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BraunF14 ago

I keep it all unblocked and just kind of eye filter. It's easy to spot them with their shiny, wrinkly hats on. It resulted in a bunch of doing, death threats to family and children, and some users "leaving" Voat. We'll see how long they stay gone. Then we got blasted on poal and for good reason. This site became home to a bitter battle of estrogen and ego.

Here's the goodbye post ( which is just an attempt at attention whoring and sad as in cringey-sad. Be an adult and walk away right? For anyone that missed the drama, it's not even worth the dig. I dug and I was simply disappointed. Very disappointed.

Now we all recently saw @puttitout take the very very high road and surrender his hubris for the sake of the community, own up to his mistakes, and resolve the situation. Also did you know Putt had to get personally involved in the Q lead drama? A sites main admin shouldn't have to do that in my opinion. Oh and don't talk to them about their own shit because they think it smells like roses. You'd think after being blasted by nearly the entire community, all parties involved would have taken a page from Putt and grown up and apologized but nooooo..... They just keep sinking lower and lower. Evidence 1a (lol)

If anyone has a similar experience going on, please post and keep this updated.