21995880? ago

Don't need a war. Iranians don't want their leaders. Snipers can do this job.

21992892? ago

I would check your sources. All channels I see on telegram is showing videos of hordes of people in Iran mourning the loss of a leader. A westerner killed one of their national. They are pissed. Iraq is a bit more divided, and some of those videos are labeled as from Iran.

Do your own research. It is not hard to find channels that publish raw intelligence data.

21991394? ago

the TDS is manifesting on both sides... lefTards and DailyStormer types are both freaked out. When Anglin is in agreement with the Jew York Times it seems like a sign of the apocalypse...

fucking epic.

simple red-pill for you dailystormers: (I have no hope for the lefTards)

  • Iran is run by the CIA
  • CIA is run by Mossad
  • Jew York Times tried warning Soleimani
  • but Trump killed the Iranian fuck because Israel wanted him to start WWIII

wow, are you people stupid.

21996676? ago

Why yes, yes they are. They still have a lot to learn. Trump is not playing their stupid games or catering to their idiotic whims.

21990572? ago

MIGA! Thank you Donald Trumpstein! Very cool!

21990523? ago

When you said "Iranian Regime", I think you meant the "C_A Regime". And when I said the "C_A Regime", I actually meant "the jews"

21990982? ago

So why are the Jews fighting with the Iran if Iran is controlled by Jews? Why does Iran fund Hezbollah if it's controlled by the Jews?

21995996? ago

The goal is constant conflict with no resolution. That's how the same people stay in power and prevent any societal evolution. The unending conflict without resolution provides window dressing for all other nefarious activities, provides an unceasing need for taxpayer dollars, and keeps deep state actors wealthy via military industrial complex.

Imagine if the Israeli/Pally conflict ceased to exist. What else would be focused on in the region? What kind of resources would that free up?

21992339? ago

You need an enemy to justify the oppression of everyone. If there's no enemy, there's reason for the State to have their boot on your neck.

21993334? ago

the CIA was warring with the KGB of the USSR on the surface but was actually funneling info to them. What you see on the surface isn't always what the true story is. I would have thought that Q would have taught you that by now.

21990511? ago

and they're man Obama is no longer in the WH. New Sheriff, new rules.

21990381? ago

Q is that you? Post that 1970 - 2009 miniskirt vs. Burqa picture again. No, not the Afghanistan one they used on Trump back in '17, the one of Iran from yesterday. Also play Freebird.

21990337? ago

Seeing a lot of this:


21990388? ago

We see you! Truth to power. Together we are strong!

21990413? ago


21990230? ago

Iran has millions upon millions of believers in the current form of governance. It is not going away. Billions of $ have been budgeted in an effort to destabilize it. Iran will prevail. It is/was the last standing foe in the face of an international government leading from Jerusalem within Greater Israel. If God exists, Iran prevails.

21993709? ago

hahahahaha what kind of fucking fantasy bullshit is this

gtfo you shill cocksuckers

21994558? ago

Wutcha saying, rabbi?

21991593? ago

Interesting but I don't think so

21990164? ago

There's a very bitter kosher taste to this post, JIDF OP.

21990075? ago

Then trump got on his knees and sucked every rabbis last dick and swallered their goo

21996544? ago

You seem jealous.

21996799? ago

Jews always claim that everyone is "jealous".

21990009? ago

Democracy has always been the tool of the Jew to destroy a country, idiot. Every color revolution that has ever destroyed a country in the middle east or latin america has been over democracy.

21989978? ago


21990034? ago

21989860? ago

So the Dems are controlled by the Jews or by the Iranians?

21990239? ago

By The Illuminati Cabal. <

21989740? ago

... Iran Regime lost the propaganda war? As voat is chuck loaded with propaganda?

21991754? ago

And who is buying it?

21989770? ago

Yeah there is a lot of kikes pushing for war right now, or are in general claiming what is going on is a good thing because somehow fighting for Israel due to a Mossad false flag is a good thing.

21996356? ago

You really are an ignorant dumbass. Nobody is pushing for a war. Only people on here complaining about taking out a despicable murdering terrorist are the terrorist sympathizers, like Ilhan Omar, YOU, and the rest of the DS traitors.

21993677? ago

the only kikes are the ones out here drama queening like a war just started when all that happened is iran/ISRAELI deep state VIP got his ass turned into a vapor cloud.

the Iranian regime has lost all their support domestically and is facing riots all over their nation. they are not in a position to act militaristically. theyre in damage control.

ww3 just turned out to be a meme lmfao it never happened

21993775? ago

There is the other half of the shekel. Claiming that this somehow hurts the CIA and Mossad when he guy was adamantly against the jews and supported by his people. Russia said they would support Iran. No one is worried about Iran vs the US it is Russia vs the USA because of this bullshit. Mossad does a false flag against an embassy after the last several false flags failed, and you support assassinating someone because they were against you kikes. If shit goes down all you jew shills will die a traitors death.

21996478? ago

You are the traitor. Condemning us for taking out a terrorist who has and was planning to kill thousands. What the hell is the matter with you?

21996817? ago

You mean committing terrorism to kill a political leader in a foreign nation because the jews are scared of him and wanted him dead?

21999472? ago

Try harder Schlomo faggot

22008527? ago

You are the one in support of missile striking Israel's enemies. You aren't going to convince anyone by calling me Schlomo while you shill for the jews.

21997238? ago

The terrorism was being committed by the political leader TERRORIST who has killed thousands and was planning on killing more. You're not very bright; sorry you must have been dropped on your head and/or are missing some brain cells. You muh jews shills have lost all touch with reality. When you're siding with terrorists, Omar, DS traitors, AND the jew-run msm, your lack of logic is quite revealing.

21998074? ago

Nice ad hominems. You don't want to argue facts, you just want to dismiss arguments then pull out the horseshoe theory. It was an assassination of a political leader which is a terrorist act. If any other country did it to a US politician you would call it terrorism. Instead you just say it's okay when we do it, and that everyone who is not okay with just straight up killing Israels enemies is the same even though we all differ extremely on every other issue. Horseshoe theory is the most lazy way to dismiss people instead of actually talking about shit. Not sure what I expect to gain from conversing with an obvious Mossad shill like you though.

22001981? ago

So what you're saying, it's okay for them to kill whomever they want (which they have been doing all along and did just last week to one of our contractors, and are planning to kill even more) but when we do it or try to put an end to it, it's terrorism. Nothing rational with that. You're a special kind of stupid. You have presented NO facts to even argue. I don't care whose else the terrorist had as enemies, he was OUR enemy! He was responsible for the MURDER of thousands.

You are obviously one of those who "rever" him as a great political leader as you described him above. So it really is no need for me to even attempt to have a sane discussion with you.

22008621? ago

Mossad did another false flag after the last several didn't work out. Why should we believe Iran did the attack against the embassy? Also the "doing all alomg" line, they haven't been killing Americans they were killing ISIS and Mossad.

but when we do it or try to put an end to it, it's terrorism

Assassinating a political leader is a terrorist act. If any other country did the exact same thing to an American politician of even a much lower ranking than this guy, you would call it terrorism. If after taking out what would be equal to our vice president they then said if we retaliated they would kill 52 more politicians, you would call that a terrorist threat and be calling for a full scale war.

was OUR enemy! He was responsible for the MURDER of thousands.

Oh you are an Israeli jew? Why didn't you say so earlier. Why should we fight your wars again? He and his country are no threat to America, but you are right he was killing ISIS and Mossad which are your allies Moshe.

You are obviously one of those who "rever" him 

No I just don't like my country being used as a club by another nation to fight their wars and kill their enemies for them. The only reason for any of this is that he was a threat to Israel, and was killing Israel's allies. After the last 3 false flags failed, now the embassy one has you up in arms telling Americans to go and fight and die for your jewish allies.

22009307? ago

Assassinating a political leader is a terrorist act. If any other country did the exact same thing to an American politician of even a much lower ranking than this guy, you would call it terrorism. If after taking out what would be equal to our vice president they then said if we retaliated they would kill 52 more politicians, you would call that a terrorist threat and be calling for a full scale war.

Political leader? Please, he was a Commander waging war. Why are you making him out to be something other than that and equating his death to killing a civilian? Not only was he a terrorist, he was responsible for the death of HUNDREDS of Americans. The fact that you're so triggered by his death and refer to him as a political leader instead of a murderous terrorist makes me think you could care less about OUR losses and are really one who revers the scumbag.

now the embassy one has you up in arms telling Americans to go and fight and die for your jewish allies.

You sound like a scared liddle bitch.

No body is up in arms (especially not me) telling Americans to go fight and die for ANYONE!!! Just stop with your trying to spread a false narrative.

22009778? ago

Political leader? Please, he was a Commander waging war

He didn't wage war though, the middle strike would be by all accounts an act of war and aggression. I would love to see your source on him killing Americans considering he was killing ISIS and Mossad. He directly fought against the jews and that's why they had him killed. Constantly capitalizing certain words doesn't add emphasis it only outs yourself especially when the shit you caps lock only makes sense if you are an Israeli. Iran is a threat to Israel, not the US. I don't want to see the genocide of the last of the Aryans and Christains there just because some kikes keep false flagging until they convince the US government to slaughter their enemies.

You sound like a scared liddle bitch.

No body is up in arms (especially not me) telling Americans to go fight and die for ANYONE!!! 

I like how you contradict yourself one line above, and use such broken English that it must be your second language. Fuck off kike. Go back to speaking yiddish in your own nations, English doesn't suit you. You slipped up and admitted earlier that your nation was Israel, and then keep pushing for your wars as if you will change minds with such low tier pilpul.

22010224? ago

You're a fucking idiot! No one believes any of your BS lies. You've outted yourself way too many times Soros shill. You've aligned yourself with Islamic terrorists, the fake JEW news media, and the traitorous dems. Your TDS has got you in such a contant state of panic and has turned you into a quivering triggered pansy.

22010567? ago

Pretty sure as a jew Soros would support this aggression against Israel's enemies and be pushing for the death of the last of the White Christains in that area. Not to mention he would want to insert a puppet government and a Rothschild central bank in one of the last few countries that doesn't have one. By all means though, continue to claim that I am the jew for wanting Americans to not fight and die for jewish interests.

22010651? ago

Iran was the puppet. Why do you think the dems and msm are so upset?

22010762? ago

By all means please explain how one of the last countries without a central bank and still opposes Israel and fights Mossad and ISIS is secretly Israel's puppet just because the MSM and dems are doing their usual shit.

22011112? ago

Pretty sure as a jew Soros would support this aggression against Israel's enemies.

Soros is cabal. He may have been born jewish but I'm pretty sure he does not have any allegiance to Israel. He robbed Jews with no remorse. He claims to be atheist, but i believe his loyalty is to Satan. Soros doesn't support our action against Salami because he is part of the cabal and Iran is a puppet of the cabal. The cabal wants war and choas.

I never said Iran was Israel's puppet. You are obsessed with Israel and trying to make it out that is what I said. I did not. Here I'll copy what I said for you.

Iran was the puppet.

No where did I say Iran was Israel's puppet.

Like I said, the cabal wants war and chaos. They have pitted Iran against Israel and against any one who tries to put an end to their chaos. The people of Iran aren't the problem. It's the cabal that is pulling the strings in Iran that is.

We took out the cabal's revered General to put an end the reign. You're just upset that the enemy of your enemy has been eliminated and is no longer able to fight your battles for YOU. Because you're too chicken shit to take a stand and fight your own battles. You could care less how many Americans were killed or maimed by him. You can't even bring yourself to refer to him as a terrorist. You're no American. You're a coward nazi faggot Soros shill and a terrorist sympathizer.

22011271? ago

You have clearly expressed your verious sometimes conflicting sides and I have expressed mine. You kind of lost me at that laughable first line, and it looks like we will not see eye to eye on anything. Especially considerimg the stuff you said on the rest of your post you make what you support and your hatered of Whites fsirly clear. At this point there isn't much point in continuing as we will just continue in circles. If anyone reads this comment chain they can judge for themselves at this point.

22011442? ago

The first line where I said "Soros is cabal" is what you find laughable? Sorry (actually NOT sorry) if I offended another one whom you rever so much.

I have no hatred of whites, nor anyone for that matter. Another lie you are trying to slip in. You're shilling is blatantly obvious. You really aren't that good at it.

22011498? ago

The born jewish but no allegiance to Israel. Don't be obtuse, such things are how you outed yourself as a kike shill.

22015839? ago

Honestly, I was just going by what he said when he (paraphasing here) said that his youth (in which he was robbing the jews of their belongings along side the Gestapo) was some of his most cherished memories. So that would make his allegiance and yours more in line. Something, you, Antifa Nazifags have a hard time trying to fool everyone of. Most everything you say is contradictory. Your association with the KKK and Democratic Party can't be denied. Hell, even one of you "dumbfucks", (as you've called me,) tried to get a 'David Duke should run against Trump' (since NONE of your Leftist candidates stand a chance against him) drive going yesterday on here. That failed miserably also. It's ironic your anti-Trump message is the same as the msm, (who we both know is mostly jews), controlled by the cabal. So you are either a piss-poor mouthpiece of the cabal or you are a Nazi-wannabe (both trying to sow division) that fails to see that we are battling EVIL. It doesn't care what color, race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual preference you are. Something (color, race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual preference) YOU seem to be stuck on. It wants you and me at constant odds against each other.

21989761? ago

You don't think the enemy posts here?

21990404? ago

Yes! There are pedo-shills everywhere. And today they are in FULL PANIC mode. LMAO@FGOTS

21989870? ago

Yeah there are jews posting here right now pushing for more fighting in the middle east for Israel's benefit.

21990020? ago

I've never seen so many cleary Israelis posting here before.

21989685? ago

Trump with confidence and conviction told everybody. These people are sick. They have gone crazy.

21989607? ago

POTUS is beating them like a drum. MSM still pedals its lies - Enemy of the People.

21989540? ago

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