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thelma ago

That appears to be accurate.

Not CP tho.

Make your own individual assessment of the person as you wish.

I simply just don't go there myself.

theoldones ago

"jailbaitanon" screams some red flags. this was one of their tricks, they post only clothed pictures of kids where the obvious intent is sexualization, but because clothes, it slips in through a loophole

loopholes only work when people don't know their being exploited, though, so i should probably mention this one

yeah, becuase the new sub needs content i'm just digging up all the old pedo expose posts i've posted in the past

thelma ago

Well when you take your thread and the sub its in, it implies that you are calling a user a pedophile.

Do you anything to show that the user was convicted in a court of law of anything related to such a subject matter ?

Its not a "loophole". Its the law. Don't like it ? Change the law. I work to change laws I don't like.

My10thaccount ago

You f****** pathetic pedophile sympathizer. If you're not disgusted by this you're a shity human being.