WTF happened? I log onto Voat today and see a plague invasion, the Zionist Warmonger Kikes, Globalist Commies. Turks, Pakis and Iranian Hezbollah Cockroaches .. all saying we know whats best Goy (
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3591884?
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21989496? 5.1 years ago :
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!"
21989510? 5.1 years ago
a lot of teens, young people some in their 20s they dont even remember the bullshit with the WTC and 911
21989534? 5.1 years ago
Wars for Israel?
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21989496? ago :
21989510? ago
a lot of teens, young people some in their 20s they dont even remember the bullshit with the WTC and 911
21989534? ago
Wars for Israel?