twistedmac11 ago

Damn @Johnny_Ninja got banned from GA

ababcb ago

She was murdered along with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and even snopes doesn't deny it.

Look at Jem777's last post.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#104298) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@notvirge: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

rabbishekelwitz1488 ago

censorship is faggotry

Qpsyop2020 ago

Spread these facts far and wide Patriots we are being totally played and it's time to step up and let the larps freemason Trump and Qpsyop know we are on to them.

The Illuminati and their puppet minions amount to approximately under a thousand people. Patriots must rise up and stop them before they destroy this world. A few hundred Illuminati cabal satanist's vs millions of locked & loaded Patriots world wide i like our odds of winning the war, and with good planing and co-ordination it won't take long to do it. We the people know who the Illuminati figure heads are and where they live. Copy same for their puppets.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#104280) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@notvirge: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

LionElTrump ago

VOAT is filled with CIA, China Operatives, JIDF, and Pedophile shills + bot armies

I assume most of the hate the Q threads get are a majority of those listed before, or a few that have been fucked by their shill psyop.

But Q is an PSYOP, not all PSYOP's are negative, Q is the first POSITIVE PSYOP run on the American People. More people are learning how the 'real world' works/worked than anything, any one of you, have ever done to 'red pill' on a grand scale. The MSM can doxx anyone from anonymous reddit posters to posting pictures that trigger seizures but no one has been able to doxx 'Q"; why all of you twats are scared.

I wish @Puttitout would pick a few of the brigaded posts like; ; or any of you clowns would go through the 'ban' lists you are bitching about and spot some of the bots/shills that VOAT pretends isn't there, ShareBlue has been trying to get a grip on this social grooming site for a while.

Trusting the plan still here; despite your efforts. Everyone I know who voted Trump in 16 and those who didn't vote Trump in 16 are voting for him in 2020

You've been blown the fuck out by a larp and POTUS45

NotaQjackass ago

Nailed it!

NotaQjackass ago

Q is dog shit.

raver9876 ago

You are a jackass-bot.

kobold ago

burn, cia, burn

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#104262) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@notvirge: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

MongolianPaellaFish ago

There's nothing the Q cultists hate more than people who think for themselves.

sinclair ago

What is / GreatAwakening? I may have filtered that one out. /QRV is the only sub for things Q. Take your post there. It should be well received. Worst the Q-Psyop shills can do is downvoat it. You can't save slaves. Anyone going to / GreatAwakening is asking for abuse by the mods.

CrowUp ago

Yeah I just got banned. Qtards are finally realizing they've been fooled like the dumb fucks they are. Instead of saying "Hey we were wrong." They're just closing the hatches in the echo chamber and going into hiding.

Seriously, everyone one of you retarded Zion Don Q-fucks who smugly told the rest of us to wait and action wasn't necessary need to realize one thing:

You were the problem the whole fucking time.

Steelwarrior1 ago

Johnny was 100% fair and the Q bullshit needs to fuck off. There is no military open to save the USA without expelling all Jews to Israel or hell.

Horrux ago


Cannot be overemphasized.

I am glad more are seeing things the way I have been denouncing their HOPEFUL PASSIVENESS for a year now. For evil to win, good people need only do NOTHING. What do the Q-tards do? They get all the good people together and have them WAIT AND DO NOTHING.

It's finally getting clear to even the really dumb ones, but is it too late?

Steelwarrior1 ago

AND IT IS CONFIRMED, zero upcotes and 1 real Guy hanging around. So brother we invite you to know who we are and that Hyperboreans are here on Boat. We are organized and we are the oldest and strongest warriors left around. Your enemy, once you understand it is the Synarchy. This world? Is a trap, for us to free our brothers. Nwo is actually the WHITE BROTHERHOOD, their methods.... vile and worldwide.

NIMROD ON SYNARCHY! Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario and Gnostic Geopolitics

TheAntiZealot ago

Crensch running GA is exactly the same as James Comey running the FBI.

It's not "exactly the same."

GA isn't funded by the fact that you choose to part with a large portion of everything you own to avoid prison time.

spacelog ago

these tards are a net negative.

Qpsyop2020 ago

Think logically. Are Patriots really in control who are Freemason Donald J. Trump and Qpsyop really working for lets take a look at all the facts since POTUS took office & Qpsyop surfaced...

NEW UPDATES... (Including Bruce & Nellie Ohr & Justice Scalia)

George Soros Arrested & Prosecuted - FAIL

Rothchild's Arrested & Prosecuted - FAIL

Rockefeller's Arrested & Prosecuted - FAIL

Bill Gates Arrested & Prosecuted - FAIL

Hussein Shadow Government Stopped - FAIL

Dr. Fauci Demonrat NWO Cabal Operative - FAIL

Dr. Birx Demonrat NWO Cabal Operative - FAIL

Cancer Cures Revealed - FAIL

Poisonous Geoengineering Chemtrails Stopped - FAIL

Censorship of Conservatives Online Stopped - FAIL

9/11 Truth Revealed - FAIL

Democrat Voter Fraud Revealed - FAIL

Voter ID Laws In All U.S. States - FAIL

Toxic Vaccines Stopped - FAIL

Trump Signs Backs Cabal's 5G - Dangerous To Humans - FAIL

50 of 2000 Miles of Wall Built - FAIL

Healthcare Fixed - FAIL

Big Pharma Blocking Cures Stopped - FAIL

Big Pharma Drug Prices Substantially Slashed - FAIL

GOP Controlled House & Senate For 2 yrs - FAIL


Mass Arrests For Sedition & Treason - ZERO

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Corruption Classified Emails Scandal - FAIL

Benghazi Truth - FAIL

Bill Clinton Corruption Sex Crimes - FAIL

Clinton Foundation Investigation - FAIL

Clinton Body Count Investigation - FAIL

Clean Up of FBI DOJ CIA & NSA - FAIL

Clean Up of IRS Corruption - FAIL

Patriots In Control - BULLSHIT

Declass - FAIL


March Madness 2018 - FAIL

MSM Conspiracy Collusion Corruption Leaks Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

ET Disclosure - FAIL

Zero Point Energy Revealed - FAIL

Save General Flynn - FAIL

Alice In Wonderland - FAIL

Sessions Deep State Indictments - ZERO

Huber Deep State Indictments - ZERO

Barr Deep State Indictments - ZERO

Durham Deep State Indictments - ZERO

Trust Sessions - FAIL

Stealth Bomber - FAIL

Barr's DOJ Epstien Death In Prison - FAIL

ZERO Arrests Before Mid-Terms Demonrats Take Back House - FAIL

DNC Corruption Murder Coup - FAIL

Seth Rich Murder Investigation - FAIL

Red October – FAIL

Huber Has Everything – FAIL

Indictments After IG Report - FAIL

Podesta's Crimes - FAIL

General Mattis - FAIL

Central Banks In Bed With Drug Cartels Investigation - FAIL

Crowdstrike Corruption - FAIL

Stop Muslim Brotherhood - FAIL

Moves & Counter Moves - FAIL


C Before D - FAIL

Google Twitter & Facebook Dismantled - FAIL

Soros Media Matters Conspiracy Sedition - FAIL

Antifa Terrorist Groups Stopped - FAIL

Deep State Operative General Kelly - FAIL

Deep State Rat Reince Preibus - FAIL

Swamp Creature Jerome Powell Fed Chair - FAIL

Deep State Rat Dan Coats - FAIL

Deep State Operative General McMaster - FAIL

Hussein Deep State Holdovers Out of White House - FAIL

Hussein Deep State Loyalists Out of Gov Positions - FAIL

Bruce & Nellie Ohr Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Bruce Ohr Still Works For The DOJ - FAIL

Justice Scalia Murder Investigation - FAIL

Uranium One Investigation - FAIL

Bolton National Security - FAIL

Trust Wray - FAIL

Schumer Corruption Leaks Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Schumer Threats Against SC Justices - FAIL

Schiff Leaking Corruption Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Pelosi Leaking Corruption Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Nadler Corruption Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Stop Intelligence Leaks - FAIL

Joe Biden Burisma Corruption - FAIL

Hussein Sedition Treason Coup – FAIL

Hussein's Illegal Surveillance On Americans - FAIL

Maxine Waters Conspiracy Coup Treason - FAIL

Feinstein Chinese Spies Corruption - FAIL

False Testimony Kavanaugh Accuser Charged - FAIL

Brennan Sedition Treason Coup – FAIL

Clapper Sedition Treason Coup – FAIL

Mueller U1 Corruption Leaking Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Weisman Corruption Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Rosenstein Wear Wire Corruption Treason Coup - FAIL

Eric Holder Gun Running Murder - FAIL

McCabe Sedition Treason Coup – FAIL

Hollywood Pedos Stopped - FAIL

Missing Children Rescued - FAIL

Comey Corruption Leaking Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Constitutional Law Restored - FAIL

Politicians Running Sanctuary Cities Charged - FAIL

Illegal Mass Surveillance of Americans Stopped - FAIL

Stzrok Conspiracy Sedition Treason Coup – FAIL

Page Conspiracy Sedition Treason Coup – FAIL

Steele Conspiracy International Espionage – FAIL

Jim Baker Conspiracy Sedition Lying – FAIL

John Kerry Sedition & Treason - FAIL

Huma Abedin W/CAIR - FAIL

Donna Brazille Debate Crime - FAIL

Lynch Conspiracy Corruption Lying - FAIL

Susan Rice Murder Corruption Lying - FAIL

Jarrett Conspiracy Corruption Sedition Treason Coup - FAIL

Drain The Swamp - FAIL

Think logically...

Freemason Trump & Qpsyop are clearly live action role players working for the Illuminati NWO Cabal. Patriot sheep are being played. Soros and Gates have made past statements about mass population reduction vaccines and microchips. Soros and fellow cabalist Fauci have also made past statements about surprise pandemic's crashing the global economy and we have Soros and Gates both connected to the Chinese Wuhan Virus Lab. Trump and Qanon have failed to stop these evil cabal bastards and now look at the catastrophic state the world is now in with a pandemic out of control and people dying, people all around the world locked down, the world economy in full collapse and another great depression looming. Trump and Qanon are complicit and guilty of covering up aiding and abetting all of the above criminals. Only civil war against the satanic Illuminati NWO deep state cabal and their stooges will stop them.

All that’s needed for EVIL to triumph is for GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING!!

NotaQjackass ago

I'm stealing it also great job sir.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Don't forget Q's most hilarious prediction: 'Mid terms are safe.' My personal favourite!

Qpsyop2020 ago

Ya good one, mid terms are safe of course turned out to be watch zero arrests happen then the rats take back the house with speaker Nutzy Piglosi further tearing the country apart with her insane shenanigans.

Added thanks, if any one has any more additions let me know i will add them.

Thoutzan ago

There's many.

Here's one:



11 Nov 2019 - 7:56:17 PM

Indictments coming.



Interpreted by many qultists as Indictments would be unsealed by the end of 2019. And you know what had happened : nothing.

Horrux ago

Are you able to access /GreatAwakening ?

If not, one of us can crosspost it there and of course credit you. I'll do it if you've been lucky enough to get barred from that particular cesspool.

Qpsyop2020 ago

The douche bag moderators at GA MolochHunter & Crensch both deleted this post and banned me.

But sure, you can try if you like the truth needs to be out there thanks...

Horrux ago


RedMower ago

That's when I knew it was all a Hoax.

pueppp ago

Where do you start? Education, medical fields, energy, money. Theyve all been corrupted. Oust the corruption, return to the gold standard, abolish the fed. Release classified energy technologies that allow fossil fuels to continue to be relied on. Dismantle the monopolozrd zionist media. Stop subsidizing dependence on the government, allowing illegals to vote, flooding the country with migrants. Allow cures for cancer and other disease to exist by dismantling big pharma.

pueppp ago

Right well you better get better at identifying traitors because you're 0/1 right now....

pueppp ago

If you gave any shit about the white suicide epidemic you wouldn't be joking about it

pueppp ago

You're fucking retarded.....

pueppp ago

"I'm protecting the white race which is suffering from an epidemic of suicide by telling whites to suicide" lol ok

pueppp ago

Suicide rates are highest amongst white men. And yet here you are advocating for it? Which side are you on?

pueppp ago

you literally think because someone disagrees with your shit, that they should live stream suicide? What does that tell you about yourself as a human being? Like what kind of miserable hell do you live in?

pueppp ago

Regardless of which side on. It's clear to me that you're sick fucking people telling people to do that. Q real or not

pueppp ago


ElectricNigger ago

why did it take my post to start this?

twistedmac11 ago

From Voat's FAQ:

Will you censor comments and submissions?


While we don't necessarily approve or agree with all content that users submit to Voat, our policy is to not meddle and not censor content unless said content is illegal in the United States.

If a moderator (or moderators) are acting against the premise of the entire site, said moderator needs to go.

ProWrestling2020 ago

Go back to your old submissions, say 2.8 years ago. What do you find?

Who did Donald Trump make The Deal with?

Why was Q created?

twistedmac11 ago

I made 3 submissions at that time. One about SC Johnson heir getting let off the hook for pedophilia, which I'm assuming is what you're referring to, since you're wisconsin_is_corrupt. However, your continual posting of random questions without actually giving any info makes you no better than Q in my book. If you have Intel, post it. If not, I'm not interested in answering questions just to have you reply with more.

Crensch ago


A statement about what the admins will or will not do has fuck-all to do with what the moderators could, should, or can do.

Weak-minded little bitch that defends shills.

twistedmac11 ago

You're the weak-minded bitch who can't handle dissenting opinions in your echo chamber. Your self-righteousness is funny, though.

Crensch ago


There goes your attempted turn-around of "weak-minded". Go defend ESOTERICshade more as he befriends female PG researchers and asks them for squirting videos.

twistedmac11 ago

Lmao, you're still stuck on that? Jesus, you're like a woman harping on about something that happened over a year ago. Find some new material. I'm not going to keep talking in circles about that with you. Agree to disagree and move the fuck on. I also gave you my opinion on Q months (longer?) ago when you made your whole post inviting people to change your mind. You didn't respond. I'm not a big fan of repeating myself. Any of that or the ES stuff is available to be seen in my comment history. Have at it.

And I realize I never answered your statement from your previous comment: "A statement about what the admins will or will not do has fuck-all to do with what the moderators could, should, or can do."

Your sub falls under the larger umbrella that is Voat. When the site literally says "Our policy is to not meddle and not censor content unless said content is illegal in the United States", that is the site's policy. If you, as a moderator on the site, act against the site's policy, you should be removed. The entire premise of Voat is free speech and you're blatantly disregarding that.

Crensch ago

Find some new material.

I don't have to. You defended someone that helped doxx PG researchers off the site. That stain doesn't have a statute of limitations.

twistedmac11 ago

Again, not gonna go in circles with you about old shit.

Crensch ago

That's you. You don't want history to show back up. You defended him. That's a fact.

twistedmac11 ago

Again, not gonna go in circles with you about old shit.

Crensch ago

"Old shit"

Leftist doesn't like its own words and actions being brought up.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Fuck off you demonic asshole. We will fuck up what little you have left, asshole.

twistedmac11 ago

We've already gone over all of that. Refer to previous conversations. Again, not gonna go in circles with you about old shit. If that's all you're gonna do, I'm out.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

@crensch is realizing that nobody takes him serious anymore and its starting to fuck with his mind. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.


Horrux ago

We need to find out who is doing that.

twistedmac11 ago

Go check the logs for GA and you'll see who. Banning users without giving a reason, deleting comments, etc. Straight up censorship. Then attacks users who call them out.

Qpsyop2020 ago

At Great Awakening -------> MolochHunter and Crensch.

Long live free speech.

MikeNelson ago

Calling it a psyop just allows them to continue their delusional fantasy. Makes it sound so much more dramatic, makes them seem so much more important. It’s just part of the fantasy, stop calling it that. Somebody played a trick on them. That’s it. An elaborate hoax. 99.9% of the world saw it for what it was, it’s not impressive, it wasn’t clever, it wasn’t well disguised, stop playing into their fantasy.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Looks to me like borders work really well.

Diggernicks ago

Evade bans and continue trolling

CheeBooga ago

wow. I am not really shocked at all.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

I got banned from there this week as well

ruck_feddit ago

@crensch is a crippled faggot. This will come as no surprise to all goats.

olltre ago

so whats the deal with Rensch, was he ever actually picked by Q to be a mod, or how did he end up in this position anyway? if he was ordained by Q then thats a huge red flag in its own right.

notvirge ago

@Rotteuxx @Sir_Ebral

A user requests a history lesson.

Rotteuxx ago

Where should I start... @olltre


There once was a thot named @Srayzie

She adored attention.

The more she got, the more she went crazy.

She was a fat jewess

She couldn't stay in her land, she had to venture about.

Ignoring caution

Shitposters extended their hand, she joined them to party out.

Embracing madness.

She befriended the wrong people, she could only cry wolf.

He rose to the occasion

He gobbled his schnitzel, time to act like Dolph!

As Judah is his witness

He jabbed at a troll, I've killed him he claimed.

But it was only fiction.

She then paid the toll, a shitposter you can only maim.

They were witless.

She was defeated, her knight stood in denial.

Fed by delusion.

His autism unimpeded, he took the sub for its survival.




DuHast ago

Not only that but they are banning members that where subscribed to GA that commented in that thread.

23374942? ago

Srayzie founded the sub, showed him her boobs, then he started white knighting for her and doing whatever she said. @Crensch is just the mouthpiece for a married slut with multiple DUIs

heygeorgesoros ago

The LARP is finally falling apart? Thank god!

UltimateEasterEgg ago

Q and the Great Awakening spawned from Pizzagate in order to Hide The Truth and string everyone along while The Agenda moved forward.

Who was the Anon before Q? It was SenateAnon.

What did SenateAnon say to “keep digging into”? Why didn’t Q ever “dig”?

Why did the moderators lie about not removing comments? Look at the removed comments link on Great Awakening - does it say they were “self deleted” as the moderators claimed, or does it say they were “deleted by Crensch”?

Who is the Most Censored and Banned of All on Pizzagate - look at the list of Banned Users - what do You see?

We are not a bot - why would they claim that? We expose Luciferian pedophiles - why would they claim the opposite?

What did @ababcb figure out? What did @MercurysBall2 figure out? What did @notvirge figure out? What did @Johnny_Ninja question?

Why are Austin and Majestic 12 not Trustworthy? Where were the majority of Majestic 12 from? What happened on Admiral Byrd’s expeditions? What is the significance of ancient formations and civilizations? What did they know about the Path of Souls?

What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development?

How is The Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability)?

Does Q not know how Epstein, Schumer and Weiner are all connected with NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias?

Does Q not know how Jared Kushner is connected with the Knights of Pythias?

Does Q not know how Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting?

Does Q not know what the Path of Souls is?

Does Trump not know he made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with a family of Luciferian pedophiles directly connected with the real definition of Pizzagate?

Does Q not know how FLW and The Fellowship are connected with NXIVM?

What did Jesus Christ warn of and promise to The World?

What is The Truth visible to all in the cloud?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What is The Parousia?

He is Risen.

ababcb ago

Why are Austin and Majestic 12 not Trustworthy? Where were the majority of Majestic 12 from?

Austin Steinbart was just arrested and sent the looney bin so I really can't figure out what the significance of this guy is. The majority of Majestic 12 were from Wisconsin but I don't know why they aren't trustworthy.

What is the significance of ancient formations and civilizations?

I don't know but I noticed the vast majority of native american mounds were build near a source of water, at least in Wisconsin.

What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development?

How is The Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability)?

Oh I never caught that. So the fixation on "17" in the Q movement was really a hidden signal that Q is part of Agenda 21?

GOAL 1: No Poverty = Control currency?

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger = Control all food supplies

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being = Control healthcare

GOAL 4: Quality Education = Control education

GOAL 5: Gender Equality = Control men through control of women

GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation = Control all sources of water

GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy = Control all sources of energy

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth = Control all employment opportunities

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure = Control all industry. Control all infrastructure. Control innovation.

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality = Destroy the middle class

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities = Control consumption

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production = Control consumption

GOAL 13: Climate Action = Control consumption

GOAL 14: Life Below Water = Control all movement on water

GOAL 15: Life on Land = Control all movement on land

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions = Enforcement

GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal = Creation of a class of controlled, privileged elites.

That's my guess at least.

Does Trump not know he made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with a family of Luciferian pedophiles directly connected with the real definition of Pizzagate?

Is this the Johnson family?

jbo5112 ago

Sounds like the sub is falling apart, which is good. Voat has too many Q subs.

Q himself has been busy on 8kun.

LionElTrump ago

Agree with that, divide and conquer

MongolianPaellaFish ago

'No outside comms' didn't last long, did it?

Steelwarrior1 ago

Why all the downvotes???? Their narrative is shit.

LionElTrump ago

Your shill notes must of left out the part that one VOAT sub was mentioned in a Qrumb

notvirge ago

Why do you guys always capitalize Voat?

offender ago

Isn't 8kun that one DOD website?

fuckthis123 ago

Yes. Remember the hearing with the owner?

wanderingblade ago

Funny how outside their gay subs comments like yours are 100% upvoated

notvirge ago

Walled garden effect.

Walled garden.. .. OH, I get it now! @Rotteuxx

Glipglup ago

Bro there's like 50 people on this site it's not that important.

Thoutzan ago

I ll pay $5 for that.

Thoutzan ago



I knew this would come when Qew posted that "stoppu date fagging" post, like Qew himself isn't the biggest fking datefaggot ever.

pueppp ago

What questions did the post ask exactly? Because it'd be hard to get rid of it for asking "too many questions", ya know if it didn't ask any questions......

StanWildman ago

8kun is an absolute dogshit site but i decided to be patient and check the status a couple days ago

Boomers are waking up and they are fucking pissed

ketoll ago

I woke up one day to find that I couldn't even post there. I messaged the moderators and they ignored me.

notvirge ago

Notice he does it in their heavily curated safe space where the only people who can reply are those who don't speak up. It's basically Reddit at this point where any dissenting opinion to the circle-jerk is banned.

Reinhart ago

Indeed. It's like the internet equivalent of North Korea: everyone here is happy, see! (because we got rid of all the ones willing to say otherwise)

Totally not a cult lmao

twistedmac11 ago

It's like the internet equivalent of North Korea

I just had that thought earlier today!


Rule Violation in v/GreatAwakening: Other

What a fucking clown. He doesn't even try to justify it.

notvirge ago

All pretense is gone at this point.

oneinchterror ago

Nice. Well, I definitely look forward to seeing it.

HateCumbuckets ago

Hey @crensch you're a piece of shit. You have turned into what you used to fight against.

Go back to reddit censor fag.

Heebro ago

his neck belongs in a guillotine where is an angry mob when you need them

notvirge ago

Plot twist, he was a plant all along.

Voatering4life ago

Agree. I got banned for calling him an AI. At this point - the GA is a a circle jerk keeping the troops motivated for nothing! Total BS.

CheeBooga ago

That's the conclusion I came to 5 years ago

notvirge ago

I guess kevdude was right.

CheeBooga ago

nah bullshit. Kev was on their side against me for a while. He flipped later. I like Kev, now, but did not back then. Srayzie, Crensch and all of her knights fought against little ol' me. I was slappin bitches down left & right, cuttings paths of carnage. Nobody saw it till I did. Now everyone sees it.

HateCumbuckets ago

Doubtful. Just a weak simp who crumbled over a fucking woman.

@crensch has probably heard all the disabled insults, so I'm gonna say something he has never heard before...

@crensch I love you

Cat_anon ago

At a glance, many of those banned seem to have brand new accounts.

notvirge ago

What does that have to do with deleting the entire submission?

pueppp ago

You're crying censorship and he's banning accounts that are obviously new/fake. Bottom line if you hate GA so much why the fuck do you care about if you can post in it or not? We know.....

Tallest_Skil ago

Get your fucking Q-LARPing spam off this website. We don’t want to see it on any other board. We don’t want to see you on any other board. Stay in your little cult containment area and fuck the hell off, you degenerate subhuman race traitor jew worshippers.

pueppp ago

Hahahahahahahaha haha

Yea you're so off the mark it's laughable

Tallest_Skil ago


Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on an imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. It’s going to explicitly release real data, with citations, directly from a source. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… TWO AND A HALF ENTIRE YEARS early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? TWO AND A HALF ENTIRE YEARS of waiting is TWO AND A HALF ENTIRE YEARS to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Even if Q-LARP is a real “organization” of a sort, everything it says points to the action as being nothing more than “Part A of the ZOG wants to do something Part B of the ZOG doesn't.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing, and there haven’t been any other riots in the last two and a half years. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend TWO AND A HALF ENTIRE YEARS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening around the world, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 75 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?


pueppp ago

So I was going to, and then I couldn't because you and your faggy patrol downvoated me so much it restricted my comment allowance. You're a giant twat, no one is going to take the time to address your novel. If you want convinced do your own research and quit being such an inflammatory faggot

Tallest_Skil ago

You literally had your chance already. Go find another website to spam. No one wants you here.

do your own research

I did. Your god’s a hoax. I proved it two and a half years ago. Never post here again. You’re not welcome.

pueppp ago

What's up you fucking kike, still out here shilling hard or is the evidence mounting too much against you? PS go fuck yourself

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you proved that my god is a jewish hoax

[replying to a three month old thread]

Holy shit, imagine being this subhuman. You literally had your chance already. Go find another website to spam. No one wants you here. Your god’s a hoax. I proved it two and a half years ago. Never post here again. You’re not welcome.

pueppp ago

Couldn't figure out how to pm your dumbass, how you doing over there losing the fight big queer?

Tallest_Skil ago

Q-LARPer too stupid to figure out PMs

or to simply reply to a newer post

decides to reply WITHOUT ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS to a three month old post

Holy shit, imagine being this subhuman. You literally had your chance already. Go find another website to spam. No one wants you here. Your god’s a hoax. I proved it two and a half years ago. Never post here again. You’re not welcome.

notvirge ago

He deleted the entire submission. That's straight censorship.

pueppp ago

Oh right so this is a righteous endeavor against the evils of censorship, and not a lame attempt to color GA as a psyop? You're lame, we get it.

notvirge ago

How quickly you've backpedaled after the obvious flaw with your poorly veiled damage control post.

I assure you, I'm terribly hurt you've decided I'm "lame". Terribly!

pueppp ago

How much do they pay you fags to make these halfwit attempts at discrediting Q related information? Moreover, how are they so good at targeting self righteous retards who think they're so fucking smart.....a mystery of the ages

notvirge ago

That's your argument? You're so out of your league I'm embarrassed for you.

@Rotteuxx @Sir_Ebral check this one out.

pueppp ago

"poorly veiled damage control post" looool

What the fuck are you even talking about. I'm just asking questions my goodness you are retarded

notvirge ago

I'm just asking questions my goodness you are retarded

You've asked a single question, and it was just a personal attack because you have no real argument.

So emotional. Must be a woman.

pueppp ago

My question "why are you so concerned with posting in a sub you disagree with?" Is a personal attack? Lol again

notvirge ago

Oh, so you're going to outright lie now and pretend you didn't accuse me of being paid to post? The words you just wrote are nowhere in this dialogue at all.

This really is a pointless conversation if all you are going to do is lie. Must be just another Rensch alt.

Rotteuxx ago

Could be a wamyn, lots of Qtards are dried up boomers.

pueppp ago

You fucking autists are so god damn cringey its unreal

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You're crying censorship and he's banning accounts that are obviously new/fake.

↑ 5 month account with 23 CCP saying this...

notvirge ago

It's a Rensch alt, probably. Similar writing style, near identical non-arguments.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I see some of the standard cult-speak, but they probably all make an effort to toe the cultural and ideological line. Some of their slogans are designed to shape their behavior into doing so, Patriot.

Where we go one we go all = Follow the cult programming.

pueppp ago

And if you read my comments there will be no clear agenda ...... Because there isn't one

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'd argue that the 23 CCP essentially makes it a fresh unused account. Not going to read your comments, but Never mind, you actually have more than a page of comments.

if you read my comments there will be no clear agenda

I looked at a few and they're mostly shilling for the Q psyop. How do you feel about being the mirror-image of an Obama-worshiper? "But it's different bullshit they're feeding us!"

pueppp ago

There is no clear agenda because there isn't one. You're applying your view to my comments, and you're entitled to your opinion, even though it's wrong.

Smokybubbles ago

Do you really think you have free speech anywhere?


You do on voat, as long as you stay away from @crensch subs

HistoryRhymes ago

^ mostly accurate

NotaQjackass ago

Bunch of jackasses

ElvisP ago

You'd think a group that fancies itself as fighting the deep state pedophiles and saving the world wouldn't have such thin skin and be able to handle a little criticism on the internet

i_scream_trucks ago

as if he would do anything else

hillaryisanigger ago

20 bucks says the kikes false flag the qtards between now and the election.

NicotinicAcid ago

They even banned me. Crench is a shill / man in black. Outright trying to misdirect all these GA people, it's sickening.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

I'm going with weak, uneducated retard.

oneinchterror ago

Ooohhh you've gotta share that someday.

HiJoker ago

Voat blows up jews in perpetuity so being they're zionist fags, that's too much for them. If they get red pilled, then they have to deal with the black pilling, divide-n-conquer, hey fellow white people, shill operatives bullshit. That's a lot for noobcakes to swallow.

This is a perfect place to dissolve a moment you start as a glow nigger. It's like Forrest Gump running through nigger neighborhoods until nobody's following behind him. The denizens will solve the problem.

Frankly I'm excited to meet you all in the gulag. This only ends one way. The Qtards will be quivering over in the corner of course, trying to blow the guards. They're so clumsy, they keep falling down.

AR47 ago

Here is what will happen.

In a week or two some member of the greatawaking sub (that is very active) will suggest a splinter from the group as they are making their own....mods will hand together and act as if it isn't a thing and that their position is secure....they won't ban nor will they encourage said person who is pretty much creating sedition.

A new group will begin that takes members of both sides and puts them against one another, and they won't realize it is actually moderators. Then suddenly a moderator will side with the splintering faction and bring with them some juicy drama of inside knowledge.

Something that can be seen as nefarious, but once explained is harmless. This will break the group of Q supporting more and more until it is pretty much just the same 3 people with 90 accounts.

The ones that created Q have long left with bags and bags of cash.... seriously they are doing appearance less and less with the movement because they need a new cash cow and can't string it anymore.

Notice how Q was very specific a couple years ago.....during the massive influx they had pictures and it is just worthless?

Just watch and see. Been on voat for all these years, since whoaverse and I watched this play over and over.....don't be mad because it happens, just learn from it people and watch for the signs to prevent it again....if you want.

Heebro ago

demoralization campaign

Thoutzan ago

I think you are dead right.

Same drama already happened on r_donald, r_conspiracy, r_GA, and three Qew boards on voat.

Reinhart ago


How many users were banned from GA just from that thread?

Voatering4life ago

I was one of them. I am not even offensive. I still believe in freedom of speech even when I hate what is being said.

Thoutzan ago

What's more astonishing to me is the number of mods that tiny board has.

I m sure there's more mods than actual people there.

JurgenKay ago

What's more astonishing is how many posts there are about a 'tiny board' and what it discusses. It's almost like they're onto something somebody doesn't want discussed.

Reinhart ago

Holy dogshit, I never bothered to look before. It's like the requirements to be a mod there are:

  1. Be a qtard

anamazonslittle ago

I didn't get the ban :( now blocking then seems less meaningful.

Reinhart ago

Gotta try harder!

twistedmac11 ago

It just took me one comment lol. He banned me and deleted my comment like a bitch.

Reinhart ago

He's hilariously inconsistent. A previous account of mine was banned for a comment made on an entirely different sub after months of fucking with GA.

Rotteuxx ago

I got benned for saying Bye to @Srayzie in her whining post.

Reinhart ago

"BuT yOu SaId It SaRcAsTiCaLlY"

twistedmac11 ago

I can't wait til all the Qtards wake up to his bullshit.

Reinhart ago

Same. They won't though; they're happy to follow blindly any anonymous internet "leader"

notvirge ago

Check the user bans list for the past hour:

At this rate, only Rensch ults will even be posting in GA soon enough.

Voatering4life ago

Moloch hunter is one of those alt’s or a twin. What I don’t get is they have long responses within 3 seconds of my post. Strange days.

NicotinicAcid ago

Fucking crazy.

Reinhart ago

It's neat how he doesn't even bother giving a reason for the bans.

Rotteuxx ago

Wtf, isn't @CluelesInTheDark a Qtard ?

Reinhart ago

NO ONE questions the q. No one.

I'm sure q followers questioning the narrative pisses him off the most because that's heresy! Apostasy! Blasphemy!

Rotteuxx ago

INB4 Croonsch makes a post saying he's just obliterated an awakening shill cell.

Reinhart ago

Lol yeah, he'll justify it with some q language and act like all the banned users were "omg u guis they was totally SHAREBLUE and paid by SOROS!"

He'll pat himself on the back (figuratively speaking, of course).

His followers will eat it up.

iwantoff ago

I mean at least Q posted video of Hillary eating Haitian babies on Epstein island. And now I know about Microsofts Easter commerical with the spirit cooking witch and how Zuckerbergs sister in law eats humans. I would've never put all the peeices together with out him. Now I am ready. Thank Q, May lord have Mercy on their souls... because I won't. LET'S ROLL!

LevelRelationship ago

Wish I could say I was surprised.

Rotteuxx ago

I hope it's not because I saluted OP in a post :(

Capt'n Croonsch would definitely label him a pedo because of that.

CIA-AgentGuadeloupe ago

We trained Crensch pretty well. He knows when to cut and run to curate his echo chamber.

If it's any consolation, it does appear he has to spend most of his time censoring content, ostensibly under the pretense of "defending the integrity of the community".

It's no small irony, and probably lost on very few, that he's behaving exactly the same way as the US Government institutions their movement proclaims to be fighting against. Ironic, isn't it?

gloam_lurker ago

You don't think he floats out here on another account? I'm almost positive he does.

Rotteuxx ago

It is an infinitely small consolation indeed.

Why don't you guys just unplug his wheelchair batteries until he fixes his mess?

CIA-AgentGuadeloupe ago

That's not really how it works. You burn 'em or kill 'em, but you don't risk being caught guiding them. He's on his own - and he's doing a great job burning his credibility without our help.

DarkRonin ago

Too much reality for the LARPers to handle

RedMower ago

Done by Easter.Hmmm.