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Maggotbait88 ago


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Lawyer77 ago

Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. Traitor.

P80 ago

Your greatest problem was your trying to define a narrative, more than just moderating. Comes with ownership, I suppose.

Don_Tomaso ago

Give the sub to someone:

1: Not living in the US. Eastern europe would be best since globalism and its shills are shot on sight there.

2: That does not have kids.

webster_warrior ago

Keep that 19 under your pillow.

TippyHome ago

I am going to miss you. You had nothing but admiration from me. We knew they would come for us. The ds took our country away like the old story of the frog and the boiling water- the pot was almost boiling in October 2016, and a miracle happened! You know you were a big part of that miracle over on pg, and then, on ga. Take care of yourself. And, don’t let the b/st/rds get you down!

MuckeyDuck ago

Now that the winters come and gone, I'll say good-bye
Now that the summers coming on, I'll say good-bye
I'm not the first man or the last, to have a thirst to leave the past
So now that the summer rain is falling, I'll say good-bye

For every star that falls to earth a new one glows
For every dream that fades away, a new one grows
When things are not what they would seem, we must keep following our dream
So know while my heart is still believing, I'll say good-bye

Love is a sweet thing, held a moment, and caught in a golden eye
We can borrow, but never own it, after awhile it says, Good-bye - Walt Whitman

From old memory, so forgive mistakes.

MuckeyDuck ago

Send me you priv email? Let me know where you moving?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Thank you @srayzie and sorry I downgraded to lurk mode during some of this. I had no idea the pressure you (or anyone here) was facing.

Stay safe, decompress, know that what you did is incredibly valuable.

Thank you!

Optional_Reading ago

If you really feel threatened do not be afraid to arm and protect yourself if your life or loved ones are in danger.

kazza64 ago

dude i am so sorry nobody can blame you for doing what is best for your familys safety

swimkin ago

Wow... so sorry that you are being attacked in this matter. Yes, you are over the target. Even though you may not realize it, many of us do appreciate the work that goes into running this site. Your postings were great. Please come back after a break or come back under a new name. I, for one, will miss your coherent posts.

Peanuttles ago

Thank you for what you've done here. I check in every day. I've seen the shills come in. Will continue to upvote and ignore the shills. See you on the other side. God speed!

CokeOrPepe ago

Thank you for your service Srayzie. You have built this sub into a wonderful resource, and you are a wonderful contributor. I hope to converse with you in the future, whether we know it or not.

RedWhiteBlue17 ago

Family first. Much gratitude for your sacrifice. We will carry on with the fight. Catch you when there is more light than darkness.

BCKeeper ago

I visit and contribute to the sub, on a near daily basis. I will be leaving the sub as it appears the attacks on the site seems to be winning. Sad, Thank you Srayzie for all you have done, it is a sad day. I wish you all the best.

SearchVoatBot ago

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mintmachine ago

Very sad to see you go, @srayzie. I understand. Thank you for all your time , effort and determination. you are one of the best

TexasDeplorable ago

God bless you for all you have done and will continue to do, the safety of your family is most important. Protect the children. That, in large part is what this entire Plan has been about, the children. Being wise is not giving up. Thank you for all your sacrifice. WWG1WGA...

BraunF14 ago

Look I may not be one to talk because I'm not involved at all. I do hope however that you and/or your friends see this: I don't downvoat unless it's illegal CP or spam. I'm downvoating your shit goodbye post. Begone. Leave. Go. Don't even make this post. It's despicable. You've brought shame on voat with your shitty antics and so has every other "power user" that let all this drama happen. I can't believe a little bitch fit ended up with our sites admin having to get involved. I still don't fully understand what exactly went down but you and your associates in the matter have broken every single unwritten rule on Voat.

You made this place a laughing stock for God knows how long because a bunch of soft, weak, sensitive fucks decided to have a little spat. I hope you go forever so we can have some fucking peace here again. I'm sure the drama will show it's face again because everyone else that contributed to this little battle of yours is still here. Fuck off. You all suck. Leave us alone. We're better than that shit.

And as a little side note, take all your crazy tinfoil hat wearing, paranoid, ultra conspiracy theorist with you. Voat was better without your extra traffic and lack of good memes. Q doesn't exist. You've been played. Grow up. Grow up. GROW UP.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


POTM333 ago

I changed my mind srayzie. You are a light and you can’t let them put you out. WE are behind you all the way (us real humans) and you need to keep shining. Shine, shine, shine. It’s what you were meant to do.

It’s what we were all meant to do. Take a much needed break from the shills. We’ll be here when you get back ♥️

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

One must learn to see through the illusion lens and see through the realeyes of NOW. Now you are perfect in yourself you must own yourself and stay out of the realms of others artificial projections. Words can only blow smokey emotions. Can't and quit is the two things one must never do. My father was and Army medic and he would say "can't and quit are the two things I delete out of my program so my fear can't find them.. Your garden is where you are without emotion. Emotion is EGO Edging God Out. DO NOT!!! You are the creator of your world and not another.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Thank you Srayzie so much for defending Q. Respect your decision. Family first. Prayer Warriors unite in agreement and lift her name up to the Lord.

Telern56 ago

Srayzie, thank you. You have helped so much more than you know. May our Heavenly Father, guide, protect and cover you in His grace.

Locknltx ago

Over the target, Srayzie. Take care and God bless.

stormymonday ago

Srayzie, just come back under another name don't leave you don't have to do that, Leave as Srayize but don't leave altogether?

lifeduringwartime ago

FIDO, Semper Fi

Free4ever ago

Thank you for your service!

Plan1988 ago

Absolutely stellar work 🇺🇸 @Srayzie.

Huge Contributor MAGA 🇺🇸

💥 👍 💕📣 🇺🇸 THANK YOU💕. 📢 💥

Justice-Formidious ago

You are consistently OVER TARGET! You are doing a fantastic job IMO!

zaakir1 ago

God bless - good luck on all your future endeavors!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It has nothing to do with the Q movement and everything to do with your own ego and their entertainment.

Declass---->Horowitz--->Huber. Slow walking it.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

Sorry to see you leave. Good luck in the future!

summerwind_US ago

@srayzie, tho we only had a couple of back-and-forths, and I'm mostly a lurker, I always considered you a friend. You will be missed. All the best, and I hope your life takes a turn for the better now. Maybe we'll see you around again, when the world changes.

usmcProud1183 ago

Thanks patriot God bless you and yours

petevoat ago

Look at this bullshit here I got about @crensch being some sort of psyop:

Why they posted in QRV is beyond me. This confirms there's a dedicated group trying to stir shit and get /greatawakening btfo

IGNORE, that's it!

Bee4Q ago

Wtf is going on? Sorry, I freaking work most of the day and only lurk to inform myself mostly. Trying to understand....

FirstDamsel ago

So sad to say goodbye-thanks for the help you gave me as I was just starting out here. All the Best to you and your family-may we all get together somewhere soon to celebrate your hard work and dedication. God bless and Godspeed. WWG1WGA. 💖

Bee4Q ago

Thank you for all your hard work and God bless you and the kids.

RiiDERinthestorm ago

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Thank you for your service to humanity.

rickki6 ago

Stay safe and be well. Sorry you are experiencing this WWG1WGA

scoopadoop ago

Taking flak

Over the target

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You say your kids lives were threatened, where exactly did that happen?

You are saying you are under attack, where exactly is that happening?

You are saying the mods are under attack, where exactly is that happening?

You made some posts questioning the hoax that's called the Holocaust so I imagine that would incite the more subversive people in these parts. I get you got doxxed. But don't be vague, you might as well call things out directly at this point.

Crensch ago

Her comment history is still up.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

There is no need to be cryptic, just state what the issues are.

This individual has already been doxxed, not like she can be super-doxxed at this point. Might as well embrace it.

Crensch ago

You can find all of the answers to your questions in her comment and submission history. I don't see what is cryptic about that. She's not here to respond, herself.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You clearly seem to understand the issue so why not just state it? Probably no more than a cut/paste for you at this point.

Crensch ago

No, I'm afraid not. The answer is multiple places to each question.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

So in other words this is just an amateur conniption fit and there's not a good explanation.

You have a good post history so best of luck with this subverse.

Crensch ago

I don't understand where you're getting the idea that this is some kind of conniption fit. You asked questions and I provided you with the information needed to find the answers. What part of that is me doing something that should be looked down upon?

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I have nothing negative to say about yourself, aside from you being evasive for whatever reason. You asked me to read the post history of someone who had 1000s of posts for some pretty simple questions, that isn't realistic.

I didn't even ask you specifically, I just asked what happened. If you don't want to answer that's fine, maybe someone else will.

Crensch ago

Alright, please re ask your question and I will attempt to answer it without telling you to go to her comment history

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

What exactly happened that made this moderator leave? If she had been doxxed, what further threat was she under?

She claims her family was threatened, was an actual threat made or was it simply a suspicion she had?

Who do you suspect of organizing against your sub to dox your moderation team? If so, what course of action do you recommend

It would be helpful if there was a little more clarity on exactly what's going on. You know as well as I do that the alpha posters on this forum have seen more than a few subverses go throw this type of drama and it all gets tiresome after a while.

Crensch ago

Physical harm. Further dox. Actual threats. Some SBBH members. Disappear when they get too close.

I'm not going anywhere. This place is safe.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Their goal is to Tire you out.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Fair enough. Putt should nuke that subverse, free speech doesn't mean giving a foothold to the enemy.

Crensch ago

What's done is done.

starseedwakeup ago

Make a new account with a different name.

pepefrogjr ago

@srayzie Hope u stay in voat and interact with us through alt account as anonymous.

NotaQjackass ago

Come back Shane! Come back!


You've done some excellent work here, srayzie. Thank you.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

You named the Jew it was bound to happen

Backoftheqanon ago

Bye Srayzie, will miss our little impromptu exchanges of info in your post comments. As moderator you have been heroically fighting the good fight and doing a fantastic job, you will be sorely missed. But you gotta do what's right for you and your family, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. As Q says, this movement is bigger than most realise and I am sure you hand us over to to a very honourable replacement.

God speed and here's to lifting that celebration glass when the REAL war is won!

albatrosv15 ago

That's what a woman does, right? Flee when not secure.

angelCole ago

God bless you, I will pray for you and your family and of course your safety. Family is the most important thing especially your children. Take care and maybe someday when things calm down you can come back.

Modernminuteman ago

If there is anything we can do for you and your family let us know. WWG1WGA! God bless

deepstatebug ago

Most of us understand. Family first. Many don't know moderating is literally a hell of a job. Take a rest for a few weeks, lurk a bit and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Thank you for your dedicated service.


d00danon ago

Love you Sray, keep your head up and walk proud, stay confident in the Lord. God Bless you and your Family!

singlebrain1 ago

Godbless and Godspeed. You have been great! Protect yourself and your family. PAIN is coming to the DS and the shills.

mrsray ago

God bless you and yours and our great country! We will see you back here when the demoncrats are extinct... the meteor is getting ready to hit, none should survive what is heading their way.

Tigerinky ago

Prayers - stay safe - always have and will enjoy post- don’t give up

KnownBand0 ago

"to be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting." - e.e. cummings

DammitMan ago

Thank you for all you have done for GA. I may not have understood everything that was happening but I do understand protecting your identity and your family. Godspeed and good luck to you ❤️

Anarae ago

Thank you for all you have been doing and will continue to do in a new direction. Blessings and prayers to you and family. Will definitely miss your humor and posts!

CovfefeFan ago

It's not going to be the same without you. I understand though. People suck. Thank you for helping us to this point. I wish you and your family the very best.

Michael3500BC ago

In AU i have to go through a VPN to get on VOAT so the bad guys are trying to stop it. Fuck 'em.

divine_human ago

@srayzie, i hate to see you go but the safety of the children has priority.

hopefully, you have drawn your lessons from this war - picking the fights worth fighting, and clearly separating your user name from your RL reality so in the future, you cant be doxxed anymore.

did you consider informing law enforcement? @puttitout, can you help?

its heart-breaking, you put your all in here, made this a comfy and interesting place to be, and now you are being chased out.

a win for them. and it wont stop here, it will go on to the next person.

hope you decide to take a break instead of a complete leave but respect whatsoever you choose. may you and your family always be safe.

fartyshorts ago

Take care, srayzie. :)

DerivaUK ago

That’s not good news, Bird. You will be missed much. Thank you for all you do, all you have done and all you will do. Prayers for you and your family. Hoping for au revoir rather than goodbye.

TrishaUK ago

⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Agree with all of this!

WhiteDragon ago

Thank you Patriot @srayzie for your service to the GOOD SIDE!

Never give up! Never surrender!

Patriots protect Patriots!


TrishaUK ago

Srayzie...literaly shocked at how evil these swamp creatures are! Sorry you are leaving.
I am amazed at how STRONG and committed you are. The Great Awakening has woken so many people up and is you quoted Q 'Nothing can stop whats coming, NOTHING!' Thank you so much for ALL the tireless efforts you put into this great archive of info. We love you Srayzie and will continue to pray for you and your family. What a blessing you have been to voat. Enjoy your family, please keep in touch. Trisha xx 😍❤

Winnipegger ago

Thank you for your sacrifice

Moorgarten ago

When you are following the path to the light, you are protected. Just stay humble and pray. Nothing will harm you and yours.

jewsbadnews ago

wtf? Get the police involved.

flatbush711 ago

Rather than cut and run, I would much rather you gather up all pertinent information and hand it over to your regional FBI office.

If what you are saying is true, a case can be opened.

Running away resolves nothing.

You're letting the bad guys win.

83855 ago

Via con Diablo.

QDPie ago

Keeping you in our prayers. Thank you for all you've done. I get it. I've been threatened as well. Weird times we are living in. Stay safe. You know what to do. Blessings.

Ilhan-Abdullahi-Omar ago

@crensch is a power mod @kevdude @puttitout

cresnsch actually believes he can ban me for no reason..... this oven can can go to 1800 degrees


Lyonessrising ago

Step back. But dont walk away. Pull a Q go silent running. Were over the target. You're on the mark. Prayers are with you and yours. This is where you belong. We will be here for you when you come home. 🇺🇸

love_light_truth ago

One of the few to fight off manipulators and comment sliders (out&in). You'll be missed, hopefully will return.

Snuggle-Bunny ago

Some of you seem to think I’m just giving up. Not the case. My old social media pictures that I replaced last time I was threatened on Voat, are being posted here. My kids lives are being threatened.

just one example of being threatened pwease?

If I recall, those pictures were originally posted by you here.


p.s. I hate to see anyone leave... just give one example

MudPuddlePie ago

Wow, this sucks. So sorry, Srayzie. Take care of yourself and your kids. You'll be missed muchly, but it's completely understandable. Maybe make a new name and come back and do some battle? Might be some fun.

They forget that Q has all their [scumbags] addresses/IP's, so maybe he'll weigh in and do some justice.

Rock on, little sister... Prayers for peace, safety and well being for you.

USAMatters ago

Thank you for all you have done. Be safe. Let us know if we can ever be of help. I will keep you in my prayers. Again, thank you.

DaraChaos ago

Oh, no!!!!! Just take a step back, if you need to, but please don't do anything permanent like deleting your account! You were so welcoming to us Reddit refugees, and it was so appreciated! Please reconsider! @srayzie

BaldMiscreant ago

They don't want GA to shut up, just you.

new4now ago

Do what you have to

Family first

A vacation is called for, you have been here for over 2 yrs, you've done a lot of research and started this sub because some people didn't want to read about Q in pizzagate

Thank You once again

Stay safe

Buzzsaw ago

Don't let them win

qanon1776 ago

I am so sorry this happened to you. Family first Patriot. You have many reasons to hold your head high, the success of this sub is due to you always being patient with us all and keeping us on the path to truth - I appreciate all your help navigating this place. Please sign on when we get to the other side - a lot of celebration is forthcoming. I will miss you - please lurk nearby and keep those babies safe.

TrishaUK ago

Said so lovely!


This is not the correct way to deal with the dumb shit Srazyie.

...I was threatened on Voat...My kids lives are being threatened...

You need to stay, and get the law (FBI cybercrime division) involved. Bury Putts pets.

TrishaUK ago

Kids first, the ball is rolling and nothing will stop it. Srayzie is not giving up, just prioritising.
She has arranged others to step in so the sub will be moderated. Great work @srayzie time to enjoy your family and 'watch the show' popcorn ready.... 😁

Crensch ago

Not yet actionable by law, from what I understand, but scary enough to remove herself from the situation.


Only she knows the nature of the threats she received in private. She needs to send that information to law enforcement. Both federal, and individual state laws may apply. Let them sort out if it crossed legal barriers or not. From what she has described, she can get the law to break it off in some punk ass.

Crensch ago

Maybe so. Hope she reads this, then.

LeeDoverwood ago

Thank you for all you have done. Sorry to hear about this.

Cleareyes ago

Thank you very much for your service. I was questioning you as well but was willing to overlook the incident, I want to say that I have a lot of respect for leaders who will put the integrity of the movement over personal involvement/interest, that says a lot about you and overrides any suspicions i may have had earlier. Some leaders are put in difficult positions that hinders their leadership capabilities but the honorable ones will relinquish position for the sake of the the collective goals and you did that. I wasn't expecting you to leave but understand that personal threats change the landscape for you here, Godspeed and thank you for your contributions.

Joe10jo ago

I’ll miss ya, Srayzie! It’s been a good run and thank you for your service!

WWG1WGA!! 👍😊❤️

fuspezza ago

Thank you for everything

KYanon ago

I have wanted to leave several times myself . Please come back when ready.

Crensch ago

Nobody's after my family. Just kind of a fuckbag thing to say to someone that had their family threatened.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

no strayie,, i dont like this... very sad day here. I appreciate you here, and would rather you stayed here with us.
Thanks for everything you have done for us and for everything you stand for. Bless you.........

goatboy ago

This pisses me off. I am sorry for the suffering, fear, and the pain these mother fuckers have caused you and your family. You will always have brothers and friends in low places.

TJBrown ago

Just curious to know. Do those threatening you know your real name, where you live and other personal information?

sorosminion ago

Awwww Krayzee, it's been , At least Shitzy and Moronhunter remain to provide more comedy. Wish I could say good luck, but I'll just say fuck off! And a heartfelt fuck you! Now, go feed them hogs.

petevoat ago

Don't give in to the cunts. That's what they want.

Crensch ago

Say that when they're after your family.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

k, bye

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Thank you Srayzie for everything. I really mean it.

I hope once everyone is safe and threats disappear you will come back.

Fateswebb ago

:( that sucks. Bye.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

My heart is on the ground with this news. I know a most vulnerable point is "the children". Cant blame you. Might not have to be forever. Honestly, I don't even think the crap has really hit the fan, yet. Gonna miss you not being in on the fun. You are invaluable to this site. Prayers for peace and safety. And some rest. Still hope you'll jump back in swinging. As for the bullies and those who have threatened you and yours, eff em. Godspeed.

Momerath ago

Sad to see you go srayz. I know Q has gone dark for a bit, so the subs are not as crucial as the early days, but your work from the start made such a difference to the pre neon Patriots. Keep the faith IRL and know some of us drama dodging goats will keep you in our prayers.

Anon1492 ago

That's sad and disgusting that there are "people" on here who would go after a mod's kids and also dox the mods. Sorry you had to deal with that crap. And the threats are absolutely illegal and I hope they are reported. Best wishes.

hildberht ago

These people are sick. We are all meant to be a bunch of tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy theorists so who cares? Everything we post is just made up junk isn't it?

Busangirl19 ago

We love Patriot, God bless you and keep your family SAFE

ALIENS2222 ago

Whew... Will be nice to see the drama drop off.

Steelerfish ago

Geez, I go pretty much off grid for a week and all hell breaks loose here!

I would imagine being Doxxed and having your children threatened is pretty damned unnerving. Ask General Flynn. I assume the fucks who are responsible are the same college aged sheep that come out in numbers when the heat is being felt by those who wish to remain in the shadows. Fat, pimply kids who would rather kill a baby than an animal. Useless idiot youth being used much as Pol Pot used the Khmer Rouge. They are organized and systematic. Studied in Alinski, Cloward-Piven, etc... The puppet masters have a lot to lose. The quest for political power and domination is a life long quest for those who seek to be in control. They delight in destroying who and whatever stands in their way. I am proud to be a part of that roadblock.

Godspeed @Srayzie . Something tells me your passion will lead you either back here or to an equivalent forum such as 8chan.

I have full trust in the GA mod team and the many fine patriots that I share similar sentiments with.

And thank you shill shitposters for reinforcing the fact that we are a threat to your goals. If you didn’t post porn and whatever other subversive tactics you’ve been programmed to carry out to isolate and ridicule we may think this is all for naught.

Alinski rule number 9...

RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”

Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)

Are_we_sure ago

I would imagine being Doxxed and having your children threatened is pretty damned unnerving. Ask General Flynn.

Except Flynn was guilty of multiple crimes including working as a paid agent for Turkey. He's testifying against his business partners in that case in July. BIJAN RAFIEKIAN,and KAMIL EKIM ALPTEKIN are charged with conspiracy. Flynn was part of this conspiracy and Flynn Jr was his chief of staff and was aware of this conspiracy, that his father and Rafiekian and Alptekin were working for Turkey.

Michael Flynn Jr was a legitimate target for prosecution, you call that being threatened, but he was only in jeopardy because of his actions.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Real users are only making fun of you guys for your cult like group think and inability to see q as an anti call to arms.

If you are getting personal attacks, it's probably jdif, shills, or children being super cool

Crensch ago

These folks have taken the former and laughed it off. Apparently that wasn't enough for some.

BettyLiberty ago

Just come back with a different name, sugar!

lightmeup77 ago

This is very sad news. But you have to do what you have to do.

You will be missed. You have sacrificed enough.

Thank you for everything you have done for us.


On_Fire ago

Srayzie, I may not be able to down vote the shills, but you best believe i will upvote our PATRIOTS. Thank you for all your long hours and hard work. You will be missed!

Moorgarten ago

same here!

NihilisticClownFrog ago

Wow. Your better than this. If you don't see that. That's on you. HONK.

ReallyLongTimeLurker ago

God bless. Thanks for your work. Thought you did a good job.

RockmanRaiden ago

Saw your edit. It appears even Putt has a problem knowing the difference between speech and calls to action. I assumed he knew better but evidently he does not. What a shame. Back to lurking for me.

ditzee ago

Thank-you for your service, srayzie. My prayers are with you.

asymptote_12 ago

Goodbye friend....

We are all poorer due to your leaving. I do not blame you for going. I'd do the same..

GeneralDisposition ago

I saw the attacks against you and i didn't really pay much attention. Drama is for women and womanly men. The fact that they're posting pics shows their level of evil. Go with GOD and may he turn his face from those who endanger you.

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Patriot srayzie we will miss you and all of your devotion to the Great Awakening. Thank you for the really great job you have done, countless hours of your time sharing so much information with us. Mod srayzie has been an inspiration to many of us, with all his diligence in rounding up links, reviews, notes on the DS to help us together to connect all the dots, and most importantly was god of the machine when it came to exposing shills. Deus Ex Machina, God Bless you srayzie! WWG1WGA

NinaSparrow ago

God bless you @Srayzie, will miss you dearly. I'm soo sad to see you go but i understand. I pray you will come back because we are all going to miss the bageebies out of you!! Please take care of yourself & your babies. Sending you much love, hugs & prayers. Thank you for being so amazing. God bless you love.

HerbanGardener ago

Thank you for your time, effort and dedication to this movement! You are appreciated!

Sheneyney ago

I'm sorry this is happening to you. God bless you and stay safe.

grace8 ago

I am sorry this has happened to you! I thank you for all you did for this community. Your contribution to the movement is huge. This sub kept us all sane.

I do not think the attacks will lessen. If that is why you are leaving, don't. or go but come back when I am proven right. They have to try to take subs like this out before the election. Happens every election season.

Even if they take this sub out, It's too late to stop the spread of Q. And the news on TV is now reporting a bigger percentage of what's reported here than months ago. Be safe! Thank you again! I encourage you to report anything criminal immediately. This kind of censorship has to be reported.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Your service is appreciated.

Live to fight another day.

59Geezer ago

I'm relatively new here, but thank you for all your hard work and dedication! We'll miss you.. <3 Best wishes to you and family.

fearlessness1 ago

Thank you for all you have done @srayzie. Take care of yourself and your lovely family. We'll miss you.

gustodog ago

Good choice. Crensh gets it.

wokeasfook ago

Great work srayzie. I'll miss you. Great choice in crensch. I trust him most of all. My thoughtd are with you and your family and I pretty for your safety.

Leave knowing this. You won. We won. Great job.

vangielee17 ago

You will be missed!

mark7 ago

I am sorry it has come to this. Thank you, for making this place a fun, and interesting site to spend time! But I don't blame you, for ditching the evil drama. You and your peeps have my prayers! God Bless!!

endprism ago

I thank you for your service but but it would be immensely helpful to the GA community to tell us all the details on the attacks you've been under so that the next MOD has a better chance. Can you do that for us? Give details. Give specifics.

Crensch ago

Check my submission history for (part 1)

There's an entire group of them, and she tried to gently warn all of you that bad things were coming. Nobody seemed interested in clicking her username and checking her comments or submissions in order to follow up and make sure she was supported.

She fought almost alone for over a week.

Vozlo ago

Thank you for making the prison yard atmosphere of Voat halfway liveable. I understand that the highly contentious subject matter of the Qanon universe engenders vile detractors, but srayzie is one of the undisputed white hats. The fact that they can wear down the altruism of volunteers through abuse and malice is really a testament to the actual stakes of this whole phenomenon.

Moderating a board like this was already a thankless task, adding psychological abuse and real world threats makes it untenable. Too few are doing too much for the majority of us doing practically nothing (myself included). This is not a game. Our adversaries are real, and boasting aside, the outcome is still undecided. Respect to everyone who is doing their best to navigate this emerging campaign against the unspeakably malicious powers of darkness we find ourselves contending against.

sguevar ago

I am truly sorry to see you go and I don't think you should at all. I know that we can work this out @srayzie. Honest to God I know we can work it out. But the decision lies on you only.

You know that I stand by your defense but at this point the way things took course it was compromising Voat. We can't allow that to happen. This is why a new process needs to be worked on and your intake on such will be much appreciated.

Once again I say to you, I don't want you to leave at such an important time here at Voat.

@Shizy, @Crensch please talk her out of it because her input as valuable as the input of any of the users that we've had correspondance with.

Crensch ago

She's gone.

MadWorld ago

It was zyklon_b that fucker wasn't it?

Crensch ago


sguevar ago

This is sad indeed. (u.u) Because I know that we can work it out.

Tiptop88 ago

Good. Gtfo you kike grifter.

CerealBrain ago

Fuck you bro, hows that?

NiggerVirus ago

Would you like a picture of my muscles for the road?

kneo24 ago

You should be flexing those guns in front of your speaker setup. Hit her with a double whammy.

NiggerVirus ago

Oh, I'm going to get right on that

banenya ago

The war is intensifying. We have been saying "the rats are scurrying" but I fear it is more like the dogs are backed into a corner. They will take vicious to the next level. So sorry to see you go and thank you for your service.

hg74rhyd9 ago

Thanks for all you've done, it is appreciated, even if often un-said.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Personally, I think you've done a hell of a job. A difficult job, not for the weak of heart.

I'm not saying you are perfect, but who among any of us is? Expectation of perfection is unreasonable. I am saying you made a significant difference and for the better. In the big picture that is what matters most.

You've done your part, and who knows, maybe you will do even more. Carry on.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Alright, see ya.

MadWorld ago

I thought the issue was resolved...

Shizy ago


Meme_Factory_1776 ago

One can not simply step into the global power ring, expect to throw a few punches without retaliation. Keep up the good fight. Quit this acct and start a fresh, AND DOXX YOURSELF THIS TIME. Keep a whole separate device and never cross personal, business, and patriotic activities.

Crensch ago

I think you missed a word, but good sentiment.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Yeah do indeed DOXX yourself. Lol. Woops.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Damn. I hate to see you go, but I also don’t question your decision. Though I am not surprised, I’m sorry to hear about your children. Threatening a child in any manner is seriously fucked up, but as we all know...these people are sick.

Take care. I hope our paths cross again one day, in that better life that all of us are fighting for.

To those who’ve been attacking @srayzie, especially her children, I have a message for you...fuck you 🖕.

gamepwn ago

This made me were an amazing mod Srayzie. Some people are just fucking animals and rotten pieces of shit to the core. I hope your alright, and don't let them get to you too bad their pathetic. Take it easy ok?

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Congrats to all involved. Welcome back @trigglypuff. This is more than we could have ever hoped for.

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Vindicator ago

Salute, my sister. It's been a pleasure to serve here with you. You deserve a break. You've come a very long way from where you started. I will miss you.

Weagle65 ago

“Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” – Aristotle

Thanks for all you did and withstood srayzie and F all these ungrateful 2nd guessers in the shadows.

TNLunatick ago

This makes me sad. I appreciate everything you have done here, and I'm sorry to see you go. Praying a hedge of protection over you and your family.

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freshmeat ago

Haha peace faggot. Hopefully people use the subverse that isnt ran by an anti-right wing radical homosexual

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

Sorry to see you go. I’m sure you’ll do great things for the movement off of this board, but we will miss your content.

The1stLantern ago

Name those threatening your children. I have exactly 5.56 friends who would be overjoyed to meet them for a chat.

Crensch ago

Search my submission history for a (part 1), then all those associating with that username still.


AlphabeticalAnon ago

I have my own psycho stalker here who made it a point to target me and others new to this site by his massive downvoting with all his numerous accounts. I've been threatened too. I lurk and still talk to my friends here but it's been in private messages only. I can't blame you for leaving. These fuckers think an online forum is so important to control but in the end it's us who have a life. They never will. And soon most of them will be in GITMO with HARRYHO and constant ass fucking to keep them busy.

And living my life I must have heard the sound of storm and rain, the day before declass came.

Blacksmith21 ago

This isn't about you.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wow, I was simply mirroring what she was going through because I'm there myself. Letting her know she's not alone. You infantile sleaze who is part of the same group who have been attacking her since day 1.

Blacksmith21 ago

You might want to reconsider the "You infantile sleaze who is part of the same group who have been attacking her since day 1." Srayzie and I were friends from the outset, the first days of v/Pizzagate and then v/GreatAwakening. I've lost count as to the number of times I came to her defense.

Take a moment to reconsider your statement:

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You started in on me, pal. I wasn't "making anything be about me" I was relating to her, because I am there too! I can't even fucking post here without the fucker coming after me and using multiple accounts to downvote me all over the place! She at least got to enjoy the site when she first joined. I was attacked immediately when I joined. So lay the fuck off!

Blacksmith21 ago

Lighten up Francis. We're on the same side.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Then YOU lighten up, Gertrude. I have yet to see any significant change for the better. I have been waiting for declass, mass arrests, and the whole nine yards for too long and I'm fed up with every goddamn thing. I wanted out of slavery, but the scum who fancy themselves "elite" with their Hillary smell of Hell are still unfortunately in power and still getting away with the rigging and shit they did in 2016, which is still not over and I'm still waiting for justice! For my friend. For my country. For the world!

Blacksmith21 ago

Damn, dude. Go have a beer. I've been here since day 1. We've withstood wave after wave of shills. Lots of people have come and gone. While I will really, really miss Srayzie, it is evolutionary. Time will tell, but it is up to Patriots to help our path. Are you a builder or a destroyer?

I've lived this shit IRL. For decades. Patience wins the campaign.

I want to see Justice as bad as you. The Cabal has had centuries to get into position. We've been prepping since JFK. Read Sun Tzu.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

One, I don't drink beer. I don't drink. Two, I have read TAOW. And three, Srazie was being horribly stalked. She posted everyday, and being the owner couldn't be invisible. So while I understand she had to get out of the line of fire, I had hoped she'd just go awol for a while. I am builder, but my little group or board got attacked out of nowhere and my moderator was yanked. Basically for helping me combat the fucking piece of shit known as draaaak who has numerous accounts and spends all his life harassing people on sites like this one and like Hack Forums.

Blacksmith21 ago

Never trust someone that doesn't like dogs; has no taste in music or; doesn't drink. - Blacksmith21 @vindicator

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I love dogs, and all animals. I love music. I don't drink and don't smoke. Deal with it.

Blacksmith21 ago

2 outta 3 ain't bad.

AlphabeticalAnon ago


Btw it's not me downvoting your posts. So I'll give you an upvote for the fact that someone seems to be targeting you now.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm used to being targeted. The key to making Voat work is to upvoat the good, downvoat the bad. The more you upvoat, the more you can downvoat. If you do nothing but downvoat, you will hit a wall.

Welcome to the party.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh I know! The scumbag who has been targeting me since day one had already been abusing the site long before I was here, so I got a crash course in how to avoid some things. Ultimately I ended up just talking to people in PM. Which I plan to keep doing. I really don't want to be too visible until the creep is entirely flushed from here.

Blacksmith21 ago

Dude. I know Srayzie personally. I completely get why you are outraged. You don't need to explain to me what she endured.

It's obvious, you are young. I'd say 30-ish. Spare the Boomer shit - Gen X.

I don't have time to sift through the word soup. I don't care that you got jacked. I'm only concerned about the continuity of operations of v/greatawakening and what we've built here.


AlphabeticalAnon ago

Dude, quit putting ages on people! And you're wrong. BTW. I don't use Gen X, boomer name calling shit, it's stupid. And I've lost all patience! Some of us live in fear of what the scummy elites will do next. No time for tea.

Crensch ago

That was a little harsh; I'm sure she appreciate the well-wishes.

Crensch ago

Look at the votes on her comments for the past week. Where were all those patriots?

Maybe if they'd taken the time to vote this wouldn't have happened. If ALL the users here made themselves heard, even just with a mouse click, this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

RockmanRaiden ago

I know what you're saying and I agree. I wish I made myself more available to her. I've been clowning around too much on Twatter.

I mean to document all of this and write an article. I'll share this everywhere. Stayzie never got a nod from Q even though the team was aware of Voat and our work. They had to create their own bullshit subverse and fag up the site. Look at us now.

ArcAngel ago

we may have butted heads a few times, but i'll miss you. stay strong.

Blacksmith21 ago

Fuck you, shill.

ArcAngel ago

i hope next time your grinding an edge your wheel blows up in your face & you fall face first into your firepot, kike

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yeah he seems to be out to aggravate everyone on this topic. I already know about him via a few others who have told me who some of the shills really are.

AllTheThings ago

By removing myself, the attacks on GreatAwakening will decrease.

No, they will increase. By giving up, you just give them a win and they will look for the next target. Remember, their goal is to destroy our movement.

My advice is to lay low for a while and ignore the shills. There are plenty of us that support free speech within the subject (porn without context is not free speech, it is sabotage).

RockmanRaiden ago

Attacking the character of a person is all they had. Srayzie knew this was going to happen. She just wasn't as prepared as she thought it seemed.

I'll compile everything that happened and try to shed light on everything she did for this place.

EyeOfHorus ago

Stay, I could give you one of my @SaRAh alt accounts. I wouldn't want @Crensch 's job but I think he lives for this shit. He's still a faggot.

inthemickoftime ago

No one cares, idiot.

Crensch ago

That's up to her to decide.

anti_pedo ago

Bye Felicia ! ❤️

Crensch ago

She was doxxed by the same group that threatened her and shizy's kids.

An0m4ly ago

Bummer. Thanks for all you've done.

LisaScienceQueen ago

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

Shizy ago

Eat a big dick Lisa!

LostandFound ago

I would kindly ask that you reconsider, as part of the silent majority around here your work is invaluable. Please take some time and have a think about this, the place will not be the same without you.

DerivaUK ago

This ^^^

Crensch ago

If you'd reconsidered your "silent" part and at the very least used your mouse button to vote, and followed what was happening right under your nose, this might not have happened.

Being "silent" left her fighting all on her own. GA users could have done something about this. You have the opportunity to correct your course.

Don't make comments if you don't want to, but even Q told you to VOTE.

divine_human ago

thats the main thing we have heard from you over the past few days, crensch: its all our fault. what if many, like me, do vote the fuck out of what we see? its not fair to blame it all on the users here now.

Crensch ago

Spread the word?

Mostly, I'm not talking about those of you that do vote. If you're taking it personally, then either you're not voting, or you have some cognitive errors where sweeping statements are concerned. Exceptions exist, and if you are that exception, you can feel proud of that.

Maybe help explain to others your process? Do you take 5 mins before your morning coffee and go support those fighting for you? Do you check periodically throughout the day? Any tips or tricks to finding the "drama"? I don't communicate too well on y'all's level, so help everyone out and spread the word.

divine_human ago

I don't communicate too well on y'all's level

ouch. from someone who says he wants to take care of this sub, this sentence doesnt sound very good.

i just read some of your recent comments and submissions. i hear ye and now understand all the blame.

if even old goats dont really help, those who should actually be trained with voats 'immune system', how should the 'newer goats' know how to do what they should do, according to your experience here?

how about making a sticky post here - but without that 'y'all level', thats a real down-turner^^ -, in order to teach people how to deal with all of that? it would spare you having to repeat the blame in 50+ comments.

btw, in the past, i had 3 encounters with you - because i dont support putting down other races - that all ended with you calling in others who down-voated the shit out of me. it taught me to not engage with you and other old goats who show the same pattern.

now you are the one who wants to take care of this sub. 'xcuse me, you need to earn my trust first.

if it goes on with endless blames and SBBH attitude, this sub loses its open invitation and becomes like the rest of voat where you cant say anything thats not racist without being gang mobbed, ehem, mob modded.

Crensch ago

Believe me or not i will protect this sub.

divine_human ago

i believe your intent and hold the space for it.

amarQ144 ago

I just got un-banned. I was banned for down voting shills here...This is pretty much the only voat site I comment on and I have appreciated @strazie keeping the loli porn crap off the site...just here for Q. I'll hang out until I get banned again.

Shizy ago

I hope you don't get banned again!

amarQ144 ago

"vote manipulation" for down voting a dumb-ass shill for calling for violence...even after his last message was "go kill yourself" what it is. Sorry to see OP go. I think you all have done a good job in a difficult circumstance. If GA turns into a QRV porn hub I'll be gone too. Threats against mods and family is way over the stay safe.

Crensch ago

Good to see a silver lining. Sorry you got banned.

It shouldn't happen again. Putt just notified everyone that this place is the Wild West.

LostandFound ago

I know your post comes from a good place but I have very little idea what's actually going on here, doxxing and coordinated attacks I presume.

I have for most of this year had very limited internet access sitting in the Sahara desert working for my family, to be able to keep up with the day to day but I have always upvoated her posts, she puts a lot of work in and I respect the work.

I can understand you are upset but I have even gone to the bother of having PM conversations with her when she started this to warn her what was in store, I used to help run the Q threads back on 4 Chan when this all begun and know exactly what kind of bad actors are swarming around this shit. I have been recruited, multiple attempts to access my devices, chewed up and spat out by organised teams of professional glow in the dark assholes.

I did my part and badly compromised myself, be angry with those who deserve it please.

AllTheThings ago

Do not blame the actions from a few extremists on innocent users. We all do our best in our own ways.

If I would criticize @srayzie it would be that she feed the shills by arguing with them in the comments section. That was her mistake. She should have let her investigations (that were great!) talk for themself and only interact with serious users.

Crensch ago

Blame can be placed many places. Srayzie's inability to leave well enough alone caused her to be a great shill hunter and investigator. Yes, she kicked the hornet nests, but they were hornet nests.

You are, however, correct. @LostandFound you didn't deserve that heaped upon you directly. Apologies.

AllTheThings ago

Yes, she kicked the hornet nests, but they were hornet nests.

She kiked to many nests in a to short period of time. In war, you want to concentrate your attacks on the enemy's weakest link. Srayzie did the opposite – she spread her attacks on multiple fronts and became an easy target.

@srayzie: Have you read Sun Tzu's The Art of war?

Crensch ago

She was clumsy and silly. Would fight anyone or anything that looked like an enemy. As frustrating as it was, it was also a little refreshing in its simplicity. BAD GUY! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!

I, however, have read that book.

LostandFound ago

No worries, I PM'd srazie when she started this to warn her what was in store. I used to help a team that coordinated the original threads on 4chan from about thread 100-400 ... I am extremely lucky I know a decent bit about opsec cause what I was becoming involved with was genuinely unsafe even back then.

I will try and do more going forward regardless but i was royally scared off, guess I can't really blame her on reflection.

Crensch ago

Cheers, and please help spread the word if you can. The only way this place prospers is if everyone starts doing that; otherwise we merely survive.

LostandFound ago

Will do, let's just pick up the pieces here and do what we can. I know she thinks declass will be the undoing but we all know how deep this goes.. the fights only begining.

Crensch ago

I think so, too. Declass is just like many of the "BOOM"s, where the information dropped from X source to Y audience is HUGE for a very few, small, select amount of people that can really appreciate the gravity of what's happened. The rest of us hear a pin drop and think, "we knew that? Like, 5 months ago?"

I'm in this for the long haul. I'll not be suffering any absurdities thanks to Putt's latest sticky. If Voat is the Wild West, I'll shoot whoever I goddamn please.

Stonenchizel ago

Now hat is the ticket @Crensch Fight the fuckers with the same medicine they dish out ..... Putt wants the Wild West ...Let's give it to the Shill's ... full on , no holding back! The MoFo's mess with our Mod well then they should get the whole sub attacking them the way they did to @Srayzie

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LostandFound ago

He he do that, here's a few traps to set for people as was attempted on me, build a website that's not indexed by search engines and refer people to it in PM's you would be shocked how much info you can scrape that way. Private IRC servers and sharing links to Google sheets are other ways to gather info, fight fire with fire, no doxing of course but info is ammo these days.

Did putt really mean that there's basically 0 issue with botting / alts and other general voat manipulation tactics? Are we the Chinese now?

Crensch ago

Not sure about all that. Interested but I've not really got the requisite time or skills for it.

Happy to accept any such things since Voat is the Wild West now, though.

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GritD2 ago

Well thank you. You can use your alt account (srayzee) now without fear of anything.

(Seriously both thank you , and sorry)

Hoonsuit ago

I appreciate all you've done here srayzie, very helpful. Your posts, info, and the GA are some of the reasons I continue to lurk about. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours.

Rotteuxx ago

Bye Felicia ! ❤️

DintDoNothin ago

People attacking you should make you a stronger Warrior and better fighter. Your enemy provides you with an opportunity to hone your skills and become stronger. You are looking at this whole situation all wrong. No retreat no surrender. This is just an internet forum, what are you going to do one real problems arise? Run?

scoripowarrior ago

I am so sorry to see you leave here. Thank you for all you have done to further the cause of Q. Take care and I wish you all the best.

Time4puff ago

If they're attacking you, you are doing something right. Bannon said they wouldn't give our country back without a fight. You had to expect this. Take a break but don't leave. Your service is much appreciated. Patriots don't give up.

Duchozz ago

Wait you retards think Voaters are the enemy now? Holy shit you lot are delusional lmfao

GodsAngell ago

I'm not sure what is going on, but sad to see you go.

But do what you must to protect yourself and your family.

Remember VICTORY is around the corner!....and YOU had a LOT to do with it!!!

Aminous17 ago

Amen... We love you awesome Patriot @srayzie ❤️

DickTick ago

Jesus... You can't even say goodbye like a normal human.

HISdaughter ago

Amen, let it be so Lord. No weapon that is formed against Srayzie shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

NewSouthernBelle ago


May God bless you all.

Karmy ago


Shiftworker1976 ago


WhiteDragon ago


crazycloud2 ago


DaraChaos ago


MudPuddlePie ago


endprism ago

Patriots don't give up but kids come first. We have lots of soldiers.

DickTick ago

Her. Her kids.

BanoutSurvivor ago

These pussy faggots wouldn't do a fucking thing.

Clips loaded for you pussies.

Time4puff ago

Absolutely kids comes first. These people lack any moral decency and fight dirty. Thank you again Srayzie for your service but it's time for other patriots to pick up the slack.

ammonthenephite ago

Exactly. Choose your battles. What is coming will happen regardless, so nothing wrong with strategically minimizing damage for those not essential to the movement, i.e. all of us. As Q has said, nothing can stop what is coming.

crazy_eyes ago

Why do you care what other people say or think? Just do what you do and fuck the haters.

MolochHunter ago

bc her children are being threatened with violence, and Putt has decided its more important to keep Voat 'the wild west' than to give Srayzie the tools and rules to mitigate that danger

QualityShitposter ago

It’s for the children

Said every gun grabbing tyrant ever.

crazy_eyes ago

if those threats are credible that is a crime called battery and the perpetrator should be arrested

Le_Squish ago

She wants to be right not fix things. She has been presented an opportunity to apologize for all the retardation and by "quitting" she can avoid any admission of wrong doing.

Scoundrel ago


progressbin ago

Thank you for maintaining the highest quality subs on the site. If PuttItOut wants this site to go the way of SoapShitCryBullies, I just might fuck off elsewhere too. Thanks again.

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DintDoNothin ago

So you're letting them win? What kind of message does that send.

Crensch ago

Who said anything about them winning?

DintDoNothin ago

If you quit your opponent wins. That's how it works.

Crensch ago

You must be new around here.

DintDoNothin ago

What exactly is going with all of you guys anyway?

Crensch ago

What do you mean?

POTM333 ago

Thank you for being a great mod and for all of your posts. Bless you srayzie - I’m praying for your protection and success. You have been an amazing fighter for us, and thank you from my heart.

SuckaFree ago

Unless you're being physically harmed or threatened with physical violence, I don't see why you should leave.

Crensch ago

You didn't see my post on the guy threatening her and her children; you also didn't see that he's part of the doxxing group.

lilomeunq ago

The lies were never believed here, but I sure understand stepping away from the horrendous, and undeserved cowardly attacks. Best of luck to you. I will look forward to your return.

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RockmanRaiden ago

Looks like there are some sore asses here. I wonder why. Didn't they win? I guess they really are miserable in real life.

srayzie ago

I deleted my Twitter.

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heygeorge ago

I deleted my Twitter

Holy shit, wow, do you think that will help?

MadWorld ago

Maybe a little, because of archives. Never use the same handle across multiple platforms and never post personally identifiable objects, if one does not wish to get doxxed.

kneo24 ago

If you wish to lead a movement, there comes a point and time where you can't be too anonymous. People will want to see continuity and transparency to some degree. Further down the road there comes a moment where you're public and you better hope you're ready to deal with the outcome of that, good or bad.

heygeorge ago

I don’t think @srayzie was incredibly public. We had a couple public glamour shots, that’s about it. Frankly, until she went full on deleting everything, everywhere, there wasn’t a lot to go on. People already tried (real, not fake) doxxing her on the chans/twitter and failed.

She could have made a case to be just pretending that photo was her. But now it seems 100% evident. Counterintuitive, and of course as she was gaining more ‘notoriety’. Don’t some of these more know Q folks show their faces and go out in public?


Stonenchizel ago



REMEMBER @srayzie


bopper ago

Yeah, I likely won't be around as much anymore, if any, if she leaves.

heygeorge ago


100% agree. Fuck that, @srayzie, this is not how it has to be.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

She could certainly make herself a less interesting target and this was the wrong move.

Vindicator ago

She was attacked incessantly on multiple platforms. They were literally hunting her. Everyone has their breaking point, as Zyklon and pals know.

Voat has chosen to allow this.

Even I am surprised, and I've seen a lot of nasty shit here the past couple of years.

SandHog ago

I tried to tell you what was happening...It was obvious from the beginning what they were trying to accomplish.

It's another big win for free speech! /s

heygeorge ago


Who is they?

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

The blacks

Shizy ago

They act like blacks.

SandHog ago

You know exactly who I mean.

Crensch ago

How else was this going to happen? All your shitposting buddies kept escalating until the search for her was once again off-site.

heygeorge ago

escalating until the search for her

There was no real search ‘offsite’ so far as I know. I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

Crensch ago

Ahh, you can ask @ExpertShitposter about that. Posting her image elsewhere like before when whoever it was started asking around in twitter about his "long lost friend" that he wanted to reunite with.

Thanks to all of this, her old shit-tier mod uhh... type-o-negative? started doing the same. they saw an opening thanks to the shitposting fucks here and exploited it.

"Goats" did that. "Goats" let outsiders come and wreck shit on this site. Unacceptable.

Crensch ago

The drive to protect your own family is a strong one.

No man knows how he will react to such stimulus until the time comes. She's put her time in, and built something amazing. She's paid her dues.

I'll carry this burden to completion, and can use all the help I can get. I won't blame you if you choose to leave, however.


Shizy ago

You're a good friend to her crensch 😥

srayzie ago

Apparently, threatening mods and their kids are considered free speech. You’re special. I really enjoyed you!

QualityShitposter ago

Apparently, threatening mods and their kids are considered free speech.

If it doesn’t break the law, it should be free speech. Period.

If it does break the law, you should have already reported it to the FBI rather than trying to censor a free speech platform. Muh children crap has been a censorship tool of the cabal longer than you’ve been alive.



chocolatepatriot2 ago

1000% correct, threatening mods and their families should never be considered free speech, we should all make our voices heard to @PuttitOut. only those who have never been threatened could allow this BS.

Are_we_sure ago

Yeah, threats are not free speech.

Good Luck, srayzie.

Shizy ago

This kindness right here to Srayzie made me regret some of the mean things I have said to you.

Just some.

bopper ago

You mean we gotta upvote?

Hey in the 'hot' section there's a scuffle kinda sorta if you wanna get involved but I have to go night night.

See you all later.

Stonenchizel ago





DintDoNothin ago

If you Retreat and surrender then you don't belong on Q's team. Rethink this.

Vindicator ago

That's BS. Don't be such a dick.

DintDoNothin ago

Do you think he would disagree?

Vindicator ago

Q? Absolutely. Basic Art of War.

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .”

Shizy ago

^^^^^^100% agree^^^^^^^^

sinclair ago

"I’m writing to let you all know that I am taking a break." FTFY.

Nothing has to be permanent. Sorry you're being bullied. I understand that feel. :(

RogerMoore0017 ago

Thank you for everything you do @srayzie. You will be missed. We will toe the line brother patriot! Keep faith.

RockmanRaiden ago

Well this is bullshit. I just went through Putt's recent posts as well. When Voat got bigger through the various immigrations, the IQ dipped hard. Pretty soon we'll have a mini Reddit as principles mean jack shit. You're fooling yourself into thinking they'll stop. I just hope you stay safe.

HndrxMn ago

It didn't just dip hard, it took a complete nosedive and cratered itself into an average lower than most african countries.

PixieJean ago

So, why are you letting them win? Why quit? Why give them your power? True believers do not pay any attention to the shills and haters, we simply skip over and ignore them.

crazycloud2 ago

We are doing this for the Children, most of us anyway. We must protect the children first, @strazie can come back when it is safe.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

protecting our children must be our highest concern.

Crensch ago

Say that when a group of shitposters starts trying to doxx you and your family.

QualityShitposter ago

You’re unfairly maligning shitposters. POTUS is shitposter in chief, and deserves our respect.

@Srayzie’s problem is estrogen, long windedness (redundant, I know), and need to have the last word. I didn’t read most of her stuff because she rambles on almost as bad as neon revolt.

With that being said, I respect her dedication even though she fought like a girl.

83855 ago

I had her number when she was pissed that one of her groupies had been offline for a few days. She wanted to make a name for herself. This subverse wasn't sanctioned by Q anyway. It was created from ego.

Crensch ago

Am I?

Take a look at Zyklon's beatlearmy sub, too. There's a list of prime suspects that want to support that fuckbag.

QualityShitposter ago

You’re lumping shitposters together with shills. POTUS is a shitposter. I’m a shitposter. Putt is a shitposter.

Lumping us in with Zyclon is no better than MSM labeling moderate conservatives alt right.

Crensch ago

Keep away from him and be one I am not talking about. Show Voat that some shitposters don't belong in a shithole country.

QualityShitposter ago

Translation: Don’t post in certain subs, or you’ll lump me in with “extremists”, just like the MSM loves to do?

Crensch ago

Hold on a sec, I need to look for...

Sorry, I can't seem to find my careface.

I see that you post here. You're not one that's too heavily on my radar. This is a place for Q people to be Q people. I will not change that.

If you have no malice or ill will here, and you do not associate in any friendly way with Zyklon_b, I'll overlook your association with his cronies for the time being.

If you are trying to convince me that I shouldn't paint with a broad brush about shitposters, you're just going to frustrate yourself.

Post your Q. Avoid Zyklon. Maybe some interaction with him will slip by if you don't act like a shitposter on this subverse.

This subverse is all I care about now. Shit on the carpet and I'll remove you. It's really that simple.

QualityShitposter ago

and you do not associate in any friendly way with Zyklon_b, I'll overlook...

That tells me all I need to know. You’re putting your own feelings before free speech and enforcing division rather than unity.

@puttitout gets my vote that you’re a divisionfag nigger.

Crensch ago

Watch nothing happen. You have options. Nobody cares about your whimpering here.

I WILL defend this place, and your freedoms or whatever make absolutely no difference to me.

QualityShitposter ago

Nobody cares about your whimpering here.

Did you notice that your wall of text contained a lot of whimpering? Reeeee...why don’t I get a sticky like the guitar thread for muh depressing tale of woe?

All this drama comes from namefagging, and your need for an ego. Bullshit from egos is why I anon 99%of the time, because people like you are LOOKING to judge others based on association rather than merit.

Crensch ago

because people like you are LOOKING to judge others based on association rather than merit.

And people like you are looking to find a way to associate with pedophile-protectors that attack GA while still pretending to be pro-GA/Q.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Yup. it's all about the children. that is what this is all about. so we cant get bent outta shape when she is doin' what she must do. protect our future. You've done so much here, and ThanQ!!!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

Posted automatically (#43562) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

box-inside-a-box ago

What kind of faggot ass nigger downvoats a bot?

Shizy ago

Gabara and zyklon_b. The biggest nigger frauds on voat.

MolochHunter ago

No, the attacks will just be redirected

how's your helmet, @Shizy ?

virge ago

No, the attacks will just be redirected

There is truth to this. Just being popular at all will make you an easy target for the degenerate parasites allowed to run wild abusing the voting system in organized groups.

Maybe there is a better way.

Shizy ago

No, the attacks will just be redirected

I agree

how's your helmet

Fucking German!

How's yours Moloch?

Vindicator ago

If it's any condolence, Shizy, @MolochHunter, I've been through this three full rounds of mods on v/pizzagate. We each get our turn at the Watch.

MolochHunter ago

when i said hows your helmet, i - for once - wasnt making my customary dick jokes

Shizy ago

It was my coping mechanism that kicked in.

Crensch ago

Not many would recognize that in themselves. Shows a lot of self awareness.

BushChuck ago

Don't let the door hit ya where god split ya.

Cloudrdr ago

In the fullness of time, the way will be clear for Patriots again. Perhaps we will see you again, when the WORLD is BATHED IN LIGHT.

Bless you for your efforts and support,

Crensch ago

Sad to see you go. Best damn shillhunter on the site.

I will protect this place.

d00danon ago

Standing with you @Crensch!

NiggerVirus ago

From me?

The1stLantern ago

And my axe

MudPuddlePie ago

And my bow...

KosherHiveKicker ago

And my OVEN...

Vindicator ago

I will help. :-)

NiggerVirus ago

Me too

Themooninthesky ago


Gets my vote.

Crensch ago

Thanks, bud.

Blacksmith21 ago

Are you really?

Crensch ago

Am I really what?

darkknight111 ago

Are you ready for Freddy? (FNAF joke).

Blacksmith21 ago

Going to protect v/GreatAwakening?

Crensch ago

From all enemies; foreign or domestic.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

whoop whoop I will continue to do my small part. not much, but it's all I got.

Don-Keyhote ago

Jesus Christ what a fucking dork XD

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @zyklon_b.

Posted automatically (#43572) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

BenevolentQness ago

Thank you for your service. Good luck on your future endeavors.

Cristo316 ago

Thank you for your service to this board, your fellow USA Patriots, as well as Patriots World Wide!!

Relax and Enjoy the Show!!