thelma ago

That appears to be accurate.

Not CP tho.

Make your own individual assessment of the person as you wish.

I simply just don't go there myself.

theoldones ago

"jailbaitanon" screams some red flags. this was one of their tricks, they post only clothed pictures of kids where the obvious intent is sexualization, but because clothes, it slips in through a loophole

loopholes only work when people don't know their being exploited, though, so i should probably mention this one

yeah, becuase the new sub needs content i'm just digging up all the old pedo expose posts i've posted in the past

thelma ago

Well when you take your thread and the sub its in, it implies that you are calling a user a pedophile.

Do you anything to show that the user was convicted in a court of law of anything related to such a subject matter ?

Its not a "loophole". Its the law. Don't like it ? Change the law. I work to change laws I don't like.

My10thaccount ago

You f****** pathetic pedophile sympathizer. If you're not disgusted by this you're a shity human being.

TruthDefender ago

thelma, where you use and accept Merriam-Webster, consider their entry on pedophilia:

Definition of pedophilia

sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

While law may be your area, this is not a legal term. It is very likely Aged is a pedophile.

Consider his submission statistics, which were brought up here:

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

2335 submissions to loli

2276 submissions to lolicon

Wikipedia describes lolicon consistently with the Webster definition on pedophilia:


Lolicon (ロリコン rorikon), also romanized as lolikon or rorikon, is Japanese discourse or media focusing on the attraction to young or prepubescent girls. The term lolicon is a portmanteau of the phrase "Lolita complex";[1] it describes an attraction to young or prepubescent girls.

He has 2335 + 2276 = 4611 submissions to those two loli subs alone. Four thousand six hundred eleven, to just those two. That doesn't even count his posts to other pedophile subs. This proves a relentless dedication to posting pedophile content. You have had your account for two years, are one of the more active goats, and he's submitted more to only those two subs than you submitted in total. His submission is also constant: when I look at the last two weeks of his submissions, I see many per day, every day, going back for the last two weeks. I reasonably generalize that this pattern continues.

He's widely recognized by Voat goats as a pedophile: I haven't seen this ever contested or controversial and for good reasons. @carlip, the owner of /v/PedosOnVoat, states so here and links this post depicting what may be Aged admitting to watching live-action child pornography. @gabara often mocks Aged for this, like here: so often that he's done so as recently as today, and before that three days ago with a meme of Pedobear. Others often do similar: that is from 9 days ago, and here's another by Buddha dated 15 days ago. He gets posts made about him in /v/ProtectVoat: here's one 10 days ago. I could go on.

Here he comments in the pedo sub /v/loli to his fellow pedophile fuark_arf, who theoldones helped drive out from Voat, "You need to teach bitches to learn their place when they are young." He has many submissions to /v/youngladies, a child sexualization subverse, like this one with the title "She is twelve," or this one that's called "Denise Party Girls 94." He sexualizes kids as young as 5, with understandable outrage by @ESOTERICshade and others, including this separate topic by Conspirologist. He has been accused of deleting inculpatory submissions and has posted sexualized underage cartoons to the default sub /v/gaming. He was called out by @Mumbleberry and others for this. He pedophiles so often that @Splooge has suspected him of SCP farming.

That should be sufficient evidence Aged is a pedophile. He doesn't just keep his pedophilia in his head either: he spams child sexualization so often on Voat it seems like it's his life's devotion. This can lead others to do harm: consider this review of over 35 scientific studies that report findings consistent with significant escalation in people's porn use. For lolicon, the escalation may be to child porn. Aged also enables pedos to find each other.

If we must talk law, there are speech issues that lolicon does present. If you browse this article on the legal status of drawn pornography depicting minors, you'll notice it's illegal in Australia, Canada, the Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. That's 5 of the 18 listed, or 28 percent of them. If there's loli that slips through here and there, Voat will probably be fine. If you have thousands upon thousands of submissions, in subverse after subverse, legal cases might be made in some of these countries this is a Voat problem and Voat might get banned there. People in these countries would then lose their freedom to speak on here, which most here wouldn't consider good.

Consider also this is /v/AntiPedoSquad. From what I see, your comments here are similar to theoldones going to your sub /v/PieceOfShitOfTheDay to inform you the people who you post there as pieces of shit have done nothing illegal.

Summary: it's fair to call Aged a pedo as he's a big pedo. Don't trust him around your kids.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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thelma ago


Is not meant to harass fellow goats. All what most people do is name a celeb. or politician or Paul Simon. And calling someone a POS has never been seen to be, by itself, defamation.

TruthDefender ago

Most comments on page 1 of its /new aim at goats and you advised similar here.

On that harassment you wrote:

you guys and gals can post until your hearts content.

This one sounds appropriate ^^^

Of all technically accurate terms to describe a pedophile, one of such camaraderie as "fellow goat" wouldn't top my list, but to each their own.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. If someone looks at what I evidenced above and concludes "Aged isn't a pedophile," that's likely in bad faith. Were I on trial and were there a need, I could make what I wrote fifty times as long.

You can't resist that opportunity to plug /v/PieceOfShitOfTheDay, I see. I'm just teasing to defuse tension. I often agree with you but I doubt I will on all this.

thelma ago

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation.

That's not exactly true .. you can say all true things and still be guilty of long as the implication is there that someone committed a crime.

Plus, you may win your case and spend 40K obtaining that win. Is that "winning"?

TruthDefender ago

I showed Aged to be a pedophile, not a criminal. I'm not guilty of anything but defending the truth. Anyone can file frivolous lawsuits against anyone for anything: I refuse to let alarmist fears over vexatious litigation shut me up on the facts. If I wanted a gag in my mouth, I'd go to Reddit.

You have a passion to defend others. I depart with the suggestion you reorient that to someone who isn't the biggest pedophile on Voat.

theoldones ago

where there's smoke there's fire

the intent of the pictures is quite clearly pornography

thelma ago

Jailbait defined.

Definition of jailbait
a girl under the age of consent with whom sexual intercourse is unlawful and constitutes statutory rape

Jailbait does not equal CP. It just describes the age of a girl.

I don't need to look at subs he subscribes to as Putt does not allow CP subs.

Unless you have more than this then your argument that the user has CP issues is without merit,

I guess you have no judicial decision related to the user related to the subject matter of CP.

I block lollicon stuff. That stuff is out there. But I don't consider it to be CP.

I can look at the lolli subs and see who subscribes if I wanted to ... what is your end goal here ?

SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

exposing a pedophile.

thelma ago

There are literally thousands of pedos CONVICTED every day.

Why not discuss those confirmed cases of pedophilia related crimes?

Or are you wishing to highlight young girls who model bikinis and what not be outlawed from their pictures being taken ?

Even you note that the pics are sexual in nature so you must have some degree of pedophilia , yes ? Otherwise you would not see them as sexually suggestive. Or you don't and just want to show links to pics that you think would indicate that a viewer has pedo tendencies ? I think that this maybe more accurate but, really, I cannot read your mind and I doubt you would ID yourself as a pedo.

^^ So I went over and this is one post that you don't like people looking at (although you also show people exactly where to look, right?)

I don't find this objectionable. Its a asian girl (age? Who knows, with asians she might be 40) that looks young. Its a girl in a swimsuit. Wow. I have seen racier young girls in my Sears catalogs.

I would not call someone a pedo for posting a link to that pic, or all the ones I looked at in that sub.

I think your efforts maybe better spent seeking new laws than posting on voat about people who post such pics. Clearly they are legal to post.

theoldones ago

even if it's legal, is it right?

if "no", then you know the reason why. it's pedophiles exploiting loopholes. YOU go change the laws maybe, eh?

thelma ago

Is it right to continually harass a person for doing something that's legal ? Since we are talking what is right / wrong and not legalities....

Really there are actual criminals you could be reporting on.

And the relief you are seeking is to make laws that would make the posting of such pics illegal. You can certainly ask fellow goats to support you in such efforts.

theoldones ago

Is it right to continually harass a person for doing something that's legal


they deserve bullets and the fucking rope.

thelma ago

wow. you are off the rails. thought police is a thing now?

theoldones ago

this isn't thought policing. pedophilia is a serious crime, and signs like this are respectfully red flags

"jailbait" + kids photos go with pedos

pedos go with "jailbait" + kids photos

this is basic occums razor.

thelma ago

pedophilia is a serious crime

Please cite a law. I don't think it is a crime. I cannot find one.

thelma ago

And none of these are an actual law.

I have not seen a criminal law in the USA making something you simply think or feel to be illegal.

I have no pity for any rapist. I think that is not what you're claiming.

YoHomie ago

Thelma is operating on reason, you are operating on emotion. Only one of those strategies typically works or has any effect. Think that through.

theoldones ago

it's not "emotion" to say pedophiles deserve a bullet, that's basic pest control.

thelma ago

So now you are saying that people you name as doing criminal act, as you wish to define them but the law does not, deserve a bullet to the head.


That is likely not going to result in any positive outcome for you but only negative outcomes.

As I said before, if you want to stop people posting such pics you need to change the law. Its inappropriate what you are doing.

If you think someone is posting CP then you should contact law enforcement if anything. LEOs have something called IMMUNITY and you have some immunity too when you contact LEOs with reasonable complaints; I cannot say that contacting police with false or frivolous complaints will offer you any protection, you would need to consult with that jurisdiction's laws and case law.

Noble as you think you are being, you'll likely cross a line into defamation or close enough to it where the "target" sues. What's going to be your defense "He posted what he legally could, your honor." That does not sound like a promising legal argument. Does it?