Submission that couldn't be tolerated and thus had to be deleted:
The ban list has grown exponentially over the course of a few hours:
And it wouldn't be complete comedy without Rensch claiming that @Johnny_Ninja is a shill:
Update: It gets better! Now Rensch has decided he has to justify his actions to the lemmings in his safe space, so he cherry-picks some bizarre dialogue between two young user accounts literally at the absolute bottom of the submission where nobody would even see it as his justification for censoring the entire submission and deleting it!
What a crock of shit. Notice this faggot posts it in the one place where nobody can disagree with him (without being banned). All he's done is prove GA is basically Reddit at this point where any dissenting opinion is not allowed. Pathetic.
Crensch running GA is exactly the same as James Comey running the FBI. Literally becoming the very thing they pretend to fight against.
P.S. Notice he countered Q being called a PSYOP in the subject of this submission by declaring everyone who disagrees with him is an "anti-Q PSYOP"? What's the old saying, "the jew cries out in pain as it strikes you"?
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Reinhart ago
How many users were banned from GA just from that thread?
notvirge ago
Check the user bans list for the past hour:
At this rate, only Rensch ults will even be posting in GA soon enough.
Rotteuxx ago
Wtf, isn't @CluelesInTheDark a Qtard ?
Reinhart ago
NO ONE questions the q. No one.
I'm sure q followers questioning the narrative pisses him off the most because that's heresy! Apostasy! Blasphemy!
Rotteuxx ago
INB4 Croonsch makes a post saying he's just obliterated an awakening shill cell.
Reinhart ago