raymeejrs ago

People’s lives are being destroyed..People are dying,this is not a game right Q?So what is acceptable in terms of lives lost and destroyed? How many have to die,lose their job or falsely be imprisoned before you guys DO SOMETHING?If you know they are hiding cures,throwing elections,setting up a tyrannical police state than you have blood on your hands for doing nothing..All the evidence has been there for years and still nothing..Soon we will be told need to wait till after the election..This is all bullshit..

thelatestme ago

SIGH . . . . . bump

stoicmanchild ago

what is Q?

Berichonbegone ago

The real question is what happened to Epstein? We all saw the photo of not him being loaded into the ambulance. If there is justice in the world, he was tortured for information and handed over the goods. If not, he's in Israel getting plastic surgery and will be back in the playpen within the year.

I'm not so upset about delayed justice so much as I am about all of the retards giving timetables as if it's been verified by Q. I've been telling people for months to stop trying to predict timing and focus on digging. Outside of the HRC initial post, Q has never given a date by which something must happen. Stop acting like he has and pushing it. Date fags are real.

Crensch ago


I want you to take a look at this comment section.

This is what you invited with your outburst. I even have a sticky up now pointing out some of the upvoted stuff being pushed here.

Check the other usernames. Not Q. Not Q. SBBH.

SOME are legitimately frustrated, but what you're doing is going to get them caught in a removal/ban spree because the people THAT HAVE ALWAYS ATTACKED THIS PLACE are taking your moment of weakness as an opportunity to infiltrate and spread their lies and blackpills.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Hey man, I'm hardly the only one who thinks justice is long overdue.

I was fine with waiting until we were bioattacked and on lockdown with the economy being beaten to shit right before our eyes.

I'm still rooting for POTUS and nothing short of death will stop me from voting for him again.

But the idea that I can't voice legitimate concerns In a group which promotes free speech (allegedly) is beyond ridiculous.

Crensch ago

Hey man, I'm hardly the only one who thinks justice is long overdue.


I was fine with waiting until we were bioattacked and on lockdown with the economy being beaten to shit right before our eyes.

You were fine while all you had to do was continue to be comfortable and not sacrifice anything. You thought it would be that easy to dismantle thousands of years of webs throughout the world to make this world into something besides Prison Planet. Now that it's affecting your daily life, you have problems with it all.

Okay, fair enough.

But the idea that I can't voice legitimate concerns In a group which promotes free speech (allegedly) is beyond ridiculous.

Did I ever say you couldn't?

Find where I wrote that.

I didn't.

Nearly every response you got in that thread was from:

1) A new account (shill)

2) A barely-active, non-Q account (shill)

3) An old non-Q account taking your post as an invitation to shit on Q like they always do (possible shill)

That's what you responded to almost invariably. That's who AGREED with you almost invariably. And you don't and didn't see that. The only people really agreeing with you are the sockpuppets of the SBBH pedophiles that continue to try to completely deplatform GA.

And you invited them in. And you have a problem with me removing that thread.

And I bet you still do, despite the fact that, if you took a step back and thought about it, letting that thread stay up would be an invitation for every shill account (that wormed its way into being able to submit) to post exactly the same thing. And guess what would plaster the front page? Blackpills just like that.

I already linked you to the voat-wide top-story submissions that your submission invited. They DO have voting bots to push whatever they want to the front.

That's ALL GA would be, and YOUR post would set precedent.

"Think for yourself" eh? Apparently that only applies if I march in lockstep with you at all times, right?

You can go fuck yourself for this.

Do you have any idea how many posts and comments I watch that are pro nigger, spic, chink, sandnigger, and kike? THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME. I don't give a fuck what you believe, and I told you that. Go have your pity party in one of two other subs on this site. The ONLY sub that removes the narratives friendly to the pedophile-protecting shills here is this one. You have literally the rest of this website to whine to, and most would LOVE to hear it from you. I even linked you to some submissions showing MASSIVE (inorganic) support for you.

Not you, nor anyone else, will push the narratives that paid outfits have been pushing on this site on GA. You can find those anywhere. You can find them on Reddit, even.

Guess what you can't find just anywhere?

Yeah. Again, go fuck yourself.

A lot of you guys are as bad as leftists, and this is proof positive.

Do you want to know what the shills have done thanks to you?

Right here is a 3 month old account defending you as if they know who you are. An anti-Q username acting like you should be above reproach, and that I have horribly wronged you.

Guess what?

Anyone that fights shills on this site will look at that, and then at you. With suspicion. You are now a suspect because they pull out some random 3-month-old non-Q username that barely conributes anything to defend you like it knows you.


How about instead of banning speech you disagree with, discuss the issues I brought up?

How about you stop inviting shills in with your blackpills on Easter fucking weekend? Do you know how much time I had to take away from my kids so Q followers wouldn't have to wade through tons of comments and copy-cat posts and vote brigades because of you?

"Go spend time with your kids" - why? So I can worry about what's going on here to potentially thousands of people that depend on me to keep this place safe from the pedophiles so they have a place to talk about something the powers that be don't want them talking about? So I can come back to this sub being cratered into insignificance and everyone run off thanks to what honestly appears to be a planned-out attack on it?

Do you have any idea what your timing tells me, or anyone paying attention?

And have I banned you? No.

Call me a leftist again, crybaby.

I was always a fan of open discussion, and I thought you were, too. I guess I was wrong about what you guys really stand for.

Oh, it's entirely possible the rest of us were wrong about what YOU stand for. EVERY action you took making that submission reeks of "planned" to me and to many others.

You don't care about anyone else on this sub, you just wanted to piss and moan at the exact worst moment possible so you could get a little more "doubter" famous while weakening our ability to defend ourselves from the pedos that want us gone.

Understand that I want the same end results as you. But the idea that Q is above criticism is bullshit.

Go fuck yourself again.

Criticize Q all you want. There are TWO other subs and an entire website for that.

Here, go to /v/soapboxbanhammer. They'd LOVE to field your "criticisms" and will welcome you with open arms until you start disagreeing with them. Then they'll harass you non-stop like this:



With thousands of usernames and pings and a campaign to attack anyone you associate too strongly with.

Go for it.

I don't know if you're just massively stupid, embarrassingly naive, if you drank their kool-aid, or are one of them. I have not banned you, even though my personal feelings about you border on hatred.

Easter. Fucking. Weekend. You pull that shit. And the bad guys are the ones getting to celebrate because of you. Despicable.

Johnny_Ninja ago

You took a lot of time and characters to basically say:

"I'm for open discussion and free speech, yet I'll remove posts that I disagree with."

If I wanted the shill opinion on the subject, yeah I would post on the shill boards. I wanted to discuss with YOU GUYS, not them.

"You invited black pills and shills."

Give me a fuckin break dude. Those motherfuckers are all up in our shit anyhow. I can ignore them because I don't give a shit what they think or say. You shouldn't either.

Take the burden off yourself, dude. You don't have to be the thought police, nor should you be. For one thing, it's wrong. Also, it's got to be exhausting.

Crensch ago

This whole attack started with you.

Almost every username you thought you were having a discussion with was NOT part of this sub.

I dont know how much clearer I can be.

Post it here, and you're still just talking to THEM in the comments.

@molochhunter I cant tell what to think of this jackass.

MolochHunter ago

@Johny_ninja I'm banning you from this subverse

your arrogant defiance of @Crensch makes it clear to me that you are unrepentant in the conduct you engaged in which provided an opening to subversion on this GA board, and that you are therefore a clear and present danger of continuing said conduct

there's plenty of Q outside of this subverse for you to exercise your 'rights', at the expense of others

if you want clemency and reinstatement, approval of your appeal has to go through @Crensch

i_am_texas_charlie ago

What a faggot this fuck is.

sinclair ago

@MolockHunter "your arrogant defiance of @Crensch makes it clear to me that you are unrepentant" "you are therefore a clear and present danger" "clemency and reinstatement, approval of your appeal"

Cultists. Absolute state of GA. We are all laughing at you. :)

Crensch ago

Thanks. I don't know many of the users here like you do and I really didn't want to be the one to ban someone that might have had friends or a following here.

Dude was setting off all kinds of alarms, though. Absolutely unconcerned about what it takes to keep this board afloat, and its users from being run off.

Shtpostin ago

Your a pussy faggot.

Crensch ago


B166-ER ago

I just decrypted the latest Q drop and it's says "Crensch is a pussy faggot".

Huh? Q really is never wrong.

On a personal note. You will be rewarded by your master's for your loyalty but not in the way you think. Look to history, turncoats always get fucked over in the end because once you get you get your master what they want you'll never be anything but a liability. Your payment in the end is always a bullet or the rope.

modsrcuntz ago

What are you talking about everything is going to plan. Q predicted you would post this.

NPCGator ago

I'm starting to think this is nothing but a psyop to neuter us while the evil plan just moves forward.

And there you have it in a nutshell, the greatest LARP in history.

But I'm sure some of you still think the DOJ with old Billy (the murderer of Ruby Ridge who worked so hard to get the sniper immunity for shooting an unarmed woman holding an infant) Barr at the wheel is really working to arrest people in the government, hahahaha. And who put this scumbag into that position? maybe he'll dig up good old Janet (the murderer of Waco) Reno next and put her in there to REALLY clean house.....lol...what a joke.

wereallreallyfucked ago

If you have been following Q and believing the insanity and idiocy of it all I just need you to know that you're . . . stupid. I have a high IQ and a really expensive education from some of the best schools in the country and therefore the world. Please try to hear me out.

I guess you would say I'm part of the 1%, but even this shows how small and pathetic your worldview is. The top 1% is nothing, nobody. Good dentists are in the 1%. CEOs of regional businesses. The average corporate lawyer. The 1% are the peasants of the elite class.

My family is in the .01%. I come from a long line of entrepreneurs. The family fortune is tens of millions (or it was, anyway, before the "COVID" hit, now it's probably around 10M I guess). I have been close personal friends with 2 different princes, one African one Saudi. When I lived in San Francisco I hung out with all the Google executives, all worth millions and millions. My roomate's boyfriend sold his business to Apple for something like $160M. He was an Indian dude, very, very smart and actually a really nice guy as well.

This is my life. Everyone I know is like this to one degree or another. My next door neighbor, best friend from kindergarten, is a top executive at Goldman Sachs. My other best friend is a top anesthesiologist making half a million per year, easy.

Many are in media or government. One works for the UN, I suspect at least 2 of being from CIA families. One friend's brother is a general or something in the army. It goes on an on like this. Everyone I know is like this. I'm writing this in mansion in a neighborhood full of much bigger mansions. The people I wave to while I'm taking out the garbage are all "elite." This is the only reality I've ever known. Please try to understand that there is entire universe of "elites" out here living the same nightmare right now as you all. We're just as scared and confused as you are.

I'm not bragging. I don't expect most of you to believe me anyway. The only reason I'm telling you all this is to give you the idea that I know the world of power-players and "movers and shakers" that you all like to speculate about, and from that perspective I need to tell you, I feel overwhelmingly moved to say definitively that this whole Q thing is completely idiotic. You are all being led by the nose like fools while the true elites, the .0000000000001%, the satanic cabal at the top of the pyramid, the level that I have only seen glimpses and shadows of during my education and rubbing shoulders with the "elite," the true rulers - these people are playing you for the fools you are.

You and I are more alike than different. I woke up the same way that you did, through the internet. What I quickly realized though is that we are completely fucked because the peasant classes - of which I am a member of the highest echelon (and yet still a peasant, despite my family's best efforts) - that the uneducated peasant classes are completely and utterly stupid and pathetic. You seem to have been bred to follow and conform and believe what you are told. Q is the most moronic piece of performance art I have ever seen and yet you lap it up like the livestock that you are. It's so incredibly pathetic and depressing that I just want to give up. You aren't patriots, you're peasants. Always have been, always will be, apparently.

Every meaningless breadcrumb gives you hope. You honestly believe God sent Donal Trump to save the children. Donald Trump! Amazing! Your stupidity is INFINITE.

That's why I know we're all fucked. Because the lower peasant classes really are like farm animals. You're all just so stupid and pathetic and disgusting. Families like mine that managed to make something of ourselves, to get educated and make solid social connections over generations and yet still sit apart from the satanic cult at the topmost level - we'll be sitting in the same fucking cattle cars as all you morons with your tract housing and blue collar "honest livin'" fucking beer-swillin' worthless scum-sucking existences and FOR FUCKING WHAT? What was the fucking point? After all these generations of striving and aspiring to greatness we're still just as fucking powerless as the toothless, penniless moron classes. It's so infuriating and depressing I just needed to vent. It almost makes me want to join the cult, and honestly I can see why so many politicians and celebrities and business leaders get sucked in. It's the only way we can truly be free from the tyranny of the mindless horde that you all represent. But I could never hurt a child, or anyone else for that matter. I'm a decent person and horrifically enough this world is run by demons. So I guess my family will be dragged under by you fucking worthless pathetic morons in the end. It's just so fucking sad.

AdrenochromePizza ago

That’s one hell of a statement. This morning my wife got a flat tire. She took our second car to work. I’m actually annoyed at the cost of the flat. Every fucking extra expense is a security threat. My wife works in healthcare and I teach high school. We worked our asses off from literally nothing. She comes from a poor European country and I grew up poor in the New Mexico desert. We fought tooth and nail to become a couple that makes just over six figures together. If I could go full Hitler and send people like you to the camps I would. You’re right to fear us underlings.

Voatering4life ago

I get it. I am wishing that this a momentary ‘dark night of the soul’ for you because you as one person can affect change. Maybe not through your current immediate group of people (they are with their own struggles) but something outside of your own group. It may seem fruitless but it is not. It may not be immediate but it can make a positive change.

I am a peon and I am standing up for the truth on a local level. Only when the truth is told can we be held accountable for which way we go. So once you know the truth, it is important to un-know. If people don’t realize they are being lied to, how can they make a proper decision?

I took the shot too and the cancer causing treatments as I could not conceive that doctors did not take to heart the Hippocratic oath.

I feel the same way you do but I will not give up the fight to live for ‘truth’ any truth to be known-that is how they keep us asleep—by lying to us which causes confusion and not trusting our own internal compass.

I believe that this (all of it) is a big psychological ploy as a slow walk to a dark future but I am not giving up until I am buried.

I watch the actions and try to take the emotions out of it (purposeful deception can send a person over the edge-remember the bulldozer guy?) but the truth does leak out for anyone who wants to ‘see.’

The actions are more telling than any words...

The Q operation has opened peoples eyes to some stuff but at the same time is a diversion-remember chasing the Pokémon things? That too was an operation to see people would do...We are being tricked continually but only if you choose not to wake up.

You are aware, you could spread your knowledge or help people to see but you are not going to be able to catch them up quickly if they do not want to see.

With what you know and who you are, you can make change. If you have made up your mind that you are already defeated, that is your choice alone.

Who was it Adam Swartz that discovered the MIT database? He tried and yes, he was silenced but because he did what he did, people put it together that something dirty was going on. Same for Assange-information leaks out and people search and discover their own truth.

You can tell me to fuck off but I am not giving up. I understand that I am not going to sway tons of people but if I can get people to see through the lies, they they can do the same. I am pushing for accountability on a local level-I am a pariah to many but I don’t give a damn because I have to stand up what is ‘wrong.’

Find your strength to go on and do something-we need people who can see through the BS. Or not, which is what you are effectively complaining about.

I don’t give a shit about any celebrity and more and more people feel the same...I thought Jim Carey and Dave Chapelle could break through but no, the last people I remember stepping up is Randy Quaid and maybe Benjamin Owen of late. I take that back-Ricky Gervais called them out-his career is over unless on an individual level we clamor for him.

If you are worried about your financial trust surviving you need to study and find out what kind of trust it is. Then hire someone to review it unless you can do the research yourself (best option). The government won’t seize it but you may not get to the $ because of how it is structured—you are right, you might not have what it takes unless you are sure you won’t go broke. Maybe this response was meant for someone else.

yournamehere2 ago

To the majority of the human population, wealth is wealth - the only real criteria is they're incapable of understanding it beyond their own ecosystem of fellow poor people. Especially true for those who think they are "middle class".

I am like you. Family fortune on paper near a Billion, actual assets in the hundreds of millions. Industry, connections, members in politics. Vacation with foreign oligarchs. Yet, we're still viewed as influential as the valet that parks cars at some of the bigger estates in our communities.

To the actual wealthy, there are orders of magnitude of wealth. Someone with nine a nine figure fortune lives an extremely different life compared to someone with an 11 figure fortune, and so on.

Most are sheep. 99.99% of the people here on Voat are just lambs to the slaughter. They're as you say, useless, pathetic, gullible, and their lives are pointless.

By not acting, they are doing exactly what those with power and influence want; nothing.

wereallreallyfucked ago

I mean the two of us are a great example of this point. You are a level above me and probably live a very different life. I only know personally about 5 families with your level of wealth. There are probably more but as you know people with money don't talk about money. In my circles high income with no accumulated wealth is basically poor, $10M+ is normal, like summer camp and golden retrievers, $100M raises eyebrows, and $1B scares people.

I'm actually grateful to have the opportunity to talk with you openly with anonymity as a catalysts. It will be entertaining for the plebs here as well if you're up for it. I know how easily the rich scare when the less-rich start asking questions, so I'll let you take the lead if you're interested.

Here is question I've been dying to get a straight answer on from a rich person without an agenda:

My dad put most of my inheritance into a trust. There's a few million locked up with an old blue-blood private bank as co-trustee. Do these trusts generally survive new governments/coups/takeovers/major wars/general chaos like we're seeing now/about to see, or should I be very scared that I'm about to be poor? Can trusts be trusted? I just imagine there a lot of lawyers and bankers salivating over this boomer dumb money locked up in trusts.

If I should be scared, is there a way I can ask your opinion on offshore banking without scaring you off?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

It's actually comical to me that you have honestly internalized the notion that you occupy some moral pinnacle that enables you to look with derision and scorn on the 'stupid lower classes' that you admit your family and your friends family's have preyed on for generations. In your own dialogue you have claimed this 'moral superiority' by dint of your accidental birth several times, yet at the same time layed out all the indications for why you are EXACTLY the folks first to the guillotine.

In your own words you demonstrated no patriotism, no indication that anything in existence is of greater value than your own superiority.

If you're going to choose to occupy a position of authority or influence in a culture, maintaining the integrity of that culture becomes your responsibility by default.

Because by your own indication you choose not to accept or internalize that reality, you deserve the fate that will find you.

You are special or unique because you are from a family of predators.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Just pissed me off is all it did, being poor and intelligent my whole life. I would have turned those 10's of millions into billions, but this fag boy just partied his whole life and was given everything.

I'd cut his fucking head off and take his nice car.

NicotinicAcid ago

It's good that you guys are into the conspiracy scene, but it's bad to follow anonymous posts on 4chan to the letter. The real problems go completely unnoticed while you hunt for clues about surface idiots like the Clintons and Soros. These people are in the spotlight for a reason, to derail from the real hidden hands. Trump is unfortunately one of them, nobody becomes president of the US without being bound to this hidden system of power.

Anyway, Happy Easter.

Voatering4life ago

Agree...can’t even get on the ticket unless you are pre-screened. He is still better than the alternative.

Shadowlight ago

Because the Weinstien and Epstein arrests don't count....


TargetOver ago

Everyone who disagrees with you is a tard? Isn't that a bit naive?

Shadowlight ago

So you ignore the countering facts and build a strawman out of "everyone who disagrees is a tard"?

Interesting strategy.

Lmk when you can counter my statement regarding arrests.

Johnny_Ninja ago

I mean they count, to be sure.

Epstein more than Weinstein, imo.

But as I've pointed out, you can remove those two from the equation and it does nothing to stop the cabal and it does little to show that justice is making a comeback.

So long as Hillary, Soros, Rothschilds walk around free, justice is not served.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Yeah, they're referred to at this point as anomolous because they're two data points outside a gigantic body of data of tens of thousands of failed predictions, unarrests, and shifted goal posts.

Typically, your points would be called the 'exception that proves the rule' because theyre the only two points outside and ocean of data indicating the 'rule'.

Shadowlight ago

I agree regarding Hillary, Soros, etc,...

Have you considered Weinstein going through the justice process was a "test" of the cleanliness of the sytem?

PGLiterati2 ago

So you are saying you are demoralized and you feel played. Change, even that less violent then revolution, does not come without a price. Besides, what if HRC were in office? Then we would be done, period. We are still in the fight--and you are going to give up now? This is the time to fight, fight, fight!!!!!!

Johnny_Ninja ago

There is nothing I can do to "fight" that's not illegal.

I can't redpill anyone with what we have here. At some point, the real redpilling can only be done by those who have the incontrovertible evidence..I'm talking those who still keep it all classified and away from the public.

PGLiterati2 ago

You can fight mentally and spiritually--seriously. i understand both your fear and your worry--but I also believe that those are negative forces that ultimately drag us down. If your worst fears are true, then short of revolution--where again we would need to band together--nothing can save us, The truth is--rationally--these are scary times and we simply don't know. But we can continue on, with faith--which is not to say blind trust--you can be a voice of resistance in your community and by resistance I mean make your voice heard to support your beliefs--you don't necessarily need to red pill people, you just need to stand strong in your own opinions--for example, if you feel your civil liberties are being infringed upon, you can spread that belief. Right now the invisible enemy we are fighting--or one of them--is fear. I had a conversation yesterday with my best and oldest friend--and she lives in NYC and is completely brainwashed by propaganda. There is very little I could say and it discourages me. Some fights you cannot win. But with my neighbors and my community I will stand strong and be heard. Don't let yourself get discouraged by the black propaganda--which is a tool of war, don't forget. Stand tall in your convictions and as I said before, always remember where we would have been if Hillary had been elected. We are fighting for the very soul of our country and we are fighting for our future and our opponents are entrenched--we are basically fighting them on their terrain and we are fighting enemies within and without. This is very difficult and sophisticated fighting. Stand strong!

HoppyHap ago

We all die, and the question is how we die and how we live. I have watched and read Q since 2017 with fascination. People cling to hope in many forms. President Trump has delivered on economic changes that benefitted many no doubt. Not, much different than I witnessed under the leadership of Ronald Reagan.

Q gave you a hope that evil people will be punished for their wicked deeds and life will fundamentally change. You have set yourself up disappointment and there is not one to blame but yourself. The bible warned Christians that people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. I have found the bible to contains great wisdom for all people.

You have clung to Q and made excuses when what you wanted to hear did not bear fruit. You keep looking in the future for things that will never happen to your expectations. A short list of evil people will be presented as sacrifices to appease you and the rest will disappear from the public and live life living large on beaches sipping cocktails. Thousands have already slipped off into the darkness never to be seen again. That is what happens in a wicked world.

Q has not the power to change that and only God can. In the meantime, enjoy your life experiencing life under a limited communism. You have pretty much lost most of your freedoms along with your job and ability to provide for your family. President Trump or Q has not come to your rescue and liberated you from that reality. They are caught themselves. Battle plans look great until you make first contact with the enemy.

In a human society, chaos results if we consider just our own interests. Jesus Christ’s entire mission was to bring freedom! Only YOU have the power to accept that message. Ultimately, true freedom comes through the resurrection at Christ’s return. Romans 8:21, “the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”

God speed that day!

TargetOver ago

Q - the purest form of Hopium ever made by mankind.

Crensch ago


Look at the usernames above here. Check out HoppyHap's submissions.

DuHast ago

Q is a hypnotist. A persuader. A horoscope writer.

13526EO ago

I am at the point of giving up. They are going to pay me 3 times my weekly wage to sit at home. Ill just play video games until I die at this point. No one wants to stand up for their rights and I some crazy conspiracy theorist still after 20 years of research. Nothing can shock me. Nothing.

DoubleTap ago

That is exactly all it is. If the Q psyop hadn't been initiated, the federal government would've already been dismantled by now. I'm a battalion commander for our state militia (since 2014) and numbers are way down. Nobody wants to participate, most of them cite Q as the reason. They all wholly believe that he is going to save them.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Well I would expect that at some point, Q (if it's even real in terms of what they say they are out to accomplish) will either bear fruit or it won't. If it continues not to bear fruit, I would expect your numbers to go up.

headrick ago

Q runs out the clock --- on us ....been said for over 2 years now

1960bell ago

a fucking shill posted this,,, fuck off asshole ,,,,

FFSerrrkay ago

He's not a shill. He's a person with an unpopular opinion. Get it straight.

Johnny_Ninja ago

I'm not a shill. I've been here for a while and you can look at my past posts to know.

I'm just disgruntled and I have good reason.

Outlooks can change quickly after your entire nation is attacked with a bio weapon and not a fucking thing is done about it.

In case you haven't noticed, we've all been put on house arrest and have committed no crimes.

If that doesn't alarm you, then you're the one with a problem, not me.

DavidGydeon ago

Crying about it helps.

Have you tried a nice, long, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! yet???

24Trilionbucks ago

Remember when Saddaam Hussein took ove the Iraqi government? He assembled all the politicians in a large auditorium and impressed upon them who is in charge.

He rooted out his traitors and deep state in one afternoon. Their names were read aloud, they were escorted outside and summarily shot in the head one by one.

If you want to call yourself a Patriot, then you must love the Stars and Stripes and every document in the National Archives. You must believe in our due process of law. You must believe that if you ever stand before a judge you are always innocent until they prove you are not.

These traitors didn’t claw their way to powerful government positions because they were feckless cowards. These people are shifty, devious, and have lawyered up. To build a rock solid case against them takes brilliant legal minds, exhaustive research, and no stone unturned.

Storming the capitol with an AR15 and a rope is a real romantic idea in my book; a .45cal to John Brennan’s skull is something I wouldn’t mind bearing witness, but I saw Saddaam’s act and I don’t want us to go there. Even though due process is slow and tedious, I wouldn’t ever want to suspend that not for one nanosecond. No sir.

Johnny_Ninja ago

I'm all for due process. However, I am not for being lied to about due process being carried out just to be pacified. That's what it looks like is happening here.

The truth is that YOU are on lockdown and the deepstate is still walking free. If that doesn't bother you, then you're not thinking clearly.

I have been patient. I'm simply saying my patience is wearing thin and the constant posts which try to placate me aren't working anymore, nor should they.

RichardRice1831 ago

Most effective Psyop I've seen since 911

Voatering4life ago

Except that was a false flag...both are murdering innocent people but slightly different.

Johnny_Ninja ago

That's what it's looking like, hence why I'm pissed.

I hope I end up wrong.

Crensch ago

Click the link of the username above.

That's who you're responding to.

That's who you're feeding.

QuickAnon ago

Most important 6-8 months ahead of us, and you throw a hissy fit.. you are a shill or just need to smoke a joint or take a step away for a few and analyze why they wouldn’t use the 8 months right before election to bring all the pain? It’s not another 4 year election, but that doesn’t mean the election isn’t #2 on the list of important things..

Durham then Election.. Chill out Ninja, a Ninja is a secret stealth invader.. are you showing your colors like a potential shill might or just in a bad mood..?

Johnny_Ninja ago

I can appreciate your post, thanks.

I'm definitely not a shill, maybe I just need to smoke and relax.

I just have a problem with all of us being on house arrest when the very assholes who bioattacked us are walking free.

Hamnegg ago

Downvote, because your post is complete bullshit. Awareness is our greatest weapon. Period.

What really gets me are people who complain, but aren’t doing much of anything themselves. If someone who IS in fact doing something, has anything to say, then I would lend credence to their words. If you’re bitchin’ about the coffee, then you’re next in line to make it. We don’t know who Q is; and so fucking what? We know who POTUS is, and what he has accomplished. That is where the tire meets the road. If what Q says bothers you, then just ignore it, and move on. The Q phenomenon is as significant, or as insignificant as your perception allows it to be.

There will always be folks here getting burned out. That is actually a good thing, as we all get there eventually. The challenge is getting past that point. Godspeed.

Reinhart ago

Awareness is our greatest weapon

Awareness of a problem without action to solve the problem is fucking useless.

Trusting a plan that has never been articulated is not action, which is precisely the point.

Hamnegg ago

You vote, don’t you?

bdmthtfkr ago

We can't vote our way out of this. It's a ridiculous argument.

Hamnegg ago

Then, you miss the point of this board.

hamdoguhoh ago

The tree of liberty is parched.

WokeazfuQ ago

I hate to break it to ya bro, but, you're kinda retarded.

castertroi ago

The fact that Q has relegated himself to a mere cheerleader, as you very aptly put it, is actually a huge sigh of relief. I always read the Q posts earnestly, but the one thing in the back of my mind was always, "This guy has way too much power." It was a feeling I could not shake, even though I saw what was going on, and what Q was doing. It was too much power to be left out there hanging...

So these past few months, where Q has pretty much reduced himself to a cheerleader is probably the best thing that could have happened. It gives me even more faith that this thing is for real, and that the people in charge aren't simply power hungry people pulling the wool over our eyes. Think about it.

This move, which effectively is a neutering of Q to some degree is probably the best thing that could happen to freedom once his mission was complete.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Upvote for you. Not sure I agree, but I appreciate the post.

Optional_Reading ago

Womp womp

CrowUp ago

Wow it's almost like you realized Q was just a psyop do pacify a movement who was eager for change. Americans wanted this system of pedophiles and Jews taken down. His job was to tell you to keep waiting and waiting until you lost your fervor. He was meant to demoralize and distract.

You all fell for Zion Don and his bullshit. The day he let Epstein walk and go into hiding in Israel should have been your wake up call.

common-citizen ago

Yeah right, nothing 's happening.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Q is redpilling people out of his own larp. What a time to be alive.

yellowrose ago

The naysayers have no authority, no solutions, no following. None could withstand what this POTUS has had dealt him. None could perform so well under such attacks. Will they THANK DJT (& God) once life is back on track in improved form? Or just slink away?

bdmthtfkr ago

Trump represents Israel, so you are worshiping Israel. Congratulations.

Johnny_Ninja ago

To be clear, I'm all for POTUS until I have reason not to be. I make a distinction between Q and POTUS.

Reinhart ago

Will they THANK DJT (& God)

Personally, yes. If things turn out the way q says and his followers seem to think they will, I will happily admit that I was wrong.

I'd put money on this whole thing being a farce, however, and I don't gamble.

Let's not forget that if Trump is good at anything, it's branding.

sfscubarob ago

In the past 48hrs:

-AG Barr interview w/ @IngrahamAngle

-CHS's transcript of Pappa D covert recordings "leaked" to Sara Carter

-footnotes redacted & "leaked" to @CBS_Herridge proving FBI knew it was Russian disinfo

@jsolomonReports discloses on @seanhannity that sources & movement indicate Durham is partially focused on those who lied to Congress (Simpson? Ohr? Brennan? Comey? Blasey-Ford?)

@jsolomonReports also confirms mult Grand Jurt subpoenas issued for Durham

@JudicialWatch wins voter fraud cases



-verification that FBI classifications were purely to hide their own malfeasance, not to protect sources & methods (as claimed) which is an entirely different crime in & of itself


So you’re either a DivisionFag, brand new or just have the patience of a 5 year old.

Either way, to feel like the Q team owes you anything is peak snowflake.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, let the grownups work.

Johnny_Ninja ago

That's all great, but doesn't equate to prosecutions.

Until then, the DOJ is telling us that they're no longer corrupt. Show me, don't tell me.

As we should all know by now, words are cheap.

maga_thyme ago

Soloman? Ingraham? HANNITY??? All FAKE NEWS goons who slow roll stuff Anons dug up 4/5 years ago. Watching Trump pat the deep state maggots on the back and knowing that Dershowitz sealed all of the Epstein documents about ten days ago is sickening. Then the Q team blames anons for date fagging after they gave us a gay ass clock to waste time with years ago, please. Like it is the anons fault that Q has found out to be nothing but disinformation. I don't trust government (never did), religion or my family and neighbors anymore.

Seems to me that you are sowing division by using fake news mouthpieces as your proof of Happening. Fuck YOU pencil neck. Q doesn't owe us anything, and we don't owe them a fucking thing either.

Phish1 ago

Patience of a 5 yo? I’ve been following this since Seth Rich>WikiLeaks>/The Donald>/GreatAwakening>Q.. for 5 years. Now, my rights are slowly being stripped away and I’m getting pissed. The time is now, we are waiting. We have been watching & waiting for 5 years. slowly losing hope and faith...

InABlinkOfAnEye ago

Some of us have been waiting for over 25 years. And don't start screaming, it's all our fault. We didn't have internet and everytime anything was brought up or challenged a new law was written. You only hear about the Clinton body count now. You think it only started with them? If you went against their agenda YOU were labeled mentally unfit and you were taken into custody. So sick of you punks thinking you can just go out with your 22 and all justice will be done. The patience and understanding of the plan is what separates the wheat from the chaff.

Reinhart ago

believing daddy government is going to clean itself up

"lol ur a child, grownups r working"

Ok boomer

turkeylurker ago

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

45andQ ago

Fucking moron. It's happening right now. I'm going to bet you have a pair of red shoes.

truthseeker729 ago

ldsanon ago

LDSAnon here. I have cheered on Q since early January 2018. I’m a former military intel guy. I worked closely with NSA in my career. I have been aware of the Cabal, the Illuminati, Bilderburgs, and the NWO since the 1980s. I even wrote a book (long out-of-print) on the topic.

In my faith, we have the Book of Mormon. It’s main purpose is to testify of Christ. An ancillary message in its pages warns of a secret combination—the Cabal—and that it would seek to destroy mankind’s liberty in these times. We have prophetic words from modern prophets and apostles going back 200 years that warn of America’s near-destruction by the Cabal. At some point, the government is going to collapse and the land will be without a central government.

I have hoped that Q was chosen by God to confront the Cabal and defeat it for a time, even if just for a few decades. I would love for my grandchildren to enjoy life in a Cabal-free world.

At this point I am skeptical of Q’s statements that he “has it all” and that “patriots are in control.” In the end, I know any victory over the Cabal are not permanent. Man is corruptible and new, corrupt power-seekers will eventually rise to power in time. My faith is in Christ, that his return will finally bring a millennium of peace. It may be that Q set up false expectations and that many anons are going to leave the fight. It may be that they leave to take up the fight in new, more direct ways. This lockdown is a pressure cooker and the heat will keep on building up the steam until this explodes. Q may have underestimated how much we want to see change. He has over-promised, and as of yet, under-delivered. Tomorrow will be a critical day. After Easter, a lot of anons are going to walk away.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and pray for success for all patriots. We will stand with you and fight for our freedoms, no matter if Q succeeds or fails.

moscowjade ago

If Q was a PSYOP, then its goal was to rile us up and make our response easier to divide and control. I hold out hope that it is not, but if there is no justice by the end of Trump's term, then I will know for sure that it was just another layer of control in the matrix.

Reinhart ago

"Gotta re-elect Trump, then you'll really see some shit! Trust us!"

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I'm not going to call you a LARP or a Shill or a datefag or an "impatriot"...

You are allowed to be frustrated. I know I am. Sure, 4/10/20 was never a direct promise of action. D5 (moved to D13) was a series of cryptic and odd happenings. We have not yet seen massive arrests. We do not know what is coming. We do not know when it is coming. Hell, to your point, we don't even know IF it is coming.

But... as mere ants on an ant hill spinning around a star, in an infinite universe beyond our comprehension. My opinion is that Q is still our best shot.

An uprising won't solve for X, this will merely provide a new ammo belt for the Deep State.

At this point, we can't even be sure the voting booths will save us come November.

We've been forced to hand over our Freedom. In exchange for faith in "The Plan". Well, we haven't had freedom this whole time. We're enslaved to a gerbil wheel. We were living in the redux version of the Dark Ages. We were living in the Matrix.

This is our chance to break free. It feels ridiculous right now. It feels almost like we failed. But I personally still have 100% faith in the plan.

Q is right. We can't know dates. We will never know dates. If we know them, the black hats do too.

Patriots: be cautious in your interpretations of info posted. False expectations [& push] based on 'speculation' will only weaponize those who attack us [MSM].

Why does [MSM] expend resources [daily] attempting to discredit?

Do you provide the playbook to the enemy w: specific dates?

Logical thinking.

FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)


Future proves past [events unlock].

Think CEO departures.

Think FBI departures.

Think DOJ departures.

Think State departures.

Think WH departures.

Think DIA departures.

Think Pentagon departures.

Think Senate departures.

Think House departures.

Think Amb departures.

Think IG departures.

Think Judge install.

Think SC install.

Think WH install.

Think FBI install.

Think C_A install.

Think DOJ install.

Think US ATT install.


Game theory.

If you look you can see.


Q drops something VERY crucial in the midst of this warning re: datefagging. A reminder of what's been said all along.

FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

There IS rapid movement towards this. Confirmation of DC grand jury subpoenas? This is all I need to know. The fuse is going to be lit, 4/10/20 was the confirmation we needed for the lighting of the fuse.

The fact that Trump is calm, the Fed is eroding, cartels being hunted my US Mil, subpoenas are coming, HRC is testifying, judges are being installed, the Leftist narrative is unraveling, Flynn's path to exoneration, Epstein/NXIVM/Weinstein/Buck, Ukraine is a known hoax, Russia is a known hoax, and now CV19 is a very*** likely hoax?

This is feeling more and more like the Sistine Chapel being built with dominoes over a 4 year period, and that as soon as the bottom domino is pulled, it's all coming down. With each domino being accounted for and predicted as we watch it collapse in 100,000 fps Ultra Slo Mo.

Could I be wrong? Yes. And if so, let's fucking rise up and 1776 the shit out of this.

But until we have absolute CONFIRMATION that we are wrong and were played in some kind of massive psyop to neuter us while the evil plan just moves forward. I still have total faith and I Trust the Plan.

Our time table is irrelevant. Feeling like it needs to happen, and NOW, is EXACTLY what we want. Why? Because if we feel like the dam needs to break THIS BAD (Which I absolutely agree with), it is simply a matter of time when even the most loyal CNN viewer in the World will feel the same fucking way.


This will be biblical.

DuHast ago

“But until we have absolute CONFIRMATION that we are wrong and were played in some kind of massive psyop to neuter us while the evil plan just moves forward”

You will know on November 3, 2020

pizzaequalspedo ago

We’ll see I guess. I hope you’re right but until there are public arrests it’s just words.

Lots and lots of words.

Reinhart ago

But until we have absolute CONFIRMATION that we are wrong and were played in some kind of massive psyop

And what would constitute absolute confirmation?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

The stop of all progress (which has been speeding up as of late).

Trump's loss in 2020.

Q posting messages of doubt/mistakes/errors.

FellowMan ago

We need a well maintained list of real tangible victories, and obvious puzzle pieces that have fallen in place over the past 3+ years. Nothing unverified or uncertain. Just real facts to help us get through difficult times like this.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Agreed, but, we have very tangible victories on a daily basis. Perhaps we're just getting spoiled?

Those who claim that "Arrests or GTFO" is the only* method of tangible progress are not logical. This is a plan, not a series of guesses that just happen to be lining up perfectly. This timeline is very much intentional.

Astrotheologist ago

for real. that army video he posted was so fucking cringe. i was laughing at it

Queef_Anon ago

Uh oh. Looks like the brainwashed Q-tards are being outnumbered by people with the ability to see bullshit and think for themselves. This movement is in the beginning stages of necrosis and rightfully so.

Yeah, go ahead and keep trusting the "plan" and we'll laugh your asses off of Voat when all is said and nothing done.

As for Trump, I'm still with him but he's fighting a battle that he can't win. Only God can accomplish what he's trying to do and it isnt in the cards. It's going to get far worse.

My suggestion is to forget this hocus pocus bullshit and focus on spending whatever time with your family that you have left.

Nomoresjwbs ago

I've been under the impression that the Q movement is actually an ARG designed to keep the base motivated in the same way we were motivated by wiki leaks and Hillary's emails in 2016. It explains why there's never any arrests, and how Q is still seemingly an insider. Basically Q is connected to the administration but the purpose of the movement isn't to communicate future arrests and plans it's to keep you from grabbing a rifle and marching on DC to kill every last one of the kiddie diddlers, and make sure you vote for Trump in 2020 that's when we'll finally get those evil pedos.

redtoe_skipper ago

i upvoted you because it may very well be one of it's purposes.

lynch mobs are really known for justice. [/s] Rbbespiere 2.0.

The only difference is, you will have to face the fact that your movement is actually is undermining the usa.

catch 22.

the real question is, what is Q waiting for? If the solution to the riddle is not only right in front of us, but also in the placeholders, what are we missing?

And for those who feel saddened about what Porus is saying with regard to a big decision is coming up: has it occured to you that this type of talk is often given when the battle has to be engaged full throttle? And that this kind of talk is only given when you have stopped. note the perfect tense....

see the difference. Potus does not stop. EVER!

We will rebuilt this economy, with new ways to do things . We will elect Donald Trump to a second term, and then all hell will break lose .

you really think this is only about the US? This is world wide. That is why Q

lightmeup77 ago

Bravo redtoe_skipper



pby1000 ago

Trust the plan?

avanti ago

It's a spiritual battle, more than anything else (if you really understand what's going on -- few people do).

If we all prayed more, it could be won much faster -- so, it's basically our fault... This battle could already have begun back in 2012, but people were not praying enough, so it only started in 2016, already 4 years of delay, caused by we, the people... (mea culpa...)

FellowMan ago

What should we be praying for?

avanti ago

I am praying for President Trump to be protected, for the perverts to convert,, for all people to return to the one and only true Faith (the Faith in the Living God: real Christianity, not the perverted one). I'm also praying to learn how to really pray (not with our lips, but with our hearts!).

anamazonslittle ago

It's all so tiresome.

Every three months the next big happening is coming soon, on X date which lines up with q post numbers and Trump tweet time stamps and gemartia geomancy, pushed and endorsed by their Twitter leaders.

And then nothing happens and they're on to the next hype train. But they never figure out why the last non-event got so popular. There's to retrospective discussion. And everyone who tries to bring up past failures is a shill of some sort.

I love laughing at them as much as the next guy, plastering "I told you so" in the threads for the past few years, but even that lost its luster. It's too easy. There's no challenge in it.

steven_feelsperg ago

PSA screenshot compilations and link lists is one counter-tactic that might prove efficacy. Best they can do is downboat in the name of blackpilling, but it would be their own words on display.

anamazonslittle ago

It's too late for that, it would take 20 hours going through the popular posts, screen capping and cropping, and weaving a compelling argument with them. And since it goes against the dogma, it would be dismissed outright. High Effort Low Effect is the wrong side of the curve.

BT1100 ago

Maybe that helps a bit: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1249054239747342340.html

But even with this game theory - sometimes you need a shock event to wake up people and reach your goal. To stay in the game to survive (infinite model) is not good enough. Others die around you.

Just now would be a chance - Are there really 35.0000 children rescued? What is going on with this war on drugs? Which are the 22 nations mentioned in the beginning of this war on drugs? What about the evidence against certain people and organizations? It is overwhelming already. Why no visible action?

Everybody knows already, that the next elections are rigged. Nothing really happens. Some single warriors, like Tom Fitton fight a fight, which should be fought by other institutions. Our system should be so clean and streamlined, that people like Tom Fitton are not even needed.

We are now in a situation, where too many people die. Not just corona victims, what about all the children? Every day. We talk up to 800.000 a year of missed children alone in the USA. Many of them are never found. So I understand Johnny_Ninja. It's time to get serious and not just produce lists and hype some tweets from around the world. It's time to put butter at the fish - as we say in my country...

And honestly, if you answer is "leave" or "You should delete your post", start thinking, maybe you are as much brain washed as the other side. Safe your breath.


Happy Easter.

Voatering4life ago

I think we are on the right path...but how do we even know where the top is? The Rothschild and ilk are not the top, for that I am sure.


Hispeedtim2876 ago

Tell them you want to remove their hope and faith in something that is inspirational to them


Happy Easter

bopper ago

You should delete your post, I understand your frustration but wrong place to post this diatribe.

aumone ago

I posted this on VOAT a couple of days ago, so I know how you feel. Faith, Hope, and Trust in Humans is NOT unending unless it is for GOD.

And after listening to his presser yesterday and watching Fauci getting caught leaking to a reporter, I felt as many did that Trump was saying goodbye. I actually felt that he feels he has done as much as he can to destroy the Deep State, but realized it is more than one man can do and that the Country is beyond redemption.

The traitors in our Government made sure he lost 3 years of progress in destroying the deep state.

Hence he thanked us all for allowing him to be our President. Below is my previous post...

"After listening to the presser (still listening) and his adulation and praise for both Fauci and Birx, and watching his demeanor in addition to the latest Q posts....I have to agree with you. We are no longer playing Chess - I'm afraid we are now playing Chinese Checkers.

Call me any names you want, but listing the number of people who have resigned or been fired isn't justice served.

It is nothing more than a list of people who are living their lives freely.

And wouldn't you think that if thousands of children had been rescued from tunnels; someone, somewhere, at sometime would have mentioned their child had been found?

I have no idea why he is doing what he is doing, but at this point in time- The Storm, The Looking Glass, Future proves Past, The Plan and on and on and on....

Day after Day after Day....Year after Year after Year...and 3930 Q posts giving us hope for justice, which thus far has eluded all of us.

Quite simply I feel as though Q posts have become the carrot on the stick.

I'll be happy to give my apologies if something happens to change my mind, but time is running short for Trump because if Q is a larp, then the Deep State, The Democrats, and the Cabal will institute another impeachment or worse, assassination.

If the Democrats were indeed behind this Virus, then Trump is up against much more than Joe Biden.

He is up against Obama and his previous administration, Soros and his hundreds of foundations, the Democrat party, 90% of the media, China, Iran, the Clintons and their organization, most of Hollywood and California, the Islamic Society, Bill Gates and all the tech companies.

Add to all he is up against the number of our Bill of Rights that many states have made null and void-which begs the question- Why hasn't Trump done something about the destruction of our Constitution?

Okay, I've probably said enough to piss off most of you, but a person's feelings is something that needs an opposite reaction to change an outlook.

I pray everything I said is wrong."

Voatering4life ago

I am on the same page....but...I cannot give up on the fact I know there are true, honest, caring people that are putting themselves out there. I am doing it on an individual level. It is challenging but I am putting myself out there for what I know is real and true.

aumone ago

I'm praying for hope, but at the end of his presser he said it HAS been an honor being your President - not it IS an honor. And then he lets that POS Weasel Fauci overturn everything he says at the pressers on his daily interviews on all the channels.

It actually looks like he has been compromised, threatened, blackmailed - something! He has changed in the past couple of months.

I know there are great people, just doubt there are enough to fix the Country. I live day by day and pray each day. Hopefully we will see that light at the end of the tunnel.

And as for Q whoever runs the posts is NOT the person/people who started it. I have lost all confidence in Q other than an entity that on occasion acts like a cheerleader. Nothing more.

Something is definitely up with Trump and it is not good.

Sorry for the long response, but for some reason today has me way down-could be that it's April 12 and it hasn't stopped snowing for hours. We have over 4 inches since this morning.

I'll now try to enjoy the rest of Easter and start my ham and scalloped potatoes! :)

Voatering4life ago

I watched the Friday presser and you are right.....he does speak in past tense...very weird...my mind goes to that whatever action he takes next week will seal his fate..so basically you are saying he is doing the bidding of the surveillance state and if he ever was a person to ‘drain the swamp’ that is now over? Agree his talk has always been better than his walk...I go back to the fact I would pick him over HRC even now but at the end of the day we are all done for and we are gonna stay in our playpens, just like Voat?

aumone ago

I would vote for him over anyone else-just pray he gets re-elected.

I'm just wondering if somehow; someway; someone got to him and/or his family. I pray I'm wrong.

He just doesn't seem the same in the past few weeks.

Voatering4life ago

We are on the same page but I remind you he is part actor/character so maybe he is going for his Brando moment - I am hopeful that it is a signal of some sort that he has ‘surrendered’ but like when he had Pelosi tearing up the white paper.....maybe there is a surprise yet. I am waiting ‘til Tuesday and I will reassess.

aumone ago

Me too. Wait and Pray!

Voatering4life ago

I am gonna watch yesterday’s presser (correct me if that is wrong). I am sure you are tapped in, so when whatever happens you will not be surprised...You are probably sound in your judgment—-I will see it shortly. All the best to you.

GhostWriter17 ago

Right there with you aumone

WE have the power; but we receive it only from being followers of Jesus Christ

Stop following Q; and start following HIM!!!

jkrupelasr ago

You are absolutely correct, he is up against Obama and his previous administration, Soros and his hundreds of foundations, the Democrat party, 90% of the media, China, Iran, the Clintons and their organization, most of Hollywood and California, the Islamic Society, Bill Gates and all the tech companies. That is why this is taking such a long time. Many moving parts. Keep the faith.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

It's not "a presser".

Queef_Anon ago

You're spot on, homie.


He could do his job and ask for our help.

MAIDENanon ago

Dont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Matthew1103 ago

Good post Johnny. If you would have told people here one year ago that we would be in the situation we are now in they would have downvoted the hell out of you. Just hoping President Trump and team will make lemonade out of lemons. Seems to me like the white hats are always playing defense.

AdrenochromePizza ago

Maybe there are no white hats.

whatisbestinlife ago

thats why we need to hedge our bets with a people militia that has representation in governance. if a peoples militia can operate in daylight we win

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

Yeah. So, here's what I've come up with over the past couple of days of having enough of Qs bullshit do-nothing-ness. Either it's like you say and it's all been a psy-op LARP to pacify us with hopium, or it hasn't been for our benefit at all. We've been played for useful idiots in Q's disinfo campaign to get the bad guys to expend ammo. Of course I hope for the latter, but I'm always on guard for it being the former. I trust no one and I have zero faith that some shadowy figure is out to save the world. I'm tired of being told to wait a little longer. "Oh, nevermind, just a little longer." "Oopsie - you thought something was going to habben by now? Pssh. Wait longer, date fag." "You don't like that still nothing has happened? You're a whiny shill." Like I said in a previous comment, I'm only still here for the news. But I'm not bothering with qmap anymore. What a giant waste of time it's been.

This is where Q becomes dangerous. People who have followed this movement for years are now disenfranchised and ready to take matters into their own hands. Q will have blood on "his" hands. Q will have to give answers when people die because he got people all riled up and didn't deliver shit.

badruns ago

Lol the types of people who follow him do it out of convenience. They'll choose convenience over convictions every time.

Stosh21 ago

What a pile of horseshit.

Dud-supreme ago

Based on what evidence?

Vanguard123 ago

If you are right we have volunteered everything we really feel about the whole situation, including ourselves, our computers, our location and basically what we have to use as opisition against them. So, we are fucked. \

BirthTheGirth ago

Q is giving us what to research and WE the people are supposed to do something about it. But no one has the balls to step away from being a faggot keyboard warrior.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I’m definitely on the fence at this point.

I do believe God wins. Im just not sure what that looks like and the timeframe.

If Q doesn’t produce, then it may be militia time boys!

Youarslaves2020 ago

Militia time is now. Q is a larp. Plan accordingly. Trump? Where does Trump stand? He has gone along with it so far. Trump family too? Not saying they are part of Deep a state but where do you guys stand about Trump? Rumor is he is Q+. So if Q is a larp then logically it follows Trump is a Larp?

olltre ago

its always militia time anon... even if its just joining forces with your neighbors to have a strong neighborhood watch.

midnightblue1335 ago


VotingGodWins ago

sorry to say, but i'm at the point of not caring what Q posts any more either. i'm tired of it all. been reading Q since the beginning and haven't seen anything to make me want to stay any longer. I know, i know, i'm in a lousy mood today. but i'm sick of the quarantine and i'm sick of these fucks getting away with doing this shit to us for the "better good". better good of who? def not US. I wanted to spend Easter with my family and i'm stuck here doing shit.

Astrotheologist ago

yeah we are being marched right into communism.

It hurts to see.

I'm here for the news too. It's been waaaay too much time now and people are hyped on resignations?

This is getting to the level of David Wilcock who's called for mass arrests for 15 years now...

olltre ago

isnt communism really part of what the message has been about? like declassed tech and financial reset and universal basic income for all because the declas technology making life so much better with automation and free energy ect..? just a thought, it seems like some of this stuff is what hes been talking about the whole time.

Voatering4life ago

If you are in MA you can vote:



barebrain ago

No it's 11

whatisbestinlife ago

there was a headline for a "imminent" release of info on thursday. if nothing happens on monday...

steven_feelsperg ago

The 10 days of dankness didn't habben either.

Nor the arrests.

Either incompetence or psyop.

If wins dont habben, you have to wonder who the psyop is for.

Mghorning ago

These are not Q people here. When you see.them, you will know them.

CIA-AgentGuadeloupe ago

It's painfully obvious to everyone you know very little, but probably wouldn't have anything left without your hopium.

Mghorning ago

It seems you know me!

Mghorning ago

Q 3950

The black hats can no longer hide in the shadows. They have been brought out into the open. People are waking up all over the world.



Reinhart ago

This is exactly the shit OP was talking about, and you just parrot it like a good little cultist, as if it proves anything other than that you're really good at missing the fucking point.

BT1100 ago

I hear already the answer: "Trust the plan..."

DanijelStark ago

How many times to repeat this ? Every single time when post like this pops up , its obvious the people dont get it ...

You never had a normal economic and financial system to begin with . Everything up to now is purely abnormal , but youre programmed to see it as "normal" because everyone is encouraged not to think on their own , blend in the masses , keep following the old pattern until you die "happily" of the old age ...

No , the old system is imploding now , because it simply was fake . And now when its imploding , people like you are calling "back to normal" , back to old shit ...

Theres no going back . There will be a full financial reset , without doubt .

SuzeQ2018 ago

I agree. there is no way to fix our current system. we need to tear it down and start over.

CanDentTheBrent ago

Repeat it until you realize it's you that doesn't get it.

DanijelStark ago

Instead of making a nonsense , make a constructive argument .

Yes , the downvote brigades are here to "influence" everyone . They will all fail miserably , because the truth cannot be supressed in any way , ever .

Voatering4life ago

I have to think there are real people trying to tell the truth. I had heard about Shiva but thought he was kinda a prop. Someone on Voat posted a link in a reply and I think he is the real deal. I am not ready to give up hope on honest people. Everything he says I would say, but I do not have a platform...if he gets a seat, who knows he may become corrupted but shot, we have to keep trying.


SmellsLikeBullshit ago

The Q believers have an uncanny and neigh infinite ability to think any opposition is because they're right and have used their super secret decoder rings to uncover unlock the minds of the world.

At some point, you're going to have to accept that some people simply don't believe the bullshit you believe, and that they have every right to disagree with you without it being some plot to suppress you.

It's all so tiresome, really.

DanijelStark ago

The point of this response is ?

It goes both ways - you will also need to accept the others do not believe into crap you believe into . This post has been erased , and some shills will also be permanently erased .

Actually , temporary shutdown will happen , so the idiots who troll , shill , disinform , will be out of business .

RoundWheel ago

This is correct.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Ok I can feel you. Thanks for the post.

DanijelStark ago

Its all about financial reset and the mentality for it . Thats even more important than arrests , any kind of arrests , because it removes - literally "drains the swamp" - the main pillar of control the false "elites" had so far . The mentality of greed leads everyone to self-destruction

There are thousands of patents classified as military secret since 1951. - by observing more in detail , its not hard to understand were probably far beyond technologies than were presented publicly . Understandably - because a certain technological level makes current systems completely obsolete .

There is no going back to old now . But many people dont get this ... they think somehow they will wake up tommorow and all will be "back to the old" and "peachy" . Its all crap , all lived in lie , and now theyre woking up to the facts ... some already had their awakening years ago - some will only have it , and even as "rude and crude" one .

Qcalanthevalentine ago

Yes yes YES!!!

MolochHunter ago

^ this

we all have to feel some pain for Trump to appear justified in enacting a jubilee , @Johnny_Ninja

DanijelStark ago

Maybe there will be a jubilee ... but I think its relatively unfair to many . If there is a jubilee , it should be for smaller debts , and a single mortgage . And its very unfair to make a clear cut between those who will get something , and those who will get nothing regarding that .

But the way it goes , the most valid way is to introduce the new technologies that reduce the dependence . The transitional monetary system would only be that - transitional , which means it could only serve as a bridge between the old financial system that failed already , and new technologies .

BTW , this particular post is heavily brigaded , some of the users here are clear why they are here ... its pretty much useless for them to do this , because they did some utterly stupid ( read : desperate ) moves recently which uncovered pretty much every single one of them and confirmed "who is who" .

Also , the post reflects heavily on mentality of many and unpreparedness ... they go firstly from fear standpoint , and many dont even think what is actually behind these unprecedented self-isolations and lockdowns .

So , many say "oh , I would like a positive change" - and then say "Im afraid , go back to the old" . Nonsense . And many many think within the same old stale mentality they used their whole life ... now they will need to change it , otherwise the happenings will go without them and their focus .

Voatering4life ago

Yep...if voting really works maybe. Shiva is the only person that seems not to be afraid.


MolochHunter ago

the lever of interest rates has been stuck in first gear for a decade, and the system isnt just broken for the minnows

the current system isnt fair either

a 100% jubilee is also unfair bc it rewards the reckless

but a jubilee of, say, 70% of national, corporate, household, student & credit card debt, alongside an overnight lift back to 6% interest rates, + a reset of the gold price to $20k per ounce

that is the fairest solution that clears out the deadwood as far as i can see

Voatering4life ago

Thanks for suggesting but damn that student loan. I can absolutely guarantee the degree wasn’t worth the money then and certainly is a rip-off now.

Vyse777 ago

There's always the luke warm who remove themselves. Do us a favor, leave and don't look back. Concern trolling is worthless.

Johnny_Ninja ago

It's not a troll. They're valid points from someone who's been following since the beginning. Argue against them, fine. But just dismissing it because you don't want to discuss is a bitchy little cop out.

Johnny_Ninja ago

"We have it all."

Really? You want to unite the country against these assholes?

Show what you've got then. Because right now it seems like you're not actually on our fucking team here.

Not_C ago

This is the most used political quote in the history of politics -

"We are the good guys. Those people are the bad guys. Hand over all the power and authority to us and we'll do good things because we're the good guys. Don't vote for, or give any power to those guys, because they're the bad guys. Don't worry, you can trust us because we're the good guys."

The Q movement is this turned up to 11.


The whole psyop is to keep you from gathering together in person and forming groups. And now they have everyone under house arrest while the scumbag pedophiles are still out raping kids.

It's a lot easier to slaughter the Lambs if they just stay in their pens when they are told and don't gang up together to fight back.

dotmaster2 ago

this is our first house arrests

you don't think democrats are foaming at mouth to wield this power to put in every

green deal communist bullshit including depopulation

were all confined under a republican president God save us if democrats ever get power this will seam like a 4 star vacation

whatisbestinlife ago

and ive been saying it since it started here on voat and those who were here before has gone and we are bombarded by boomers with investments and moral blindness.

DickTick ago


steven_feelsperg ago

JIDF is a literal warehouse of liars posting from Tel Aviv.

AO28-1 ago

A little less talk and a lot more action does seem appropriate, but I'm looking at it 6 feet AGL so don't see the big picture. Enjoying the movie, even the slow parts.

Reinhart ago

Enjoying the movie

Fuck you.

People may (or may not, who knows what to believe at this point) be dying of a virulent disease.

Whether they are dying or not, people are being denied medical treatment because "oh, there's a pandemic! That's not an emergent condition!"

People all across the country have had their lives disrupted, having their freedom of movement and association and practice of religion disrupted.

Double-digit millions of people in the United Ststes alone have lost their jobs in the past few weeks.

And you're "enjoying the movie"?

Seriously, go fuck yourself with a rusty shovel, you stupid, mindless fucking cultist.

Voatering4life ago

Thank you for posting! Getting tired of the theater. Ready for the finale with heads rolling. Seriously-crimes against humanity cannot be prosecuted or what?

Voatering4life ago

So this is a great thread-did Crensh ban the poster? Couldn’t have moved it to another thread? Wtf? Freespeech still not allowed here.

Johnny_Ninja ago

It was all fun and games until we get a fucking bioattack, people lose jobs, and nothing is done about any of it.

Maybe it's just how I feel right now. I'm still with POTUS unless he ends up being a secret cabal member. Just so you understand.

midnightblue1335 ago

Maybe it's just how I feel right now.

No- you're just having a true awakening. Most people eventually realize that they're being lied to. Some of us are ahead of the curve and never believed the lie to begin with.

What you're feeling right now is shame at being a mark. And this is a shitty feeling. Nobody likes to admit "I was wrong, that guy got me good", especially in the context we're talking about. "Our political savior- lying to us to the whole time? Impossible! If I admit I was wrong about him, that means I am admitting to being stupid, and I am certainly not stupid!"

"And since I'm not stupid... that means I must trust the plan even more! Yeah!" You're doing their job for them. Stop it. Think for yourself. It's wonderful to see this spark beginning among you Q folks. Be nice to see you come over to reason, sometime soon.

Voatering4life ago

I agree with your critical thinking...serious question- what do you think of Shiva. I thought he was a glimmer of hope in this interview...if you watch the whole thing (til the end) please let me know.

I am critical thinker but I worry that maybe I have too much faith there are real truther and yet I stay a mark.


Asking earnestly.

midnightblue1335 ago

I watched 11 minutes in, and he's mostly saying what I've been saying since the beginning.

I am on record, months ago, before anybody was talking about this virus outside of Asia, as saying "this is going to be the one that changes the world". As typical, everyone I tried to tell this to dismissed me as a "conspiracy theorist" or they had this blind, childlike trust in the governments of the world (including the fucking Chinese) that this would blow over.

I tried to tell them- "Did I speak up about SARS? Did I say that bird flu was going to be a real problem? Did I panic and tell you to buy 3 months worth of non-perishable items during the swine flu hysteria? No, I didn't- because I knew those would blow over. But this corona virus is different- the location of the outbreak, the symptoms, and the total lack of response from the world's governments is going to result in a world changing series of events that will make your fucking heads spin." Even when presented like this, I am dismissed by most people.

Now, those people who dismissed me 3 months ago as paranoid, are desperately asking me what to do. I tell them "Buy non-perishables and arm yourself- about two months ago." I take no joy in "I told you so" with this.

I am so sick of being "ahead of the curve". I'm not a virologist, I'm not an economist- I'm just a guy. And I saw this world changing shit coming MONTHS ago. I was never so worried about the virus killing everyone- I was worried about PANICKED AND DESPERATE PEOPLE killing everyone. I am worried about all the niglets not having to go to school, and all their potential outlets like basketball and shit being cancelled- these animals are going to spend all of their time looking for trouble, and the police have their hands tied, only enforcing the laws and new rules on people who are generally non-criminal.

If I, just a guy, saw this coming- **that means that all of the world's admins saw this coming. And they took no action until it was far too late, and now the actions they are taking are very bizarre and questionable. QUARANTINE IS FOR SICK PEOPLE, NOT HEALTHY PEOPLE!!! NEVER FORGET THIS, SPREAD THIS PHRASE TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW- "People should only be quarantined or forced to stay indoors if they are symptomatic. Forcing non-symptomatic people to obey this nonsense is non-Constitutional and tyrannical."

I often feel like I'm in a flock of sheep, walking over the edge of a cliff. I shout "Hey, everyone- stop! We're heading towards a cliff! Turn around and look at the (((shepherd)))- he is trying to kill us!" But I am shouted down by my peers- "Shut up, you paranoid anti-semite!", they say. Then SPLAT!! Another one of us goes off of the cliff. I shout "WE ARE DYING!! WE MUST FACE THIS THREAT, WE MUST CHANGE COURSE!!" But a number of voices shout back at me "I have a family to feed, I am too busy with my own vapid bullshit to even care about that sheep that just went splat, it'll never happen to me!" Then SPLAT!! goes another one.

It's so fucking lonely. I've been hoping I'd get used to this "seeing the obvious for what it is". Maybe I'm a little autistic in the way I objectively analyze things. I always end up being right, vindicated, but it's always too fucking late. An example of this that I use frequently is my stance on Tommy Robinson (true name- Stephen Lennon). Back when he pulled his latest con and got himself arrested intentionally in order to profit off of the sexual enslavement of White UK girls, I tried to point this out to other goats, whom I believed to be on my level. I was called a shill and all kinds of other bullshit.

Months later, Lennon is now using that money he solicited for "legal defense" to make a fucking documentary... not about human trafficking in the UK of British children.... but about ANTISEMITISM in the UK. And I am 100% vindicated, yet again. There are many other examples- look through my comment history if you do not believe me. I am more prophetic and accurate in my predictions than "Q" has ever been- and here I am, just a working stiff, trying to get by in a world set against me.

It's so lonely here, having this "sight" or whatever you'd like to call it. It's almost like a fucking curse to me at this point.

Voatering4life ago

Thank you for this post!!!!!! Similar right when this started, I was telling people I refuse to believe all the scary stuff but I am buying rice just in case...They laugh and say ‘you are so funny’. And I say yes, but I am still stocking up...then I tell them not so sure we are gonna have access to fresh vege coming up so some frozen and canned veg...I know this is a sandbox and ‘minority report’ was forecasting for pre-crimes but I cannot give up.

Yes it was obvious he had another agenda also the Jordan Peterson character.

So is it your take, the fake money printing is gonna stop and it is gonna be a civil war amongst ourselves in the US? I am afraid it is hard to see the really big picture (although I think socialism is what this looks like).

You have a knack-you could do videos or write online (until we are completely censored.) Or just do an e-mail list....

midnightblue1335 ago

I believe one of the major things that will come out of this will be the total elimination of physical currency.

They might try something like this: "Scientists have discovered that 6,000,000% of the people who died from Covid19 contracted the virus from handling cash. With years of research showing how filthy cash is, legislation must be put forth to convert ALL currency into digital form."

Also, surveillance- next time you go for a drive, look at all the traffic lights on a medium-large highway. You'll notice brand new cameras, mounted on these long poles with little gray boxes on them. You'll see intersections with 4 lights, and each fucking light will have one of these on them. They were not there two weeks ago.

While everyone was panicking about toilet paper, Big Brother put his eyes in even more places than ever, AND ONLY A SELECT FEW NOTICED. Frustratingly, most folks will dismiss this as "Oh it's just to catch speeders". Bullshit- we already had little cameras and devices for this kind of thing.

These camera, in my belief, are to monitor major evacuation routes.

Would you like me to give you my "big picture" prediction of what's going to unfold over the next... 2 months or so? I lack confidence in predicting father than that right now, as the situation is so fluid and everything is in flux- my prescience has limits, it seems.

If you want the short version- ABSOLUTE CHAOS, FIRE, AND BLOOD. Imagine what's going to happen when all of the city folks suddenly lose internet access, or they can't use Netflix anymore. Imagine what's going to happen when those of us who are still working cannot make enough money to support those who lost their jobs. The police are not enforcing serious crimes like assault, but instead they are fining typically law-abiding folks (White people) for breaking these absurd social distancing rules.

SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. PARKS AND BASKETBALL COURTS AND ALL OF THESE PLACES ARE OFF LIMITS OR SHUT DOWN. What're all the little savage niglets going to do when they get bored of playing Madden 2021? They're going to go out looking for shit to steal or White people to mug. And because the police aren't arresting for anything less than outright murder, it's going to set a precedent for the savages among us: "We can do whatever we want."

We already see this in NYC and other states, where prisons are being emptied out for some reason. Instead of doing what we've always done when dealing with a contagion in a prison-like environment (which would be setting up a containment wing, where any symptomatic prisoners would be held until they recovered), they're just letting hundreds of violent savages back out onto the streets. Already saw a story about a taco nigger who was released, and now two weeks later, he's back in jail- for attacking a senior citizen, beating the shit out of him and stealing $80 from him.

Things are only going to escalate from here. This is just the beginning. People seem to have this notion that "everything will go back to normal within a few weeks"- no. You can't have 40 million+ people lose their jobs, hundreds of businesses shut down (or outright destroyed), and people forced to stay indoors and not socialize for MONTHS without long-lasting, far-reaching consequences.

In the future, if we're still around, we'll look back on this time as "the calm before the storm". The Covid Catastrophe will go down in history as one of the most defining events of mankind, perhaps greater than any war or natural disaster we've previously seen.

Nobody is really hurting just yet. Soon, though, people will get angry. And that's why my early advice was "arm yourself". There will be people who did not prepare that desperately need basic things that you have, and they will find out that you have it. And then they will mob up and come to try and take it from you.

Voatering4life ago

Yep. Mad max scenario-we are for sure headed to the digital currency but I thought we had more time. The deficit is worrisome but if Trump were to go to the gold standard or eliminate usury....you are correct a paperless society will be the death knell that we won’t be able to walk back.

This virus has sped up things in my opinion-most of it bad.

But I do see some light-celebrities getting sick (not that I care about them but as you can see-none of them are worried or exhibit any of the symptoms). There is some kind of signaling going on between them so something is up.

Also, the way Trump keeps mentioning the same states in certain groups as does Pence and then fake Fauci with all his states....something is def weird.

Crime is down where I live because of the stay at home orders in a city. Democrats buying guns show that they too figured it out. Not sure why NY has done any of the crap they have done regarding crime. It boggles the mind-looking for votes? Putting out a hit on Trump? Problem -Reaction -Solution?

I think pumping out the $ is Trump’s tactic to forestall the Madmax scenario-also to weed out the illegal businesses. I do think this whole thing came out of nowhere (as far as Trump is concerned) he is not buying any of it and is making lemonade out of lemons.

I appreciate your comments-valid and very probable outcome but there could be a twist yet. I am optimistic that way but have no valid reason since we know Epstein did not kill himself.

Shiva dude said the same thing-surveillance state...that part is very troubling.

Voatering4life ago

Thank you for this post!!!!!! Similar right when this started, I was telling people I refuse to believe all the scary stuff but I am buying rice just in case...They laugh and say ‘you are so funny’. And I say yes, but I am still stocking up...then I tell them not so sure we are gonna have access to fresh vege coming up so some frozen and canned veg...I know this is a sandbox and ‘minority report’ was forecasting for pre-crimes but I cannot give up.

Yes it was obvious he had another agenda also the Jordan Peterson character.

So is it your take, the fake money printing is gonna stop and it is gonna be a civil war amongst ourselves in the US? I am afraid it is hard to see the really big picture (although I think socialism is what this looks like).

You have a knack-you could do videos or write online (until we are completely censored.) Or just do an e-mail list....

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

unless he ends up being a secret cabal member.

That has seemed like the most likely scenario for several years now.

whatisbestinlife ago

"oh dont worry we are waging an invisible war"

Reinhart ago

"We have it all, but we can't actually tell you any of it cuz...um, like...you might go crazy and people might die or something. Yeah."


pby1000 ago

Agreed. It is a huge problem when I see normies suffering, especially friends and family. We signed up for this, but they did not.

Enough with this bullshit, Q. Fucking do something or get the fuck out of the way.

philmchawk ago

Kushner is a cabal member, look into blackrock, they own 6 TRILLION in assets, own most of the banks and majority stock in most large companies (yes google, facebook, amazon, microsoft on and on).

MolochHunter ago

Black Rock is purchasing assets on behalf of the Fed

Trump has taken one step to re-Nationalise the Fed. If he takes the second step, Kushner will have played a major role in destroying the creature from Jekyll island

Voatering4life ago

I want to believe but BlackRock is no angel. And I believe in looking at the company you keep-the alternative of Goldman is pure hell so I guess I am left with no choice....

philmchawk ago

Black Rock is purchasing assets on behalf of the Fed

Blackrock existed before then and had THE MOST ASSETS OF ANY COMPANY ON THE PLANET.

Trump has taken one step to re-Nationalise the Fed. If he takes the second step, Kushner will have played a major role in destroying the creature from Jekyll island

Hope you're right but from where i'm sitting it looks like he is moving that creature to blackrock and giving blackrock control of everything. Until he had completely nationalised the fed all he has done is making blackrock from the largest asset firm on the planet to the largest asset firm on the planet with the backing of the US government/military.

Mghorning ago

As I used to ask athiests; "if you dont believe, why does it piss you off so much"?

RoundWheel ago

Many atheists believe but are the anti-christian religion religion. They immorally lie and live only to destroy souls.

mixelplfft ago

For some it may not be religion that drives us. For me, I'm anti corruption. Simple as that. Fix that and we're good.

Mghorning ago

It's much bigger than that.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Read the part of my post about the psyop to neuter. If that is true and it doesn't piss you off, then there's nothing left to say to you.

EasterMorning ago

You are absolutely correct. Many people count on the military and government agencies to protect them. Q said “you and your families are safe” and anyone who has seen those around them die knows this was a lie.

This is no different than Weiner, Weinstein or Epstein’s cases to pacify the masses who are starting to figure out a few things but never quite understand the real Agenda and The Truth.

All three of them are members of the Knights of Pythias. Did Q ever tell you that? Why not? Does Q not know? Of course Q knows.

Q does share some partial truth. So does Infowars. So does Hollywood.

No one knows The Truth shared since The Beginning.

We are the most banned and censored of the entire Internet because of it.

SenateAnon was the Anon before Q - what did they say to “keep digging into”?

Did Q ever dig, or did Q spread partial truth with more disinformation as The Agenda is implemented.

Q and Trump know The Truth but will never Share The Truth they cannot allow The World to know. Q is a False Prophet. Jesus Christ and The Truth are the Only Way. Death and disinformation are not necessary. Everyone is being lied to.

Did the virus begin in the US on January 15th as you are being told?

Is that even possible for it to have spread so quickly? Were officials unaware of the damage it would cause?

Sustainability is the great Deception - it is Satan’s Ability.

What is the Mark of the Beast?

What is The Parousia?

cabalstone ago

This is the Parousia.

What is your shoe size?

HolePunch ago

thank you, this!