21996882? ago

Nazi fag here....hey!!!

21995008? ago


21992222? ago

Oh my god, the moslems are trying to blow us up, what ever the fuck will we do? Newsflash to all the little kids, this is not new.

21997456? ago

That's right!

Ignore the weakies.

21992168? ago

That was almost an upvote but you threw in the raciast bullshitt.

21991488? ago

Hahaha hell yeah they do bro

21990044? ago

Iran is not our enemy. ISRAEL IS!

Iranians don't control our government.

Iranians don't control our education system.

Iranians don't control our media.

Iranians don't control our money.



21989604? ago

We don't belong in the middle east.

I have no problem with Iranians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians, Libyans, Afghans, Pakistanians, Turks or Saudians.

FUCK ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21988752? ago


21988501? ago

C'mon Israel! You mean to tell me that Iran's broken down airwing of 3rd Gen aircraft and their speedboats are too much for you to handle? Fight your own war.Anything we feel we need to do to Iran can be done with a remote control.

21988478? ago

JIDF has infiltrated Voat and Crensch helps them

21989489? ago

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21989172? ago

Crensch has taken more kike dick than Srayzie's gaped asshole

21988374? ago

To the Weakies.. THANK YOU

THANK YOU for being weak


THANK YOU for pissing off God

Most Important of all... THANK YOU for pissing off We the Children of God, United under the leadership of Trump and Q, We will bring down the kingdom of Satan. WWG1WGA

21997479? ago

The pendulum will swing hard back to the right and correct this nonsense.

Lessons will be taught.

21988309? ago

ENJOYING the SHOW here in Northern MI

Trump's/God's warriors scared the poop out of the pawns, then took out Satan's monsters responsible for these protests/attacks.. On Q, the mockNbyrds run into the light of God, to protect their satanic handlers. Making TOTAL A$$E$ out of themselves once again(Shills or QRV responded in the same way). The mockNbryds are SO STUPID, they bring in the crimes of Benghazi(satan's monsters crimes) for all to see. Steadily America and the World awakens. Fed-up with the mockNbyrd's… Yes, the Show will get Biggerer & Betterer, as the World gets safer for the children. Will God and Jesus return...………… They all ready have.... BEHOLD the Daily Miracles. They are among us, or should I say it.... God and JESUS are within... We are finally paying attention The GREAT AWAKENING is HERE

21988159? ago

funny how the Lefty Kike media and the so-called rightwing TDS (dailystormer) crowd are in agreement that killing Soleimani was wrong.

he was supposedly on a Israeli kill list, but facksake tards, he was leading an attack on an America embassy.

When the Jew York Times warms Soleimani and the Daily Stormer 'tards call Soleimani a hero... you have to question your paradigm.

but Trump had him killed because Jews told him to. Typical how irrational the TDS crowd is - both right and left. both are sucking the same deep state cock.

21987477? ago


21987397? ago

nice kike shill post, man kikes are really mad i see these days probably because the kike empire is imploding at a massive rate

21988505? ago

They will really be mad in a couple of years hahahahahahahahaa

21986808? ago

They can't win a war against America. And they know it.

21987546? ago

They don't have to. Look what they did with a handful of boxcutters.

21989327? ago

that was an inside job

21986744? ago

The question isn't if they will retaliate, but rather how, where, and when. Sometimes a spark starts a fire, but sometimes a spark starts an engine.

21988078? ago

yep, blowback is a natural law of geopolitics

21987559? ago

Goddamn you're an idiot

21987668? ago

History's on my side.

21987717? ago

The only thing on your side is your fatass wife, and she's about to leave you too.

21988491? ago

Like the world would be so lucky.

21986552? ago

Fucking kikes

Fight your own wars.

Isralis are the weakest most weak and cowardly weasels on the face of the planet.

21990188? ago

you have not been paying attention. Israel is running the "Arabs against Jews" campaign for money, power and control. Trump is calling their bluff. it's pretty brilliant actually, he's separating the 'sheep from the goats' so to speak: liberal activist american jews will soon be MAGA. he's decapitating both the C_A/Iranian leadership and Mossad/Israeli deep state leadership.

21990990? ago

We shall see.

Until these Jews stop trying to genecide the European people in every country we live in via Mass immigration, degeneracy, and demonization propaganda they are the enemy.

21992022? ago

You cant read for shit.

21994934? ago


21990264? ago

Yeah, that's right. <

21987510? ago

True, but we have the full power of Trump's military.

21989144? ago

It's not trump's military it's the jew foreign legion.

21989290? ago

I know, we're stoked!

21988387? ago

But he doesn't run the banks or the media worldwide, which is why Hitler was stopped.

21988713? ago

We do, AND we have Trump in our pocket. Good luck.

21988751? ago

no, we don't. (((they))) do

21988842? ago

(((I))) know, who do you think I am, faggot. We own Trump and his whole family, he fights for us.

21988921? ago

well you really are fools if you don't see what's happening. But you antichrists are doomed to your destiny anyway.

But you don't have the kike voice. You sound more like a white Nazi-brother who doesn't like Trump and Q. I get it. It'll be ok sugar. Acceleration will work too.

21992377? ago

Hey, kike, Why do you reply to yourself?

21988940? ago

You're a fool, keep hope alive, boomer.

21989126? ago

Boomers can't read shills like I just did.

21990279? ago

Yes, they think we are "Normal". <

21990299? ago

they're learning while here

21990703? ago

It's Hillaryous to watch!

Like Cats playing with a stunned rat. <


21987628? ago

Not for long, and it will come back on you.

Especially if you faggots keep supporting and actively aiding in european ethnic cleansing via Mass immigration.

You are trading a weak Iranian enemy for a bloodthirsty and vengeful European one.

21986511? ago


21986477? ago

I think Iran was acting as a proxy for the deep state elites who are in panic mode, apparently. I doubt Iran will retaliate.

21986386? ago

If you are driving down a road and come to an intersection and you have 3 ways to go I guarantee no matter which way you go sooner or later you will have an accident.

The moral of this story step on the gas and blow thru.

21986382? ago

Soleimani stopped Al-Qaeda & ISIS from taking over half the Middle East. He warned that the US was supporting Al-Qaeda & ISIS to topple Assad. An enemy of Al-Qaeda & ISIS isn't an enemy of America, it's an enemy of Israel.

21991131? ago

Let's face it. Under Obama foreign policy was FUBAR. New boss in town kicking ass and fucking droning terrorists but NOT just taking names. Love it.

21988566? ago

Either way, the Camel Spiders are cleaning up the remains and this particular guy will never again order an attack on anyone. Win win

21988224? ago

He warned that the US was supporting Al-Qaeda & ISIS to topple Assad.

US taking out ISIS = supporting them

are you retarded?

21990792? ago

I think he means they "were"....before President Trump change the dynamics

21991685? ago

Hes trying to frame trump as doing something "bad", but not making much sense

21990116? ago

Obama and Bush and Hilary's State Department were supporting Isis and other terror orgs. They created them and trained them. This administration shut all that down. The two guys we just took out were pawns of the Elites who want to start a war or have continuous war in the Mid East. They are using Iran the way they used N. Korea. This is not about Israel, this is about Trump and Co. Vs. the Elites who are running this show in the Mideast. They want a Big War to cover up their crimes.

21989062? ago

US supported and trained ISIS for years.

US under Trump did NOT take out ISIS.

The entire world saw that it was Russia, Syria and Iran that took out both ISIS and AL-QEDA in Iraq and Syria.

Get off the bloody propaganda train and get your facts straight.

21993610? ago

21989062? I say he shut down "Isis" because he, one by one shut off the funding channels for them. I don't know who ultimately fought the last battles with them. I know other countries helped, but it was President Trumps administration and initiatives that shut this atrocity down. And there is much more to come.

21989279? ago


21989121? ago

stfu you dumb shill bitch

21989262? ago

Not an argument.

21986435? ago

Except an enemy of ISIS likely is an enemy of Israel

21988162? ago

You support my point.

In words only are ISIS the enemy of Israel.

In actions....not so much.

21986042? ago

I wonder who the two unnamed people killed were?

21986839? ago

John Kerry? I wish

21987652? ago

I’m beginning to think this is possible

21986551? ago

2 Hezbolla leader was 1 of them.

21986147? ago

I can only hope and dream on who they were

21985984? ago

They know they can push back hard because Trump is too much of a pussy to start a real war.

21987119? ago

We don't need another war. The history of the last 50 years has shown that wars are just pits to shovel American bodies and money into. A policy of focused assassinations is much wiser. Trump is much wiser.

21988289? ago

Was debating this position with the family last night. They agree as well. I said "never again another D-Day" -- no mass murdering our children and taking souls that might not have repented, yet.

I read yesterday some neat words -- Satan WAS IN HEAVEN, and rebelled. It was so much greater than here! And yet he (it?) was dissatisfied, and took a third of the angels with (is there confirmation in Scripture that it was exactly one third?).

Anyway, I am humbled that I have lived long enough to return to Scripture. Had I died while an atheist, I don't think it would have gone well.

21991037? ago

Revelations chapter 12 talks about Satan being kicked out of heaven.

21987435? ago

Wrong. We have to fight.

21988307? ago

Fuck off kike. Send your own troops in instead.

21988731? ago

Why bother, Trump just OKd 5000 US troops to go to the Middle East.

21989728? ago

Wow actually admitting you are an Israeli kike, and that you wouldn't send your own people to fight your own wars because you duped Americans into doing it instead. Your kind should be hanged from lampposts.

21992139? ago

Who will hang me? Trump and his family work for us, along with your whole military. Thanks Kushner!

21987634? ago

No - We don't. We need to extract revenge. When we fight wars we ALWAYS loose more than we gain.

21986236? ago

Ok Barak...

21986105? ago

"Dead is Dead, I don't care how we get there" -Dale Gribble

21985978? ago