23161286? ago

one cult abuses and mutilates little girls the other abuses little boy https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/3737193

23099959? ago

you can not hate both abusive forms of genital mutilation? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3729418/23095559

23108957? ago

America hooked on pornos the women hooked on Cosmo mags by the hooked nose filth pusher.... Does Joe McCarthy have tourettes aspergers? or is he a paid up shill?? Every couple of days he spams up voat and the Q Anon subs with disgusting explicit transexual pornography https://voat.co/v/QRV/3730598

23043207? ago

I think I have an idea

Probably not but an interesting thought

What if all the old pedophiles are going to say they got the Virus so they end up (Dying)

23137704? ago

23042673? ago

They are everywhere.

But they always flood in when they get worried

23137795? ago

Dual citizens must go ...but .... Are kikes really worse than jihadi kebabs? You could do a social plan, nationalize federalize but once people hear of any 'social' thing the kike media will spin, hate the patriot America and say oy vey shut it down give me my 6 gorillion shekels or else its communism? @NoApologyTour @speedisavirus @Soyboy69 @glownig ? https://voat.co/v/news/3734122/23134243

23137818? ago

well i guess things could be worse?..... i guess..... the hospital could be run by koranimal islamic niggers? @Epsteinsuicidesquad

22967323? ago

22967657? ago


It doesn't look like a bot. It looks like a drunk as fuck boomer thinking he's being cool on the internet. Fucking qtards fail at everything.

22967357? ago

22785497? ago

22784550? ago

more kike vs kebab crapo from another islamo apologist? https://voat.co/v/funny/3691462/22782051

22816264? ago

Did you notice /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy defending creepy criminal Jews, also claims Jewish weirdos do not work in the porno industry?

23160408? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/4s8o4m.mp4 ? the 1988 movie Betrayed

23190890? ago

I prefered being confused with SGT Report because both of us dared to disagree with the Qoomers. Being called a Turk is a new one.

23190888? ago

Not quite.

23190842? ago

first thing kike and kebab retards sell is confusion

23160456? ago

@Doglegwarrior kike or kebab?

23162555? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the real dogleg who always reminds you

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits.

I dont underatand the question. never a kike. so always no to kike. im irish ancestry multi generation american back before the civil war.

23102462? ago

Why include me in that group? I'm just an occasional OE poster.

23100381? ago

Do not put me in that group. I'll let you guess which name doesn't belong.

22781511? ago

22770289? ago

more sand nigger excuses? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3689907/22770172

22439295? ago

I thought voat was over-run by the kike and kebab and not actual GAY NIG faggot type https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3648345/22432134

22718657? ago

the ragheads are involved in the slave trade today, koranimals are openly selling niggers as a slave in moslem nations, in fact the founder of islam muhammad was a pedophile, a slaver and a terrorist, they are openly selling negroids as slaves in Libya today. That said you should NOT trust either the kikes or kebabs both religions are full of lying deceptive extremists ... SerbianKebab btw is a piece of shit afriad to call out his jihadi buddies https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3682846/22713799 both jew kikes and moslem kebabs made money selling enslaved niggers @Skipberry @DanielR @GeorgeWashingNigger

22751226? ago

another sand rat or turk? @FireCrackLover /u/FireCrackLover moslem apologists are disgusting @Grunge @lettersofmarque @Valcgo

23137692? ago

22752269? ago

Suck my Bratwurst.

22999796? ago

Pajeets, pakis and banglafags

22721551? ago

You still trying to milk sympathy for the niggers

Fuk off, niggers and jews die together

22718670? ago

pretty low effort now that hidden lol is getting hijacked by worthless shitlamic vs kike politics? @Miklo @Krotik @Albery ? @Dzedo @dirdum

22719452? ago

more kike n kebab politik? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3683614/22718640

22718709? ago

@CognitiveDissident5 ? He is right about the ragheads not getting too involved in pornography, that's mostly a kike mafia thing https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3681259/22700422 ... @CryptoBard @anticlutch @VicariousJambi @Derpfroot

22718673? ago

is SerbianKebab basically another gypsy turk mongrel, an Albanian mudslime sandrat?

22718722? ago

Joe Stalin would airbrush thinsg out of history books, the pallywood is the amateur Arabia moslem tv shit while the Jews are a little better at the propaganda spins? @realmonster @sLnTsRvC ? @Apathy @Penguinpecker

23042433? ago

@randomfuckingidiot and no mention of the jihad raghead and arab terror books and shitlamic texts @fightknightHERO @Call_Of_Goat @TyroneDeNiggero @Sir_Ebral ? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3721851/23035846

22718674? ago

seems to be a crazyass drug addict but ask @SerbianKebab /u/SerbianKebab

22240520? ago

Kike n Kebab killed each other for over 1000 ys why did Rachel Corrie think she would make a difference? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3623007/22236163

22796270? ago

pallywood comes to Canada? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693179/22796105

22230331? ago

Why do kike and kebab want to ban Pork? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3622209/22229835

22721041? ago

Serbian Kebab has an obsession with every fucking kike?

23099659? ago

an alliance of kike and kebab? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3729976/23098573

22785510? ago

turk and pakis on voat trying to act white? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3691827/22785346

22099332? ago

22090626? ago

Whats with Joe Mac spamming up voat, @Crensch @PuttitoutIsGone @Rotteuxx submits porno across voat not just spamming the Q anon subs but everywhere without NSFW tag with the excuse that Voat is all NSFW and no tag is necessary. Then of course omeone else did a similar thing to his subverse, he cries like a cry baby bitch goes hissy fits that account got banned with submissions removed https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/3604469/22090436

22104310? ago

poor voat, so young and so dumb https://voat.co/v/QRV/3605685/22101329

22343506? ago

kebab is not happy, thinks people should parrot arab propaganda https://voat.co/v/QRV/3635394/22332127

22456106? ago

No explanation?

22343959? ago

No. Reality doesn't change no matter which of our enemies is corrupting it. Narrator twisted and tried to reframe the video we could see with our own eyes. Kebabs do the exact same too, although the specific techniques appear to differ due to cultural differences. Both lie and try to distort events to their own favor.

22090656? ago

Dude....I just deliver pizzas.

22025236? ago

Tons of shills here. Most aren't American.

22343311? ago

Britbongs have a time line? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3636964

22035154? ago

22023084? ago

22023043? ago

What are they doing?

22167516? ago

What a shit show voat is these days. The crypto muzie exposes itself .... So many islamist apologists on voat now @Anam @jackfraser @Prussian @mleczko ?

22168334? ago

Why did you call me? I hate both kikes and moslems.

22343747? ago

did someone ask what happened to @Deplorablepoetry /u/Deplorablepoetry ? remember what happened to those poem postings??

22329619? ago

One group of extremeist sand rodents fight another, why does nobody talk of the islamist occupation of non-moslem lands? @ardvarcus @mental_error @HarlandKornfeld14 @Cadster https://voat.co/v/politics/3631063 shithole countries??

22253814? ago

Crypto kebab /u/Watto_is_a_Space_Jew @Watto_is_a_Space_Jew thinks every jihad sand nigger is some lizard space jew in disguise .... this is what happens when you smoke too much hooka pot, your brain rots @The_Oogie @Kot88 @ex-redd ? https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3625181/22252804

22254259? ago

Except it's been proven that that guy is a jew. I'm no muslim apologist, but I'll let you know when a kike is pretending. They pretend to be us, you think they don't pretend to be muslims?

22166968? ago

Who did what now @Anam @RustyEquipment @TwoNiggersandaHonky time to say fuck the middle east politik and every one in it @beefartist @justregtoasku ?

22167125? ago

I don’t understand your gibberish.

22166974? ago

remember when this place did poems? @whitemouse @Deplorablepoetry

22167590? ago

You have a finite number of cheek that can be slapped red, one even throws bankers out of the temple and talked of the Sword. There were tales from Buddhist times and Pagan time. One talked of villains and rivals, Enemy of My Enemy Is Still Your Enemy? Enemy of My Enemy is Not a Friend, it is still a rapist,a theif an extremist...The enemy of my enemy is STILL my enemy? https://voat.co/v/funny/3614208/22164369

22012852? ago

I block the retard shill subs.


22108956? ago

the Frogistan system is rigged btw @Walri @DABBING_AT_AUSCHWITZ @Kot88 @Long_sofa what the fuk is going on here https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3605700

22011217? ago

me too

22011871? ago

There is a lot of historical confusion in that post. The USA hasn't invaded Jordan or Egypt, basically kissed the ass of Saudi, even after 911 both Democrats and Neo-Con Republicans kissed the Saudi assholes https://voat.co/v/whatever/3594351/22008603 is this post sand nigger propaganda? Certain people also seem to confused Britain / Israel with the United States, the early Arab-Israeli Wars the Jews were mostly backed by French guns, France military equipment and French money. @Revisit @Broc_Lia ? @Gothamgirl @Diogenes_The_Cynic I can't stand Zionists or Kikes but why do so many people on voat now refuse to talk about the islamist occupation of non-moslem lands, you guys do know Asscrackistan was once Hindu, Buddhist and Greek, now its populated by a pack of followers of dumb koranimals

22012426? ago

Broc Lia: I had a lot of making that post because it's so unclear what counts as a "war" or "conflict." Like there's plenty of places where the US has put a couple of token boots on the ground as observers or to train some faction or other, but I don't think those really count as something on the same scale as Iraq.

I do agree with the substantive of the post however. Even considering the US's self appointed role as international police, they make a disproportionate amount of intervention in countries bordering Israel or affecting it's immediate interests.

22011875? ago

shills are all over this place now

22329315? ago

So why is he spamming voat with porn nudity @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy ? thats the user??

22014673? ago

22064003? ago

/u/KingOfPoland polish have a monarchy?

22167659? ago

The old Gunpowered Incident....Who said we what now? @Planetoftheclown @HeavyBrain @jewsbadnews ? @Derpfroot @pby1000 and they forget of an all seeing Empire which wanted to ban gunpowder, British, in response to the colonists' unhappiness over increasingly direct control and taxation of the colonies, imposed a gunpowder embargo on the colonies in an attempt to lessen the ability of the colonists to resist British encroachments into what the colonies regarded as local matters.

22014773? ago

Lmfao Israel is the root of all evil and conflict in the world. You're a Boomer Christcuck if you're still blind to that at this point.

22013588? ago

How the fuck is that a shill comment? It suggests that getting rid of Israel will end all wars. It's not proposing war for America.

22012796? ago

what the fuck is going on with voat @BushChuck @Tallest_Skil ? @ansuz @John_B_14

22012934? ago

Looks like the standard JIDF shilling push after every false flag or other attack in favor of Oded Yinon. Couple that with the turn of the new year and we’ve hit the start of the paid shilling campaign season.

22011948? ago

kissing saudi ass and who is that other player? https://voat.co/v/politics/3594659/22010830

22012726? ago

not sure why the Saudi always dodge trouble, Black mailers, quest for Oil, perhaps that Masonic group Shriners were selling their anus to Arabia? @maaaxheadroom

22016592? ago

22013548? ago

Remember their goal is to escalate the escheton and they believe they are doing the Lord’s work. We’re the last holdouts here on Midheim resisting the white christ. - maaaxheadroom

22011879? ago

voat is getting dumber and dumber https://voat.co/v/whatever/3594351/22008252 fuck both the kike and kebab

21991866? ago

Fatass Chad is as good as it gets? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3592135/21991098

21990150? ago

Agree, too many Qikes.

21992747? ago

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21991892? ago

21994920? ago

shills everywhere

21995388? ago

It's satire. That's what the kikes do with our money.

22003184? ago

The fuck are you pinging me for?

22003459? ago

who said what now?

22005947? ago

22009707? ago

Send me an invite

– mitoriomyt

22007321? ago

How did I get dragged into this?

22011894? ago

People ask is voat a big fucking trainwreck mess https://voat.co/v/whatever/3594604/22010235

22004238? ago

22003482? ago

i notice the soap box have gone quiet https://voat.co/v/pics/3593451/22001908

21995005? ago

lots of fakes on reddit and other platforms today @threesevens

22011907? ago

@PeaceSeeker is voat finished ? @BillyLuath @HomerChimpson ? @TheRealJPeterman @70times7 dumb propaganda everywhere

21989895? ago


Were we able to convert some of them? And are some of them now valuable to us? yeah but we also got the fucking dumbest of the fucking dumb that came with them.

Was it worth it? NO.

22048940? ago

So /u/SerbianKebab @SerbianKebab is jihadi sand niggered?

22001934? ago

It is not Q-goats. They would not do this.

21989750? ago

and Europe also ... Finland yes!? https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3590356/21986364

21989606? ago

So its now Iran or Bust? they say Soleimani planned the Benghazi attack.... Britbongs and other allies might not help out in this fight??

21989771? ago

21989622? ago

productions of a welfare state https://voat.co/v/whatever/3591784/21988909

21989496? ago

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1213078681750573056 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!"

21989510? ago

a lot of teens, young people some in their 20s they dont even remember the bullshit with the WTC and 911

21991936? ago

one idea is to stop giving the system taxes https://voat.co/v/whatever/3592020/21990599

21989534? ago

21989523? ago

no memories, the Boomer dumbed down, over worked, broken body and paranoid from a lifetime of booze and weed https://voat.co/v/QRV/3591738/21987998

21989472? ago

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21989468? ago

lots of pro kike n kebab postings

22872300? ago

Terrorists are psychotic, many of the arab ones are Low IQ and fucked up by following the example of their inbreeding prophet @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy Do you know ANYTHING of islam Joe McCarthy? Have you read that Quran yet? You seem to 'know' it all when in fact you know jack shit. Have you spoken with islamic Apostates or Ex-muslim Atheists, did you know moslems believe that muhammad flew into the clouds on some kind of mule horse, with wings and the horse had the head of a woman ... if you question their shit book the Koran you are met with death threats and violence

22872312? ago

Joe Mc. He's a fucking retard, he will not listen https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/3702027/22866763 Zzzzzzz another shit brainwashing Lefting book of trash

22872260? ago

the propaganda fall, how many will survive? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3702641/22872085

23100078? ago

smut merchant joe mac? https://voat.co/v/news/3729666/23098951 ... are u a porno addict ? @LurkedForever or do you just tolerate the abuse, drug running and human trafficking in the smut merchant industry

23100923? ago

False Dichotomy. I'm neither, you clearly didn't read the comment. I prefaced by saying that it was entirely inappropriate to advertise sexting to middle-schoolers. You're preaching to the choir, and that's my point. You and I can circle-jerk all day about the dangers of pornography, who (((benefits))) and who suffers. My point was that circle-jerking is the best way to be sure that every opinion you hold is sacrosanct, and unchangeable. Don't know about you, but I like to hear arguments I disagree with. Sometimes, those arguments make me change my mind.


23160531? ago

but socialism goy! if the chosen religious people dont make 6 billion in profit then its horrible federal holocaust or economic communism https://voat.co/v/news/3736623/23157581

23104254? ago

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23100276? ago

seems like a tranny degenerate or a jew, cries he's getting terrorized and holocausted while he fucking spams filth all over voat ... that's /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy defending the creepy criminal

22873266? ago


22805785? ago

Some nigger shit heads get a free pass, this place has also gone to shit since the big shutdown @14Icemonkey88 @heygeorge @OdinsMessenger So why has Joe Mc not been banned for spamming kike pronography ALL OVER Voat? https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/3692716/22792720 anyways the @Rotteuxx sounds like soem frogistani faggot and french seem lost now

22805765? ago

The crazy? @theoldones the fake @Cransch name? is that supposed to be Crensch? @Crensch a lot of soap box fuckery....and what is the agenda of @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy the porno spammer

23099642? ago

@maaaxheadroom @h3rts @The_Duke_of_Dabs kikes are becoming a genetic dead end, physically weak from all their inbreeding and inherited diseases. Also in israel the arabs are out breeding them https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3730005/23099002

23099990? ago

I just found out the hdl and hiddenlol are our actual jdif subs.

22805779? ago

@Joe_McCarthy is blatantly chasing 15 year old girls.

21989378? ago

some called Pompeo a fat bloated rat? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3591645/21989181

21989430? ago

another hollyweird stage show? https://voat.co/v/news/3591694/21988046

21989418? ago

For a while ragheads were killing each other, the USA did something and they now chant death to america? @mpow13 some people consume propaganda @KLDB @Tandemlee ? @Trash_Panda @ketoll

21989551? ago

Asking Questions is consuming propaganda? Call me out on the post.

22003157? ago

... not sure

22011991? ago

The last one was a Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3594844/22011799

22008290? ago

Not /u/pitenius, bro. Also, the Conspirologist probably hates me.

22003382? ago

It's a part of Iron Sharpens Iron. We see who is a sharp sword and who is a dull thumb tack. It also helps sharpen all who read.

22012830? ago

notice how the soap box porn faggots suddenly went silent? https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3582742/21908147 ? @SeanBox @AlexanderMorose13 @TheTrigger

22012869? ago

What do you want sanegoat?

21989048? ago

21989058? ago

... a strange sand rat people https://voat.co/v/politics/3591599/21986628

21989561? ago

sheeeit tyrone .... the redneck ... all played by both the kike and kebab https://voat.co/v/QRV/3591579/21986552