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21986552? ago

Fucking kikes

Fight your own wars.

Isralis are the weakest most weak and cowardly weasels on the face of the planet.

21990188? ago

you have not been paying attention. Israel is running the "Arabs against Jews" campaign for money, power and control. Trump is calling their bluff. it's pretty brilliant actually, he's separating the 'sheep from the goats' so to speak: liberal activist american jews will soon be MAGA. he's decapitating both the C_A/Iranian leadership and Mossad/Israeli deep state leadership.

21990990? ago

We shall see.

Until these Jews stop trying to genecide the European people in every country we live in via Mass immigration, degeneracy, and demonization propaganda they are the enemy.

21992022? ago

You cant read for shit.

21994934? ago


21990264? ago

Yeah, that's right. <

21987510? ago

True, but we have the full power of Trump's military.

21989144? ago

It's not trump's military it's the jew foreign legion.

21989290? ago

I know, we're stoked!

21988387? ago

But he doesn't run the banks or the media worldwide, which is why Hitler was stopped.

21988713? ago

We do, AND we have Trump in our pocket. Good luck.

21988751? ago

no, we don't. (((they))) do

21988842? ago

(((I))) know, who do you think I am, faggot. We own Trump and his whole family, he fights for us.

21988921? ago

well you really are fools if you don't see what's happening. But you antichrists are doomed to your destiny anyway.

But you don't have the kike voice. You sound more like a white Nazi-brother who doesn't like Trump and Q. I get it. It'll be ok sugar. Acceleration will work too.

21992377? ago

Hey, kike, Why do you reply to yourself?

21988940? ago

You're a fool, keep hope alive, boomer.

21989126? ago

Boomers can't read shills like I just did.

21990279? ago

Yes, they think we are "Normal". <

21990299? ago

they're learning while here

21990703? ago

It's Hillaryous to watch!

Like Cats playing with a stunned rat. <


21987628? ago

Not for long, and it will come back on you.

Especially if you faggots keep supporting and actively aiding in european ethnic cleansing via Mass immigration.

You are trading a weak Iranian enemy for a bloodthirsty and vengeful European one.