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swinston79 ago

Proof? They are on here but you need proof before you call them out.

thelma ago

Look at the downvotes ... LOL

Just for asking for "proof".

@truthdefender and @theoneones will be here soon calling you a pedo "enabler" soon !

These purported "anti-pedo" folks are just wacko ... see link ^^^ where I ask the wackos if a pic was "pedo".

They just banned me. LOL

swinston79 ago

They are acting like it's fucking Reddit with their witch hunt. I just want proof.

theoldones ago

dortex and thelma are fucking liars, and dortex is a smoking-gun proven pedo, and this is a gaslighting campaign they've been trying to run for months.

here's a thread explaining and debunking thing:

thelma ago

@theoldones needs to learn what sarcasm is....because he describes sarcasm for fact.

That linked thread ?

Sarcastic posts that idiots who should know is sarcasm that forms the basis of personal attacks meant to show others that if they exercise their free speech that they will be attacked.

theoldones ago

"sarcasm" like wanting to fuck 6 year olds. k.

thelma ago

You must think people are stupid. Us goats are a pretty smart group.

Anyone who goes to the linked thread and look at your edit #5 where a posted posted about a baby knows its sarcasm.

And of the one that asked for CP pics to be posted, another piece of sarcasm.

@theoldones and @truthdefender clearly provoke people to post such sarcastic replies to your unsubstantiated claims.

A person with a normally functioning brain would recognize such things as sarcasm. Clearly you or your two don't like sarcasm.

So instead of being a grown-up you behave like niggers...chimping out.

And you continue to post and repost ... I don't know what you expect but goats will take notice and read the sarcastic posts and come to the conclusion that you are wacko.

Crensch ago

You must think people are stupid. Us goats are a pretty smart group.

No, you're really not.

That's kind of a full-on destruction of your character, since you did not, or could not, agree with absolutely flawless logic showing your buddy to be a pedophile.

Making any new defense of a pedophile you bring up suggest things about your own proclivities.