TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

I dont get it.

Doxxing. Who cares. What are they gonna do. Order pizzas on my adress ? Come and fight me ? I dont get it.

If someone doxxes me and annoys me enough whats tgere to stop me from killing them ? I just dont get it. Theres always a worse.

GrizzlyDark ago

Show us her tits or gtfo

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think she is kinda sexy. I even propositioned her explicitly. Never got any revenge directed at me for it either. She just opted to ignore me.

Her loss. But ho him.

King_Leopold_II ago

That's because you're a fucking kike.

Joe_McCarthy ago

It may be because she is silly enough to think I'm a kike. Never know.

Phantom42 ago

Actual trads don't fucking exist, so I guess you're still right.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

What's worse, the narcissistic trolls, or the snowflakes that fall for their shit?

CanadianAndProud ago

Sounds like a cunt.

ExpertShitposter ago

Get a load of the butthurt krensch/sarzy alt fag, hiding behind a throwaway. No one went after @trigglypuff because so far she never went after anyone who wasn't some kind of shitty faggot.

Multiple people explained to putt that he was wrong, and he changed his decision. Its not like she needs her particular nick to post on voat.

Anyway, it seems you are anal blasted. I like that.

Waffle_ninja ago

Never heard of her. Probably because I don’t stop and smell crap when I see it.

DanijelStark ago

The saddest thing is - here , just like many other "social platforms under the anonimity shroud" ( fake anon shroud , theres no such thing as anonimity truly ) , some people also present themselves in their "ideal-self" version . Some people are "very tough" and "badass" ... but would they truly be that if their identity was known ? Would they say the same things ? Are they truly authentic - or are they only for show here ?

Tallest_Skil ago

Literally better than Q-LARP.

Rotteuxx ago

I seriously wondering if some faggot paid for an upvoat service or if it's a few faggots who ran through all their alts together... or just one super sad holiday Grensch.

50 upvoats @ 38mins old.

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, Im_Brian admits to having 30 accounts here. Bet it’s one of his.

Rotteuxx ago

Pretty sure @Trigglypuff has a lot more than that... it's hard to trigger a master troll. This post was doomed from the start if OP was hoping on triggering drama or getting a positive response from the community.

Tallest_Skil ago

How about doing something that matters, like banning all Q-LARPers from any board that isn’t Q-LARP. Their ideological poison infects every discussion in every possible way. It’s a fucking disease that keeps discourse from advancing.

Crensch ago

I think we should ban all shitposters from any sub that isn't pro-pedophile. Their ideological poison infects every discussion in every possible way. It’s a fucking disease that keeps discourse from advancing.

It's also very unhealthy for any kids around them.

Oh wait, the only sub we have that is pro-pedophile is SBBH.

Is this what you meant, @heygeorge? Better use of my time and all that?

Tallest_Skil ago

What’s funny about the worshippers of the proven jewish cult is that they think no one could ever hate any OTHER proven jewish cults, either. Their hubris extends beyond their leader’s godhood to their own.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh wait, the only sub we have that is pro-pedophile is SBBH.

What about Loli subs ?

Why are you willfully ignoring the existence of Loli on here ?

Pedo hunter my ass, you're just drawing attention away from your own brand of degeneracy.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Why are you willfully ignoring the existence of Loli on here ?

People say this, but you'd have to hunt it down? I scroll to the bottom of v/all multiple times, and never see that stuff. Aside from those 'pr0n' posts the past couple days.

Crensch ago

What a fantastic idea! SBBH and the loli subs belong together!

Thank you, @Rotteuxx for bringing up this totally sense-making point!

Pedo hunter my ass, you're just drawing attention away from your own brand of degeneracy.

Saying "nice tits"? All that other you accuse me of was @ESOTERICshade.

heygeorge ago

@Crensch this would be a better use of your time ^^^

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re a better moderator than I would be, man. I just couldn’t possibly keep my mouth shut anymore. I’m too old and the world is too far gone. To be able to share in my views, yet hold yourself back in acting (in a moderatorial sense) on the relevant boards, shows… something. Focus, restraint of will, adherence to affirmation… Something like that.

This was supposed to be a compliment. It’s not sounding that way. Probably because we’re about 40 years past the point that we should have grabbed our guns and exterminated liars the world over and I’m all antsy. Anyway…

Phantom42 ago

Christ alive I can't help but wonder if time travel is real and you're old man version of me stuck in this timeline.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Why are your posts always collapsed? Also, nud bix XDXDXD.

AnonThrowaway ago

Who the fuck clogs up VOAT with this type of bullshit? Go back to reddit where people of your kind might care. All of you are just a bunch of stupid fucks.

NotHereForPizza ago

this has literally never worked like that.

your attention is a social currency. learn how to apply the currency to take away from particular rhetoric or contribute to it.

muh good vs bad

literal brainlet tier here.

NotHereForPizza ago

are you being stupid on purpose?

the truth is staring you in the face.

anticlutch ago

You're extremely jewish. Commit suicide with an oven.

anticlutch ago

Of course that cunt is. (((She)))'s modding 8 subs.

Where did that come from? Oh right (((reddit))). Powerusers are a way to control a website. Anyone modding more than 3 subs should be immediately IP banned.

Rotteuxx ago

Shit, I must be such a huge kike.

totes_magotes ago

Lulz, I was one of the very first people to call her out for being a fucking crazy. She's also stupid enough have permanently doxxed herself on the steemit blockchain (you have to provide a valid phone number to get an account) and the block chain has "limited edit" ability but the original is always there. Aaand you can use that info to validate all of her online accounts.

But I was supposedly the evil person for pointing out just how fucked in the head she was. When she took moderatorship in SBBH, I knew it was the start of the end for her. SBBH is the heart of voat's immune system. I even played nice with her for a little bit to help her get her guard down.

I'd say between that and her craziness, it all worked beautifully.

Phantom42 ago

I joined Voat around the Qult migration, watched all of it unfold.

As a third-party, I'll say @Trigglypuff and all you guys were doing a service for getting the crayzie bitch out of here. I talked with zyklon a bit during all this and he seemed like a chill dude when he wasn't shitposting. PM's and whatnot. Anyway... Having gotten into the Qultists containment zone and had plenty of experience dealing with them as well as crayzie herself before she got doxxed...

Yeah, I'm with SBBH here. I find more serious discussions stimulating, but there comes a point where really there's nothing left to talk about and each headline, statistic, or event posted on Voat is just the same thing every time, it all leads back to the Synagogue of Satan, the eternal jew, in the end. Then, nobody takes action so this cycle will repeat until Voat and the rest of the remaining free speech zones on the internet are snuffed out along with the Whites involved.

I think you'll probably get what I'm trying to say here, @Tallest_Skil.

heygeorge ago

No. Well a couple are. The best grab is @nothereforpizza

Rotteuxx ago

Think I'll go benmatter when I get back home, sanitize the place after all this partying.

kneo24 ago

I don't even care about the drama, but what I do care about is fake drama being started to forum slide. We have all been involved in it at some point in time here on Voat - it would just be nice to move past it for once.

Holonomic ago

I thought I left all the pissing and whining crybabies on imgur and [d]

If you want to be some fucking annoying crybaby then please feel free to go fuck yourself all the way back to the warmth embrace of [d]eddit's warm, faggot-asshole and slurp up the soup until your happy again.

Shit like yours should be reported for stupidity, but unfortunately that's not the right way to use the site.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I already replied lol

Titanbikes4ever ago

WTF is it with all you pussies whining about trolls on voat? Seriously, are you all just shills gearing up to demand bans and censorship? Yeah, then this would be reddit and I would get banned for calling you all faggots. I'm going to be everyone's father for a second and tell you all to man up, ignore the trolls, and get on with your lives. The tattling has to stop. BTW: you posting this let trigglypuff know that you're a little fag that's crying now.

Phantom42 ago

Titan, you are not my father.


TestForScience ago

No clue who you or Triggles is, but you made a throwaway account to call them a ‘weak ass little bitch...’

Making their drama more public to draw more people in, seriously?

If it makes you cry that much, there’s a block button - unless of course, you have no intentions of getting rid/away from the drama and you’re feeding off of it like some highechool teen that just announced that she’s (fake) pregnant for the fourth time.

heygeorge ago

no intentions of getting rid/away from the drama and you’re feeding off of it like some highechool teen that just announced that she’s (fake) pregnant for the fourth time.

That’s where OP is. Since GA’s mod went anti-Voat boomer protector, he’s been stirring up all kinds of issues, then others latch on as they find a a convenient scapegoat. It seems to me mainly occupied with changing the site culture to downvoting and censorship.

AR47 ago

Well this place needs to make money or show a return on investment at some point.

kneo24 ago

Besides lawyer on retainer, I wonder how much it actually costs to run Voat. (Inb4 someone uses some really dated figures from when Voat was super inefficient). If you're rich, an ROI on a place like this might not matter.

Garglemysac ago

I don't give a fuck about this shit and don't even know who this niggerwhore is.

ratsmack ago


Gubamaharama ago

Yea this is pretty much news with clickbait titles and old memes. Voat didn't last long.

Dagon2000 ago

The irony in posting about someone else crying while doing so yourself is rich...

mattsixteen24 ago

Waste of time and energy. Nothing good will come out of that. Don't feed the troll. You're fighting fire with gasoline. Just block/ignore. Move on. Your energy will be better spent on something more productive instead of keyboard battling. Like praying, weightlifting, music. Go for a bike ride or something.

White_pride_cis ago

I'll just come out and say it... Whose got a picture of @Trigglypuff? I saw GothamGirl's and Syrazie's... The hottest of the three is the winner.

ExpertShitposter ago

Legs pic only, so far the hottest of the three mentioned. No face tho, so cant make the call.

Rotteuxx ago

Meh, nice legs go hand in hand with nice ass.

I'd bend her over, worse come to worse.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I do. Pic of her in a skirt. We had a cargo pants competition and she flagrantly violated that because woman.

Rotteuxx ago

Of course you won't say that you lost...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ohhhhhh were you looking for a ban young man

Rotteuxx ago

This is why SdBH is 2nd to SBBH.

You don't ask son, you ben 'em.

Native ago

A gentleman always asks before he rapes

clamhurt_legbeard ago


you presume to teach me

White_pride_cis ago

Let's see this. I am a fair and impartial judge.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Themooninthesky ago

I’m impressed a 1.6 hr old account getting 87 upvotes. You must know your stuff.

armday2day ago

I don't care about trigglypuff, I don't are about you, and I don't care about this drama

Fuck off

kw92 ago

not even going to deny youre a man, figures. women dont talk like you or post porn, weebshit or hitler quotes all day everyday on a shitty reddit knockoff site. try a little harder next time you try to convince a bunch of nerds you're a woman

kneo24 ago

on a shitty reddit knockoff site

Back to Reddit you go.

kw92 ago

thats exactly what this place is you dumb nigger. look around, instead of people posting their cat or dog they post qshit

kneo24 ago

Back to Reddit you go.

therage96 ago

What is this circlejerk Reddit faggotry kinda post doing here on Voat?

Neskuaxa ago

the fuck is a trigglypuff and why should I care?

Rotteuxx ago

I did reben a new alt that @heygeorge benned 10 minutes before me... you know those alts that almost only do ping posts that help a certain narrative.

70times7 ago

Sign of that vote manipulation they were trying out the other day.

kw92 ago

consensus cracking, thats pretty funny. I looked through your post history and youre a cancerous faggot. you want to talk about being subversive? youre clearly a dude pretending to be a woman and youre also a dumb tarrant nigger. you say only 60 or so people know you but you've made thousands of fucking posts on this site.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh look, one of those 1.4 yo concensus cracking alts she was just talking about.

TrannyTyranny ago

Front hole. Not a vagina

Armpit_and_Ass ago

hey everybody join me in bitch-like behavior and have some internet drama


TopTierCIAShill ago

can all of us voaters fuck u up the bum bum

ratsmack ago

You can have my turn.

heygeorge ago

highly doubt that there’s 55 people on this site who care enough to upvoat this post. lol

Someone besides Crensch has too much time on their hands for the holidays

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

What's that sub about anyway? Only went there once and got banned.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, yeah. The banning is just the hazing ritual. It's just a place "on the side" from the headlines and whatnot. Think of it as a lounge area for the staff in a prison or hospital. Grim outside, kinda grim inside but comfy too.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

its about hanging out and having fun being silly

sometimes voat is too uptight

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

tell em clammy sent you

ratsmack ago

It's a circle jerk... the banning is part of the fun.

POTUShasnoballs ago

I could have sworn you wrote strazie is a day whore cow. How strange.


I'm on voat for hours every day, and I have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Phantom42 ago

Do you not go through all?


guess not.....

ratsmack ago

So, are you admitting that you're clueless?

Gothamgirl ago

The biggest loser is Crensch! His phony accusations against everyone is getting old, and make no sense.

We like Triggly so why would we troll her?

Crensch ago


The only accusations between the two of us with any substance presented to suggest they might align with reality.

Stupid guntpiggy.

Gothamgirl ago

Still better then you stupid kike

Crensch ago

No, it isn't. Because none of you have substantiated any of the claims you've made against me that I haven't outright admitted. Almost everything you accuse me of is something esoteric did.

You had child porn on your phone and you consider yourself a pizzagate researcher.

Crensch ago

I never met her. When I said that I had no knowledge of her doing anything of the sort.

Not that it mattered because all I really said was that she admitted she was wrong with what she did to srayzie.

Gothamgirl ago

That's not what she said...

You keep tabs on everything that goes on here, I don't believe you. You have written 181 posts of horseshit to complain about all of us. You are the speech police Sargeant.

Crensch ago

If I keep tabs on everything that goes on, why are you acting like you know what goes on better than I do?

And the reason I keep tabs on all of you is because you're a bunch of pedophiles and pedophile protectors. You group up with pedophiles to attack innocent victims. I know why, but I'm going to get you all to slip up and admit it. There's really nothing you can do about that, as you've seen. You're all a bunch of low IQ losers that do nothing but help me every time you respond.

Gothamgirl ago

Help you do what exactly?

You are extremely weak and ineffective at what ever it is, you think your doing.

We are not low iq, we piss you off intentionally with skill.

Srayzie isn't of victim she is a troublemaker.

"You group"

Never heard of them who's that?

Crensch ago

The fact that you don't know what it is you help me with is just another indication that you are actually very low IQ.

She did nothing to any of you, and you doxxed her and threatened her kids for it. And you, specifically, accused her of putting child porn on your phone.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

White knight level 9000

Have you ever fucked a black woman?

Crensch ago

Have you ever defended a woman with an IQ over 85?

Also, have you ever tried not defending pedophiles?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Where art thou, ol' white knight of incellivision? He went from towen to town boo hooing about his beloved Mexican jewess. kek

Crensch ago

You're literally defending a race-traitor pedophile with a face even paleolithic ancestors would find repulsive.

Whatever I may or may not be, you're far, far worse.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @VoatContainmentGuard.

Posted automatically (#81973) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @VoatContainmentGuard)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ShitCrenschSays submission by @VoatContainmentGuard.

Posted automatically (#81967) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @VoatContainmentGuard)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ShitCrenschSays submission by @VoatContainmentGuard.

Posted automatically (#81966) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @VoatContainmentGuard)

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're literally defending a race-traitor

Is Srayzie white?

Crensch ago

What's the next word in the quoted text above?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Answer my question. Is Srayzie white?

Crensch ago

What is the next word in the quoted text above? It's one word. Surely you can do this.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Srayzie kids are full grown which negates your pedo claims. Now answer my question, white knight faggot. If you don't answer this time then you and I will both acknowledge your hypocrisy. Is Srayzie white?

Crensch ago

Srayzie kids are full grown which negates your pedo claims.

Prove this.

Then go tell Chris Hanson he was wrong.

You want this to be true, don't you? That if the pedo THINKS he's talking to/about a child, but actually isn't, that it's not something he can get arrested for.

That's what you want to be true, isn't it?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He already knew everything about her. She doxxed herself.

You keep dodging my question about Srayzie being white. You said:

You're literally defending a race-traitor

WTF are you doing?

Crensch ago

He already knew everything about her. She doxxed herself.

Apparently not, and no she didn't.

Why are you defending pedophiles?

VoatContainmentGuard ago


Crensch ago

Why are you attacking the guy that attacks pedophiles, username created to attack me?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Why won't YOU answer the question? IS SRAYZIE WHITE?

Crensch ago

Why did you make this username to attack me?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I didn't. I was lurking, couldn't get into my Passerby account or whatever I named it. I can't remember.

Crensch ago

First two comments. And yeah, they're all archived, and yeah, you deleted them to try and appear neutral.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Whatever you think. I don't care. Now answer my question: IS SRAYZIE WHITE?

Crensch ago

You were made to attack me, and you think you have any clout? Kek.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No, I wasn't. Why are you avoiding the question? If Srayzie is a beaner then you are white knighting for a non-white which makes you the biggest hypocrite on Voat. If she's white then she is married to a taco nigger and you are white knighting for a race-mixer. STOP trying to change the subject and answer my question. You cannot move any of your pieces until you answer.

Crensch ago

Why are you white-knighting for pedos and friends of pedos?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Srayzie kids were well grown adults when Zyklon rekt her shit. You narrative is flimsy. IS SRAYZIE WHITE?

Crensch ago

You still don't get it? I basically rubbed your nose in it.

Also, zyklon seemed to think she had minor children. @AR47 actually does, and zyklon talked about sodomizing his son. Why are you defending a pedophile?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Why are you white knighting for a non-white married to a Mexican? WHY?

Crensch ago

So you can't answer why you're a pedophile defender?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

So YOU can't answer why you white knight for a Mexican lady who is married to a beaner?

Crensch ago

Do you understand what a pedophile is? Do you understand that your buddy zyklon is a pedophile?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No. We're all low IQ mentally ill cattle here at Voat. Remember? I can't decode what you are saying. Its like an ant trying to communicate with a Russian scientist.

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie is a Mexo-kike and is married to a Mexican taco nigger, why do you want leftovers soooo badly?

Crensch ago

What is the next word?

Gothamgirl ago


Crensch ago

That's what we'll call your offspring when they finally go back home.

Gothamgirl ago

You know what I call you:


Crensch ago

No, they're in my homeland, and you're welcome to go to their shithole with them. That's all they'll ever be: shithole invaders in a land their kind could never have built.

Gothamgirl ago

See that's where your wrong they're just as entitled to this land as you. My kid's ancestors on both sides fought really hard for it. Your welcome to get on the next flight out of here. Go to Germany, and live with the 4.7 muzzies, you fucking failure.

Crensch ago

See that's where your wrong they're just

It's "you're", you illiterate "engineer" that probably built the shittiest roads and subdivisions ever in the shithole state known as Florida.

Gothamgirl ago

Rich, coming from someone who pays to live in the Hypodermic, faggot Streetshitting capitol of the world.

You can't even get the people sleeping and shitting on the sidewalks, from in front of your front door, or favorite store, and you think your going to do anything about Invaders? Are you serious? GTFO 🤣

You cry over petty internet drama all day long you lazy fuck, while people are using your landscaping to wipe their asses right in front of you.

You people picked Nancy Pelosi as your best representative. She cant even speak a sentence ffs.

Oh by the way where I lived in Florida, it is rated one of the cleanest cities in America...

Crensch ago

Oh by the way where I lived in Florida, it is rated one of the cleanest cities in America...


Now that you're gone, it probably feels like one of the cleanest, since you took your Mestizo Mistakes with you.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually I moved to another clean city, while you replace shitty landscaping, literally.

Crensch ago

Your IQ shows plainly that you don't have the requisite faculties to do much more than ditch-digging work. One of those Obongo "shovel-ready" jobs would have fit you, if you didn't make everyone around you fill the ditch with vomit from looking at your face.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol I don't have to do any work, ever again. I retired at 32, from the 3rd best engineering company in the world, Arcadis. 😆 If I wanted to work, it would be right from my desk at home for the same company.

Crensch ago

You can't even follow one of your own narratives to the end without fucking it up. Nobody believes your crock of shit about how awesome you are IRL.

Especially about that disgusting hogface of yours.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't really care what you think!

I am about to go out with some friends, so have a great night and don't let the streetshitting bed bugs bite.

Crensch ago

Yes, you do. And all your "friends" are around you because you pay for their meals with your cripple-lottery money from the settlement.

Gothamgirl ago

I had more money before the accident dumb dumb. Are you mad bro? You seem mad...

Can you stop your obsession with me now? Streetshitter care takers are not my type, faggot 🤣🤣🤣 go shovel some shit.

Crensch ago

Just thought you'd like to know that they only stomach you because you pay for their meals.

Enjoy your subhuman spawn and friends that you pay to be friends with you.

Gothamgirl ago

Wtf are you even on about? I don't pay for anybodies anything!

You sound extremely jealous.

Drstrangegoy ago

I didn't think I could possibly like either of you two less than I already did. i'll admit it, i'm wrong a lot.

Gothamgirl ago

No had nothing to do with any bridge, and I designed very upscale subdivisions, for very high quality builders. I don't think of anyone as peasants.

Drstrangegoy ago

if you support truth, what the fuck was the whole zyklon thing about? was he just a pet of yours that got out of control? you know I was there, he was up to something, and you know about it. that's why I don't trust you as far as I can throw you.

Gothamgirl ago

A pet? Absolutely not, I loved him, he was my fiance, and we haven't been together in over 6 months. He doesn't believe in Q, questions Trump, and is shitposter, not sure he was up to anything, but shitposting. That's about all I can think of. You shouldn't trust anyone you meet on the internet.

Drstrangegoy ago

well.....i liked him a lot too. i could kind of see the desperation and life spiral happening and it was sad. and i don't trust anyone at all unless ive shaken their hand and looked them in the eye.

Gothamgirl ago

Well we did make eachother act crazy, a few times. We both have disabilities, which we didn't really understand about one another, and that's probably why it didn't work. Talking and working things out was really difficult between us.

However we are definitely not pedo's like Crensch claims that we are. That was just shitposting that went to far.

Drstrangegoy ago

it did. but ive done stupid things too, so the playing field is level on that score. i just wanted to know why someone would post that kind of shit. that explanation is absolutely believable. so I think you and I are good now! i really don't like not liking people. goes against my nature. but i don't think i'd accept an explanation like that from crensch. there are complications. i'm not the arbitor of behavior or anything......i'm just talking about myself and how i interact with people. crensch is a secret squirrel.

Crensch ago

but i don't think i'd accept an explanation like that from crensch. there are complications.

Yet you'd accept an explanation of a pathological liar that accused a random stranger on the net of wanting to kidnap her kid and putting CP on her phone?

Not buying it.

Drstrangegoy ago

ah......i see. i'm really not all that emotionally invested in the drama and had forgotten most of it. heres what i member. zyklon and i were having fun shitposting with all of our other friends. zyklon started doing drugs and posting weirder and weirder shit. my final stray was the picture of the hung little girl. i dont even know where a person would even get a picture like that. frankly i dont even understand all of that kevdude, srayzie, etc shit. i like a lot of the q and GA folks, and i think they are being misled by social engineers who's motivation is to keep people in their chairs and not going out and dragging into the street the fuckers that have caused all of this chaos nationally. when you tell someone the cavalry is coming, they are unlikely to go out and do something risky. its human nature. something social engineers know well. i think maybe that's what everyones problem with them was. am i off base? or else you, zyklon, and half the people on voat are secret squirrels working for intelligence agencies and organizations, and your intentions were to set a precedent that those agencies could have legal reason to throw open the doors to voats records, and all of its data. deleted and undeleted. I've seen preview voat. i know many of my old deleted posts are there. along with many others. its possible that zyklon achieved this purpose, and killed voats canary. in other words. all theater. but you told me the whole thing is a misunderstanding and you guys made an error in judgement, so......that's cool!

Crensch ago

because of the nature of that lie, the liar is a social engineer that is actively working to harm americans. except i have no reason to doubt the other guy yet.

If I show you that bitch accused srayzie of putting CP on her phone and threatening to kidnap her kid, will that change your mind?

If I show you that gothamgirl presided, as wife or girlfriend, over your buddy zyklon threatening to rape, cannibalize, and murder children for a month, will that change your mind?

If I show you that she lied about where she got her doxx info, and went out of her way to make anyone but kevdude the source of the info, just like many other SBBH, will that change your mind?

If I show you that the fat hog above lies constantly, will that change your mind?

I doubt it. I doubt if I showed all of these to you that you'd change your mind, you'd just change your narrative and keep attacking, just like every other (((SBBH))) poster.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove that I accused her! I didn't... I asked her, do you actually know the difference?

Crensch ago

Did you rape your daughter to death?

Is that just asking a question, you think?

Gothamgirl ago


It is a question.

You're a POS for continuing to talk about my deceased child. I apologized for asking the question. Not you, you are trash.

Crensch ago

Why did you rape your daughter to death?

Is that still just a question?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, a distasteful one.

Why do you like 90lb females is it because it's is basically the same size as a child?

Why do stick up for a manipulative married whore if you like kids?

Crensch ago

Why did you rape your daughter to death?

Why do you like 90lb females is it because it's is basically the same size as a child?

Why do stick up for a manipulative married whore if you like kids?

You're a special kind of stupid.

Gothamgirl ago

Na that would be your mom, for not aborting you.

Crensch ago

I bet you don't even know why I said that.

God this victory is going to be so sweet. And you won't get to come back like some of those other faggots with the hand on the tombstone instead of grass.

Gothamgirl ago

Like I care why you say anything at all... You give your self way to much credit.

I am kinda running out of time for this place anyways plus your constant drama fagging all over the site is really making this place seem like a shithole. Which is sad because I have never said a negative word about this place before...

Crensch ago

I am kinda running out of time for this place anyways plus your constant drama fagging all over the site is really making this place seem like a shithole. Which is sad because I have never said a negative word about this place before...

You're on your way out either way. Pretend it's you doing it if it makes you feel better, cave troll.

Like I care why you say anything at all... You give your self way to much credit.


CaveMan can't understand why I quoted her words and told her she was a special kind of stupid. JFC THIS IS RICH

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch is crazy.

Crensch ago

See that's where your wrong they're just as entitled to this land as you.

No, they're not.

My kid's ancestors on both sides fought really hard for it.

Your kids are taco shitniggers from Mexico. The losers of everything from military conquests to civilization-building.

Did you know I have designed a bunch of roads, and subdivisions in Florida?

Like the bridges that collapse? Frontholes don't belong doing anything outside of the kitchen, and they're inferior at that, too.

What do your kids do?

Live in their own country. Built by their own people. Invaded by shitskins like your offspring.

Gothamgirl ago

My aren't Mexican Fucktard thats Skrayzie.........

No like all the on ramps to 95 from WPB to Jacksonville. I did the launch pad for Space x also. Most of the projects I have worked on was for the military, and title companies, mortgage brokers, home builders, lawyers, and realtors.

Crensch ago

My kid's aren't Mexican

And yet you've admitted they are, already.

They don't belong here, and you know it.

Gothamgirl ago

My kid's are Irish polish and Puerto Rican.

Crensch ago

Oh, now they're commonwealth scum? PR should not be part of the U.S. at all; it houses subhumans that are not American.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok well I already explained to you my side, which is very different from what you blame me for, so what are going to do about?

Continue whining all day on the internet?

Begging desperately for others to believe you? Until your admitted to a mental ward?

There is absolutely nothing you can do, besides beg Puttitout to ban us, and he is/was locked in Fatkats basement, you wanna bet he didn't last a minute and was suffocated and eaten by her fatass?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Yes, I heard your fictional backpedaling story. It's less believable then what's your originally accused srayzie of.

I noticed how you always claim to not be part of them, but just now you said "us".

There is absolutely nothing you can do, besides beg Puttitout to ban us,

Gothamgirl ago

I said "us" because you have called a few people Pedos in your none logical rants, jackoff.


Explain this word! I thought you used text to speech?

Oh the lies...

Crensch ago

I said "us" because you have called a few people Pedos in your none logical rants, jackoff.

And you're speaking for them, you low-IQ, prehistoric relic.

Explain this word! I thought you used text to speech?

I do. I also try to edit them sometimes and make mistakes. Are you capable of using context to understand the meaning, or do I need to point out every time you use the word "your" where the possessive "you're" belongs?

The only thing your accomplishing is waste of server memory and a waste of time, which I have an abundance of, carry on.

You don't have an abundance of SMV or self-esteem. Deservedly-so on the latter, yet still too much.

You seem to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't even know me you delusional degenerate.

Crensch ago

I know you don't know a horse from a mule, you low IQ cave troll.

You could get a mule ride in your offspring's home country for a few pesos.

Motoko ago

Never heard of her

ratsmack ago

It's a chick with a dick.

kneo24 ago

I think what's more telling is that OP is using some new account, and not their original one (if they even have one anymore), to sow discord and slide Voat with petty drama. The upvotes here just don't look legitimate, but maybe that's my cynicism kicking in.

uvulectomy ago

Account created 84 minutes ago and the first post has 85 upvotes. 100% forum sliding D&C kike farming.

Trollstomper ago

Shit Alt

bdmthrfkr ago



GasChamber ago

Thanks to this post, I went down a rabbit hole I never wanted to see. Some people didnt get enough drama in high school, and try to chase it the rest of their lives, unfortunately some of these assholes have infected voat. Just be happy that they are in their little echochamber, and hope they stay there.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Triggly is a woman? TIL

ratsmack ago

It's questionable, though.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

The worst thing you can do to piss off a woman is ignore her.

Gothamgirl ago

Not always, some woman pray it depending on the guy.

ratsmack ago

The majority of women love the attention from niggers.

Gothamgirl ago

Could be, I don't date woman and live where its pretty much all white.

ratsmack ago

You can dream though.

Gothamgirl ago

About white woman and niggers, no thank you. I dream about getting rid of kikes, and pedos

thighcastigate ago

I don't come here often, this all sounds incredibly gay

kw92 ago

voat has another attention whore problem? no surprise. funny how no matter what corner of the internet ur on some cunt is trying to garner attention and orbiters. the best part is its probly a dude larping as a nazi trad wife

ratsmack ago

It's actually kinda funny.

TimMasson1 ago

If you dislike someone why not just ignore them and not respond to their posts or give them attention?

blit416 ago

ding ding ding!

JJNova ago


i_hate_sodomites ago

Who gives a shit? She's some stupid bitch on Voat's version of SRS; block that sub and keep on keepin' on. You're letting some low-IQ cunt get your panties in a twist.

satisfyinghump ago

I never understood how this idea/approach, which you posted, didnt get more popular on its own...

I have no clue who 90% of the specific users posted about are. And I typically dont care. The info is important and how accurate/authentic the info is.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Same here. I fail to see how anyone can find high school drama interesting.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Who the fuck is trigglypuff? Seen her name but she's obviously not famous.

The worst part is I'm not even trolling. I literally don't know. Nor do I give a shit

ExpertShitposter ago

Triggs is a troll from voats primary shitposting subverse,. This thread is just drama from a butthurt individual because SBBH managed to DOX the kike that was running the Q boomer jidf psyop subverse.

Its not SBBH that is downvoting you.

kw92 ago

proof? from what ive read it was just a random attention whore like herself that was doxxed

metricisokay ago

This is the only trigglypuff I know

ratsmack ago

I'm pretty sure that's her.

metricisokay ago

Get your hatred off our campus get your hatred off our campus get your hatred off our campus get ... awwwf

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Yea, go ahead and downvote me for asking a question. What a sorry sack of shit you'd have to be to take offense. Fuck you sbbh fags

ratsmack ago

Pot, kettle, black..... who's showing signs of being butthurt?

Thereunto ago


Good flood protection against the deluge of tears

kw92 ago

some attention whore larping as a nazi trad wife spends hundreds of hours modding here just from looking at the account. infact this shit started because another attention whore mod got upset. interesting how they both claim to be female trad wives lol

anamazonslittle ago

And we're all here in a thread talking about people you wouldn't recognize if you just blocked the subverse in the first place.

It's all so tiresome.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

OP is a u/Trigglypuff alt.

She was a loyalist, gives zero shits about the IRA.

heygeorge ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

And six DV, too.

Trigs is shutting this down hard. She doesn't want people to know...

ExpertShitposter ago

@Trigglypuff is this true? Do you even own a balaclava?

maaaxheadroom ago

If I agree with you on everything will you admit that @crensch is a faggot?

Rotteuxx ago

I doubt she'd use an alt to admit that about herself.

uvulectomy ago

22 minute old account with 28 upvoats posting useless drama.

Nope. No farming going on here whatsoever.......

totes_magotes ago

@TrigglyPuff, what did you do to live rent free in this idiot's head??

Crensch ago

Probably defending pedophiles. Business as usual for (((SBBH)))

totes_magotes ago

Are you butthurt? You sound butthurt.

Crensch ago

You sound like one of them.

totes_magotes ago

And you sound like a faggot and I never pointed it out. Yet here we are.

Crensch ago

Oh, I guess you didn't know that zyklon was also a faggot - not just a pedophile.

totes_magotes ago

Cry some more, faggot. The Jew cries in pain as he strikes at you. They're also a master of deflection when cornered.

The fact remains that you're a butthurt faggot.

Crensch ago

Must hurt to know that your buddy is a homosexual pedophile.

totes_magotes ago

Oh, he's a priest? How cool is that?

theoldones ago

if he's a pedo then kill him them, kill anyone supporting him.

Rotteuxx ago

When are you coming to kill me faggot ?

totes_magotes ago

Wait, was that an option? How did I not know that was an option?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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Rotteuxx ago

It's probably @Crensch.

So butthurt & miserable this time of year.

totes_magotes ago

More like all of the time. All you have to do is subtly hint at the bad times and it throws him into an episode.

kneo24 ago

@trigglypuff touch him in the no no zone.

I also bet she doesn't wipe after she pees, and burps loudly at inconvenient times. Come at me bro.

totes_magotes ago

I get touched in my no no zones all the time. You grow to like it after a while.

Acerphoon ago

What a weak ass little bitch.

said the OP while using a throwaway account. You're a fag dude.

friendshipistragic ago

Quit taking up server space with a throw away account

GasChamber ago

This was a useful comment in 1996


Do you think the IRA would have kept migrants out of ireland or would they have cucked too?

SearchVoatBot ago

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bb22 ago

Best question.

British tyrants are the worst kind, but the most fun to kill. Take it from George Washington and Andrew Jackson. The British didn’t want to play patty cake with us anymore after 1814.

MemeDropAcct ago

Demonsweat2 ago

Her sbbh flair makes sense now.

NotHereForPizza ago

They're literally all friends.

Crensch, Putt, kevdude, anyone affiliated with SBBH, be it zyklon, virge, triggerlypuff

Even sanegoat was friends with these fucks once.

You people still aren't fucking picking up on this?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

This is what I've thought for a long time. It is a family who owns Voat and they all have their sections that they control. There has been some infighting but there has also been manufactured drama. Based on their writing styles it is kinda easy to know some of their alts.

Goys-R-Us ago

What about TallestShit? Isn't he part of the cabal?

NotHereForPizza ago

Just paid damage control. That's it.

DanijelStark ago

What if ... theyre all just one person expressing his / hers own divided personas on multiple accounts ?

Twilight Zone music intensifies

NotHereForPizza ago

Well, "they" are... but it's a little early for me to explain all of that still.

Maybe once we get a bit further in to what's going to happen next year, ills tart to explain more of the real truth to you.

virge ago

Voat is just a social experiment.

Rotteuxx ago

That's pretty much what modern life is, gotta admit it's fun fucking with people.

virge ago

It's the simple-minded retards that don't understand this most basic human psychology that always floors me.

Goys-R-Us ago

Where is that Internet archive you promised us faggot?

virge ago

Just for you I think I'll cancel the uncompression process and start over.

Goys-R-Us ago

You never started anything you lying piece of shit. Have a nice day.

virge ago

Now I just started over again! Look at what you did!

Goys-R-Us ago

Like glownigger moths to a flame. GFY.

virge ago

Say it enough times and you'll convince yourself your fantasies are true!

Just don't do that, I'd miss responding to your hilarious autism.

Goys-R-Us ago

Responding like only a glownigger would. Exposed nigger.

virge ago

Totally am, thanks for paying my salary.

Goys-R-Us ago

Jokes on you, I'm a Fed so you also pay my salary. It's almost like the jews have a printing press that generates cash out of thin air! But then you knew that, right Moshe?

virge ago

Whoa, you need to re-negotiate that contract. I get paid in crypto now.

Goys-R-Us ago

What a weak hand. Crypto is worhless. You got jewed kike. Warms my heart.

virge ago

Tell that to all the physical gold that I've bought with it for me.

Goys-R-Us ago

You're salivating at my every post, a sure sign you're a psychopath attempting to "win" the engagement.

I smell conscious-less insects like you a mile away.

Let's get down to reality shall we?

I KILLED the cryptos. Got in low on Eth and Mon and cashed out with bucko earnings.

You OTHO are just posturing as psychopaths do for cheap ego points. You're a loser. You know it and I know it. By all means though, prove you're not full of shit by posting your Internet Archive in full, lol.

virge ago

You're adorable. I bought Bitcoin at $4 and dumped seven figures into Litecoin's last $10 drop before selling 80% at $55 the next rise.

Since we're both crypto millionaires, lets go in on a jet together.

Goys-R-Us ago

Your quick responses are a sure sign of insecurity. I'm sure you did everything you said. I mean nobody every lied on the Internet, right?.

So as a millionaire, the best thing you have to do with your time is post on voat? Lol, you're a joke bro. You're trying way too hard and it shows.

My rule of thumb is don't engage with psychopaths. Sometimes I break the rule just to poke fucks like you in the eye. But then I come around and go no contact as any sane person should do. Ciao.

virge ago

Oh noes, you run away again!

Goys-R-Us ago

Posting in SBBH is a sure sign you've lost the argument. Typical kike.

Blocked bitch. Now go get that Internet archive you promised us you lying loser.

virge ago

Thanks for declaring I win by blocking me, haha. Typical horseshit from a two-faced hypocrite lying Boomer piece of trash - block 'em!


Goys-R-Us ago

I knew you'd respond even though I blocked you. A psychopath always needs to get the last word even if nobody is listening but their own ego.

You're truly pathetic. A reptile in human form, lol.

virge ago

Oh yes, keep your pointless hypocritical keyboard warrior insults coming. They clearly work on me so much you have to pretend to block me. Winning!

Typical Boomer retard.

Goys-R-Us ago

Literally within a minute of me posting, you replied. Your super fragile ego amuses me. You're a loser with a capital L.

I love fucking with douche-bags like you. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Please, please respond again. I'm so enjoying shredding you're psychopathic mind.

virge ago

Oh noes, subversive shill thinks I actually read anything it writes. Responding to it's autism only makes it waste time.

Predictable Boomer garbage.

Goys-R-Us ago

Lol, psychopath follows the script. You're a joke.

Feel free to respond again with your impotent rage.

virge ago

The only thing better than an autistic boomer subversive is one with last-word syndrome when I only care about making it waste it's time so it's less of a parasite on others.

Goys-R-Us ago

Way to justify your last word syndrome.

You're literally a parody of yourself.

You should kill yourself to better the Universe.

virge ago

I like this game, I'm confident I'll outlive you.

Goys-R-Us ago

You will. A normal person eventually gets tired of psychopathic actions. You're a reptile that needs to win. You're trapped in that small and limited pathetic mindset like a lizard. I won by default because you're a lower life form, lol. You get the last word lizard.

virge ago

You sure know best. I don't need to win - I already have.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah, I'm glad I grew up with a library full of books on cognitive & behavioral psych.

I don't so much have respect for tards but more of an empathetic form of pity.

NotHereForPizza ago

If you gave me a few days, I could guess your last name, couldn't I?...

Rotteuxx ago

You can achieve anything you believe in.

NotHereForPizza ago

Believe me, I can guarantee you that few, even like the two of us, have any fucking clue what those words mean.

Rotteuxx ago

The power of the mind is amazing, I'n just lazy about channeling my energies constructively 100% of the time.

NotHereForPizza ago

Well, that is the ultimate struggle.

Glipglup ago

I know what it means that's why I'm scared.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You sound mad you weren't invited lol

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't need the money.

Glipglup ago

Don't waste time responding to them that's exactly what they want

Qispoop2 ago


Goys-R-Us ago

27 days. You have not voat cred bitch, lol.

Hyst ago

The problem is that they toss out mod invites like a drag net to bring in unsuspecting Goats. But yeah you're like 98% correct from what I've seen. Although I never remember Sane rubbing elbows with them.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, there's a reason you don't remember it.

The "drama" is literal slide.

Hyst ago

No I mean Ive been pretty active and spoke with Sane quite often. I just remember them constantly posting about him and creating alts like SaneGoatlSwear with an L etc etc.

NotHereForPizza ago

I know what you meant.

Rotteuxx ago

Want an invite to muddy the waters ? :)

NotHereForPizza ago


ratsmack ago

It's definitely a circle jerk.

NotHereForPizza ago


For years now, I've repeated this same shit over and over.

All of these fucks just ignore me, find out on their own and then act all confused when the platform begins deteriorating.

Well no shit, retards.

Gothamgirl ago

Some of them you've named, are playing both sides of the drama and stickout like a sour thumb, but I intentionally keep playing along anyways lulzzz.

ratsmack ago

Stoking the fire and stirring the shit is my profession.

Gothamgirl ago


NotHereForPizza ago

I'm aware.

SeanBox ago

5 minute old account

ruck_feddit ago

He's scared of triggly