everything she has posted is BS. It is her opinion and nothing more, althouh she claims it as fact. Such as, Q is Trump. I actually got 2 responses from Q and both eluded that they were protecting POTUS with their life/life’s and that the pedo situation is worse than anyone realizes. This made me think that Q is a Patriot/patriots working very close to Potus daily. It may not be fact, but it was my personal encounter.

She still posted that POTUS was Q based on?? I asked her too.

We all want answers and real news. We do not need BS pushed as fact.

In my opinion, she wants “fame” and to be known as an “inside scoop”....this is not good for new viewers and red “pillars” .

This can turn off people quick.

Crpowell821 ago

I agree. She's an attention whore for sure.

Ddboomer ago

Annoying and why??

Crensch ago

I guess users need to start taking screenshots since archiving third-party doesn't seem to work.

MadWorld ago

You can still find the submission/comment from searchvoat.co and take snapshot to web.archive.org. I think this is the only workaround while Voat is in lockdown mode.


SuckaFree ago

Notice how GodsAngell has been called out, and yet...silence. I smell a shill. How about just banning the person and move on? (Notice how I don't use pronouns. I think we're being shipped and catfished by whoever the hell GodsAngell is.)

Crensch ago

The user in question sent me messages about 5 minutes ago. I told them to make it public right here.

Publius1778 ago

Many of these posts refer to rumors that have circulated around the internet, i.e. things that may well be true but have not been confirmed by evidence.

To say that this is "disinformation" is itself without basis.

If you don't agree with a poster, present your argument and present your facts, don't try to smear their character and undermine their credibility to all.

if this poster lacks credibility we are smart enough here to not need your help to figure that out.

Crensch ago

Maybe you should check the comments in the links.

Your last paragraph is what the pizzagate people told me, so I left them alone and many of them got doxxed or otherwise run off by some very bad shills.

Check the pizza gate sticky about esoteric if you don't believe me. Everyone would like to think they are smart enough to figure all of this out, but many are not. I will not have another population decimated by this kind of sing.

ESOTERICshade ago

If there was any "decimation" to pizzagate you did that yourself by allowing Q to get mixed with it which broke every rule on the sidebar, and YOU know it. Q is not a suitable source for pizzagate because its an anonymous source on a chan board and you also KNOW that. But since you are never wrong you will never admit it. I wasn't having it, and its that simple.

Crensch ago

by allowing Q to get mixed with it which broke every rule on the sidebar

Except it didn't, and it doesn't. Once again showing that you're a liar.

ESOTERICshade ago

If you can't even admit that anonymous chanboard posts don't fit pizzagate rules then there is probably no hope for you.

Crensch ago

Everyone can read what you've done here. They can also read about you here and here.

ESOTERICshade ago

They don't have to read a 60 hour dossier about you because you show your ass and break Voat policy (official or unofficial), and treat people like shit so often that your ass is on display every day.

Crensch ago

and break Voat policy (official or unofficial)


You mean only unofficial.

and treat people like shit so often that your ass is on display every day.


God you're a riot.

Qdini ago

She received 460 upvotes on a fake post last night. An people were running off to post it elsewhere on the internet. That's harmful to the movement.

Publius1778 ago

well that sounds rigged and designed to muddy the truth movement.

If there is a problem with this poster the moderators should deal with them.

grace8 ago

Yep, this has happened over and over! I've talked to him or her about it repeatedly. His response is that I am a shill, etc.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#56221) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@grace8: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

hamman365 ago

let's see, there was the post that since a US judge ruled wikileaks couldn't be prosecuted for publishing the DNC "seth rich" hacked files that he was going to get out of jail (not that i want Assange in jail) but he isn't in jail for that and not even in the US. There was the whole Epstein getting fisted while the guards watched (again, would not mind it if it happened) - that's just in the last week and doesn't include the whole dayton shooter bs it's been posting today. GA wraps all the pure bullshit in the thinnest veneer of truth - like any disinformation campaign. Just enough truth on the surface to pull the wool over the eyes of those who don't think for themselves or do their own research. I believe, and it is only my opinion, that GA is a troll or paid disinfo operative. Whack job doesn't go quite far enough

Qdini ago

Oh yeah, I forgot she claimed that was in London and witnessed Assange's arrest. Because, of course, she saw some noname on Youtube say that. No credible evidence.

RainDrops ago

All I can say is that I have repeatedly called GodsAngell out for the ridiculous BS that she constantly posts and been met with such resistance in the face of facts that contradict her posts. I am finally feeling relieved that I'm not alone in recognizing this as disinformation, misinformation, negative "conspiracy theory," speculation, assumption, and confirmation bias. I thought it was just DickTick and myself that were fighting against this and it has been so frustrating.

Thank you so much for this post!

ketoll ago

Same here, man. I noticed on his/her last post a ridiculous number of upvotes. Either people are actually falling for it, or there's some funky shit going on.

Crensch ago


Qdini has taken the time to present some links.

Qdini ago

There's several:

In the past day, she made another post linked to the same conspiracy site she used today:


Here's one where she claims kids are being stolen and trafficked from Disney Parks with no credible evidence:


Here she claims Epstein was gang raped it Jail -- again, no credible evidence. This post says he was "fisted" (which is serious stuff), yet he shows up in court a few days later with not a mark on him:


Here she smeared an aviation company "Wheels Up" saying it was a player in the human trafficking ring, with no evidence. I looked into thee company and it's legit, not only that they are doing quite well financially.


Here she claims that Epstein was allowed to have sex with young girls in PRISON. Epstein wasn't in prison -- he was in jail and was allowed out each day on work release. That's where the alleged trysts took place with girls older than 18. But these are accusations not yet proven:


There's more too.... but this is a good start. I thought GodsAngell was a bit looney -- but now I think she might just be purposely spreading disinfo to discredit the Great Awakening board.

Crensch ago

Here she smeared an aviation company "Wheels Up" saying it was a player in the human trafficking ring, with no evidence. I looked into thee company and it's legit, not only that they are doing quite well financially.


Q drops 3414 and 3423. https://qmap.pub/read/3423 https://qmap.pub/read/3414 Is this a Q sub?

Please explain this.

Qdini ago

Wheels Up is a military term for an operation has begun. There's also an online reference to "Wheels Up" for Haiti, which is a Clinton initiative.

It has nothing to do with an aviation firm called Wheels Up. Do the research on the firm like I did. They had another aviation firm called Marquis Jets that they sold to Warren Buffet. They recreated the same business model with a new firm Wheels Up. They also have a very successful liquor brand, a portion of which they sold for $100 million. These are college buddies who create lucrative niche startup firms. They are not a human trafficking firm. To smear them with this is irresponsible and slanderous.

argosciv ago

It has nothing to do with an aviation firm called Wheels Up.

Actually, that's where it does get interesting...


Wheels Up Partners, LLC, and the Haiti (IHRC) initiative are linked by a common thread, as you pointed out, to none other than the Clintons:

Wheels Up Partners, LLC <- [Kenny Dichter]* -> Marquis Jet -> NetJets <- Berkshire Hathaway [(Warren Buffett)]* -> Clayton Homes -> IHRC initiative

[Kenny Dichter | Warren Buffett | Bill & Hillary Clinton]

Noteworthy that Buffet/BH are a central element to Wheels Up and Haiti?


Now that doesn't mean that anyone should run around and haphazardly accuse Wheels Up et al, of facilitating human trafficking -- but in terms of links/relationships found by "following the money", well, there's enough there to be worth mapping out and making a note of.

Qdini ago

Already looked at it. They sold Marquis Jets to Berkshire Hathaway, it's now a subsidiary. Wheels Up is another start up they created after selling Marquis. Same business model. These guys are entreprenuers who create niche companies, build them up and sell them off. They are doing it again. Take a look at their tequila firm they created -- the sold a portion of it off for $100 million. These guys have money. But they aren't ultra rich like the Wall Street guys that are tied to Epstein.

There is absolutely no info to suggest that Wheels Up LLC is involved in human trafficking. To say this is irresponsible. The Reddit GA site was taken down for just such a claim. I want to avoid that.

argosciv ago

Oh I've looked quite far into Dichter and co. now, they're staying on my list because of the various things I found, but I'm also not one to run around accusing every connected party of being involved in the worst of the worst.

Personally, I'm following the money/favors/influence trail just as much as the nastier stuff. Story for another time really. But while I must insist that the relationship/dealings between Dichter, Buffett and the Clintons is noteworthy, I do agree that irresponsible allegations are not a good look.

Qdini ago

Have you looked into Apollo Group. It appears to link to everything and ties back to Obama:


Fateswebb ago

Here is an example of a Q post, that was posted by a very respected mod as well... WHEELS UP. And it's listed as a reason GA is posting disinformation WHEN Q HIMSELF TOLD US TO LOOK INTO THIS!!!


Moloch Hunter a very respected mod posts about a drop from Q saying to look into "wheels up"

But when GA looks into it and posts she gets attacked as disinformation. A post of hers on "wheels up" is listed as a reason she is spreading disinformation, and QDINI even says he looked into it and sees no reason for her to be attacking this company.. blah blah..

EXCEPT Q-ANON HIMSELF said to.. so this is what we are attacking this user for? DOING EXACTLY TO THE LETTER WHAT THE BOARD IS INTENDED FOR???

Do explain....

Here is another actually reported in vanity Fair, he uses to attack her saying she had no proof..


She may have gotten the wording slightly wrong, but definitely didn't deserve to be attack for this... Qdini claims she had no proof at all..

Kids being kidnapped at Disney parks? No proof??? Another reason he is citing that he claims is disinformation. But let's see...



So I quite literally just debunked every single complaint he had about her with the exception of the unprovable one that he just simply has a competing theory on that nobody can prove either way.

So why again are we attacking this user when I just proved in just 3 minutes WITH GOOGLE that each point he has complained about was actually a legit post?.. USING ALL MAINSTREAM NEWS SOURCES AND QANON HIMSELF?

Yeah this is a personal attack and at this point I wonder just who is spreading the disinformation .

AlphabeticalAnon ago

My 2 cents:

I've always thought the headline stuff that was particularly negative or bad news seemed to be exaggerated a lot. But I thought the Wheels Up was something mentioned by Q. Or am I missing something?

Anyway, I do my own thing, and if I ask that user questions it's because I have questions! Not because I'm a "fan" or a "follower" and I resent some here who have downvoted me for fucking asking questions! So I say fuck all this! It's too much drama. I just don't care if it is a shill or not, I stopped reading that user's posts anyway because I never got any damned answers! Just downvotes. So my opinion of any of this is pretty much what Dick Solomon from 3rd Rock from the Sun would say: Leave me alone, I'm bitter.

DawnPendraig ago

She is a treasure trove for Media Matters or Haggerman to make smear pieces ans have direct quotes from oue board of how insane and libelous we are...

I am not for censorship generally either but spam and her deceptive altering of her posts when she gets called out / caught spreading disinfo are looking more and more suspicious

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

but now I think she might just be purposely spreading disinfo to discredit the Great Awakening board.

When their posts are upvoted, it appears to confirm the credulous nature of Q-followers.

Adarcer ago

Nobody can be right all the time ! The guy has had some quality posts, and seems alright to me. When found I would suggest a debunked or dissinfo tag like pizzagate does.

Qdini ago

Does a rational person post this:

[–] GodsAngell [S] -7 points (+0|-7) 21 days ago (edited 21 days ago)

My God are YOU ever STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join up with Hildabeast and her Satanists....you belong!!!!

MudPuddlePie ago

Well, to be fair, you should also post the comment she was replying to for context.

Unless that was to you?

Qdini ago

She's called me a Pedo for pointing out inconsistencies and errors. None of that is normal.

lilomeunq ago

That's nothing but sickening hatefulness. I cannot even imagine the rage I would feel being called that! I commend your restraint!

MudPuddlePie ago

Ah...didn't realize it was a response to you. Wow...

grace8 ago

He/she has attacked me for pointing out wrong interpretations/info repeatedly. Pretty nasty stuff.

MudPuddlePie ago

smh....I am currently in a spat (lol) with a libtard who is here with his anti-potus/Q "talking points" and projection. And says that I am the problem...snort. Jeez...this is getting old.

Qdini ago


Adarcer ago

Had to skim thru 7 pages of comments to find comments to you regarding the "Disney Story". Follows SB and has wacky ideas and thinks wikipedia and quora are credible sources other than background materiel. Flys of the handle I have never seen that side of this person's personality.

Qdini ago

Sad really. She's either a paid shill or someone desperately seeking validation.

Qdini ago

The problem is when you point out obvious discrepancies, she lashes out. GodsAngell has called me stupid, low IQ, a Pedophile and a Satanist.

I am sure others have been called worse. Not sure if @DickTick wants to weigh in here or not.

Adarcer ago

Then you have won the debate !

Qdini ago

I do. The problem has become that others take what she says at face value and are fooled. It hurts the credibility of the board. ;)

singlebrain1 ago

Just look at the lengths of her posts. It is insane.

Adarcer ago

I agree, that's why I suggest pizzagate-like flairs and as a community help the mods when you see disinfo, etc.

Crensch ago

I'm getting a lot of messages one way, and not a lot the other.

I'm happy to entertain whatever ideas people have, or whatever evidence they might present.

Either way, disinfo needs to be addressed.

If I have the flag half of a user's submissions, I'm not going to be very happy about that.

grace8 ago

A comment I made got linked there. Someone posted that u/ga was a shill on v/QRV when he first got his account. the comment said they had banned him and then he started posting in support of Q on v/GA. Maybe check his early post history.

His constant hyperbole and how fast they get upvoted very high has always made me question if he was a shill. But then he claimed to be a vet and I thought he was just messed up. Also acts like a shill in that he freaks out every time you tell him he is wrong and attacks.

Strayzie and Moloch Hunter are both familiar with his work and reports on his work.

grace8 ago

Also ask others to volunteer sources he has posted from they find as unreliable. I know he tends to post the Hal Turner stuff which doesn't have a good rating. The question is how to get him to post all his sources and not hold back to keep them from being made off limits. I guess an honest discussion of the consequences of continuing to post from unreliable sources. This is his chance to get help vetting and accepting some limits. Consequence could be a 3 day ban or such. That is a long tme to us junkies like GA and me. lol.

Crensch ago

Thinking of a "it is up to the submitter to vet their sources - too many reports of false claims and you earn yourself a nice ban".

So much extra work for the rest of us to keep vetting these submissions when the removal of one or two usernames would stop 90% of the disinfo.

grace8 ago

How about this: Have user GA submit a post with a list of his sources he likes to post from. Then YOU write a post asking users to vet those same sources and those that users here see as unreliable be made off limits to post from? That should cut down the unreliable stuff. Unfortunately the unreliable wild speculation stuff spreads like wildfire and its easy to find some no name site that copies and reposts the crap, so there would have to be a guideline against no name unrecognized sources as well.

Honestly about 75% of his posts are inflammatory and/or inaccurate, so screening each post and rewrites would take a great deal of patience/time.

beece ago

But no links or screenshots?

beece ago
