robertdebruce ago

Applause to you Crensch!

Khemyst ago

LOL- having to brag about one's intelligence being in the top 1% is definitely a sign of poor self-esteem, (having to pat one's own back, as it were). I'll just let that sink in for a moment.

Those that understand statistics and Occam's razor know that this is real, and trying to convince everyone otherwise is a pointless exercise in futility!

When the facts are collected and the evidence is bullet-proof, things will happen. Why- because they do not want the warrants and arrests to be easily dismissed and/or blamed simply as retribution- much like the BS the Dems have been doing for decades! Trust the plan. POTUS-TZU will orchestrate the takedown with the proper timing, for maximum effect.

How was he going to bring about voter ID- Gee- now the Dems are talking about mail-in voting. They collected enough voter fraud info in the 2018 elections, so that any "pardons" that happen to be lying around cannot be waived around as "immunity" for crimes committed prior to the new administration..

Patience grasshoppers. It is coming, they did tell us there would be intentional disinformation, and we need to stop speculating and giving the bad guys guesses that might disrupt this timetable!

On other points- guess how/why folks like Fauci, Birx and the media are doing what they are doing? They are showing America that they are shills. Some of us see it already. Fauci is now backtracking and creating a false narrative about not being listened to, but when you search through history- he is rewriting his own narrative, just like the WHO and the CDC.

The facts are that this country had instances of being worried about 3 world-wide pandemics and Fauci as Director of Health- did nothing to prepare a stockpile of PPE, and in 2013, he praised HydroxyChloroquine (under Obama) for MERS, but now under Trump is a wet blanket, (but he sits on Gates' board (vaccines, chips, tracking, etc.) Gates has been thrown out of India for causing a spike in poplio, going from 5 oral doses for children to 50, and they had about 500,000 cases, which has drastically declined since he's been kicked out of being their self-proclaimed director of immunizations in India.

There are programs going on to shut down the dark money funding the monsters in government. we are not privy to every detail, but I trust this plan, and the sequence. I pray nightly for their success in shutting down the pain and suffering that happens because of their evil deeds. It is my faith that helps me to not be so impatient and critical of this plan. We have been told for a long time that there would be a period of hunkering down and preparing- and so we are. "Days of darkness'...


People downvoating someone that is only doing their best to present an objective view is wrong.

I know everyone is scared their dreams of justice will be crushed by the very mentioning of critical thought processes but thoughts should be allowed to flow.

Words should be spoken.

And in the end so fucking what if we were all fooled again?

On the day of your death will you actually be offended that you were charged with Loving too much?

Trusting too much?

Giving too much?

Hoping too much?

I think not.

So Be It

MAIDENanon ago

Seems our movement is called "The Great Awakening"....not "the Great Arresting "

Our job is to redpill normies......not whine about what is happening.

We all know what is happening.@Johnny_ninja has some decent posts....I am sorry he is so disillusioned. I myself found the several worldwide Qanon drops to be quite inspirational. It means the Great Awakening is working. We are doing our job.

gofuxkyourself ago

Word to the wise. Don't engage, they're begging for it, so you identify yourself and then they downvoat your comments in masse thus removing abilities to comment

data_b0i ago

Reeks of the same timbre from the guppy who got phished by Q. For those who don’t remember check out Q drop #1840 and the guppy’s earnest request:

avanti ago

We don't need to be many. Most of those who are leaving (or already left) will come back just in time! Take my word! (It's always like that with really huge operations...)

MAIDENanon ago

OR they will claim they knew all along and had NO doubt.

Either way soft

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @FractalizingIron.

Posted automatically (#104265) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @FractalizingIron)

ChickenYiddle ago

This is so juicy!

I can’t wait to see your sub burn to the ground.

usmcProud1183 ago

You're all becoming unhinged and tyrants. You can't just call out people for free speech or thoughts. This is unjust and unfair you MODERATORS are acting like the deep state "you only do and post how we want you too" hmmm kinda like communist China...

Crensch ago

Why don't you build up a sub with a subject matter that many don't want you talking about. You can allow that kind of submission and then because you allow it that's what wines up dominating the front page until all of your users decide to go elsewhere.

You apparently know nothing about how many alts they have, how many illegitimate votes they can use...

You don't know how forum cointel works.

Because of ungrateful and unaware users like you, the people on this website that I can prove support and defend pedophiles are busy celebrating the fact that this post was a double bind for me.

Either I let it go and they continue to infiltrate by pushing that narrative and telling me to take a back seat because I've already let one go through or I remove it and everyone gets to have a good time again. Except for people like you who seem to not understand that there's a war going on right here under your nose.

If you don't like what I'm doing there are two other subs you can go to and you can keep your complaints to yourself. If you had a clue about what's going on I might consider your words, but you clearly don't.

usmcProud1183 ago


You sound like a sissy bitch

Crensch ago

And you sound like a beta that can't admit when he's ignorant on the subject, so you have to pretend that you know what you're talking about at all times.

usmcProud1183 ago

Admendment #1

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Crensch ago

There you go. Fight for their right to post that in here constantly. Look at those up votes. They can plaster our front page with exactly that. They could do so with impunity if you were in charge.

You would take away our right to peaceably assemble and our right to speak and have our own place to do so in favor of their right to shit all over this sub.

You would fight for the rights for their paid-for narratives and fake 2nd and 3rd and 4th and hundredth accounts. You would fight for the rights of illegal aliens.

If that's what you truly believe, you're not a patriot, you're a wannabe that doesn't understand the Constitution.

Crensch ago

And you seem to be supporting the kind of people that want to infringe upon our right to peaceably assemble.

I'm guessing you don't look at the submissions outside of this sub very often.

usmcProud1183 ago

Grinning ear to ear you make me giggle... Carry on soldier..

FractalizingIron ago

In spiritual warfare (that's psychological warfare for you non-religious types), there are a number of base, fundamental forces which, if the agenda of destruction is to succeed, it must destroy and counteract.

Force one: faith.

Faith is a mental/spiritual force that is generated through the combination of intent and intellect in relation to a proposition, or idea, or concept.

Faith has power. it is 'belief'. The nature of the faith - its QUALITY - as opposed to its QUANTITY - is determined by the object of the belief - the proposition, idea or concept.

If the proposition is 'true' - if it is rooted in the Ultimate Truth, Absolute Truth, as defined by the Creator, then that belief is 'good', and has a positive benefit, not only for the person (or group) practicing it, but for the whole, for all humanity, and for God too. It's a positive force that enhances healthy, good outcomes that benefit the most.

If the proposition is false - if it is rooted in deceptions, lies, untruths, destructive agendas - then the belief is 'evil'. It is unhelpful to the whole, it creates greater suffering and ultimately destroys the one who practices it, enslaving them to greater levels of evil.

So WHAT you believe in, this defines the QUALITY of your belief.

The POWER of your belief, that which defines the QUANTITY - if you will allow the usage of the term - this is defined by the dedication of your intent, the focus, the heart and the will you invest in it. Thus, STRONG belief is powerful, and when good empowers towards goodness, while STRONG belief, when evil, empowers towards evil, destruction, even while being effective for selfish personal gain in the short term.

In spiritual (psychological) warfare, evil has to try to break the belief, the power of faith generated by those who have found truth and believe in it. Evil's strategy is to undermine, shake faith, break faith, in a number of ways: introducing seductive but ultimately false truths (lies), by demoralizing, depressing, use of overwhelming emotional force.

When a person, or group, are 'demoralized', they become vulnerable to suggestions, to untruths, to lies, to false visions and false (negative) ideas, which in their own seductive way may appear to offer some comfort or relief. But they are destructive.

We know all this is true because of programs like MK ultra. Truly Satanic, it is the embodiment of Satanic spiritual practice that has been in operation since the time of Genesis, and the Garden.

If your faith is strong, and aligned well, then the posts highlighted by @Crensch stick out very, very clearly, if you understand and grasp the nature of spiritual warfare (aka psychological warfare, aka psyops in the negative sense)

What does the viewpoint offer? Nothing but nihilism, blame, criticism, hopelessness, and resentment. LOL. Seriously?

THIS is the very nature of the LIE (嘘). And Evil is the FATHER of Lies.

@Crensch has my 100% support. This is not to say he's perfect and every call he makes will be perfect. (is anyone's?) But I 100% believe in his integrity and WILL to prevent evil from shaking its wooly, screwy head, replete with horns, in this neck of the woods.

One time, Crensch's bulldog ire was directed at me. I know what it felt like. I think it was a misunderstanding (on both sides) that was reasonably cleared up, much thanks to @MolochHunter, but I learned one thing.

When the insane, rabid wolf if clawing at the door, and when the oh, so poisonous serpent comes slithering around just saying, "hey, let me hang here for a while. I'm not trying to hurt anyone. But about those things.... Just listen to me for a second...." Then Crensch is the one you want guarding the door.

If denizens of GA cannot see that, then they seriously need to expand their thinking, re-evaluate the situation, and recognize TRUTH when it's there. That is something no one else can do for any of us. It has to be done by one's self.

QRV is a weird place. It's rife, because the original moderators were either never honest about their intentions, or capable of the job (in terms of character and capacity).

GA is still the best place on Voat, because of people willing to take responsibility when it counts.

Thank you Mods. Thank you @Crensch, @MolochHunter, and @bopper, etc.


MolochHunter ago

cheers bro, thanks for all you contribute

FractalizingIron ago

Lol, downvoted in less than 20 minutes.

Welcome. I've reposted as a post (with modifications), cos I think the topic is important.

borderline7 ago

this is some dumb shit.

politics is a show like pro wrestling. you guys think that trump is an outsider? hes the cabals man, which is why they made sure hillary was running against him. she was the heel... this time is biden.

the cabal puts up a joke candidate and pretends to have an election. which is why the walls not built, shes not locked up, no ones been arrested and there will never be a tribunal.

you lemmings are amazing

cosMICjester ago

I just consider myself a novice to this shit. My main goql of being a troll is to attack leftist loons & try my damnedest to be a comical smartass usually failing miserably. U folks are taking it to a whole new level with Qanon. I got 2 questions how many goats are on Voat?? 20k 50k?? If they don't advertise how do they make money?? Essential queries that need answers. Adios

argosciv ago

/waves casually

Got nothing much to add here, just thought I'd say hi because it's been a while since I've seen you post.

Hope all's well on your end mate :)

Crensch ago

Cheers, bud.

All's well. Irritating upkeep required today, but I seem to have it handled.

Hamnegg ago

It is my understanding that this GA movement isn’t necessarily about arresting anyone, but rather about red-pilling. I have and always will say that awareness is our greatest weapon. I have learned a lot by being here, and I will always be grateful for the anons and artists who are dedicated to the GA. Without this sub verse and QRV, it would have taken me much much longer to sort out what is really going on in the US, and around the world. This board really isn’t for the weak at heart. And while it is easy to understand how watching the DS constantly pull the shit that they’re pulling can drive anyone fucking nuts, I also understand that they’ve been getting away with shit going as far back in history as anyone cares to dig. It comes as no surprise that the amount of intel that we are exposed to has gone exponential in the past three years, and that alone can wear anyone down. That being said, I choose to look at what IS habbening, as opposed to what is NOT. There will always be the NOTS. It is pointless to dwell on it. For those who really aren’t shills, I would encourage you to stick around and let us help you to get past the point of frustration. I have learned long ago that I have the choice of being part of the problem, or part of the solution. Besides, is it up to us anons to arrest or indict anyone? That task falls on Barr/Durham. I just don’t see how the role that Q plays, fits into that picture. Ok, I threw in my half-cent.

MeetGeorgeJetson ago

Poignant comment. Hit on all cylinders.

Hamnegg ago

It is what I learned from folks like yourself. Thank you for being here Patriot.

Crensch ago

That's a good .5 cents.

It's not our job to arrest anyone. It's not Q's job.

That lies squarely on the shoulders of the above-named individuals. It's our job to know and understand as much as we can without trying to predict what the DS can't even predict.

Hamnegg ago

I try to stay close to the heart. Thank you for your dedication.

PacaGoat ago

Propaganda and programming.

Aimed at the normies. Most probably. Im to far gone to blue pill.

Crensch ago

Yep, but none of us are immune to letting that kind of thing take hold here because "free speech" and having a glut of sleeper accounts wake up to post it non-stop.

PacaGoat ago

True. And I just love their made up names. Like that isnt a flashing eat at Joes sign.

4TheRepublic ago

@Crensch @MolochHunter @bopper

How many sockpuppet accounts do they have? How many upvoats can they give themselves? How to downvoats 'confine' BS posts to New? What happens if it is 'simply' ignored?

I've not ever DVed anything on VOAT. I'm very discriminating with my UVs. And I ignore a LOT of BS.

You ask:

"Does anyone think the above legit?"

Legit what? Legit BS? Legit argument? Clearly it doesn't constitute legit argument. Leans toward BS. There's always a little truth in the best of lies. Does it divide? Yes. Does it denigrate? Yes. Does it promote or substantiate Logic or Reason? Not that I can see. Does it fit the 'guidelines' on shillery? Absolutely. Does it call for sticky-type attention? Mmmm... I'm not sure.

The double bind of moderation sucks. Each of us carries a heavy burden. And each of us carries it differently. Concernfagging is a bitch. I get it, though. You all are trying to take care of the less-enlightened while simultaneously allowing (???) controversial/challenging content. Good luck with that -- especially in these days of free speech absolutism and just-waking participants.

"Anti-Q/Anti-Trump psyop..."

Kind of reminds me of Christians -- while claiming to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God -- lamenting the removal of prayer and God from schools (and other places). How is that even possible? The existence and efficacy of Q and the purported Q Team (inarguably) remains to be seen. Either The Team AND POTUS Trump can and will fight this fight . . . or not.

I suppose I should obligatorily declare that I am a "one man show," and am not involved in any conspiracy or psychological operation (i.e. psyop). Just here enjoying the show.

Be well. Best to you and yours.

thewordis ago

"How is that even possible?"

Maybe God is not omnipotent, omnipresent or omniscient and requires human cooperation along with faithfull angels/messengers providing him with reliable information?

4TheRepublic ago

Granted. Maybe that is the way it is. But that's not what I was referring to. My question -- not that it matters -- is how can those who declare the 3 Os (omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence) fret the removal of god from anything?

I appreciate the feedback. Best to you and yours. Be well.

thewordis ago

Your question definitely matters. If you care to go any further you may take a look at this seminar section on the subject. Best to yours as well.

4TheRepublic ago


thewordis ago

Well, a section of a seminar. The entire seminar is 24 hours long and is titled "One Day With The Creator." The section I linked is called "God's Forknowledge And Man's Free Will" and runs about 45 minutes.

4TheRepublic ago

Ok. Thnx. Could just be me...I'm not seeing a link. I'll search for it.

4TheRepublic ago

looks like you are trying to post a 'forbidden' link. put a space in the main part of the url ... maybe before the dot. see if that works. thanks

thewordis ago

https: //youtu .be/SCDTIZIlgE0

Two dots did it.

4TheRepublic ago

got it. yes. youtube links are not allowed in text bodies ... in my experience.

thanks. i'll take a look.

thewordis ago

You're welcome.

Crensch ago

How many sockpuppet accounts do they have? How many upvoats can they give themselves?


How to downvoats 'confine' BS posts to New?

They can push anything they want to the front at any time.

What happens if it is 'simply' ignored?

They take more and more until this place is nothing but what they want it to be. No original thoughts because the people that post them have been cowed into silence by manipulated votes.


I'm not here to wax philosophical with you or anyone. This is how things are going to go because I know what happens to subs that just ignore what these shills do.

Really big subs that are reduced to barely double-digit activity because "we can discern what's true and what isn't for ourselves, it's not your job to protect us".

And yet, I could have, and the places would still be thriving.

I don't care if you believe my anecdote, and I don't care if you want to split hairs on what "legit" means.

I will protect this place regardless of you or anyone else's opinions on the subject.

singlebrain1 ago

Thank you

ThreeBladedKnife ago

I will protect this place regardless of you or anyone else's opinions on the subject.

Thank you !

4TheRepublic ago

One more thing... If you regret my recent "admission to the fold," feel free to ban me. I don't harbor grudges. Wouldn't know what to do with one if I had it.

4TheRepublic ago

Another "one more thing" ... Check with puttitout, he can confirm that this is my only account. No sockpuppet. No downvoats. Just me. Honest and outspoken. (or 'outwritten') Putt and I have had some good chats, too.

4TheRepublic ago

Thank you for the reply. Much appreciated.

I primarily meant to be 'waxing practical', not philosophical. But I don't know how to effectively or definitively separate the two.

Let me be clearer. I respect your predicament. Maybe you missed this part?

"The double bind of moderation sucks. Each of us carries a heavy burden. And each of us carries it differently. Concernfagging is a bitch. I get it, though. You all are trying to take care of the less-enlightened while simultaneously allowing (???) controversial/challenging content. Good luck with that -- especially in these days of free speech absolutism and just-waking participants."

I wasn't labeling you as a concernfag. Just saying.

You wrote:

"Really big subs that are reduced to barely double-digit activity because "we can discern what's true and what isn't for ourselves, it's not your job to protect us".

Really big subs come. Really big subs go. The tide ebbs. The tide flows. Is that philosophy or practicality? Mere musing? Or Reality?

If you are 'invested' in this /v/, I respect that. Apparently you are invested...

"I will protect this place regardless of you or anyone else's opinions on the subject."

...and I respect that.

Let me know if/how I can assist. But you probably need to know that I'm a damned BOOMER who has been fighting this fight for decades.

Again... Best to you and yours. (no /s)

Crensch ago

Apologies if I read your words through the lens of someone dealing with another in myriad all-out assaults against this sub, and you were not on that side of things.

Squalk2 ago

yeah I noticed it in QRV (down-voated and confined to new):


no content; just this link:

I am guessing it is a Reaction to the phenomenal success achieved by Q's accredited 'Best documentary of the year.' (2,450,709 views in 3 days and rising...)

That and AJ is spitting anti Q feathers recently causing divisions...

Voatering4life ago

Well they need to grow up! This shit can turn on a dime. Who knows what life holds? We need to be prepared and if we prepared in vain so what? I am happy to be wrong - when I posted FEDERAL execution was back on the books-I was hoping for a little positive response but noooooo-so what? Did I cry to Crensh and want to ban people? The opposite argument needs to be made so the counter argument can be presented. Sure we can sympathize with one side or the other but the fact is we have been living in the grey zone for a long time so I would rather be in the bunker with someone who ‘views through a dark lens’ to be prepared for any situation. I know you mean well but shit, we are adults who can think for ourselves.

Voatering4life ago

WTF Crensh? Who cares if they are bullshitters? I posted a long response...the post made me think and response from poster-that tells me a lot but at the same time it is my job to filter through-not yours. What the hell - you are signaling the slow walk to communism, not the poster.

usmcProud1183 ago


WhiteChickens ago

There were some solid points made.

I would agree that most of you are stupid peasants.

You are going to be mind controlled by someone, that is a given.

Crenschchugssperm ago

What a gay turbo nigger brainwashed christ cuck crensch is.

Grow balls you redditard special snowflake.

ZombiClown ago

there goes the neighbor hood , next they'll be storing the broken appliances and broken cars on the frontlawn./s t/bruh , many of us in here realize that things can accelerate overnight and the next thing you know the entire front page is freaking photoshopped tranny porn. sliderific , kudos. ultimately anything we could try to do to stop a page slide would probably make it worse, dunno i guess folks dont realize how shilly it is out there.

lightmeup77 ago

Bravo. Saw this going on last night. Did some down voting and some fight back type comments, but could see that this was not isolated.

Thank you Crensch



DanijelStark ago

Think about it :

WHY would someone who yells on every post "Q is a LARP" and "Qtards" suddenly be "offended" by being blocked off from GA , and demand that they have acess back to GA ? There is only one reason why they want access to GA .

And when they dont get the access to GA - the hypocrisy between them is astounding - they claim this is a "free speech" platform , yet they want for GA to be silenced and removed from VOAT completely . This has been a regular "tactic" by usual gaslighters , shills and MOSSADbots , like "Tallest_Skil" or better said "Tallest_Kike" .

This hypocrisy has been noticed by many other users who do not even care about GA at all , but care about transparency of VOAT itself , and they were against such move pushed by these hypocrites. Note that Putt himself said this is a "Wild West" ...

agitatedwhiteguy ago

EDIT : I see the faggot downvote brigade is here . The truth hurts , faggots , all your "effort" is completely in vain ...

Have you ever stopped to consider that when you ban everyone who disagrees with you, the only recourse left is for them to downvote you and that that should become the expected behavior?

You'd really be better off just letting them argue with you, but for whatever reason you're all too afraid of debate and would prefer GA is as censored as Reddit - so you get the environment you deserve, I guess.

YoikesandAway ago

That’s what QRV is for.

DanijelStark ago

Have you ever considered that if you dislike a certain subverse , you simply stop following it , its posts and its users , and you go your own path ?

You know , instead of spending your time on such subverse you supposedly hate so much , while talking about "transparency" and at same time calling for its shutdown .

Puttitout himself said that this is "Wild West" , like I above said - it means that subverses can make their own rules regarding the posting . If VOAT would made a rule against that , it would apply to every single subverse .

But hey , keep bullshitting about "transparency" while you return here every single day to be on a subverse you hate so much ...

Also , all of this you morons do is completely useless , youre only exposing yourself further . Its not like you will affect Q or any information with your idiotism .

CIA-AgentGuadeloupe ago

I've gotta ask, the guys at the office and I are all confused as to why you leave so many spaces before your punctuation.

DanijelStark ago

Its to confuse and fish out the low-IQ morons like you .

CIA-AgentGuadeloupe ago

Oh, got it. That makes perfect sense.

DanijelStark ago

See ? It works again on you dumbasses .

MeetGeorgeJetson ago

Reminds me of the shills that pop up under POTUS every time he tweets. Same ones every time. As much as they post, they have obviously made it their life's mission to discredit POTUS. Who constantly comments on accounts they can't stand....and who has that kind of time to devote to that nonsense.....unless of course they're being paid.

DanijelStark ago

Correct , note the downvoting and upvoting ... and note how they upvoted some accounts that are obvious sleeper cells .

If theyre so uninterested into Q - then why trying aggresively to push it out ? And as you pointed out , noone normal has such time to dedicate to it - not even for joking or trolling , except if theyre paid to do that .

CIA-AgentGuadeloupe ago

"Sleeper cells" doesn't mean what you think it means.. just sayin'.

DanijelStark ago

Sleeper cells means exactly what it means . It doesnt mean it needs to be "sleeper accounts" , its just an expression .

UltronWasRight ago

Wow. I'm at a loss for words. As an outsider and a lurker, this has made it very clear to me I would never be welcome here if I felt strongly pro-Q or pro-Trump, because the first time I said something you disagreed with I would be shut down and removed from the dialogue. I've lurked GA, tga, and QRV since I've created my account. This entire situation has very bad optics all-around, and your responses make you appear very high-strung. Take a breath, it will be OK.

MolochHunter ago

hey, congratulations on making your second only ever comment

PacaGoat ago

Ya struck their last wittle nerve. 🙄

Voatering4life ago

Who the fuck cares? He isn’t tearing anyone down. These are legitimate thoughts that many people share...he isn’t shilling and if he was, brigade him (or ignore or slide whichever). Voat really is starting to circle the drain as an OP before me has stated...pull it together folks.

MolochHunter ago

ur relatively new around here aintcha?

DickTick ago

This shit is crazy... What in the hell have I been missing?

MolochHunter ago

if you want to go into the rabbithole of Voat subversion, drill into the accounts of guardians like @argosciv or @MadWorld

argosciv ago

Wait what?

MolochHunter ago

he doesnt believe the extent of the co-ordination of shill attacks, i'm telling him if he sees your work he'll get the picture

argosciv ago

Just to clarify, you're not saying MW and I are subversive?

MolochHunter ago

no dude thats why i called you guardians

argosciv ago

Ah, righto. The wording on both replies threw me a bit lol. "Guardians" and "work" could be misinterpreted as meaning the opposite of what you intended.

As for not believing the extent of co-ordination of shill attacks... I'm pretty sure DT has been around long enough to have picked up a thing or two, but sometimes people haven't quite taken the time to consider what can be done. Here's a little tip for anyone reading this:

  • Ask yourself "If I wanted to be subversive, what could/would I do to undermine or manipulate people?"
  • If you can think of it now, as a lay person with no malicious intent, you can bet your arse that someone trained and/or paid to plot subversion thought of it before you and may already be enacting it.

In other words, put yourself in the shoes of a manipulator in order to run all possible scenarios through your head.

thewordis ago

Safe to say these guys are counter psyop only because consistency. If you are taking flak you are over the target.

Voatering4life ago

I have read for long enough to know sometimes I am watching a passing match that does not accomplish the goal of free speech.

MolochHunter ago

what ive learnt in my time here dealing with co-ordinated attacks by professional shills & sleeper accounts that'speing to life' to defend some clear and present assholery is that Freedom of Speech is one Contitutional Right that can be misused to deny people another Constitutional Right - Right to Peaceable Assembly

and that therefore it is something you cant pursue as an Absolute; its something that much be held in Balance against other Rights

MeetGeorgeJetson ago

Good point. Its like having "virtual Antifa" disrupting a meeting of truth seekers.

Voatering4life ago

So are you saying that the thread was an unpeaceable assembly? And that peaceable is a higher standard than ‘free’? If your answer is yes, I did not see unpeaceable but I also did not get all the way through the comments...

This is a serious question as I am starting to understand your position.

MolochHunter ago

was that thread in and of itself a breach of peaceable assembly? No. But the intention and the aggregate effect of this shill operation is

its like when women want to hold a meeting in a public library about the loss of their bathrooms and sports to transgender freaks, and the transactivists bash on the windows and yell abuse at any of the women entering or leaving the meeting

Voat has free speech. You can go make a Q sub yourself that tolerates any level of anti-Qery

we started out that way. We decided after a moderator got doxxed with death threats and rape threats against her children, and gay porn spam and a whole bunch of other shit, that we reserve the right to kick people acting disruptively out

Voatering4life ago

Given- I didn’t get to all the post/responses but I did not see the level of shillery you mention. Maybe the original 2 rich OP’s were fake but I did not see anything close to disruptive.

Crensch ago

That's because you haven't been swimming in what they're capable of for the past two years.

Nearly every username that agreed with the op and bashed Q was not a Great Awakening user or a q follower at any point. They were account specifically designed to be activated to cast shade whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Voatering4life ago

Well...we can have opposing views. Manufactured consensus is The Repbublics’ MO (not talking bout the 2 political groups here) it is a fact of life. I will continue to rise above it with my 10,000 foot view.

Voatering4life ago

Well. You gotta do what is you. And I gotta do what is me. Maybe Johnny boy was like that in the past but I don’t see it at this time. I will continue to push for truth and it is my personal belief that the naysayers (opposition-whatever) will be drowned out by reasonable discourse.

Crensch ago

Again. There is no history between me and Johnny or suggesting that this is normal with him.

You think naysayers will be drowned out by reasonable discourse on a forum without a moderator that will crack down on Bots and sock puppets?

Do you know what manufacturing consensus is? It works.

Grunge ago

we've only been waiting multiple YEARS while our country burns, how could anyone be frustrated and not completely trust the plan and rule out the possibility that this is a psy-op (the bad kind of psy-op). I'm convinced that everyone on QRV would welcome the new world order saying it must be part of the plan. Excuses like "you see, normies have to experience communism and witness many wrong-thinkers being executed to wake up!" and I've also heard this weekend a lot that the plan is that when we all die, we go to heaven and that's the plan while evil is allowed to rule the earth.

I'm fucking impatient, yes, by nature. I don't give a shit about the cheerleading posts and have said that many times over the past months. We get it, we know, don't care, need results. The country is falling apart and our rights are being taken away once more. how is this good for us? I get called a shill constantly and anytime I get impatient or disagree, I get told I'm a shill and to get the fuck out. no, I'm invested in this and I'm going to continue reading it until it's over, so fuck you.

FractalizingIron ago

we've only been waiting multiple YEARS while our country burns


A few suggestions. Make of them what you will.

Firstly, expand your thinking. It's not just YOUR country that's at stake here. Yes, America is under attack, but realize that America is and has been the BEST country in the world. So where does that leave the rest of humanity? The swamp is at least being exposed in YOUR country. In mine, the deep state is still very entrenched. So, expand your perspective. This is humanity facing the situation, not just YOUR country.

  1. "only been waiting" - maybe you haven't just been waiting. Maybe you have been active, working doing things to help this all along, wake up others, stepping up and taking responsibility in concrete ways. If so, then you've not just 'only been waiting'.

But if not, well, waiting is NOT really a very good approach. Everyone has their role to play, if they are willing to step up.

IN the end, this is a spiritual battle. There will be NO material victory unless the spiritual battle is engaged and won. That's how it goes. And unless you take stock of that truth, you're unlikely to be productive.

Not everyone has to be right, and not everyone has to be on the same page. So, unless you find some filter (called faith) that allows you to sift between the garbage and the value, the wheat and the chaff, on a daily and personal basis, it's unlikely you'll be productive.

Needs results? What results are you creating:

In yourself?

In your own family?

In your own lineage?

In your own community?

Even if the Cabal all came tumbling down tomorrow, if you are not getting results in these areas, then sadly, it will mean little for you. Sure, life will be easier, but is that the goal of life?

I do sympathise with some of the complaints you've listed here, but it also seems to me that they are triggering you, and that you are reacting, and you seem to be getting caught and stuck on them.

That's gonna shape your ability to see beyond the complaints, to feel the inner strength, determination, hope and inspiration that actually makes you a valuable and productive member, not just of the Great Awakening, but of the human race.

If you get caught on the stuff up above, (what you've listed), then working on your own self - observing your reactions, really working hard on changing yourself into someone who these things DO NOT IMPACT, but which in fact become fodder and fuel driving you forward, working in that department is probably the MOST rewarding thing you can do.

No need to wait.

Just a caveat in conclusion. Accept that I've made some presumptions that may disagree with your perspective on things. I can only go on what I read, and no doubts that's probably about 5% of the whole story, so just take what I write in stride. Think about it. I'm only sharing that because I've found all this to be true in my own life, my own approach.

Yes, it's tough. And yes, it's sometimes depressing. That's life. but one's ability to digest difficulty and negative emotions as the arise is, in my experience, crucial. Many people find that ability in a relationship with God, but on onelevel, its not about that. Faith in SOMETHING is important. Without faith, without vision, it's hard to overcome the veritable tsunami of negative (evil) out there. Which is why, in essence, this is a spiritual battle.

And, for each shallow or superficial thinker out there, there are very real and tangible frens.

Good luck.

Crensch ago

1 month old account with almost no interaction with the community.


icantcare ago

Shit like above is really helping to red pill people (not) if it's one day or two years so what.

Crensch ago

wps9d0 ago

Does my account meet your age and interaction requirements?

Didn’t see it in the rules list.

Asking for a fren.

MolochHunter ago

if your account is very fresh and you have few comments and those comments show antipathy for this subverse

then maybe your account doesnt meet the requirements of being here in Good Faith and dont be surprised to see your ass banned if none of your contributions are positive and constructive

is that clear enough for you?

wps9d0 ago

Remember, newbies come here. They may not understand things yet. Be clear. Many are not familiar with Chan culture or how to understand Q posts yet. Be helpful. We’re on the same team! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

Johnny_Ninja ago

It is kind of like that. I'm frustrated with Q and said as much yesterday.

To be fair, some folks engaged me in discussion, which is fine.

But many others take the angle of "if you disagree at any point get the fuck out."

This is coming from people who claim to be pro 1 st amendment and are constantly telling everyone to "think for yourself."

What they really mean is "think like me and if you don't agree then fuck you."

I don't mean that about everyone here either, to be sure.

But some people have a hard time differentiating between an actual shill and someone who's on your side but is fed up with none of the assholes being arrested.

PGLiterati2 ago

Fair enough, but my comment to you--which was innocuous enough was downvoated four points. I don't care--but the comment was pro Q, and essentially pro-American. So clearly someone was taking advantage of your post to shill like crazy.

icantcare ago

My question to you and a lot of people on this site is why are you so but hurt over down votes it's an opinion get over your self.

PGLiterati2 ago

Since you ask, I will answer. As I said, I don't really care. But the sort of comment I made would not normally render downvoats--likely not upvoats either. So to be clear--my point is that it is indicative of trolling.

Voatering4life ago

Exactly-I enjoyed reading your post and I didn’t think you were pissing on anyone’s fire. I mean this level of fuckery is what I would expect from the opposition-not a freespeecher.

Crensch ago

The username above you has ONE other comment.

Kindly start paying attention to these things.

TavistockInstitute ago

The username above you has ONE other comment.

Why does this matter at all? Guy even said outright he's a lurker. Your paranoid will be the end of everything you seek to build.

Crensch ago

Why does this matter at all?

User above doesn't believe shills exist.

Guy even said outright he's a lurker.

Hey guise, totally been here forever and a lurker on this aged shill account. NOTHING TO SEE HERE.

Your paranoid will be the end of everything you seek to build.


Go fish around with the SBBH pedophiles and faggots. You obviously know nothing.

RubbedOut ago

The biggest danger to the Q movement are often the actions of it's self-proclaimed leaders.

GoodGodKirk ago

Jokes on you, if you're following a Q leader, you may as well watch cnn.

Emrglobalmarkets ago


Voatering4life ago

That was also one of the most commented threads-I enjoyed reading and posting. Probably part of the ‘problem’

AndyMan_45 ago

If these people don't think we know exactly who they are, then all that money they spent on their indoctrinatio, I mean education, was a total waste. They are absolutely freaking out over their loss of the Fed, foreign aid, manufacturing in China, the US health care system and any other scam they've been stealing money from the American people from. Trump is setting back their stolen portfolios to the stone age.

Whine on, parasites.


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

If the first sentence of a post tells me I’m stupid, then the very next sentence proclaims how high OP’s IQ is due to their expensive’s at that point that I no longer give a single mother fuck about a single word that comes out of OP’s irrelevant mouth.

Voatering4life ago

This too, but I read on because maybe him and his friend really are like that-maybe they are fake motherfucker’s. It is irrelevant-I posted a well meaning response that was not responded to so dude could be fake (also asking about the trust was weird since dunno-usually every member of the family gets educated in those things if they want to know how to stay rich unless they are a total fuckup). It has been my experience that I learn waaayy more from the response than the original post so for that reason alone Crensh is missing/caving whatever. Crensh is protecting no one by deleting threads-it adds legitimacy to the item Crensh disagrees with.

Sorry-not to hijack your comment - aI get it though.

DanijelStark ago

Note how they downvoted you when they realized they cannot manipulate with your post anymore .

Crensch ago

If the first sentence of a post tells me I’m stupid,

Good thing it doesn't.

then the very next sentence proclaims how high OP’s IQ is due to their expensive education...

Thanks for thinking that; I didn't graduate high school.

it’s at that point that I no longer give a single mother fuck about a single word that comes out of OP’s irrelevant mouth.

Thanks for showing how stupid you are without me even starting anything with you whatsoever.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Crensch, take a deep breath brother. I was referring to the third attachment in your post. I apologize if it sounds like I was referring to you/your post. I was not.

Crensch ago

It did at first look that way, and, of course, @RedMower made it seem that way. (shill tactic)

That's how crafty they are.

Again, as I mentioned elsewhere, mea culpa. Truly.

User7867 ago

I took his reply the same as you. Mea also culpa.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

All good my brother.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

he was talking about the linked posts, not what you wrote...

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

That is correct.

Crensch ago

Was he?

@TRFBYTrC0mmies if that's the case, you have my unreserved apology.

And thank you, SEA.

Voatering4life ago

Obviously there was a misunderstanding and your protectionism is honorable but unnecessary. Seriously WTF?

Crensch ago

There was a misunderstanding with TRFBY.

Unnecessary? Apparently you don't have a clue about what's going on.

Kindly keep your opinions to yourself.

Voatering4life ago

Um yes, I was commenting on that reply (I do know what happened and I am not trying to be rude. What I was getting at was why delete the entire thread and poster? There was some decent points being brought up as well as counter points. Is free speech too demoralizing or was it just in the wrong thread? If in the wrong thread, why not move it (if that is a tool at your disposal)? Seriously not understanding.

Crensch ago

I deleted the thread because it was a vector of attack and morale boost for the types that want to destroy GA and ruin it for everyone.

Can't move threads.

Voatering4life ago

Vector of attack? It didn’t see it but who knows...morale boost...ok

Guy can go start his own thread...I thought it was an interesting discourse and unlike others-I did not see shilling and have seen some of your back and forth name calling with posters (not a judgement-just an observation) and to me this was regular opinion and back and forth...not attacks but legit opinions-maybe people piled on and I didn’t see it. Also this was the 1st time in a long time, I have seen lengthy discourse.

IMHO opinion we are missing out-the questioning did not change my mind one way or another but it is interesting to see how far apart some future visions are.

There could be some back story with Johnny_ninja but I enjoyed reading and responding to his post.

Crensch ago

There were at least five big submissions just like this after he posted that. Numerous invitations for sock puppet accounts in Scheels to create new user names to spread blackpills.

There is no back story with the op. His post was an immediate Call to Arms for those that want us off this site.

I don't believe he was a bad guy but this kind of shit is really frustrating.

Go there and look up my username and see what happens on a daily basis. He just kicked all of that into high gear on Easter weekend.

How was yours Easter? Do you miss the dialogue and discussion of that one submission?

Voatering4life ago

Agree-somebody did whether AI or by person. There was an echo chamber. I didn’t see it as a flood but I get it. He can go make a thread. The ‘inciting’ in my opinion is only going to work on people who are weak minded and deflated (without inner strength). What-eves I have no personal beef but when I comment or post on things people don’t like-I am ignored so anyone can use that tactic.

Crensch ago

That's not quite how it all works. When that consensus is manufactured and enough of those wake minded people agree with it and start using their own votes, the strong-minded people get drowned out and the lies and blackpills make their way to the top.

Then the strong-minded get discouraged because good information isn't making it to the top and really bad information is.

Then the strong-minded leave.

Voatering4life ago

JHC! You are AI.

angelCole ago

My brother didn't graduate high school either. He's a self taught mechanic and can fix anything with an engine if need be. I think he was 8 when he took the neighbor's pushmower apart, he got in big trouble for that lol.

Crensch ago

I hear things like that a lot when I mention my "education" level. Sounds like an awesome dude.

RedMower ago

OP must feel a little Bum hurt.Logic is creeping through the cracks of Fanaticism.