telleveryoneyouknow ago

The same “god” that Christians worship instructed the rabbis to suck the baby dicks after they cut their dicks off with sharpened fingernails.

Go figure

lordvain2 ago

Because by leading everyone they hate into darkness, they have become servants of darkness.

BJW0414 ago

the egyptians and adolph hitler explained it.

basically speaking, the egyptians called them 'habiru', which is now 'hebrew'. the meaning of habiru is 'cut throat bandit, murderer, etc.'

adolph and the NSDAP researched the racial past of jews: they were / are a tribe of nomadic criminals. when their criminal tribe raided and looted a new area, criminals who lived in the area would join them. the worst genetics of each area were added to the jewish race. that's why adolph hitler and the NSDAP called them "RACIAL TRASH'.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

It’s why their stupid fucking history books always portray the Hebrews as victims of oppression.

Fuck kikes and their stupid made up faggot fucking religion

Whitening ago

The question answers itself.

Anarchy99 ago


slowcrash101 ago

Lack of strong dominant father figures, they anthropomorphized god into what they thought a father should be like, knowing in actual reality they have no fathers, because they're closet homosexuals. They need ultra-conservative orthodoxy otherwise the males start shedding the mask of heterosexuality, as is common with atheist jews.

ChosenUndead ago

They are biological evil. Satan's children, if you will.

kammmmak ago

Because they do not expose themselves to the light.

Northman242 ago

Simple. The synagogue of Satan.

blumen4alles ago

Evil can not act directly here, so it must use a proxy. Kikes are evil's chosen proxies.


To create more children to sacrifice

iDontShift ago

the club was founded in satanism. only those that did it would join.

seems a bit of a silly question considering that.

NotaQjackass ago

Because Sarah was Abraham's niece.

Diggernicks ago

Bibles are fiction

Talmuhdick ago

Can't claim to break any rules if you say they don't exist.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Kikes are like that fat friend that stops by your house. Lazy, useless, sloppy, disgusting, but cracks self deprecating jokes and says funny words and things once in awhile. Entertains while he eats all our food and drinks all your beer. They are fun to be around, but quickly wear out their welcome. They give some sob story how they need a few bucks for gas but after lend them a $20 you already know you'll never see again, you later notice they already have some money in their wallet. They say that the money in their wallet is for something else. Then they try to see if they can crash at your house for the night, drank to much. So you let them, but next thing you know they expect breakfast. They say, "hey, I'll go get some coffee." You think they are coming back with some good coffee, but it's just dollar McDonalds coffee. They expect to be thanked for the coffee, but you remember that you gave them the money to pay for it. Eventually you get so tired of them you finally tell them they have to leave. They get immediately offended by this and accuse you of not being a good friend. You think back, and realize they have never actually done anything for you, it's always a one way street.

Diggernicks ago

Get back to your cancerous containment board on fph you redditard double nigger

maaaxheadroom ago

Over the target? Diggernicks?

Diggernicks ago

Even qiggers are appalled by the depths of fph's faggottry

Talmuhdick ago

Divide and conquer tactics.

Yawn, be more original Shlomo.

Tallest_Skil ago

They’re inbred because of

  1. ~1700 years living in tiny communities, spread throughout the world, which weren’t capable of maintaining sufficient genetic diversity
  2. Religious prohibitions on marriage outside their subspecies, and purposely marrying first cousins to ensure a family’s wealth stays within the family

They’re perverts because of Sabbati Zevi.

FirstLine ago

Because they're inbreds.

Diggernicks ago

You Christ cuck niglets sure do get ass blasted whenever anyone questions the echo chamber here

Very Reddit of you

Lamp_shade ago

Ok retard.

Diggernicks ago

Thanks bro.

I really appreciate that compliment coming from you.

lipids ago

Circumcision is done to reduce the urge to muh dick. It is for weak people that cannot resist temptation. Of course these weak people will pervert the process.

popsikle ago

But how did (((they)))become like that?

Gorillion ago

Someone way back in their genealogy (maybe all the way back to Neanderthals vs Cromag times) noticed that the sickly runt kid with a mangled dick was the best schemer, tactician and cold-blooded manipulator when dealing with the Cromags/Humans/Proto-Whites they had and basically came up with a method of reproducing the conditions that created him. And the more like Moshe 1.0 a jew turns out, the higher he climbs in their culture. And it works. Because hey, despite being obsolete genetic garbage and repulsive on every level to the natural instincts of the goy, they're still here - sucking us dry.

SirNiggsalot ago

Got to keep all those shekels in the family stupid goyim

Diggernicks ago

Don't forget sand niggers.

What sort of spineless lil bitch is so scared of women the feel the need to cut off their clit.

Lamp_shade ago

jews are sandniggers, schmuel.

Keahiehj ago

Edward Rice wrote a book about the explorer Richard Burton and he said that the Arabs had said to Burton that women have ten times the sex drive of men so they had to do this.

letsgoallthewhey ago

I'd like to find one of those women with a 10X sex drive. My ex-wife pretending to be until we got married.

Diggernicks ago

A very catholic mind set.

Being scared of women is extremely fucking weak.

No excuses.

SparklingWiggle ago

That has zero to do with Catholicism. Have you ever been to a catholic church? Do you realize how many there are? Getting all worked up over the priests that have fondled boys, is like getting panicky because 25 thousand people have died even though there are over 7 billion on the planet.

Of course, I'm forgetting that you are one of the boys touched by a priest and you are racked with pain because it felt so good while he was sucking your dick. You have so many conflicted feelings. You know it was wrong but you want him to suck your dick again. You want him to fuck you in the ass while he gives you a reach around. And while you may want absolution for your desires, I'm here to tell you that you are mentally damaged and worthless as a person.

Lamp_shade ago

A Catholic made fun of him for being a fag one time and he is still butthurt about it.

Diggernicks ago


Your projection is showing

SparklingWiggle ago

I'm rubber, you're glue...

That's the best you can do?

Lamp_shade ago

Pretty sure anyone who grabs women and holds them down to slice off their clits isnt scared of them. Are kikes scared of baby boys for slicing off their dick skin?

Diggernicks ago

No idea

I dont give a fuck about jews

Lamp_shade ago

You sure do show up to deflect and defent them a lot. Like every single post that says something critical. Your actions indicate that you care deeply about the tribe of hook nosed pedophiles.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Because they are demon spawn put upon this Earth by Satan himself to defile all things in the natural order.

AlphaOmega ago

They also copulate with the wailing wall when they worship it. Judaism as a religion is completely fucked and the worst part of it is the degeneracy built into it is amplified by the beliefs of supremacy.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Because white people did something at some time that made them this way

SparklingWiggle ago

Shuffle your deck and draw a card.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Your username rocks donkey balls

SparklingWiggle ago

Do you know who is not coming to my party?

Keahiehj ago

You ARE being sarcastic, right?

Diggernicks ago

Your newfag is showing

Keahiehj ago

I'm referring GLR and I'm a newfag? The exact opposite.

37goats ago

Who comes up with a religion where you slaughter innocent animals, cut the tip off baby dicks and suck the blood, smash a live chicken on the ground until it's dead and insist all of your food have their throats slit and die slowly? Should I go on?

glownig ago

SUCKING baby dicks with male Jew lips is MANDATORY for thousands of years! Read :

Disgusting! Sucking baby dicks is mandatory, not optional! :

We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.

No one is ever allowed to avoid sucking a baby dick, as per Talmud above!

Jingle, jingle, star swiping in

The more you know!

cyclops1771 ago

They only sacrificed the innards - they burned the parts that when left around camp, made you sick. The good parts were eaten.

Second, draining an animal of blood is required to properly process the animal, and these retarded fish frogs of a people couldn't be trusted to cook their food properly(as marked by the don't eat pork or shellfish dietary restrictions - both of which can kill or sicken you if eaten raw), much less slaughter it right, so make it a religious event where the priests are the ones doing the slaughtering properly. (Plus, that way, the priest class can eat for free and therefore continue being priests, and not have to spend time hunting or farming.) They just baked hygienic rules into a religion.

I got nothing about the dick thing. That is just weird. Probably some really strange thing where one of the first High priest types had a mangled dick and convinced everyone that God claimed it was a sign of his covenant.

pitenius ago

I got nothing about the dick thing.

I suspect there was a tendency toward phimosis. Nip it in the bud, I guess. Other than that, jews tend diabetic: balanitis. That's the why. You can discuss the how. I got nothing.

123456788 ago

Second, draining an animal of blood is required to properly process the animal,

Let me stop you right there, Mossad. Regardless of how an animal is killed, you will pull its guts out shortly after killing it which will drain the blood. It is not necessary to slit an animals throat and slowly watch it die. that is demented as fuck.

Charilko ago

Exsanguination, if done properly, creates an instantaneous drop in blood pressure which kills an animal very, very quickly. Our ancestors slaughtered everything from pigs to whales in similar ways. It is not some weird method cooked up solely by the Jews. The OP is correct that some of this was simple expediency/hygiene rules made “religious” so people would fucking do it.

However, we have arguably more humane ways of killing animals now. Whether or not an electric shock to the spinal cord is more merciful... you decide. Most major denominations of Christianity have been able to adjust with the times on common sense health matters like this but for whatever reason, the Jews refuse to flex. That’s the real problem.

123456788 ago

Our ancestors also used to fuck their siblings but times change, methods improve.

cyclops1771 ago

Fuck you, urban fag, you Hunter of the supermarket. You can put a slug in a cow's head, and the next step is to slit it's throat to drain the blood. All the blood gets drained before you process a cow. You can shoot a deer through the head or the lungs or heart, field dress it, and still need to hang it.

Go fuck yourself, city dweller.

123456788 ago

I've skinned many bucks and I've never drained one by slitting its throat as it slowly bled out. If it was down but still alive, I still never slit it's throat to watch it slowly suffer. That is demented as fuck and takes a special kind of inbreed.

cyclops1771 ago

You skin it in the field? Who the fuck does that?

You skin it when you ready to process it.

123456788 ago

Gotta gut it first. I bet that's your favorite part after you slit its throat you sick fuck.

cyclops1771 ago

So, you field dress it AND skin it before tagging, lugging it, and tossing it in the back of the pickup?

First hunter I ever met who does that.

pitenius ago

Fuck you, buddy. I built a generator, vacuum sealer, and a deep freeze in the back of my pickup.

Of course, I'm skinning before it hits my mobile processing station.

BEST hunter you ever met, is what you meant.

cyclops1771 ago

Bows in shock and awe to your awesomeness!!! LOL.

Keefin ago

The point you’re missing is that they slaughter by letting the animal slowly bleed out, which is sick and cruel.

cyclops1771 ago

So, nicking an artery and letting is slowly fall to sleep and die is worse than what, stabbing it repeatedly with wooden spears until it dies? Or beating it with a stone hammer in the skull until it's brains splatter everywhere?

We are talking about 6000+ years ago. They didn't exactly have slugs, rifles or Guillotines back then.

Doing it now has no reason behind it. I was referring to WHY they started doing it that way to begin with. I may have been unclear.

Keefin ago

So, nicking an artery and letting is slowly fall to sleep and die

Total mischaracterization. Their throats are slit and they are bled out upside down, panicking in terror and fully conscious that they are dying a slow death. The National Socialists, who were one of the first groups advocating against animal cruelty, even produced videos of these degenerate and evil practices. Go check them out if you want to see how cruel it really is.

And yes, instantly killing it with a blow to the head is far more humane. That is undebateable.

I was referring to WHY they started doing it that way to begin with. I may have been unclear.

And I think your conclusion doesn't make sense. They could have easily killed/stunned the animal first with a large hammer, the way it was done before stun guns. They use a similar practice in ritual murder, terrorizing and torturing the child while slowly bleeding it out with a thousand pricks. I think the more likely reason is that they generally have a cruel and evil character.

cyclops1771 ago

True to a point, there is no good slaughter, but I was referring to ancient options, not modern methods, which while terrible as not AS terrible. I seriously doubt the Nazis had videos of ancient Hebrews slaughtering processes. Ancient and modern day primitive cultures still butcher cattle this way. Our current practices in the killing room of a packing plant are not saintly, but they are a bit better once they pass the chute. The cows in the chute are panicking - they can smell the blood, their instinct is to run, and they are being prodded by electrical sticks to go foward into the salughter, fear in the eyes, half crazy from it. Please don't give me a "holier-than-thou" schtick. Slaughter is slaughter. I do agree that a slug in the head for an insta-kill is better than bleeding it, but I was comparing bleeding it to other Stone age methods.

They could have easily killed/stunned the animal first with a large hammer

Very possibly. But where is the pageantry and ritual in that? As I stated, there are ither reasons - I'm not saying it is the RIGHT way, or it is the BEST way, or is even a GOOD way, I was saying WHY it was that way. Barbaric? Yes. It is a 4500-6000 year old sacrifice cult. I wouldn't expect anything less than barbarism for a barbaric time.

37goats ago

Stop making excuses for satanic baal worshipping.

KikesOnTrikes ago

The retards around here that think statements of fact are endorsements is maddening. Go away faggot.

37goats ago

Explain cutting baby dicks then.

KikesOnTrikes ago

What do you mean explain it?.It happens.

37goats ago

Explain the reasoning behind it. If all Jewish practice can be magically explained away, explain cutting off the foreskin of a baby and then sucking the dick with your mouth. I'll wait.

KikesOnTrikes ago

You are such a god damn idiot. My first comment was saying that just because someone states a fact doesn't mean they endorse it. Go learn to read.

37goats ago

Ok Jewmer

cyclops1771 ago

It isn't excuses. it's logical.

Unless you are claiming Baal is real, and mind-fucked these people so hard they got these fucked up ideas?

Sorry, I don't buy that. Those fucked up ideas came from human minds - determining how and why those ideas were formed is interesting as heck to me.

zech7 ago

cannibal giants were real, humans sacrificed their young to them in exchange for feats of strength, loyalty, or to discourage giant feats of terrorism. this is a common Native American story ---defeating giants after being terrorized by them

37goats ago

You may not believe in satan/lucifer/baal/moloch (whatever name used for the evil one) but they sure as shit believe in him, as do I.

cyclops1771 ago


MemeDropAcct ago

Something must be real in order for people to worship it and engage in fucked up behavior.

Logic, Bitch

cyclops1771 ago

Nice strawman.

I said the argument "because Baal is real" isn't logical, not that something had to be real for people to worship it.

Critical thinking isn't exactly your strong suit, is it? Or were you being deliberately fallacious?

MemeDropAcct ago

Facts are Strawmen

Repeating buzzwords mean I'm like totes smart and stuff

No. No it does not.

cyclops1771 ago

Doesn't understand logic, continues to use fallacies.

Ok, cool. Hook 'em.

MemeDropAcct ago

Instead of admitting that I used faulty logic and then touted myself as being logical, I will double down and attempt to project this absurdity upon the person who pointed it out.

Hook 'em

cyclops1771 ago

Still doesn't understand that creating a false argument and defeating THAT, instead of the person;s actual argument isn't "logic", it's a fallacy, but is too much into reddit tier MUH MEME to understand the difference.


MemeDropAcct ago

and mind-fucked these people so hard they got these fucked up ideas

Here is the part you intentionally omitted in your rebuttal.

cyclops1771 ago

Cool story.

MemeDropAcct ago

An oh so snarky comment will surely change the fact that my logic failed and I resorted to deception to try to fool people into thinking otherwise

cyclops1771 ago

Awesome! You do you. Have fun with that.

MemeDropAcct ago

I win

Rage downvotes


Literal Nigger Tier "Logic" and Actions.

Enjoy your Fail Sandwich.


cyclops1771 ago


Pinkanon ago

Stupid nigger uses the word "logic" like it has any...don't you have some hentai to tend to?

ConantheLibrarian ago

Morals are anathema to them.

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's the starting point of the ritual that marks the path of systematically breaking the spirit of the weak through trauma, so that they can be controlled by the stronger and follow the collective order. This goes directly into grooming with sexual abuse, and the isolated kehilla indoctrination. In the bigger picture they abuse to create the victim complex that served them as protection oh so well.

metricisokay ago

Judaism is an echo chamber. They deal only with other Jews whenever possible, they have a strong in group preference, which in itself isn't a bad philosophy. The problem is that it takes them a while to realise when something they are doing is wrong. For example inbreeding which has been a very large problem in the Jewish community for ages and ages. As recently as 50 years ago it was still very wide spread around the world for them.

Also they take in group preference way too far. If you are not in your homeland you do not get to have in group preference, you are a visitor in someone else's home. You are the outsider. You listen to them, you serve them, or you go home. Jews need to fuck off back to Israel and build that dump into a nice place to live.

Keahiehj ago

They practice all the vices they accuse us of and have this PATHOLOGY that we have to live with dark skinned people. It's their worst trait.

Attac ago

Because they are Satan's spawnlings

Intrixina ago

Because they have sub freezer temperature IQ and have no concept of morality, ethics or rational thought.

Rating--- ago

I don't agree. Jews are often compassionate, and pretty good at school.

They are often not polite though. I can accept that.

Intrixina ago

They're manipulative cunts. They only act in a positive fashion whenever they can get something out of it.

WokeazfuQ ago

They have a glossy charming surface.

VoatsNewfag ago

How compassionate can one be when they cut sensible parts away from an infants genitals, at an age were they aren't given effective anesthesia and are screaming in severe pain?

When you take blood tests from those infants they have a massive spike in stress hormones like cortisol indicating utterly horrifying amounts of pain.

And the women of circumcized men report less sexual satisfaction even when you account for all kinds of factors like income, religion, ethnicity, age of first sex or edcuation among others.

Granted, this unfortunately applies to many american christians too. Yet some jews take it even one step further by biting and sucking on an infant's genitals as it's screaming and crying in agony. As if the aforementioned blood ritual just wasn't fucked up enough.

In a sane world view, one would could conclude that harming an infant and worsening it's adult sex life is a form of severe sexual assault and that no compassionate person could ever support this. If someone's "compassion" depends on whether or not their actions are socially acceptable it's manipulation, not real empathy.

37goats ago

Circumcism is a satanic blood ritual. I lt is clear as day. If god really wanted all men to go through that at birth, I want nothing to do with that god. I believe in an all powerful, singular being, one could call god, for the record. Whoever told the jews to cut baby dicks was NOT that being.

jedimind ago

Your on the wrong side of town partner. You go on and get now before you cause some trouble.

Diggernicks ago

Gee mister you sure are tough on the internet

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

They’re not polite because they’re rotten fucking bastards whose religious belief is that every non-Jew should serve them.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Go the fuxk back to reddit, faggot.

Lamp_shade ago

kikes are neither compassionate or intelligent.

SparklingWiggle ago

'Compassion' is another way for them to manipulate the world around them.

cyclops1771 ago

A Jew married into my wife's family.

Her brother told her kids - you make think Uncle Michael is helping you, but there is ALWAYS a catch, and you will end up on the short end of the stick.

Example: "We'll pay for your flight home to see your boyfriend for Spring Break!" "Wow, thanks, Uncle Michael!!" A few months, even years later. "We're going on a cruise. We need you to come here and stay at our house and take care of our 2 kids." "Um, I have work, Uncle Michael! How much will you pay me for being a 10 day nanny?" "Pay you? Oh sure. It was all fine and dandy when I paid for your flight 2 years ago. But now, when WE need something, you refuse. I see how you are."

This is a never ending cycle. Anytime a Jew is "compassionate" towards you, it is a chit in their pocket, that they plan on cashing in for WAY more than the original "favor" was for. A gift from a Jew will always contain strings.

37goats ago

This is exactly how they operate. Just like my mother in law. Every 'gift' has strings attached.

Lamp_shade ago

A jew married into my family too. I have old home movies of him showing pornographic materials to me, my brother and sister when we were all under the age of 10. He and my aunt thought it was hilarious.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

You should take it to the police.

justregtoasku ago

like they'd do anything anyway

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Good point. Release it on the Internet and publicly name him instead.

cyclops1771 ago

Gosh, what a funny "joke."

Probably supplied you with liquor underage, too.

Diggernicks ago

Sounds like a pretty cool guy.

Only niglet sheeple feel bound to follow unjust and bullshit laws

Lamp_shade ago

He probably would have, given the chance.

Rating--- ago

Could have been worse.

cyclops1771 ago

That was a mild example. I could go on and on.

SparklingWiggle ago

Damn, that is a textbook example. Dead on.

Lamp_shade ago

Nothing more compassionate than strapping a newborn baby down to a board and slicing the skin off of its dick right before you give him a quick blowjob, goy.

SparklingWiggle ago

See Cyclops1771's response. He hit the nail square on the fucking head.

Talmuhdick ago

They think they can literally do no wrong.

albatrosv15 ago

Vampires don't have self-reflection.

AntiMason ago

Username checks out.

checks-out ago


Talmuhdick ago

I would say lurk more but the Talmud is the kikes small print to do whatever they want. It reads like modern law speak and it could be argued that legalese was based of these books language. Muh dick was an old meme from an older cartoonists describing niggers. Talmudic means to have the property of the Talmud. Talmuhdick isn't that far of a stretch.

Lamp_shade ago

Thats the boomer christcucks fault. In those assholes eyes, the kikes really can do no wrong. Boomers even offer their kids up for molestation.

TheSeer ago

What is interesting to me is that Israel has been able to portray itself as an UNDERDOG to Boomers. A white collar crime safe haven, holding the world's wealthiest gangsters/banksters safe, is an underdog?

letsgoallthewhey ago

jews have been acting that way for at least 2,000 years. Grow up and fuck off.

Diggernicks ago

Oven all catholics.

No exceptions.

Keahiehj ago

George Lincoln Rockwell spoke on this. He said that this Whites divided on religion thing was a disaster for us and that we must all work together against the Eternal Enemy the Jews.

Talmuhdick ago

Wasn't that the point of Catholicism organising in the way it did in the first place?

They kept the kings in line and helped steer them away from sins like accepting like money through usury among other things at the very least.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

We, the children of Europa, have more important things to do than fight internally over religion.

No more brother wars.

Diggernicks ago

Grown ass adults who still have imaginary friends all require gassing

Lamp_shade ago

Ok child rapist.

Diggernicks ago

You been circle jerking with theoldones again?

Stay butthurt tinfoil buttplug enthusiast

Mr_big ago

The lot of them have mental disorders and are genetically fuckin assholes

AntiMason ago

Grew up around Jews. They are entitled and feel superior like royalty.

Rating--- ago

It's more a cultural thing where being polite (in a certain servile way) is seen as too limiting on personal freedom and therefore vicious.

And I can agree with that to a certain extent.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

There's being impolite then there's treating everyone around you like shit while also being manipulative.

Rating--- ago

You know what? I agree.

Could still have been worse.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Could also be better.

Keahiehj ago
