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Volcris ago

A lot of people on this site have gotten more into attacking each other than getting along and focusing on the enemy.

Dortex, he wasn’t asking for child porn, he was daring some one to do something bannable. It was a heated attack on them.

Crensch, banning a post for calling you an idiot makes you no different then reddit mods. You are better than that.

The shills have largely been successful. They wear you down until your anger spills over to each other. Take a lesson from (((them))), first goal is to not fight within. Jesus fulfilled his destiny by letting Judas betray him. If you spend your time fighting and hunting those within you won’t have time to deal with those without.

Crensch ago

Crensch, banning a post for calling you an idiot makes you no different then reddit mods. You are better than that.

Was that the reason? I can tell you for certain it wasn't. I handle that kind of thing pretty well. What I removed was for other reasons, but you'll have to be more specific.

Volcris ago

Hi Crensch, hope you are having a pleasant day outside of the drama.

You removed a post that was inflammatory but easily forgotten, except now it has the Streisand effect going for it. I’m a lurker that enjoys the memes and never would have read Braun’s words without the post delete.

Feel free to describe what rule was violated and your stance, in the past when your material has floated by my limited view it’s been well received, and I find you Q guys to be a pleasant bunch.

Crensch ago

It's not about the drama or the Streisand Effect it's about sending a message. Hope you enjoyed the words you read would not have.

Volcris ago

What message is that?

A lot of casual users take moderation actions seriously. In the past, you have championed that ideal.

What message does banning some one being obnoxious send?

Crensch ago

I'm well aware of what the users take seriously. I'm well aware that the internal consistency of your position is Rock Solid.

I just happened to recently realize that the Paradigm you are currently defending and that I previously defended rewards those that would do harm. It Fosters a Paradigm where inconsistency and lack of accountability makes you part of an Untouchable class of user. Nobody can touch you or call you out because you are the sacred cow of this place. Everyone else has to follow the rules like a good goyim.

I am having a good day, both outside and inside the drama. I hope you are as well.

Volcris ago

I’m glad your day is going well!

What paradigm is superior then? I’m open to other paths and ideas, many of us are, but we could use concrete ideas on how to resist effectively and not get torn apart by (((them))).

Crensch ago

I always loved the idealism in the internal consistency of the Free Speech Paradigm we had here. Thanks to the laziness or lack of carrying of the people supposedly here to exercise their free speech, others Free Speech has been curtailed by Bad actors.

If the population becomes lazy and complacent, which always happens, then something needs to change.

I honestly don't care what changes at this point, but something is going to change.

Volcris ago

You are a very old member of this place, would hate to see you go.

I see the bad actors a lot, usually with a bunch of link spam that doesn’t prove much, and not much conversation.

I don’t know what the response is. The shills have numbers and pay to keep it up, they have closed doors strategy meetings on subverting places like this.

I worry what hope truth has when so much money supports a lie.

Crensch ago

We can only do what we can do. That is why I am doing what I am doing.

BraunF14 ago

So I still don't understand where the ban comes from. If you could explain without being too sophistic as you have been through this thread I've had the pleasure of reading, I'd be much more complacent. I'd sit on it and eat the ban. But shaping your argument around some "internal consistency of the free speech paradigm" only makes you sound like you're attempting to sound more intelligent than you're acting while admitting you have your own idea of what free speech should mean.

This is the first REAL feeling of an attack on freedom of speech (of all speech) I've come across in my time on voat. I didn't come here on a wave of migrants. I wasn't part of FPH, MDE, etc. I found Voat after giving up on Reddit because I felt I couldn't speak out against the wrongs that I was seeing on the site. I scoured the internet for this site and was very very skeptical at first but I warmed up after some time and made an account. Go pour through my history, I'm no troll. I'm not an SJW in disguise. I don't flame threads blah blah blah. I talk and debate. Sometimes get a lil heated. I chit chat and discover.

When I saw what had happened over with srayzie or whatever her name is, I truly felt disgusted and with my mediocre amount of research I found that you and others were even involved. Many users I used to respect, in fact. And you know what I felt? Disgust. Anger. Very real disappointment.

Look I spent a good amount of time as a leader in many positions in the Navy and I know how to motivate or demotivate, belittle or build with words alone. I am educated, I can be proficient with my language. So if you're reason, @crensch , is simply that you thought my comment was inflammatory or demeaning or whatever.... So be it. Tell me that. Don't just go with "other" and leave me hanging with the thought that users I once respected for upholding a higher standard than what I saw on Reddit are now going down the same path. I don't want that for Voat. Voat is my second home. Voat is my second family. You guys loved, cared, and helped me through good and bad times as you can see in my history. I don't want to see this place fall like the other forum.

And I don't want to see you fall, @crensch