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usmcProud1183 ago

You're all becoming unhinged and tyrants. You can't just call out people for free speech or thoughts. This is unjust and unfair you MODERATORS are acting like the deep state "you only do and post how we want you too" hmmm kinda like communist China...

Crensch ago

Why don't you build up a sub with a subject matter that many don't want you talking about. You can allow that kind of submission and then because you allow it that's what wines up dominating the front page until all of your users decide to go elsewhere.

You apparently know nothing about how many alts they have, how many illegitimate votes they can use...

You don't know how forum cointel works.

Because of ungrateful and unaware users like you, the people on this website that I can prove support and defend pedophiles are busy celebrating the fact that this post was a double bind for me.

Either I let it go and they continue to infiltrate by pushing that narrative and telling me to take a back seat because I've already let one go through or I remove it and everyone gets to have a good time again. Except for people like you who seem to not understand that there's a war going on right here under your nose.

If you don't like what I'm doing there are two other subs you can go to and you can keep your complaints to yourself. If you had a clue about what's going on I might consider your words, but you clearly don't.

usmcProud1183 ago


You sound like a sissy bitch

Crensch ago

And you sound like a beta that can't admit when he's ignorant on the subject, so you have to pretend that you know what you're talking about at all times.

usmcProud1183 ago

Admendment #1

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Crensch ago

There you go. Fight for their right to post that in here constantly. Look at those up votes. They can plaster our front page with exactly that. They could do so with impunity if you were in charge.

You would take away our right to peaceably assemble and our right to speak and have our own place to do so in favor of their right to shit all over this sub.

You would fight for the rights for their paid-for narratives and fake 2nd and 3rd and 4th and hundredth accounts. You would fight for the rights of illegal aliens.

If that's what you truly believe, you're not a patriot, you're a wannabe that doesn't understand the Constitution.