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LostandFound ago

I would kindly ask that you reconsider, as part of the silent majority around here your work is invaluable. Please take some time and have a think about this, the place will not be the same without you.

Crensch ago

If you'd reconsidered your "silent" part and at the very least used your mouse button to vote, and followed what was happening right under your nose, this might not have happened.

Being "silent" left her fighting all on her own. GA users could have done something about this. You have the opportunity to correct your course.

Don't make comments if you don't want to, but even Q told you to VOTE.

AllTheThings ago

Do not blame the actions from a few extremists on innocent users. We all do our best in our own ways.

If I would criticize @srayzie it would be that she feed the shills by arguing with them in the comments section. That was her mistake. She should have let her investigations (that were great!) talk for themself and only interact with serious users.

Crensch ago

Blame can be placed many places. Srayzie's inability to leave well enough alone caused her to be a great shill hunter and investigator. Yes, she kicked the hornet nests, but they were hornet nests.

You are, however, correct. @LostandFound you didn't deserve that heaped upon you directly. Apologies.

LostandFound ago

No worries, I PM'd srazie when she started this to warn her what was in store. I used to help a team that coordinated the original threads on 4chan from about thread 100-400 ... I am extremely lucky I know a decent bit about opsec cause what I was becoming involved with was genuinely unsafe even back then.

I will try and do more going forward regardless but i was royally scared off, guess I can't really blame her on reflection.

Crensch ago

Cheers, and please help spread the word if you can. The only way this place prospers is if everyone starts doing that; otherwise we merely survive.

LostandFound ago

Will do, let's just pick up the pieces here and do what we can. I know she thinks declass will be the undoing but we all know how deep this goes.. the fights only begining.

Crensch ago

I think so, too. Declass is just like many of the "BOOM"s, where the information dropped from X source to Y audience is HUGE for a very few, small, select amount of people that can really appreciate the gravity of what's happened. The rest of us hear a pin drop and think, "we knew that? Like, 5 months ago?"

I'm in this for the long haul. I'll not be suffering any absurdities thanks to Putt's latest sticky. If Voat is the Wild West, I'll shoot whoever I goddamn please.

LostandFound ago

He he do that, here's a few traps to set for people as was attempted on me, build a website that's not indexed by search engines and refer people to it in PM's you would be shocked how much info you can scrape that way. Private IRC servers and sharing links to Google sheets are other ways to gather info, fight fire with fire, no doxing of course but info is ammo these days.

Did putt really mean that there's basically 0 issue with botting / alts and other general voat manipulation tactics? Are we the Chinese now?

Crensch ago

Not sure about all that. Interested but I've not really got the requisite time or skills for it.

Happy to accept any such things since Voat is the Wild West now, though.

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