FilthyDisgustingGuy ago

It's a white jewish man right? Bet the press plays this out as all the more reason to hate white men...amirite?

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Floppyhorsecock ago

People in the comments on Twitter are really missing the big picture

JohnnySkidmarx ago

Yep, use eminent domain. If the hooknose gets in the way, he gets arrested for obstruction of justice.

AlternateSelection ago

Got sucked into the Twatter rabbit hole of leftist insanity. Damn I don't miss that place.

Awisegrasshopper ago

Eminent domain incoming.

theBreadSultan ago

It would be a real shame if squatters moved in aye....

EngineeringReverse ago

Yeah, id tell the government to fuck off too. They do everything they can to fuck you over every chance they get. Now they want this guys property because theyre not prepared? Yeah, fuck that.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Imminent domain, bitch ass kike.

Caliope ago


RobertJHarsh ago

Kikes gonna kike. But I do feel somewhat sorry for him. Being a kike has the pressure of other kikes watching to make sure you put profit over life. So if Freedman wanted to open it rent free, he'll loose face with the kike kommunity.

Whoaforreal85 ago

The kike owns it. If he wants to charge $1 million or $1 billion, it's his decision.

It's telling how quick you fuckers are to weaponize the government when it suits your purposes. You're just communists who wave a US flag.

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ForgottenMemes ago

I'm disappointed in you guys. Not every single reply is "Whoa! Cool it with the antisemitism!"

Heathcliff ago

I thought it was going the be a Christian of English descent.

BordelonLoop ago

broke ass city can't even use emminent domain. they have to buy the hospital at fair market value. let these liberal shitholes wither and die.

OldCoot9292 ago

Maternally raised rebellious people tend to be immorally self interested.

Deceneu ago

Joel Freedman

Kike hybrid ?

biggdiccbenny ago

Hmmm. Let me guess-

Starts with a J and rhymes with jew

5B3854C ago

Eminent Domain. Invoke it and just do it. Forget I ever spoke it. I'm just another deplorable suggesting a good solution.

NoApologyTour ago

Is it just me or does $1M seem like a pretty reasonable price to rent an entire hospital during the crisis. I mean, yeah it would be really nice for him to let everyone use it for free, but I don’t think a lot of people in the healthcare industry are putting in free time right now.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

I'm pretty sure he's not being asked to supply and staff it. They just want to use the building which is currently idle and worthless.

FortyFourFore ago

Ya but they would at least need to setup guidelines in using it. I mean sure it be nice to rent it out, but are they going to clean it after? How are the rooms going to look after, are they going to have patients acting as squatters? Even if they did clean everything he would still need to overlook it again and have the entire place inspected before putting it back on the market.

And the sad truth is, 1million isn't even a steep fee. I already did the math but to keep it basic, I"d say most people pay 100/month on health insurance, that's 1.2k a year, but then you can even take a step back and just look at the 100/month. or even more fun, 20/week. 20 in 1 week=50k people paying insurance could cover the rent. 100/month=10k could cover the rent a month. 1,2k/year=834 people could cover it. But if we looked at it from a per month basis, then 10k peoples insurance could cover the cost of that hospital. Let's say 327mil in america about 10mil without a job. So you get 317 million. so % wise a month it would take .00315% of the populations insurance to cover the cost.

Don't get caught up in the sensationalist nature of the media, what they are asking for is rather fair in the context of things. When you look at the way money moves on a grand scale, 1mil is nothing. And then when you take a deeper dive into the insurance system itself you'll realize just how scummy it is in general.

cdglow ago

There's always 2 sides to a story.

Opposite of the kike, you have a bunch of corrupt nigger bureaucrats. Don't trust either side.

I know with Jews you lose, and this appears like typical Kikery, but to be fair, opening a hospital (even if you have the actual building and most of the equipment) is not a trivial or inexpensive matter. You have to hire loads of staff. You have to setup utilities. Even if you have the beds and other physical equipment in hand, you have to acquire a fresh stockpile of all kinds of typical medicines, bandages, etc.

What if he doesn't have the financial resources to do so at the moment? What if the local government (who is probably run mostly by corrupt niggers) is ordering him to set them up a hospital that he can't afford because of their own mismanagement?

There's just too many unknowns here to make a reasonable judgement.

Zanbato ago

You are misunderstanding. They aren't asking him to reopen the hospital, hire staff, maintain equipment, etc... They are simply asking to use his vacant building instead of it sitting there empty to treat patients.

He just wants 1 Million in rent to use his building per month.

Wowbagger ago

Must be a hell of a building.

Mr_Wolf ago

May also include the use of all equipment

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

A lot of healthcare businesses are hurting right now because people aren't coming in for electives and they aren't doing as many routine checkups due to lockdowns. All of these places rely on insurance reimbursements and if those reimbursements aren't there, there's no money. Also a lot of them are "not for profit", so they don't necessarily have a lot of money that carries over from year to year.

Sure, the doctors and nurses make a lot and the executives rake it in, but a lot of the normal office staff (front desk clerks, billing people, etc...) make median income or less, so it isn't like the whole organization can stop paying its employees.

FortyFourFore ago

Which in itself shows a flaw in the entire system where the money made from Hospitals feels like it comes straight out of Monopoly Money. You aren't paying to keep hospitals open but that 30/week you spend on healthcare across a broad range of people is. . . .

I mean if we wanted to be realistic for a moment the American Health System is just a shitty form of what Bernie is trying to do. A healthy person forced to pay for insurance on the chance they may one day need to use it may end up paying out let's say 20/week, so 80/month, so 960/yr, 9600 every 10 years, and then when you do need it, what do you get? Like 10% cheaper but still 1000 out of pocket. It's such a scam.

But the scam is designed with the intent if say a company has 4k people paying 25/week that comes out to 1.2k/yr per person or 4,800,000. . . . Da fuck. When you do the math it's like, what the hell. Where does that money even go, when you still have to pay out of pocket, how does this not cover any fees that a person might have? Man, honestly the bullshit is just so upcost it's digusting.

I mean think of how many people you can fit in a hospital if an average hospital stay is 15k, that's about 5 days, then on top of other cost, say each person is 30k. But then you got the employees, it's like what, maybe 5-10 people max on average. So if you divided by 3k it's 600 per person or 300 per person which is a bit ridiculous when you consider these doctors are overlooking a series of patients.

Man that's annoying, I always thought the medical field needed a reform but when you see how they take advantage of the precious concept known as life, it's disgusting. They put a high cost on these procedures because they know living is important and that you will pay excessive fees to stay alive.

theBreadSultan ago

Don't forget the 250,000 (or 500,000 I forget which) people the US health care system has to pay for and support who work for the insurance companies

There are states with that kind of population... Imagine having an entire state being supported by the single act of moving money from a pot to front line medical services.... Can't think why it all costs so much in the US

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

And these companies deal in such huge amounts of money that people can't really fathom it; just numbers on a page to them. $50 for a test that costs $5 to run... $100 for Tylenol... all because it's paid for by a multi-billion dollar insurance company, and it is expensive to maintain a medical facility. One blood analyzer can be well over $500k, plus thousands of dollars a month in maintenance, and larger facilities can have dozens of them, not to mention imaging equipment and electricity bills.

uvulectomy ago

GTFO here with your rational thinking and coherent response. We've got kikery to get angry about!

Tallest_Skil ago

The jew is always wrong. Even in a situation where there are no correct answers, the jew is still always wrong.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

that explains why your arguments are so shit.

Pattern_Blind ago

He’s not wrong though.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey bad man say truth that hurt my fee fees

he jew now i say so now i no have to accept owie truth

Why not get an actual argument, coward?

awildbanannaphone ago

I happen to be familiar with the situation of this hospital in detail. They hired affirmative action in the c-level suite and it bankrupted the organization. Youre likely right about the opening costs, butt the owners are no doubt only going to lift a finger if itll make them big money.

Pattern_Blind ago

You just described kikes, very well. Just try naming the jew next time.

awildbanannaphone ago

yes (((owners))), my point was in fairness the hospital probably needs money to open, maybe not that much. The reason it failed is (((policies))) that hired black managers instead of qualified ones

Broc_Lia ago

In fairness, the corrupt nigger bureaucrats are most likely also kikes.

SixTeaNine ago

No they actually aren't. They are what we in Philly call "poverty pimps". Corrupt to the core.

borderline7 ago

well they are still likely christian or Muslim which is basically the exact same thing as being a jew.

Pattern_Blind ago

Almost worse than a jew, they are too stupid to know on average jews control them.

Broc_Lia ago

Sounds delightful.

SixTeaNine ago

I know...right? Fortunately they are too low IQ to really take advantage of it like the usual suspects do at the federal level.

Soyboy69 ago

So someone has property, government wants to shove a bunch of sick niggers in it and he's the bad guy for wanting compensation for the use of his property? I'm white and I'd do the same damn thing, and I'd have the whole damn torn building down if they were to try to use it without compensation, damn the costs, damn the repercussions.

WhiteChickens ago

Obviously, you need 1 million dollars per month. lol

Soyboy69 ago

If that's what I think I could get out of it then yes.

WhiteChickens ago

Too bad it can't buy you honor and a spine. lol

gosso920 ago

Haven't you heard of "Jewish lightning," fellow White person?

Soyboy69 ago

Of course I have! But suggesting that I would consider doing that if in that situation might be illegal and I am a very good goy.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

Just seize it. Fuck Muh Rights. I don't have rights, you don't have rights, fuck the Jews.

glownig ago

I see the left likes to impose socialism using every empathy angle they can muster. The leftists would want to seize ANY large building, not just buildings owned by jews. California wants to , THIS WEEK, pass retroactive laws on employers regarding wages, hours, layoffs, re-hiring, and far more , creating a socialist workers paradise and death to the dwindling leftist tatters of the death spiraling californian economy.


Los Angeles To Force Broke Businesses To Keep Paying Workers During Coronavirus Outbreak:

Socialism works great , until you run out of other people's money.

Paulsmith1958 ago

Pure Socialism doesn’t work neither does the version of Capitalism currently in the US.

NoApologyTour ago

Why would the city of Philly chip in 50 cents per citizen to pay to use a building that they need? All they have to do is go full communism and take everything they need for free.

glownig ago

Philadelphia is socialist in weird ways:

Philadelphia BANNED by law , public school homework and classes over the internet , because black kids were not participating in math assignments, so whitey now also has to skip a year.


Also Philadelphia BANNED by law "bulletproof glass" for ANY store that sold candy or mints, due to HURTING FEELINGS OF NIGGERS having to confront "bulletproof glass" in gas stations!


Outrage as Philly pushes through ban on bulletproof glass in crime-plagued neighborhood shops:

I could go on, and on. Blacks illegal to arrest. Blacks illegal to not hire. Blacks illegal to prosecute. Blacks illegal to ban from property. Blacks illegal to not rent to. Blacks illegal to incarcerate.

Philadelphia is a niggertopia, a dystopian socialist hell-scape look at the future when Whitey is 30% or less of population.

duckswagger ago

The city needs to learn to operate like the jew. Just eminent domain the fucking place and use it. Yes, they have to pay a fair market price for it, but they can just not pay him and by the time all that shit winds its way through the courts the city won't need it anymore.

FortyFourFore ago

Math will tell you that he's not asking for a lot, if the average person pays 100/month for insurance, it would take 10k people a month to cover the cost of said building. If anything we need to look at insurance and reform it in a way that gives us more power for the money we put into it. There is so much money that goes unchecked and just lines the pockets of greedy people.

duckswagger ago

That's if 100% of their insurance is to cover the cost of renting empty hospital space. What about the equipment, staff, utilities, plant support, logistics, etc.?

Guy_Justsome ago

No no no no: get the City Building Inspector to find six million code violations, commandeer the building and jail Joel Freedman until he pays his six billion dollar fine.

this_place_blows_too ago

Yeah, let's just give the gov't unlimited and unchecked power to seize any private property. What could go wrong? And then just play games so they can "not pay him".

After all, it's only some jew right? They would never turn on YOU some day, with this unlimited power, right comrad?

You're just a dumb child who offers nothing to society.

duckswagger ago

They already have the power retard. It's right in the Constitution.

HiJoker ago

If he gets murdered in a bungled 'burglary' then the state can take it until his estate is settled. A rich fuck like that would have plenty of cash and valuables around so it's not a stretch. Just sayin'.

ALIENS2222 ago

Jewjewjewjewjew. Reads article! Every fucking time.

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derram ago :

Queen No Spleen on Twitter: "Philly has a huge vacant hospital (closed last year) and the owner is refusing to allow the city to use it to treat COVID-19 patients unless they pay him roughly $1 million a month. The hospital will remain empty and people will die because of his greed. His name is Joel Freedman… /SVKFvKvayn"

This has been an automated message.

LaRiver ago

(closed last year)-Yeah, just in time to refuse treatment.

speedisavirus ago

He bought the hospital. He owns it. Why shouldn't the government pay him to rent it.

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SteffisCute ago

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

speedisavirus ago

You tell me, rabbi


This is a good reason why (((they))) should not be able to own anything of any consequence.

speedisavirus ago

The hospital wasn't even a functioning hospital in the first place. It closed before this started.


Logically it's (((his))) right to contract or not. But I still greatly dislike the idea of jews having any real authority in our society.

tratakat ago

I still greatly dislike the idea of jews having any real authority in our society.

Oh sweet summer child...


What? It's not like jews have any particular influence in our society...

tratakat ago

You're right, they are vastly over-represented only in politics, media, finance and academia.


Hollywood also? They are also most likely overly represented but underly reported in the Christian right movement.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

every other hollywood horror movie is about demons and christian spooks. their influence is obvious if you look at it from a different perspective, it permeates even the things many people hold dear.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Exactly. Democracy only works in white nations, run by whites. Capitalism is only beneficial in white nations, run by whites.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

bullshit. plenty of successful white capitalists are corrupt without the jewish influence.

Drunkenmoba ago


Checked article.

Every fucking time.

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The_Impaler ago

I would blindly say a Jew

Drunkenmoba ago

Yep, then check the link and get proven right.

NoBS ago

Arrest the owner on War Powers act as an Enemy Combatant. Charge them with a Capital Crime under UCMJ for same day gallows service.


MDEneverdies1488 ago

That's blatant abuse of war powers. To declare combating this virus as a war is a gross misuse of the act. War is between peoples, and no amount of pilpul in the court room can change that

FilthyDisgustingGuy ago

Please provide exact definition of war as used in the law and cite source. .

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I'm not a fucking search engine, find it yourself

NoBS ago

Bio-Warfare is covered under the War Powers act. Idiot. Denial and ignorance is a personal issue that belong inside a child's safe space.

Try stepping out of your self imprisonment before acting the fool.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

No one sees you as a point of authority just because you sling shit like a monkey in a zoo. Grow the fuck up.

Anyhow, bio warfare is the use of organic mechanisms to intentionally harm or kill the enemy. So tell me, what country have we declared war against? Who has used the virus against us as a weapon of war?

NoBS ago

Iran. China. Domestic Terrorist. Government Corruption. Treason and Espionage. Among many others sealed under National Security Laws.

Could be why our Hidden Enemy excuse for Martial Law is invoked by the Commander in Chief.

You might have heard of him. He is the guy who has the legal obligation to NOT inform the Hidden Enemy of our intentions from legitimate threats to our National Security.

Notice how Hidden Enemy is repeated by the POTUS? I figured to repeat his reliance on the term Hidden Enemy because you have retarded wisdom with zero situational awareness.

I sure hope you are a bot, because if not then the short end of the genetic intelligence stick is your inheritance. Sucks to be you.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

So your proof that we have declared war against China is that the president is using secret code and not an official declaration of war. And you want to use the war powers act?

It's ironic that you are making the effort to be so belittling when you have made moronic claims without any evidence to back them up

this_place_blows_too ago

I bet you probably had your cock in your hand when you wrote this, right comrad?

You're just another angsty dumb fucking kid, just like the ANTIFA faggots.

NoBS ago

Are you triggered?

Good, how is your (((Adrenochrome))) stash doing?

Bet your Masters are rather pissed off right about now.

The_Impaler ago

this would prove DJT is not their servant

Neongreen ago

Sorry Goy that would be antisemitic.

FilthyDisgustingGuy ago

But crimes against white men are OK... so ignore he's a jew and you're free to persecute as much as you want

Racial_Maddow ago

Would it be anti semetic to gas them, bury them, did them up, burn them, grind their bones to dust for no reason at all? Asking for a friend ..

Pattern_Blind ago

Only Anti-Semitic if you turn the ashes into Pressure Diamonds in the shape swastika, to forever immortalize the event for a loved one to remember it by.

HiJoker ago

Sedition, we hang you for conspiracy with the jews.


biggdiccbenny ago

Anti semitic

HiJoker ago

Proudly so. Is that a problem? Hmm?

Pattern_Blind ago

Not at all, welcome to being a rational human. That can see parasites being parasites.

Neongreen ago

If only.