nameof ago

Go look at all my deleted posts if you can. Why does kid porn stay up and my posts deleted? Im not going to look at these subs. I've only posted to Pizzagate and just got suspended on Twitter for talking about the number of missing kids and random people started telling me SHuT SHUT THE FUCK UP so I relentlessly quoted the text of their tweets and captioned it with "pedophile protectors on twitter" and "what Russia, where is the outrage over the 800thousand missing us kids" and how nobody knows the actual number and nmec have been keeping bad record stuff, so wow, it's really creepy that happened and both my voat posts were deleted as soon as posting. By MF. One post talking about the Twitter thing, the other i showed a subliminal message on the Harry Konick Jr show that aired 2016 with a little boy in red shoes, talking about a love letter writing project to people in old folks homes. The scene of them on a couch fades/shifts to the pile of love letters but too quick to perceive the little pictures on the letters overlay the last scene and each person has a color coded word SMILE on their person. The host has an array of Jewish stars overlaying his facehead and body perfectly placed.


Why delete This? Who cares? Is it the red shoes...podesta et al, have in common or was it the Stars of David too perfectly lined up and down Harry's body. Wtf is that Right? Occult?

Conspirologist ago

This is obvious conspiracy. Repost this in /v/Conspiracy

Twitter's owners are connected to the pedogate, nothing unexpected if they banned you.

Vindicator ago

He's Swiss, correct? I'd bet a tidy sum he is on vacation, because...Alpine meadows!

piratse ago

It's not illegal. There is no reason to remove it. Block the subverse, then consider killing yourself for being so weak as to throw free speech out the window because your morals are hurt.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

No. You fucking idiot.

Why are you guys downvoating my comment? If you don't upvoat my comment it means you like kiddie porn.

Go get fucked with you're fucking virtue signalling you fucking cock sucking piece of shit.

Broc_Lia ago

Sure does, so does terrorism and hate speech. All convenient excuses for shutting shit down. To make this place safe from the politicians we'd have to make it worthless.

Edit: Here's the image I was looking for.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

But I'm not going to say what I've figured out, because I like them and I like what they're doing and support them. We all should. But stay out of their way. For the love of god, stay out of their way.

Fuck off.

greycloud ago

i have deleted many questionable posts on v/youngladies because i too do not want to see voat get shut down over stupid shit. at the same time though, voat is worth defending because it defends free speech.

greycloud ago

subs for you to block so that this shit doesn't end up on your page.

there may be more, if so i am not subscribed to them. if you want i can create a list of the "drawings" sites as well so you can block them. free speech like most good things in life isn't free. you gotta work to curb your own desire to censor. you do that by either growing some thick skin or when you can't grow it thick enough, to avoid places where you can't handle the message.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Is there a way to block the sub without visiting it? I live in the good ol' USofA but I'd rather not see a disturbing thumbnail by accident.

MrPim ago

There is a Block Subverse link under each thread on your All or Front. You no longer have to visit the sub.

greycloud ago

no, it is confirmed that aged is posting material that was on a site that also posted illegal content. google has posted illegal links, does that make every link illegal?

greycloud ago

8 chan went to shit a long time ago with the forced removal of hebe

Tb0n3 ago

Tends to grease the wheels of moral crusaders. You know, Justice Warriors.

Kwijibo ago

Message the mods in that sub.

Goathole ago

Lol! I saw this post when it first popped and I thought....MY EXACT WORDS, "this'll never fly on voat. I mean this is voat. We may not like it but the entire fucking site is about freedom of speech and not letting others control us. This will never fly.

Three hours later and I happen to see it again and here all you faggots are VIRTUE SIGNALLING just like we criticize the fucktard liberal SJWers for. You people are pathetic.

All you have to do is not go to that sub. That's it, I do it all the time here. There are subs I just stay away from because I disagree with them or they don't interest me. I'm really disappointed in you.

european ago

Weird how non nude pictures elicits such fear and loathing in the general population. I wonder if this says more about modern society in general than @aged Sometimes o wonder hf the whole pedopile thing is a tavistock psyops . You have the double bind linguistic paradox of calling abusers lovers , inferring anyone loving children is to be suspected. We see this kind of thing rear it's head in subtle and creeping ways like not being able to take photos at school plays or cameras and phones being banned.

Broc_Lia ago

It's more that the intent of the guy posting it is clearly sexual, but I agree it's a slippery slope to start deleting it on that basis.

White_Phillip ago

yeah definitely fucky. theres no way alphabet agencies dont operate these websites in some capacity

Tb0n3 ago

There's been numerous stories about the FBI running child porn sites for months after catching the operators to try and honey trap it. If that's not wrong then I don't know what is.

White_Phillip ago

I think Motherless and Primejailbait are both honeypots. They're right up against the line of what is indecent, so that if someone crosses over that line, the feds know.

VieBleu ago

I love autistic nerds, but my sniffer detects something else with Musk. His family gets along preturnaturally well like some kind of pod people - another sign of non-humanism, they like each other, work together, then vacation and holiday together! ; ) (from a vanity fair bio)

VieBleu ago

I kinda love him for this Summoning The Demon!

But I kinda hate him because it is my pet theory that HE is actually just an AI interface. Something about that guy just isn't all human.

go1dfish ago

If no government is threatening @puttitout for the content it shouldn't be removed.

The ability of governments and gatekeepers to threaten puttitout in demand for content restriction is why Voat is not sustainable in its current form.

Today the offensive material may be Jailbait, tomorrow it may be calls for Jewish boycotts.

Be careful what you wish for.

I think all censorship should be deplored. My position is that bits are not a bug – that we should create communications technologies that allow people to send whatever they like to each other. And when people put their thumbs on the scale and try to say what can and can’t be sent, we should fight back – both politically through protest and technologically through software like Tor

—Aaron Swartz


We understand that this might make some of you worried about the slippery slope from banning one specific type of content to banning other types of content. We're concerned about that too, and do not make this policy change lightly or without careful deliberation. We will tirelessly defend the right to freely share information on reddit in any way we can, even if it is offensive or discusses something that may be illegal. However, child pornography is a toxic and unique case for Internet communities, and we're protecting reddit's ability to operate by removing this threat. We remain committed to protecting reddit as an open platform.

JohnCStevenson ago

If no government is threatening @puttitout for the content it shouldn't be removed.

Well, this is about to happen soon. I've reported Voat to the FBI for @Aged actions. Hopefully @PuttItOut has a good lawyer, or he'll be serving a long time in prison.

If your free speech site attracts pedophiles from all over, then ask yourself if free speech is truly worth it.

maggiethatcher ago

Of course you're supporting the pedophiles, just like your party is - 'member of the #resistance' big man. You think the FBI isn't already here? The far-left like you are vile, the only way you know is to shut people down because you can never win an argument. It's pathetic. We all know who is behind the globalist pedophile trafficking, and it's not Voat or this sub

Memorexem ago

reported to the FBI

Oh really, you don't say. I suppose they've nothing better to do than check out Voat over a couple model photos. It's not like there's real CP a few clicks away or anything.

Talc ago

What sort of country puts people in prison for other people's actions? only an imaginary one, you're letting your delusions run away with you.

serious question, why isn't @JohnCStevenson banned yet? He's just broken both the "keep everyone safe" and "incite harm" rules and is now here bragging about it!

go1dfish ago

I'm probably one of the least likely among us to call for banning people.

But calling in the State absolutely fits my definition of "incite harm" does very little to "keep everyone safe"

If we made a consistent habit of banning Voaters for calling in the State on fellow Voaters I would be perfectly ok with that.

Unfortunately, such a policy is only really enforceable for douchebags like this who announce that they have done so in an attempt to instill fear and chill speech. Even so, might be worth exploring.

Talc ago

I've only ever seriously called for the banning of pure commercial spammers before this (sure I suggested banning sanegoat and amalek in the past but only to yank their puppetstrings), but this is beyond mere "incite harm", this is an attempt to use law enforcement as a weapon and cause real harm. It's the difference between threatening "i'll shoot you" with no gun in evidence, and actually pulling out a gun and taking aim.

If we made a consistent habit of banning Voaters for calling in the State on fellow Voaters I would be perfectly ok with that.

me too, I could get behind that. Nation states are the most prolific murderers on the planet, should not be casually tossed around as a weapon.

9930105? ago

Any open board is in danger of this happening, anything illegal is removed asap.

shutupfaggot ago


go1dfish ago

Can you point to the illegal material Voat is hosting?

AFAIK Voat does not support uploading images by users at all.

If Voat is doing something illegal by linking to illegal material, are you not also doing something illegal by linking to it when reporting?

If you encountered illegal material on Voat, how did you verify that it is illegal without downloading it yourself?

CP possession is a strict liability crime, be careful.

WakkoWarner ago

I fully agree. We shouldn't let crybabies start their censoring jihad about what they consider offensive here on Voat. If their country has dumb laws that condemns content that didn't harm anyone they should man up and openly fight them instead than supporting and perpetrating them.

VieBleu ago

mmmmm search cheese

VieBleu ago

Voat will no doubt morph in to Elon Musk's personal vanity project, destined for searching in space

VieBleu ago

start a rumor that Elon Musk bought voat to take to space

VieBleu ago

You asked for complaints but I have an order - grilled cheese with a side of search bar please.

LostandFound ago

Yeah it's the I'm going to get in trouble even if I didn't intend to see that element of the content. I'd like the option to at least filter by 'not go to jail' if possible.

JohnJones ago

Yeah I seen a candydoll post on the 2nd page of v/all yesterday.. wtf is going on here?

greycloud ago

block the subs.

VieBleu ago

Maybe puttitout is deep in his special top secret lab coding out a real game changer in the forum and computing world - the ephemeral and hard to achieve SEARCH BAR!

VieBleu ago

yes I just read it was a kevdude "satire sub" joke or some fuggery - my bad

LostandFound ago

Can we just make groups like that invite only and clear of the homepage please. No censorship no worries.

Broc_Lia ago

Quarantine them you mean?

Gorillion ago

Voat haters always gots dat CP.

Derpfroot ago

That's a good point...every SJW has it to post to sites that are "problematic" (god fuck that word is gay).

VieBleu ago

lol no wtf is that?

also I just read something that said puttitout quitting was a larp by kevdude - a satire sub or something. So I give up and also don't care I guess.

VieBleu ago

I was personally told the same thing - somewhere on the Keller thread. He quit last Friday I was told. Edit - but now I'm reading downthread it was a kevdude larp.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Nowhere in my post did I state all pedophiles are male. The word "man" in "manchild" is just a placeholder for an adult human being.

VieBleu ago

I was told puttitout Quit! last Friday.

LostandFound ago

Still posting + no mention of quit hope your wrong

VieBleu ago

yes I just read that it was a larp by kevdude on a "mod satire" thread which he danced around gleefully saying gotcha. So hopefully I AM wrong. My bad, hard to keep up with the antics of clown mods

LostandFound ago

Lol no worries! As soon as I read you saying that, I got my parachute ready started kissing the goats goodbye. Putt gone Mid migration ...

VieBleu ago

lol where oh where are we migrating too?

LostandFound ago

Migrating from Microsoft / azure to open source / Linux alternatives to make voat great again, or at least cheap to run haha I appreciate putts level of involvement and skill so if he did bail we would have some major issues.

Broc_Lia ago

Depicting swastikas is illegal in Germany. Don't want to get extradited? Better delete them.

Images offensive to Islam are illegal in Saudi Arabia. Don't want to get extradited? Better delete them.

I don't approve of the shit aged is posting here, but you should think very carefully about the standard you're calling for. Putitout deletes content which would be illegal in the US, and refuses to delete anything else on free speech grounds. This is an important line in the sand and it is vital that it remains in place.

piratse ago

This. @aged isn't posting anything illegal. Block the subverse and fuck off if you have a problem with it, free speech means things you might not like, niggers.

Dangus ago

international law comes into play here. It isn't techinically legal what he operates.

This excuse won't last for long you SRS faggot. Legal loopholes that no one even knew existed until you guys start openly flaunting it and bragging about normalizing pedophilia.

Your false legal high-horse is about to drop dead from under you pedos

VoatUser69 ago

Pedophiles really are subhumans

Salbuchi_2019 ago

The very definition of manchildren. They haven't matured their sexuality past that of a little kid. To the chair with them.

Dangus ago

the admins dont mind the pedophiles here

Oh wait it's gabara. You knew that already. What is your angle in this thread? What about @Hecho

Stormc12 ago

Too bad this ain't Canada. Now do everyone a favor and fuck off somewhere else.

Broc_Lia ago

Read the post he's replying to.

9925717? ago

EDIT: I thought gabara's comment referred to American law and you retorted with Canadian law. But if /v/nonnude contains CP it is illegal. If it does not, ignore the rest of my comment.

Voat is based in the United States. It adheres to American law.

From Voat's User Policy:

Protect Kids:

You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Kindly refrain from posting CP in the future. Though it has not happened before, failure to stop posting such content could get your account banned. Voat supports free speech but it wants to protect kids as well, and also protect itself from American law.

Aged ago

I've never posted CP in the past, I don't post CP in the present and I will not post CP in the future. If people are annoyed by the content I post and they think it's CP, well, that's their problem and they can block the subverses where I posted these images.

9925818? ago

You might be surprised by what constitutes CP though. Dost test. They do not have to be naked for it to be child pornography. Sexual postures, focal points, and other things can push it over the line.

Aged ago

Some of these points seem very controversial. The page itself has criticism of it. But I will pa attention to these in the future.

9925701? ago

Fuck off, you goddamn pedophile.

Broc_Lia ago

He may be a sick piece of shit, but he's not wrong.

9926755? ago

If we start blocking things based off of unchallenged new laws from non-US countries, then Voat will quickly become as shitty as Reddit.

"Hate speech" is the exact kind of speech we made the 1st Amendment to protect.

Conspirologist ago

I agree. Pedophiles are not stupid to post this shit on a public forum. This is obvious sabotage.

Dangus ago

its been happening since the first exodus


9926187? ago

Take solace in the fact that your ideals and ideas are so powerful that (((they))) need to resort to this low grade assault. Too many people are waking up now.

VieBleu ago

good point

ZardoZ2017 ago

WTF! This 'nonnude' is a pedo-sub. Tell me how we get this disgusting sub removed from voat.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Then what? /v/fatpeoplehate gets banned, right?
Isn't that how it goes?
First r/jailbait, then r/fatpeoplehate, then r/coons, r/niggers....

greycloud ago

the same way you get v/pizzagate removed. you don't, its protected speech.

ZardoZ2017 ago

Posting pictures of young girls in suggestive poses even fully clothed pictures has been determined by US Supreme Court that it can be considered pornographic already in 2006 and has not anything to do with 'protected speech/free speech' whatsoever. You kiddyfucker-apologists can go to hell! This kind of shit and subs has to be deleted from voat ASAP.

facevalue ago

I strongly disagree with Aged's choice of material. This site being based on free speech, if his posts are not illegal here in the U.S.A. then I will stand up for his ability to post them whether I think it's sick or not.

ZardoZ2017 ago

Like any normal man i like to look at beautiful nude WOMEN, and have no problem whatsoever seeing the difference between WOMEN and GIRLS. These ALA pictures is from a place called 'A Little Agency' and the next here is written in a article on WIKI: In early 2006 the operators of the child modeling agencies "A Little Agency" and "The VMS," (Matthew Duhamel) were arrested on charges of child pornography. Neither A Little Agency nor the VMS distributed nude photographs, but federal prosecutors argued that they still contained "lascivious exhibitions" of the genitalia based on the six-part Dost test. Federal prosecutors claimed the Web sites dealt in images of girls as young as 9 wearing scant clothing in suggestive poses. One photo reportedly shows a 9-year-old girl in "black stiletto pumps, a black lace thong, black bra, and a black jacket" sitting on a dining room table, according to court records. The operators were indicted on transportation of child pornography, possession of child pornography and receipt of child pornography.[Attorneys filed a motion to dismiss the charges against them arguing that the pictures of young girls in suggestive poses on the websites they operated did not rise to the level of pornography. However, the judge assigned to the case, Chief Judge Campbell, denied the motion to dismiss, noting that the U.S. Supreme Court has determined fully clothed pictures can be considered pornographic.

Conspirologist ago

He is posting them everywhere. Check his posting history.

ZardoZ2017 ago

Okay. i will downvoat/report as much as possible!