upvoat. this place isn't "real"

albatrosv15 ago

@Crensch is doing gods work. He destroys qtards.

BraunF14 ago


FromTelAvivWithLove ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Blaming! Hahaha oh no indeed one must pay their cat taxes, else suffer the consequences

ElvisP ago

Q predicted this!

Baconmon ago


BraunF14 ago

The destruction of his followers for being dumb shits?

ElvisP ago

Well none of the Q shit has come to fruition and their oracle barely even talks to them anymore... Gotta find an outlet for all that energy somewhere

Helbrecht ago

Q keeps saying "these people are stupid." Qbots haven't figured out that Q is actually referring to...Qbots.

Crensch ago

And I don't give a shit.

speedisavirus ago

qtards are such idiotic faggots.

NotHereForPizza ago

Guys, slow down.

I'm running out of popcorn.

heygeorge ago

I’m sure you’ll find a way to get more!

BraunF14 ago

I'll buy you more. I haven't said enough

Astupidname69 ago

Then make more faggot

petevoat ago

I didn't think I would ever see this in VOAT. I came here full of miscreants of different ideas but we all accepted we're not all perfect and lived with each other.

If all the parties bitching to each are sincere then it's weird but I suspect something deeper is involved like MEDIA MATTERS.

Le_Squish ago

The implosion of the Q communities was always inevitable. They never tried to fix their issues and ignored reason. Voat will get through it but those that have based their identity on a lie are cracking under the pressure. Voaters have been trolling the hell out of them nonstop since they arrived but now they are getting all sensitive because they have lost faith in their own (((movement))). There will be drama. No place involving living beings is without drama.

RockmanRaiden ago

Or MAGA Coalition.

JunOS ago

I don't know what the fuck is going on. Someone give me some Cliffs notes, please?

BraunF14 ago

Tits got ahold of mod power. Got fixed over infighting last year. Tits left. Tits came back. Did the same shit. Tita got power hungry and got doxed after linking her Twitter profile pic. Death threats were made. Tits vs tits action ensued. Tits left again, seemingly.

It's been a bunch of esteogenonsense

Phantom42 ago

Bottom line gentlemen:

Tits are not to be trusted. Tits are warm and squishy. What is attached to them is hard and cold. A true menace to all men. Something that would kill them if it thought it worthwhile.

ruck_feddit ago

You left out something about white-knights trying to come to tit's rescue, but too scared to do anything because site-wide bans were being handed out. Otherwise, you're spot-on.

BraunF14 ago

Yep. Q guys are just neckbeards IMO

ruck_feddit ago

I don't hold stock in either side, but faggotry needs called out whenever possible.

BraunF14 ago

Yessir agreed. And this was faggotry and an offense to Voat principles.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You left out incel power mods catering to tits.

JunOS ago

Sounds dumb all around. Thanks.

billyvvinz ago

fake and... no, nevermind, just gay. gay gay gay.

Volcris ago

A lot of people on this site have gotten more into attacking each other than getting along and focusing on the enemy.

Dortex, he wasn’t asking for child porn, he was daring some one to do something bannable. It was a heated attack on them.

Crensch, banning a post for calling you an idiot makes you no different then reddit mods. You are better than that.

The shills have largely been successful. They wear you down until your anger spills over to each other. Take a lesson from (((them))), first goal is to not fight within. Jesus fulfilled his destiny by letting Judas betray him. If you spend your time fighting and hunting those within you won’t have time to deal with those without.

Phantom42 ago



Crensch ago

Crensch, banning a post for calling you an idiot makes you no different then reddit mods. You are better than that.

Was that the reason? I can tell you for certain it wasn't. I handle that kind of thing pretty well. What I removed was for other reasons, but you'll have to be more specific.

speedisavirus ago

Did he post a pic of you eating foreskins?

BraunF14 ago

What reason? Hubris? Because you were front n center? I just figured my first ban and deletion on voat would've had a more reasonable explanation seeing as this site is modeled around freedom of speech.

Volcris ago

Hi Crensch, hope you are having a pleasant day outside of the drama.

You removed a post that was inflammatory but easily forgotten, except now it has the Streisand effect going for it. I’m a lurker that enjoys the memes and never would have read Braun’s words without the post delete.

Feel free to describe what rule was violated and your stance, in the past when your material has floated by my limited view it’s been well received, and I find you Q guys to be a pleasant bunch.

BraunF14 ago

Agreed. For years I was pleased to see his name. Now? Idk.

Crensch ago

It's not about the drama or the Streisand Effect it's about sending a message. Hope you enjoyed the words you read would not have.

Volcris ago

What message is that?

A lot of casual users take moderation actions seriously. In the past, you have championed that ideal.

What message does banning some one being obnoxious send?

Crensch ago

I'm well aware of what the users take seriously. I'm well aware that the internal consistency of your position is Rock Solid.

I just happened to recently realize that the Paradigm you are currently defending and that I previously defended rewards those that would do harm. It Fosters a Paradigm where inconsistency and lack of accountability makes you part of an Untouchable class of user. Nobody can touch you or call you out because you are the sacred cow of this place. Everyone else has to follow the rules like a good goyim.

I am having a good day, both outside and inside the drama. I hope you are as well.

Volcris ago

I’m glad your day is going well!

What paradigm is superior then? I’m open to other paths and ideas, many of us are, but we could use concrete ideas on how to resist effectively and not get torn apart by (((them))).

Crensch ago

I always loved the idealism in the internal consistency of the Free Speech Paradigm we had here. Thanks to the laziness or lack of carrying of the people supposedly here to exercise their free speech, others Free Speech has been curtailed by Bad actors.

If the population becomes lazy and complacent, which always happens, then something needs to change.

I honestly don't care what changes at this point, but something is going to change.

Volcris ago

You are a very old member of this place, would hate to see you go.

I see the bad actors a lot, usually with a bunch of link spam that doesn’t prove much, and not much conversation.

I don’t know what the response is. The shills have numbers and pay to keep it up, they have closed doors strategy meetings on subverting places like this.

I worry what hope truth has when so much money supports a lie.

Crensch ago

We can only do what we can do. That is why I am doing what I am doing.

BraunF14 ago

So I still don't understand where the ban comes from. If you could explain without being too sophistic as you have been through this thread I've had the pleasure of reading, I'd be much more complacent. I'd sit on it and eat the ban. But shaping your argument around some "internal consistency of the free speech paradigm" only makes you sound like you're attempting to sound more intelligent than you're acting while admitting you have your own idea of what free speech should mean.

This is the first REAL feeling of an attack on freedom of speech (of all speech) I've come across in my time on voat. I didn't come here on a wave of migrants. I wasn't part of FPH, MDE, etc. I found Voat after giving up on Reddit because I felt I couldn't speak out against the wrongs that I was seeing on the site. I scoured the internet for this site and was very very skeptical at first but I warmed up after some time and made an account. Go pour through my history, I'm no troll. I'm not an SJW in disguise. I don't flame threads blah blah blah. I talk and debate. Sometimes get a lil heated. I chit chat and discover.

When I saw what had happened over with srayzie or whatever her name is, I truly felt disgusted and with my mediocre amount of research I found that you and others were even involved. Many users I used to respect, in fact. And you know what I felt? Disgust. Anger. Very real disappointment.

Look I spent a good amount of time as a leader in many positions in the Navy and I know how to motivate or demotivate, belittle or build with words alone. I am educated, I can be proficient with my language. So if you're reason, @crensch , is simply that you thought my comment was inflammatory or demeaning or whatever.... So be it. Tell me that. Don't just go with "other" and leave me hanging with the thought that users I once respected for upholding a higher standard than what I saw on Reddit are now going down the same path. I don't want that for Voat. Voat is my second home. Voat is my second family. You guys loved, cared, and helped me through good and bad times as you can see in my history. I don't want to see this place fall like the other forum.

And I don't want to see you fall, @crensch

Volcris ago

We need some form of ground to stand on. They accomplish what they do because they see advancement and survival of their people as the only thing.

If we became them, we would commit the same sins.

Glory_Beckons ago

So you post off-topic drama to a subverse that's in the middle of a drama shitstorm and then act like the injured party when you get the boot you asked for.

I'm not going to contribute to the Voat infighting [...]

"... but here's me contributing to the infighting. Did I do good guys? Did I? ...please clap"

Rotteuxx ago

@braunf14 wasn't off topic, it's a rage quit post and he replied within context.

What you're trying to say is that only qtards are allowed to speak in there, anyone else is automatically off topic if they don't suck up in that post

Glory_Beckons ago

Ah, was it in the quit post? Wasn't obvious. Scratch the off topic then, but the rest of the point stands. This was ban bait riding on the drama shit wave.

Nosferatjew ago was pretty obvious.

Glory_Beckons ago

I'm content to blame it on my not paying attention. It makes no difference to the point:

The behavior in this post is crying out as you strike, and then fishing for outrage and validation.

Rotteuxx ago

Calling this ban bait is condoning censorship in the name of feelings. Fuck that retarded shit.

BraunF14 ago

Absolutely agreed. Thanks for having my back dude. See

Just got off work so I had some time to think.

Rotteuxx ago

Don't mention it, it's what shills do !

Curious to find if he'll eventually reply to that.

BraunF14 ago

He never will. I see a deleted one after mine which I think he tried to rebuke by statements but realized he didn't have the words for it.

Rotteuxx ago

Sometimes that's just people pinging others into it and then deleting the comment.

BraunF14 ago


Rotteuxx ago

Anytime m8

Crensch ago

So many of these people lack consistency of words and actions, or even words and words.

BraunF14 ago

I see your point. And it's fair to play devil's advocate. I just know a lot of people haven't been watching and are clueless to see of the corruption. I'm trying to shed light on the situation. I wouldn't say my comment was off topic however. Sometimes you need to hand one a mirror so they can perceive how ugly they are.

Glory_Beckons ago

I wouldn't say my comment was off topic however

Does your comment have anything to do with Q? No? Then it's off topic in a sub dedicated to Qtards following Q shit.

I'm trying to shed light on the situation

So... You're keeping the drama going? Because there hasn't been enough of it?

clueless to see of the corruption

What corruption? You're shitting on his lawn. It's his job to keep it clean. So he's shooting salt at you with the 12 gauge he's been given specifically to protect his lawn.

Don't want salt up your ass crack? How about... not shitting on his lawn?

Sometimes you need to hand one a mirror so they can perceive how ugly they are

Here's your mirror, good sir.

BraunF14 ago

Oh I see your badge now. I see it was pointless to attempt to appeal to reason. I bet your desktop background is a doctored pic of trump with something along the lines of "here comes the storm".

As far as on or off topic goes, the post was a sobby attention grab ragequit like rotteuxx said. That being said, my commented need not necessarily be about Q, but rather about the post. Thank you very much. Here's your clap you deserved it.

Glory_Beckons ago

What badge? I'm not involved in the Q crowd and have their subs blocked. I think they've fallen for a horoscope-tier psyop and don't want that noise on my /v/all. Trump is a zionist boomer stooge. I've posted in their subs a few times to tell them that's what I think. They never banned me, so I left them be.

As I said in my other reply, scratch the off topic then. You were still intentionally fishing for a ban.

Volcris ago

Ok but at this point the “is trump our guy or not” is little more than Catholics or Protestants killing each other while muzzies move into their old houses.

It doesn’t matter, still better then the Dems and while I don’t think he will accomplish anything we should see any defeat of the other side as a stepping stone to build on rather then get caught up in whether or not all our problems magically vanished at the ballot box.

BraunF14 ago

Agreed. I'd much rather him be in than the rest. Well I did vote for Johnson and I would have been so happy if he'd been elected but it was such a far shot.

BushChuck ago

See? I think you are both idiots for your "he's better than the alternative" shtick.

Volcris ago

That’s cool, but what’s your preferred choice? What direction would you take?

Replacing him can come after 2020 and can be more in line with your values, suggest some one good to vote for.

BushChuck ago

Fire every single government employee, go back to US Constitution.

Your voting is an idiot's game.

(((Democracy))) is fucking stupid.

Volcris ago

Ok, how do we do that? How to we organize around that? What’s step one?

We need a roadmap, leadership and organization.

We have enough data now the basic beats of (((them))) are fact, we now need a way to throw off the yolk and organize.

With promotion towards the common goals, we can all move together, even if we disagree on the little details of it.

BraunF14 ago

Agreed. I am an idiot sometimes. I'm taking to heart my first deleted piece of content on voat. It's a bad feeling.

Volcris ago

Awesome, I would love to hear more about other, better candidates as well.

If you took the time to drum up the campaigns of 2024 hopefuls, while reminding us we need trump to stick around instead of the Dems ousting him, we could start building momentum.

If we all sit here fighting each other, we don’t deserve to win.

BraunF14 ago

Because I hurt some fee-fees and power mad mods and they don't want to face the facts. A lot more too.

You get stories made up about you and people mention your name a lot around a site, you begin to think you're better than the rest. That's what I gather.

zyklon_b ago

trust the (((plan))) to MIGA or be attacked is and banned....

CerealBrain ago

This guy is a kike, witness his argumentation and comebacks.

Ever argued with a Pakistani? The are exactly like this.

Just like a Jew.

Whoever defends this scumbag is a friend of Israel.

Doesn't even take a break to piss, how does that happen?

Astupidname69 ago

Or course he doesn't take breaks, he's getting paid by the hour.

BraunF14 ago

Lol just keep those empty bottles handy huh

CerealBrain ago

Must be fed by Ravens, maybe there's a taco shack nearby. Really nearby.

Maybe his babe Gotham makes him sandwiches (likely that's an alt).

gabara ago

@Crensch has stared into the abyss. @Crensch of 4 years ago would be disappointed by the @Crensch of today

Thissandwich ago

Did Q predict this?

Rotteuxx ago

Was the (((account))) astroturfing its reputation for 4 years ?

Or maybe he sold it for shekels ?

Or maybe he's just deeply depressed and emotionally irrational ?

mitoriomyt ago

I think Srayzie gave him pussy and he gave her his password.


sinclair ago

Maybe the original Crensch sold the account. I've heard that happens. Cause I remember a very different Crensch.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

What I don't understand is how he can be owner of a Q sub when he is one of the biggest racist anti-semites on Voat. Easily provable. THAT is against everything the Q movement is. Maybe someone needs to bring it to Q members attention by doing an expose' and call for his resignation? His recent behavior of banning like a reddit faggot power mod should be met with extreme prejudice and him banned from Voat site wide. I haven't called for any of this yet but I will if he fucks with me.

ExpertShitposter ago

Just smear shit on his door knob 10 days in a row.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I could be doing some crazy shit posting about him and haven't. Aren't I a nice muthafucker?

Sburban_Shitposter ago

racist anti-semite

you know what website you’re on, right?

Phantom42 ago

By fucking with one of us, he fucked with all of us.

Guns guns guns.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

brothers in shit posts 4EVA

Phantom42 ago

Yaayeet mei dood.

Rotteuxx ago

That would be giving him a taste of his own medicine, absolutely nothing wrong with that. I wouldn't ban him though, that's way too reddity for me.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I can respect that.

gabara ago

Maybe he became a WOMB? You know a Whiteknight Orbiting Male Beta

auto_turret ago


gabara ago

Wait it's Whiteknight Orbiting Mangina Beta

BraunF14 ago

I was going to ping you on this submission btw to get your opinion.

BraunF14 ago

I'm not going to contribute to the Voat infighting that caused a user to be doxed several times and resulted in this sorry piece of literature:

It should be known however that it did happen. @crensch OTHER is a sorry ass excuse for hiding people's free opinions on the matter. The whole thing was handled poorly and immaturely and I guess, now, that will just be a consistent thing from the likes of all who were in it. Shame. Absolute shame and laughter of our once honorable site was brought upon us because of this bullshit. Most of us despised the Q-gration and now we see why.

Trump is a Kike puppet, Q is a LARP and the Earth is round. Get over it.

offender ago

*The earth is flat

VoatsNewfag ago

that caused a user to be doxed several times

A user that used her face as her profile picture several times with her username on voat.

Very few people use their real face on youtube, bitchute and Twitter. Why is that?

What is the purpose of a profile picture?!

Note that this does not by any means excuse the threats and other stuff.

But tell me what profile pictures are made and used for and then tell me again it's doxing with a straight face.


BraunF14 ago

Mhmm. It was an ignorant decision in the first place and honestly I don't want that level of stupidity on voat. It's not my call obviously. But I came here for intelligent, free discussion. Most users here are elevated beyond the norm of this dumbass world.

Phantom42 ago

*and Hitler was right

*so was Christ, obviously

speedisavirus ago

You are a kike puppet. I can see that fucking nose from all the way over here.

BraunF14 ago

Apart from actually having a larger nose, no. I'm not. Thanks

theoldones ago

i'm trying to talk @Crensch down here because i know he's better then this

gabara ago

There's still hope.

gabara ago

What if we wish on an ounce / 28 grams of 20+ % THC grade Girl Scout Cookies? I have a couple right here. @caveman_in_a_suit and @AndrewBlazeIt will be the officien... where did my weed go?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Cat tax, most likely, is my guess

Dortex ago

People don't change,is the problem. I've got no beef with crensch myself. He wasn't the one begging for child porn. But he'll still be the same guy banning everyone for no reason.