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BraunF14 ago

I'm not going to contribute to the Voat infighting that caused a user to be doxed several times and resulted in this sorry piece of literature:

It should be known however that it did happen. @crensch OTHER is a sorry ass excuse for hiding people's free opinions on the matter. The whole thing was handled poorly and immaturely and I guess, now, that will just be a consistent thing from the likes of all who were in it. Shame. Absolute shame and laughter of our once honorable site was brought upon us because of this bullshit. Most of us despised the Q-gration and now we see why.

Trump is a Kike puppet, Q is a LARP and the Earth is round. Get over it.

offender ago

*The earth is flat

VoatsNewfag ago

that caused a user to be doxed several times

A user that used her face as her profile picture several times with her username on voat.

Very few people use their real face on youtube, bitchute and Twitter. Why is that?

What is the purpose of a profile picture?!

Note that this does not by any means excuse the threats and other stuff.

But tell me what profile pictures are made and used for and then tell me again it's doxing with a straight face.


BraunF14 ago

Mhmm. It was an ignorant decision in the first place and honestly I don't want that level of stupidity on voat. It's not my call obviously. But I came here for intelligent, free discussion. Most users here are elevated beyond the norm of this dumbass world.

Phantom42 ago

*and Hitler was right

*so was Christ, obviously

speedisavirus ago

You are a kike puppet. I can see that fucking nose from all the way over here.

BraunF14 ago

Apart from actually having a larger nose, no. I'm not. Thanks