sic_girl ago

@kevdude If you're "in charge" why does Putt repeatedly ignore your requests to remove mods from v/TIL and v/chicago?

oiseaulibre ago

Sane had spam war with totesmcgoats and they were both annoying. I've only seen myg spam dumb shit towards sbbh. I don't condone this and think it is just as bad, but he only did this a handfull of times. The point of this comment was to talk about the SRS takeover of voatchat with persistent spamming for months, not myg's spastic triggered spamming. Myg and sane's spam wasn't nearly as persistent and didn't cause these changes, therefore there was no reason to suspect they were an SRS-like group trying to take over chat. If they were, then they were horribly bad at it and didn't succeed like the other spammer did.

VieBleu ago


VieBleu ago


how many users average daily overall would you say for all of voat? I understand why different interests would attack the pizzagate sub, but why attack voat? that seems like attacking a stadium instead of a sportsteam, or a school instead of a student, etc Does reddit get the same attacks?

VieBleu ago

Do you know how to implement a grilled cheese? or anyone you know?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago


HomerSimpson ago


Mick ago

Yep shadowban everyone on voat I reckon.

heygeorge ago

I'd reply to you but I can't see your comment.

Mick ago

I can't see yours either. Weird.

Weebo ago

Oh, hey! I was mentioned in a comment. Yippee for me. I didn't think anyone even knew my name. And, for the record, I can't recall ever posting in PV or being openly hostile (maybe slightly opinionated). But, I really can't stand stupid drama. Now, I have poked fun at you in the past, but it's a helluva lot less than I do our own sdbh members and mod team. I just like to shitpost for my own amusement and everyone is a target (including myself). Anyways, glad to know somebody is thinking of me. And thanks for the reminder that I haven't made fun of you in a while. I'll get to work on correcting that shortly.

Disappointed ago

This thread is the gift that keeps on giving.

libby ago


Disappointed ago

oiseaulibre ago

Not including unknown alts, here's mods from SBBH,SDBH,PV, and TheCabal: /v/politics(heygeorge), /v/whatever(cynabuns) /v/pizzagate(heygeorge and Crensch), /v/AskVoat(cynabuns), /v/pics(trigglypuff), /v/pizzagatewhatever(heygeorge), /v/news(cynabuns), /v/fatpeoplehate(HomerSimpson and The_Penis_Wizard) /v/politicalnews(kevdude, Crensch, and cynoclast), /v/ReportSpammers(cynabuns) /v/sports(kevdude and Disappointed), /v/anontalk(jobes and weebo), /v/technology(Disappointed), /v/linux(Disappointed), /v/MagicMemes(empress, heygeorge, and trigglypuff), /v/jokes(mick, Hammer_Bot, and chronos), /v/admin(kevdude and mick), /v/traditionalwives(Empress, Le_Squish, and Trigglypuff), /v/nsfw(chronos), /v/music(foundring), /v/KotakuInAction (BrickDick)

And please link to modlogs of any abuse committed by people you are lumping in with "us".

I never said there was mod abuse. All I said was that people from these subs mod many major subs.

edit: /v/technology (Disappointed)

heygeorge ago

I never said there was mod abuse. All I said was that people from these subs mod many major subs.

Then what is your point in this list outside of list-making?

oiseaulibre ago

Kev told me to make a list, so I made a list.

heygeorge ago

I wager @kevdude was asking you to attempt to prove your conceit, rather than provide evidence to the contrary.

oiseaulibre ago

My statement was that the SBBH/PV/SDBH groups moderate several of the major communities. My list suggests that this is true. Kev acknowledges this and responds with this: "It's almost like active users are modding subs and some of them get along, and some of them don't". His reasoning may very well be the case. I don't think the list proves anything or provides evidence to the contrary. All it demonstrates is that people from SBBH/PV/SDBH do in fact mod many of these subs.

heygeorge ago

Yes, it's as if active users put in the time to moderate subs.

Head asploddddd

oiseaulibre ago

SRS is made up of active users who put in the time to moderate subs.

heygeorge ago

First off, you're flinging shit again.

But don't they abuse their modships? You're saying that doesn't happen. (Maybe that's not how it goes, but aren't these the shadowban people? I don't know shit about SRS, how does everybody know all about this? How do you know about this? Were you an active rebbitor that for silenced?)

oiseaulibre ago

They didn't start out abusing their modships, that's how they got to control so many subs and buddy up with the admins. Reddit didn't get the way it did overnight, it took time and happened gradually so that people would not take notice. Much like the folk story of the frogs in boiling water. When the water is slowly brought to a boil the frogs don't notice that the water is heating up and in the end they die because they did not notice.

I've seen enough concern trolling from SBBH to tell that many of them do not actually care about helping voat, but instead want to control voat narratives. (For example, the current "Sane Group" narrative.) If there is a group similar to reddit's SRS that tries to control voat their number one objective initially will be to silence and discredit any users who speak out. They are more about control than cancer. They are cancer mods on reddit because they became so powerful that they could do so openly and get away with it.

I was a redditor for years until I heard about this place during the fattening. Most who know about SRS experienced it first hand over years at reddit. I didn't notice it as much when I first got here. I think several factors either opened my eyes to this or made me crazy.

The first thing was finding voatchat many of the users on there talked about this stuff, but they were not the anti-SBBH/SDBH/PV/Cheers crowd that they became. A few users were, mainly Sane and MYG. I thought they were both nuts, and still do. The thing about voat chat was that no one controlled it. In subs, mods control them or a group of users could control them with voats. This could not be done on voatchat. It was free. This, of course would make it a huge target for a group of users that would want to control voat. I watched what went down in chat over the following months; it was sad to say the least.

The spam started in January and Putt implemented his picture ban later that month or in early February. I was disappointed, but chat was still free. The spam continued and the people in chat grew more frustrated and since many of the chat users were familiar with SRS they suspected that someone with the intention to control was behind the attacks. Much like at one point mentioning SRS-like voat groups in obscure comments would get you suspiciously downvoated, the chat that discussed this from time to time was attacked for months. At the time I still never bought that SBBH was as malicious as SDBH, or that they were SRS. It took months of watching voatchat get attacked, with the biggest uproar about the spam coming from SBBH, even though they were not in chat nearly as much as others at all and there was also a block script that was able to fix the issue fairly well. Putt slowly implemented the chat restrictions and SBBH users and mods applauded his actions that accomplished nothing in chat and in voat threads. In these threads these users somewhat obviously upvoated each other and downvoated anyone who questioned the decisions, even politely. I still had faith in Putt up until at least late May or June. In threads before then my criticisms were much more constructive with comments along the lines of "Putt I'm glad you added timestamps and the feature to see previous messages, but I fail to see how restricting users messages to 3 messages per 25 seconds would benefit chat. It slows the conversation down too much. Would a block feature be possible?" Obviously, comments like that deserved to be riddled with downvoats, obviously.

From there things escalated. The CCP restriction happened and as you know MYG was brigaded out of chat almost immediately. SBBH users laughed at him. I get that he's hostile and irrationally angry at people, but brigading someone out of chat is restricting free speech and the users should not be able to do this. Kev even said in a comment at the time that if it happened to anyone else he would care, but that he didn't care that it was MYG. The spammer at the time of this was able to get around these restrictions and spam again. When he came back in chat one of the first times, he proclaimed that he 'won' and that this is what he wanted. The discord was created by MYG and the spammer spammed it with scat. Whenever the people who used to talk about SRS in chat would go back to voat chat they would be spammed by the spammer. Oddly enough, every time this happened to me SBBH users were in chat having normal conversation and when me or anyone from the old chat days showed up we would be spammed. This demonstrates to me that this was about control. Now, whether or not it was SBBH could be up for debate, but kev and others who are supposed to be "protecting voat" don't seem to give a shit. ExpertShitposter, BeatleJuiceX3, Zyklon-B, nogarbagetrashonly, and Crensch attack a made-up "sane-group" that is "attacking voat", while completely ignoring an actual attack on voat.

You can say I'm flinging shit, but someone is and has attacked voat, and it isn't amalek, SaneGoat, "shareblue", "CTR", or the boogeyman. It's a vary malicious and sneaky group. They've claimed a victory in chat. When you go there now it is a shell of what it once was. I doubt they will stop with chat.

Mick ago

OK, I can't deny it any longer, it's true.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Naw fuck it. If he is relying on you this place has already had it. You are like one step.above srs. Mick and his faggot monkeys two steps below srs.

Mick ago

Fuck me, @kevdude trolled you- see sidebar and chill the fuck out.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Oh really? Some moronic dickbag lied about something again? Thank god in this case.

Mick ago

A mod made a post in our satirical admin sub and you lapped it up without doing any due diligence. Learn to spot fake news.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I had no idea voat had a "satirical admin" sub. Now that I do know I'll block it immediately. On a lot of systems pretending to be an admin would get you banned.

Mick ago

This is Voat, not pussy arsed reddit. We do what we like here.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

True enough. I should have known that nobody would trust you or kevdude with jack. It is just that the way everything good is destroyed by moronic faggots like you two that made me believe it. It's a world in decline. You and kev, your agents of it.

Mick ago

I should have known that nobody would trust you or kevdude with jack

You should. Now go sit in the corner and think about how silly you made yourself look.


all complaints

I hate my job and I drink too much

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Are u fucking kidding me? You two are the last after sanegoat i would put in charg of anything. Losing much respect for putt about this.

Grifter42 ago

People had been calling out Putt on his ties to SBBH for a while. He's been compromised by those SRS faggots for a long goddamned time.

Sanegoat was just controlled opposition, in order to make people who questioned Putt's intentions for the site look crazy.

Well, what do ya know, he sold us down the river to a bunch of SRS pricks who mockingly pretend to be members of the community, while doing everything they can to destroy the community.

I've been targeted by them for a long fuckin' time, because I tried to get the community to be aware of what they were doing. For my efforts, I have been harassed and gaslighted over and over again. Members of the SBBH community threatened to flood my inbox with CP, and when I brought it up to Putt it out, he didn't even fuckin' bat an eye. Didn't make any fucking comment about it. I know he got it, because the next day, when he was discussing some sort of change that happened, he had enough time to make banal small talk with all his fuckin' toadies, most of whom were SBBH members.

Fuck Putt, fuck Kevdude, and fuck SBBH. Morally bankrupt charlatans who just parroted what was popular on the site, until they got enough of their people in power to take over.

VieBleu ago

for the luddites among us like me, what is SBBH?

Grifter42 ago

SoapBoxBanHammer. It's a cabal of power-users much like SRS and the SJW army on Reddit, only they pretend to share the views of the average voater. In reality, they're just consolidating power and taking over subverse.

VieBleu ago

thx - i've lurked once or twice on it. Felt like an odd, bitter planet, but maybe that's jus because I was an alien.

edblings ago

if they threatened to fill your box with CP that means they possess CP. report them to the fbi and whether or not they actually have it, you get the joy of them being swatted either way?

Obergruppenkraken ago

Who are you now?

jerry ago

He's Mr. Fucking Correct. Why do you want srs trolls running voat

Obergruppenkraken ago

They're not.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

At least put didnt deputize your stupid ass too.

ExpertShitposter ago

@i-am-me since i am banned:

Ha, i actually have a third dog now! But its only for a weak. Its a very smol dogo, as black as the night, and as quiet as....a quiet thing.......basically a dogo you don't even notice at night.

Ps, it seems this thread was a jack pot, as it opened the taps of natural autism from a few users.

Grifter42 ago

Ad hominem all you like.

People will see through this.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Everyone but you, apparently.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, Kevdude. Die in a fire, you fucking SRS cunt. This is a fucking powergrab.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What power did he grab?

The power to shitpost in a fake sub?

Mick ago

True story, @Grifter42, me and Kev pay him to run the place.

Grifter42 ago

Go fuck yourself, Kev, you piece of degenerate shit.

You know, I bet your fucking people did this, in order to grab power. Course, it's obvious that Putt was compromised and cucked by you fucking SBBH faggots for a long fucking time.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What power, dumbass?

heygeorge ago

It'd be nice to have you back in the cabal ordinary subverse.

jerry ago

This fucking cancer better not be real

Grifter42 ago

It would appear that the folks calling out Putt for being a sellout were correct. He sold us down the river to the SBBH/SRS crowd.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


jerry ago


(((Seriously though what the FUUUUUCK)))

Grifter42 ago

Man, fuck Putt, and fuck Kevdude.

oiseaulibre ago

So they didn't want to use your sketch script

It's open sourced, you run it yourself in the browser console. If you can understand basic javascript you can easily read through it and see nothing sketchy about it.

and supported the siteadmin.

If Putt banned FPH and /v/niggers tomorrow would you support him? Censorship is censorship. I will not support censorship. We have told Putt time and time again that a simple block feature would fix the issue without censorship. You and the SBBH group were always quick to fill threads with praise for Putt while upvoating each other and downvoating anyone you suggest there were better ways to fix the issue.

So people that disagree with you are automatically bad?

No, but a group of users that came from SBBH are pushing a "Sane Group" narrative against users they dislike to silence them. They don't get spammed in chat but whenever I go into chat the spammer shows up and spams until I leave. This is suspicious to say the least. Add that to the fact that you guys were happy about the CCP restrictions and MYG getting brigaded out of chat.

So spam restrictions? I forgot "Muh downvotes are censorship"

Why not a block feature instead? A user was brigaded out of chat, that shouldn't be able to happen.

WTF are you talking about? Yeah, I notice your account seems to be fine. Wouldn't you have been brigaded by now?

Are you playing dumb again? We've talked in detail about MYG getting brigaded out of the chat before. You denied that you were involved but admitted that it did happen.

Almost like you guys are false flagging yourselves? You're like the Jews who spraypaint swastikas on their own houses.

Then this user spammed our discord for weeks with scat too? For what reason? It was only us in there.

Most of the people I know from chat were not technologically literate at all. Engel and Sporky are, but there is absolutely no chance they did it, they stayed out of the drama. MYG, Grif, and cheese are the drama queens and all three of them are too retarded to make bots. SBBH on the other hand has shown it is technologically able.

Redditsdead ago

Please transfer v/Canada to anyone but the current mods.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It should be "Mick and me". You're getting the grammatical case wrong, you faggot.

"Putt put me in charge."

"Putt put (mick and) me in charge."

"Putt put (mick, three llamas, a Mexican haberdasher and) me in charge."

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to voice my complaint

heygeorge ago

That's most of the point, but in my opinion there's an unspoken idea to not be super malicious. I have to assume that 1000 clones of myg would be modded within minutes.

I'm just too lazy to want to deal with it right now. Maybe a week ago, when we were well on the way to 40 [O]'s before @SeanBox slaughtered almost all of them.

oiseaulibre ago

Everybody has modded that sub. @heygeorge, @oiseaulibre is upset that he hasn't gotten to mod SBBH. Can you send him an invite so he stops crying?

George invited me via PM before, but I do not want to be associated with you.

Hang on... Just posted "niggerfaggot" in chat and no one deleted it. What censorship are you talking about?

A spammer spammed chat for months and the people who used chat found a way around it by running our own user blocking script. SBBH repeatedly bitched about the spammer instead of using the script and then praised Putt for all of his changes. The censorship includes: 5 message limit per 25 seconds, not sending the same message twice, and 100 CCP requirements. Of course the spammer got around all of these. And the CCP requirement was used to brigade users out of chat (THIS IS THE PART THAT IS CENSORSHIP). Oddly enough the spammer never spams while SBBH is in chat, only when me or other user's who regularly used chat were there would he bot-spam. This is highly suspicious.

You mean the site that asks for your email and then occasionally demands that you verify with your phone number?

I used a fake throw away email and they haven't asked me for shit.

And are you talking about the chat where people routinely get banned?

To my knowledge the only people banned have been the accounts created by the voat-chat spammer. He repeatedly spammed the discord with scat porn as he did on voat chat when there were pictures in chat.

heygeorge ago

What I will never fully understand about you is that while you seem reasonably funny & intelligent at times and incredibly retarded at others, I do not think your internal experience matches the external.

Maybe you are very young and that's why you are sometimes able to so seriously spout about dumb shit when you have no idea what you're talking about.

oiseaulibre ago

All I asked was for chat to not be censored. SBBH could not allowed that to be the case.

heygeorge ago

Lol! Please see the following:

oiseaulibre ago

Do you not agree that brigading users out of chat should not be able to happen? SBBH routinely cheered for Putt when he made restrictions, even the CCP one.

heygeorge ago

I thought the block script was fine, although I never personally ran it.

Who wrote it? I forget.

I have a lot of thoughts about chat etc. Mainly, I think it sucks that some asshole or assholes ruined it for everyone. I don't think it's the people I associate with on the regular, unless they have split personalities, and in that case it's not the side of their personality I associate with.

I think that Putt gets bitched at constantly from many angles. So I tend toward being supportive because I like it here and am thankful for Voat. I can't speak for anyone else just because they post in SBBH. (As for "but they were mods" argument, I spent weeks inviting almost everyone who posted a couple times, or old users I recognized that posted or commented, lol, it's sort of part of the charm of the place to be a disaster with far too many mods.)

oiseaulibre ago

Engel wrote it.

I have a lot of thoughts about chat etc. Mainly, I think it sucks that some asshole or assholes ruined it for everyone. I don't think it's the people I associate with on the regular, unless they have split personalities, and in that case it's not the side of their personality I associate with.

Beatle repeatedly acted happy about the spammer, restrictions, and brigading of MYG. Now, this doesn't reflect completely on sbbh, but if he was the one behind the brigade he likely needed help from some other users, which would likely have came from his sbbh buddies.

I think that Putt gets bitched at constantly from many angles.

I defended him against MYG and sane repeatedly until he lied to the users and lost my trust. Up until that comment any criticisms I had were constructive.

it's sort of part of the charm of the place to be a disaster with far too many mods

like /v/ccsat. those were simpler times.

heygeorge ago

I don't know if you've noticed, but Beatle (RIP?) liked to take credit for all sorts of shit. I think, if anything, he disliked myg so that would be his motivation to gloat.

I don't know what you mean about Putt lying? About what part of that? The donation? I saw Sane bitching recently about his donor badge because he claims he never gave a cent.

I think the times would remain simple if you see Voat how it most likely (Occam's razor) is. One overworked dude trying to hold the place together while a bunch of people post whatever is on their mind.

When you have idiots like your friend myg trying to suck the life out of the place (while bitching about it yet not leaving)... It takes enjoyment away from the few people who actually work in front of and behind the scenes to make Voat better.

That is one of the worst and most subversive things someone could do to Voat.

oiseaulibre ago

I don't know what you mean about Putt lying?

He called MYG sane. You know that's no true and he should too.

think the times would remain simple if you see Voat how it most likely (Occam's razor) is. One overworked dude trying to hold the place together while a bunch of people post whatever is on their mind.

I saw it this way for a long time. Until chat got ruined over the last few months.

When you have idiots like your friend myg trying to suck the life out of the place (while bitching about it yet not leaving)... It takes enjoyment away from the few people who actually work in front of and behind the scenes to make Voat better.

I totally agree that myg and grif harass him about dumb shit.

That is one of the worst and most subversive things someone could do to Voat.

It would also be subversive if a group of people saw that one over worked guy was running the site and knew that he would not be able to pay attention to everything, so then this group would manipulate this unknowing admin and take advantage of him. That would be the most subversive thing.

For example, lets say someone started spamming voat chat and this group continuously bothered putt for changes, then would praise his changes that always turned out to be useless and harmful to the users. That would be very subversive and manipulative. Especially if these changes ended up censoring users. But, no group could do this right?

heygeorge ago

He called MYG sane. You know that's no true and he should too.

I know you're not going to like this answer, but I really don't know for sure. I do know myg has max alts and repeats a lot of the same horseshit claims as sane. Putts isn't really "on" Voat as much as many of us are, either, so it's certainly possible he could be confusing the two of them.

As for your last statement, it's not Occam's razor compatible. It hardly makes sense and there's no motive except for fantasy.

If I were investigating a group with the tech knowledge to harm Voat(& chat) and the vaguely malicious motive, I would look at, essentially created by voaters not keen on the vitriol here (more or less sdbh, I believe) and I would wager that @kevdude has likely entertained this thought as well. I imagine we've both entertained the thought that they were behind insane, too.

Last: You really think that every change Putts has made to this site has turned out to be "useless and harmful to the users"? That's objectively untrue.

oiseaulibre ago

Not every change to the site. I was talking specifically about chat changes. The spammer always got around all the restrictions including the CCP requirements. Phuks is definitely a possibility, sane always talked about them as well.

My idea was that the motive was to control chat, since unlike subs, chat can not be moderated. Chat was anarchy and SRS-like groups aim to control information. The chat was the wild west back in January. The spammer only stopped after people stopped using chat to discuss SRS. Chat after the spammer and restrictions is not even close to as active as it used to be. I believe the spammer accomplished their goal. I believe their goal was for control.

heygeorge ago

I wanted to mod @oiseaulibre a couple of times, especially when we were chatting pretty frequently.

But I could never really get assurance he won't be a submission/comment deleting faggot and/or nuke the place.

oiseaulibre ago

I wouldn't nuke it, but I don't want to be associated with SBBH SRS.

heygeorge ago

Refer to my previous comment for this response as well.

The real reason you wouldn't join is because you would have to find out that you are wrong.

oiseaulibre ago

@Disappointed, you see what I mean?

Disappointed ago

How is it any different to this: ?

oiseaulibre ago

Kev, and the SBBH/SDBH/PV/Cheers group have repeatedly used SRS tactics, from brigading to concern trolling. Kev knows the users who use discord and should know they haven't ever tried to ever harm voat and are not technologically literate enough to be able to even do anything like this. Does he really think people like MYG and Grif could do this?

Disappointed ago

My point is you are flinging shit as well and then pointing out to me that someone else doing the same is wrong.

Kevdude is not SRS, I can tell you that. MYG used to be ok and I supported him when he was being harassed by the SDBH goons but he turned out to be a bit of a dickhead just throwing accusations at anyone, including me when it suits him. Grifter has also supported Sane and his bullshit shill list blindly saying anyone who he accused of being a shill most likely was, again that included me. I mean when it all comes down to it I don't care because it's just random people on the net but don't tell me they are both ok and never do anything wrong or accuse people without proof because they've done it to me. After that how can I have time to listen to any defense of them? IF they stop accusing people of shit we might be on the same side even but until then they can go fuck themselves.

oiseaulibre ago

I am not with MYG or Grif. I will stand up for them though. MYG was brigaded out of chat the day CCP restrictions were implemented. Putt and Kev are both ok with this. This means any user without several hundred to a thousand CCP can easily be brigaded out of chat.

Putt has also lied to voat to attack MYG, that is the day I lost faith in Putt. MYG was totally in the wrong to attack him like he was, but Putt lied to the users and that is unforgivable.

Disappointed ago

Both MYG and Grifter have hurled abuse at Puttitout repeatedly. They took over right where Got, Amaek and Sane left off. Until they stop tht shit I have no time for them. If they don't like the site they need to fuck off nd mke their own. I told the SDBH clowns the same thing and eventually that got through their thick skulls. Once again you are painting the opposite side in a shit flinging fight as the bad one when its turds all around for everyone. There are no winners in a shit-eating contest.

Yes it was wrong them being brigaded out of chat and yes they are assholes not worth talking about. No its not lying if @Puttitout thinks he is Sane. Is it lying that you think @Kevdude is SRS or acts like SRS? No, its an opinion, one you're welcome to even though it's wrong. Once again I've had my fill of the drama here so I'll talk to you next time mate.

oiseaulibre ago

Both MYG and Grifter have hurled abuse at Puttitout repeatedly

I agree, and most of it is baseless garbage. I call them out on this especially grif who somehow is always able to one-up myg's in-saneness.

No its not lying if @Puttitout thinks he is Sane.

Putt should know he is not sane though. SBBH purposefully created that lie to attack MYG. They used it for months, before they more recently switched to the "sane group" narrative. Putt isn't a normal user, he runs the whole site. It's one thing to attack users. In this case he was in the right to attack MYG. But, to call him sane is deceitful. I commented there, messaged him, and put a message in my recent bitcoin donate about this. He ignored me all three times. I know he is over loaded with PMs, but to not correct his lie is even more wrong. I've been wrong on voat before and have edited my comments to retract and address the issues accordingly.

I'm suspicious of several users on this site, but I think you are one of the good ones man. Take care.

heygeorge ago

suspicious of several users on this site, but I think you are one of the good ones

And yet, this good user, in conversation, has to be "done talking to you". Do you see an issue there? You hang around with people you describe as literally retarded. It's either rubbing off on you, or was already previously true. Notice disappointed also calling out the more likely phuks crew and notice how he's (politely) telling myg et al also: Don't like it? Then just fuck off to somewhere else.

If myg wants to come to Voat chat, all he would have to do is get 100CCP, which you and I (and he) know he could do in a day. And if he waited one week, then he could sit in chat all day and night like he used to. He knows this but now doesn't want to, so he can play king if discord. You're like myg's little white knight, rushing to defend him.

Also notice (and this is why you get called sane group) that just like sane and myg and amalek you refuse to answer to anyone's points, then just go back to flinging shit and labeling other users who don't agree with you and are willing to speak up against it. You just told disappointed he's a good goat, while meanwhile refusing to concede any of his factual statements. Sane/myg/grifter playbook.

oiseaulibre ago

If myg wants to come to Voat chat, all he would have to do is get 100CCP, which you and I (and he) know he could do in a day. And if he waited one week, then he could sit in chat all day and night like he used to.

The thing is, users should not have to do this so that they do not get brigaded out of chat.

You just told disappointed he's a good goat, while meanwhile refusing to concede any of his factual statements.

In my last comment I told him that I agreed with this:

Both MYG and Grifter have hurled abuse at Puttitout repeatedly. They took over right where Got, Amaek and Sane left off. Until they stop tht shit I have no time for them. If they don't like the site they need to fuck off nd mke their own. I told the SDBH clowns the same thing and eventually that got through their thick skulls. Once again you are painting the opposite side in a shit flinging fight as the bad one when its turds all around for everyone. There are no winners in a shit-eating contest.

Yes it was wrong them being brigaded out of chat and yes they are assholes not worth talking about.

This portion I addressed with disagreement:

No its not lying if @Puttitout thinks he is Sane.

I didn't address this portion since I talked about it already in a previous comment:

Is it lying that you think @Kevdude is SRS or acts like SRS? No, its an opinion, one you're welcome to even though it's wrong.

What factual statement did I refuse to concede here?

Grifter42 ago

This is fuckin' SRS tactics down to the last detail.

Now, they've got their people in power.

I expect that soon, people like you and me will be purged, for questioning the party line. That, or KevDude will just order brigades on everyone that calls him out on being a faggot.

oiseaulibre ago

Voat has changed a lot since I came here during the fattening and didn't look back. There seems to be a lot less users since that time. And the ton has changed too, everything seems artifical. I keep thinking back to this comment.

SBBH/PV/SDBH users also mod most major major subs on voat. Their reach is everywhere. Of course there are normal users mixed in as camouflage, but it eerily reminds me of the reddit cancer mods that mod 100s of subs. You can only mod 10 subs on voat, but I'm sure user's can easily use and alt to get around that. And voat is a lot smaller so a group of even 10-15 people can easily control information and the subs here. Now, these same users are getting admin privileges. What group of people does that remind me of... oh yeah, SRS.

heygeorge ago

Something like this?

oiseaulibre ago

TIL that posting in a sub makes you a "cabal"

You weren't just posters. You both modded it. The users of that sub frequently pushed narratives on voat, and especially pushed chat censorship, to which you succeeded.

Not at all. Would you prefer "Discord faggots"?

I haven't been on there in a long while, I haven't had the time. At least Discord chat is not censored like voat-chat is.

heygeorge ago

Can you guys hurry up and find a type of last solution to the SGIS cabal attempting to ruin Voat?

oiseaulibre ago

You and mick were a part of the (((SBBH))) cabal. Sane recently denounced me as a shill again. Does this kill your "Sane Group" narrative or are you going to double down and call all users you don't like "Sane" to discredit them?

Le_Squish ago

Pizzagate says they may have pissed off the Vatican. Just a heads up.

MrsPeacock ago

oiseaulibre ago

Ah, I see he finally handed the keys over to SRS.

Samsquamch ago

@Mick I demand a joke with every update.

AnarchoCapsLock ago

Is this a coup?

Grifter42 ago

Yeah, it fucking is.

This is SBBH taking over the site. KevDude is the head of SBBH, and they're basically the exact same fucking thing as SRS.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Taking over how?

philomath ago

No complaints here. Go kick ass, @kevdude, @mick

Grifter42 ago

Fuck that shit. Kevdude and Mick are SBBH, and SBBH is SRS.

This is a fucking coup.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yes, it's a coup!

And they've taken over... What, again?

MadWorld ago

Go jew your own fucking jews you fucking (((parasites)))!

SeanBox ago

You're sanegoat. No one cares what you think.

jerry ago

Wont care til you find out he's right

SeanBox ago

But, I know he isn't right. I know kevdude and mick. I mod SBBH now. It's really just for shitposting but when people repeatedly get attacked by the likes of sanegoat and his crew we troll harder. I'm not SRS or part of some cabal. I'm just some dude.

heygeorge ago

I'm just some dudefeggit.

Good point. As well as what you said before that. It's like the bicycle meme. Sane group shoves a stick in their spokes and then cries CABAL!

Owlchemy ago

Since you're in charge Kev and Mick ... run the damn subverse requests - LOL. What kind of operation you'all runnin' here?

jerry ago

An SRS operation

Grifter42 ago

Yup. This is a fucking obvious take over. But let's not fool ourselves: Putt has been cucked to SRS for a long goddamned time.

Hey_Sunshine ago

So any thoughts on who's behind the ddos?

Grifter42 ago

Probably KevDude, and SBBH, in order to make a powergrab.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


what sub do you even think you are in

9874138? ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

Thanks, figured if I got it wrong somebody would correct me

9874420? ago

Sadly, I won't always be here when you need to communicate =/

Hey_Sunshine ago

No papa, don't leave me! You can't, go! I don't learned how to grammer too gooder

heygeorge ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

Yes, because that's the worst grammatical mistake in that sentence.

heygeorge ago
