23410718? ago

Those are the accounts and alts affiliated with or belonged to the SBBH. If you are interested in the info, there is a comment that provided a very short list of things they have done.

Ever wondered which group regularly spams in QRV and other subverses?

23411288? ago

Most of those links no longer work. But IF what was said in this post is true crensch should not be in charge. We cannot support censorship. It's wrong, its against what WE stand for.

23411941? ago

Most of those links no longer work. But IF what was said in this post is true crensch should not be in charge. We cannot support censorship. It's wrong, its against what WE stand for.

So I have heard many times. @Crensch does what needs to be done and he does it well. Those trolls and goblins want to reee can and will continue to reee. Previous mod was repeatedly doxxed and was forced off Voat by SBBH group. Yet, very few people stood up to them. Now rinse and repeat on @Crensch, with multiple attempts to force him off this platform. You cannot see the big picture, I do not blame you. There are other subverses for you to choose from, such as QRV. I like GA, because it is moderated and I do not need to see those degenerate/shitpost submissions everyday. Whichever the subverses you decide, the choice is yours.

Remember to switch archive.fo to archive.li or archive.vn, the links should work fine.

23412151? ago

It's not his choice to decide what needs to be done and I think that's the whole point. That is not free speech. I do not support that kind of attitude even though I hate the trolls just as much but I think they are right on this one.

23381582? ago

I don't like the way Crensch runs things there but this is a shill post from a board full of worthless shills. Interesting it has 168 upvotes as of this writing. I didn't know there were so many brain dead zombies here on Voat.

23381448? ago

No, they are just trying to smear @Crensch, which they do relentlessly.

Thank God he stays strong and pushes back.

Shillbots gonna shill.

23411998? ago

:-) At least you get it.

23381431? ago


23381398? ago

Crensch is jewish.

23381295? ago

@Crensch fighting the good fight.

Watch the shillbots cry and whine.

23381265? ago

Why? A group of people can't control the content in their own subverse?

23381300? ago

too many faggots going over there and downvote brigading