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BraunF14 ago

I like your out of context post. Have you forgotten what ran her off the site in the first place? Or who? Was it me? The answer is no. I never had any inclination to dox anyone or threaten anyone. Thankfully the old posts are still out there for people who really want to see the truth behind crensch's bullshit here. You're scum dude.

Crensch ago

Sure. Posts like this one of your glorious leader.

BraunF14 ago

Why do you insist I have leaders? I told you in the past I follow no one. My schedule is mine, my pay is mine, my life is mine. I'm not sure if you can comprehend the nature of such an existence. I told you this before. Whatever you have against, zyklon leave me out of it. I'm genuinely concerned that this site is under potential threat by the continued usage by you, your little @ army, srayz, and whoever else you think you lead around.

Just look what your "friends" have done. They shit around, make huge ordeals in the site and end up doxxing each other and making death threats. This was why I PM'd her. Voat got flipped upside down because of one person doing some very stupid shit. You may defend her in any way you please but the logical side of you has to admit to some extent thatshe fucked up and so did you and your friends.

Again genuinely concerned that people like you and her are on here and could ruin a very good thing that we have. Also the GA spamming has just got to stop. It's so so bad

Crensch ago

You seem 100% on their side despite them being literal pedophiles and doxxers. This side hasn't doxxed ANYTHING that wasn't already doxxed by someone from the other side, save what could be found in public searches, since that was the justification THEY used to go after srayzie.

One side has been reactionary this whole time - the other has been the aggressor. Guess which side you attack?

So as far as I'm concerned, your attacks on this side imply agreement with the other, and a bankruptcy of moral character.

Native ago

You are the one that constantly doxxes people every 6 months. THough you've clearly stepped up the timeline and do it every month now.

Was that orders from high JIDF? Don't they have other things to focus on, like getting fucked by their girlfriends boyfriend?

Crensch ago

You are the one that constantly doxxes people every 6 months.

Sounds like butthurt.

THough you've clearly stepped up the timeline and do it every month now.

I've never doxxed anyone, you subhuman retard.

Was that orders from high JIDF? Don't they have other things to focus on, like getting fucked by their girlfriends boyfriend?

Do you always attack the people going against pedophiles, or is that a habit of yours for reasons?

Native ago

I'm with you on attacking pedophiles, we both agree on this. That said, Zyklon isn't a pedophile and never posted kiddie porn, even you admitted this. Atleast meet me half way on this.

Crensch ago

And then there's the absolute thralldom of actual pedos that "shitpost" with them that are also attacking people on this side. Somehow they ALL hate us, not them?

Maggotbait88 is a pedo. He posts loli. You'll find him in the modlog of beatlesarmy.

Native ago


Stop using big words.

@maggotbait88 you're called out

Crensch ago

If you need help, @TruthDefender lays out exactly why maggotbait88 is a pedophile.