NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey I'm just glad that the great goy war of 2019 is finally over. It reminded me of Germany fighting the world to protect us jews from allied bombers and typhus. Shaloms™✡️

EyeOfHorus ago

You're so fucking gay. So Q is fake and @srayzie is capitalizing on your douchbaggery as an excuse to quit while appealing to white knight sympathy. Do you even read your own shit. You're gayer than @zyklon_b queen of gays .

gabara ago

Jesus doesn't want you for a sunbeam.

EyeOfHorus ago

My relationship with Him is stronger than your jerk impulse to loli.

gabara ago


Rent free.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Who wants to see some loli on QRV? It’s getting to be that time of day.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

She's leaving and signed everything over to crensch

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Easiest thread to get benned in

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

I already did. All I said was congratulations to all involved and thanked @zyklon_b for his persistence and dedication. @crensch benned me for “other”

AndrewBlazeIt ago


zyklon_b ago

@crensch is now modding the bjggest pro israel sub on voat MIGA


CheeseboogerHimself ago

ah ah ah SMDH We have entered the honk honk zone

zyklon_b ago

notice lack of denial is same as admiting

CheeseboogerHimself ago

ah ah He's over there preaching like those really kooky Qtards. Its fucking glorious what he has been reduced to. No....its actually sad in a way. I used to like him until he knifed me in the back the first time I exposed srayzie and her bullshit. He chose sides. all of them did. They just did it again openly and now walked that shit back after they seen Voats immune system response. I cant be happy about any of it. It makes me sick that a hooked nose zio bitch can come between all us guys. I'm fucking ashamed. I feel a little sorry for him and all the others who became incels for her.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

I’m surprised he sided with them. I genuinely liked the cuck. Do you have any background on why he went to the tard-side?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It started when she first came here a couple years ago and I immediately called her out for being a zionist shill and he was at her feet like a fucking guard dog and attacked me. The day I came here about four years ago I called crensch out for being a jew shill but we smoothed it over but I never changed my mind. He now proves me right. ALL OF IT. I AM THE GREATEST JEW HUNTER WHO EVER LIVED AND EVEN GOT THE OWNER OF LIVE LEAK TO TALK ABOUT ME ON HIS SHOW AND GOT THEM TO CHANGE THEIR TOS AND BEN THE WORD "DINDUNUFFINS".

theoldones ago

i'm hoping its a larp and she's not gonna go. i liked her

NemesisPrime ago

She's an attention whore. She'll kill this personal and start a new one.

theoldones ago

i've talked to both separately via PM when i handled their case. they're separate

auto_turret ago

She's a hoe fo sho

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It hasn't came out yet if she has been meeting some of her Voat incels IRL. It needs to. We have to determine this because it is bigger than gamergate

auto_turret ago

I just dont like her because she's ban happy on Voat.

Actual whore? Bwahahaha!

C_Corax ago

That's a strange way of saying "I admit my part in the drama" lol

Rotteuxx ago

And "I'm not as popular and precious as I thought"

heygeorge ago

This reply did not age well:

CerealBrain -2 points (+2|-4) 4 days ago
Nah, I've watched her extricate herself from things over and over again.

She's just blowing off steam.

Female or not, she's quite the survivor.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I told all of ya'll, mane. Many got mad at me for telling the truth. My wounds still bleed red, white & shitposting blue aww hell yeah

Le_Squish ago

White knights are shitty pawns.

Rotteuxx ago

@crensch is uber mad that his waifu is leaving, he's getting emotionally unhinged.

Le_Squish ago

Brah, Crensch-boi gave me the bens too, lol.

Le_Squish ago

What kind of broke dick, butt hurt ban is that? Was he promised awkward suburban strange as well? That fucker needs to find himself a nice homely girl that doesn't care he's a raging autist so he can stop feeling compelled to white knight for internet thots.

At least we can all chill and just be smug faggots together now.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm down for shilling chilling, still have that spare hammock ?

Le_Squish ago


C_Corax ago

I'll wear a red armband to honor this day!

zyklon_b ago

eet hur kids

AndrewBlazeIt ago

s'not often you get that much reaction w/ just 3 words my dude

zyklon_b ago

hahaha. i need a beer

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theoldones ago

fuck off, take pills again, punch someone again, get arrested again.

zyklon_b ago

honk honk

Gothamgirl ago

Pussy Pass denied 🤣

theoldones ago

gothamgirl is a thot

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Srayzie is a thot. Gothamgirl is fucking awesome and always has been. I think you are a little drunk and got shit backasswards.

theoldones ago

m8 i dont know fuck all about whatever drama happened here before, i'm new to that, and the whole thing reads like a soap opera so far

i see a doxx of a voat user happening in front of me, i shut it down. doxxing is bad and it shouldn't be happening between voat users.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It goes deep to the bone. There is hurt feelings of betrayal and shit that has been building up for a long time and it finally all just popped. I dont agree with doxxing, and dont think it happened after looking at all of it. Just my opinion.

edgelord666 ago

lmao you losers look like little high school faggots with your pathetic cringey "drama" lmao

incellivision ago

No way, she has dogs and not the purse kind!

Gothamgirl ago

You are untruthful, and you support infidelity and suppression of free speech.

Dortex ago

You say "equivalent" like he isn't literally a censor kike.

theoldones ago

You are untruthful, you support infidelity and suppression of free speech. You're equivalent to a kike.

  1. begone thot

  2. wut

  3. you just participated in a harassment and doxxing campaign, and you're yelling at me for violating principles?

Gothamgirl ago

Text can't yell begone thot.

theoldones ago

it can apparently jealously yell the address of your competitors.

heygeorge ago

i am not an expert on

All things aside, this is accurate.

theoldones ago

i totally don't just improvise half the important shit i do aiming roughly towards correct.

nope. definitely not. i meant to do that shit