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Gothamgirl ago

The biggest loser is Crensch! His phony accusations against everyone is getting old, and make no sense.

We like Triggly so why would we troll her?

Crensch ago


The only accusations between the two of us with any substance presented to suggest they might align with reality.

Stupid guntpiggy.

Gothamgirl ago

Still better then you stupid kike

Crensch ago

No, it isn't. Because none of you have substantiated any of the claims you've made against me that I haven't outright admitted. Almost everything you accuse me of is something esoteric did.

You had child porn on your phone and you consider yourself a pizzagate researcher.

Crensch ago

I never met her. When I said that I had no knowledge of her doing anything of the sort.

Not that it mattered because all I really said was that she admitted she was wrong with what she did to srayzie.

Gothamgirl ago

That's not what she said...

You keep tabs on everything that goes on here, I don't believe you. You have written 181 posts of horseshit to complain about all of us. You are the speech police Sargeant.

Crensch ago

If I keep tabs on everything that goes on, why are you acting like you know what goes on better than I do?

And the reason I keep tabs on all of you is because you're a bunch of pedophiles and pedophile protectors. You group up with pedophiles to attack innocent victims. I know why, but I'm going to get you all to slip up and admit it. There's really nothing you can do about that, as you've seen. You're all a bunch of low IQ losers that do nothing but help me every time you respond.

Gothamgirl ago

Help you do what exactly?

You are extremely weak and ineffective at what ever it is, you think your doing.

We are not low iq, we piss you off intentionally with skill.

Srayzie isn't of victim she is a troublemaker.

"You group"

Never heard of them who's that?

Crensch ago

The fact that you don't know what it is you help me with is just another indication that you are actually very low IQ.

She did nothing to any of you, and you doxxed her and threatened her kids for it. And you, specifically, accused her of putting child porn on your phone.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

White knight level 9000

Have you ever fucked a black woman?

Crensch ago

Have you ever defended a woman with an IQ over 85?

Also, have you ever tried not defending pedophiles?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Where art thou, ol' white knight of incellivision? He went from towen to town boo hooing about his beloved Mexican jewess. kek

Crensch ago

You're literally defending a race-traitor pedophile with a face even paleolithic ancestors would find repulsive.

Whatever I may or may not be, you're far, far worse.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ShitCrenschSays submission by @VoatContainmentGuard.

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VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're literally defending a race-traitor

Is Srayzie white?

Crensch ago

What's the next word in the quoted text above?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Answer my question. Is Srayzie white?

Crensch ago

What is the next word in the quoted text above? It's one word. Surely you can do this.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Srayzie kids are full grown which negates your pedo claims. Now answer my question, white knight faggot. If you don't answer this time then you and I will both acknowledge your hypocrisy. Is Srayzie white?

Crensch ago

Srayzie kids are full grown which negates your pedo claims.

Prove this.

Then go tell Chris Hanson he was wrong.

You want this to be true, don't you? That if the pedo THINKS he's talking to/about a child, but actually isn't, that it's not something he can get arrested for.

That's what you want to be true, isn't it?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He already knew everything about her. She doxxed herself.

You keep dodging my question about Srayzie being white. You said:

You're literally defending a race-traitor

WTF are you doing?

Crensch ago

He already knew everything about her. She doxxed herself.

Apparently not, and no she didn't.

Why are you defending pedophiles?

VoatContainmentGuard ago


Crensch ago

Why are you attacking the guy that attacks pedophiles, username created to attack me?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Why won't YOU answer the question? IS SRAYZIE WHITE?

Crensch ago

Why did you make this username to attack me?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I didn't. I was lurking, couldn't get into my Passerby account or whatever I named it. I can't remember.

Crensch ago

First two comments. And yeah, they're all archived, and yeah, you deleted them to try and appear neutral.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Whatever you think. I don't care. Now answer my question: IS SRAYZIE WHITE?

Crensch ago

You were made to attack me, and you think you have any clout? Kek.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No, I wasn't. Why are you avoiding the question? If Srayzie is a beaner then you are white knighting for a non-white which makes you the biggest hypocrite on Voat. If she's white then she is married to a taco nigger and you are white knighting for a race-mixer. STOP trying to change the subject and answer my question. You cannot move any of your pieces until you answer.

Crensch ago

Why are you white-knighting for pedos and friends of pedos?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Srayzie kids were well grown adults when Zyklon rekt her shit. You narrative is flimsy. IS SRAYZIE WHITE?

Crensch ago

You still don't get it? I basically rubbed your nose in it.

Also, zyklon seemed to think she had minor children. @AR47 actually does, and zyklon talked about sodomizing his son. Why are you defending a pedophile?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Why are you white knighting for a non-white married to a Mexican? WHY?

Crensch ago

So you can't answer why you're a pedophile defender?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

So YOU can't answer why you white knight for a Mexican lady who is married to a beaner?

Crensch ago

Do you understand what a pedophile is? Do you understand that your buddy zyklon is a pedophile?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No. We're all low IQ mentally ill cattle here at Voat. Remember? I can't decode what you are saying. Its like an ant trying to communicate with a Russian scientist.

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie is a Mexo-kike and is married to a Mexican taco nigger, why do you want leftovers soooo badly?

Crensch ago

What is the next word?

Gothamgirl ago


Crensch ago

That's what we'll call your offspring when they finally go back home.

Gothamgirl ago

You know what I call you:


Crensch ago

No, they're in my homeland, and you're welcome to go to their shithole with them. That's all they'll ever be: shithole invaders in a land their kind could never have built.

Gothamgirl ago

See that's where your wrong they're just as entitled to this land as you. My kid's ancestors on both sides fought really hard for it. Your welcome to get on the next flight out of here. Go to Germany, and live with the 4.7 muzzies, you fucking failure.

Crensch ago

See that's where your wrong they're just

It's "you're", you illiterate "engineer" that probably built the shittiest roads and subdivisions ever in the shithole state known as Florida.

Gothamgirl ago

Rich, coming from someone who pays to live in the Hypodermic, faggot Streetshitting capitol of the world.

You can't even get the people sleeping and shitting on the sidewalks, from in front of your front door, or favorite store, and you think your going to do anything about Invaders? Are you serious? GTFO 🤣

You cry over petty internet drama all day long you lazy fuck, while people are using your landscaping to wipe their asses right in front of you.

You people picked Nancy Pelosi as your best representative. She cant even speak a sentence ffs.

Oh by the way where I lived in Florida, it is rated one of the cleanest cities in America...

Crensch ago

Oh by the way where I lived in Florida, it is rated one of the cleanest cities in America...


Now that you're gone, it probably feels like one of the cleanest, since you took your Mestizo Mistakes with you.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually I moved to another clean city, while you replace shitty landscaping, literally.

Crensch ago

Your IQ shows plainly that you don't have the requisite faculties to do much more than ditch-digging work. One of those Obongo "shovel-ready" jobs would have fit you, if you didn't make everyone around you fill the ditch with vomit from looking at your face.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol I don't have to do any work, ever again. I retired at 32, from the 3rd best engineering company in the world, Arcadis. 😆 If I wanted to work, it would be right from my desk at home for the same company.

Crensch ago

You can't even follow one of your own narratives to the end without fucking it up. Nobody believes your crock of shit about how awesome you are IRL.

Especially about that disgusting hogface of yours.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't really care what you think!

I am about to go out with some friends, so have a great night and don't let the streetshitting bed bugs bite.

Crensch ago

Yes, you do. And all your "friends" are around you because you pay for their meals with your cripple-lottery money from the settlement.

Gothamgirl ago

I had more money before the accident dumb dumb. Are you mad bro? You seem mad...

Can you stop your obsession with me now? Streetshitter care takers are not my type, faggot 🤣🤣🤣 go shovel some shit.

Crensch ago

Just thought you'd like to know that they only stomach you because you pay for their meals.

Enjoy your subhuman spawn and friends that you pay to be friends with you.

Gothamgirl ago

Wtf are you even on about? I don't pay for anybodies anything!

You sound extremely jealous.

Drstrangegoy ago

I didn't think I could possibly like either of you two less than I already did. i'll admit it, i'm wrong a lot.

Gothamgirl ago

No had nothing to do with any bridge, and I designed very upscale subdivisions, for very high quality builders. I don't think of anyone as peasants.

Drstrangegoy ago

if you support truth, what the fuck was the whole zyklon thing about? was he just a pet of yours that got out of control? you know I was there, he was up to something, and you know about it. that's why I don't trust you as far as I can throw you.

Gothamgirl ago

A pet? Absolutely not, I loved him, he was my fiance, and we haven't been together in over 6 months. He doesn't believe in Q, questions Trump, and is shitposter, not sure he was up to anything, but shitposting. That's about all I can think of. You shouldn't trust anyone you meet on the internet.

Drstrangegoy ago

well.....i liked him a lot too. i could kind of see the desperation and life spiral happening and it was sad. and i don't trust anyone at all unless ive shaken their hand and looked them in the eye.

Gothamgirl ago

Well we did make eachother act crazy, a few times. We both have disabilities, which we didn't really understand about one another, and that's probably why it didn't work. Talking and working things out was really difficult between us.

However we are definitely not pedo's like Crensch claims that we are. That was just shitposting that went to far.

Drstrangegoy ago

it did. but ive done stupid things too, so the playing field is level on that score. i just wanted to know why someone would post that kind of shit. that explanation is absolutely believable. so I think you and I are good now! i really don't like not liking people. goes against my nature. but i don't think i'd accept an explanation like that from crensch. there are complications. i'm not the arbitor of behavior or anything......i'm just talking about myself and how i interact with people. crensch is a secret squirrel.

Crensch ago

but i don't think i'd accept an explanation like that from crensch. there are complications.

Yet you'd accept an explanation of a pathological liar that accused a random stranger on the net of wanting to kidnap her kid and putting CP on her phone?

Not buying it.

Drstrangegoy ago

ah......i see. i'm really not all that emotionally invested in the drama and had forgotten most of it. heres what i member. zyklon and i were having fun shitposting with all of our other friends. zyklon started doing drugs and posting weirder and weirder shit. my final stray was the picture of the hung little girl. i dont even know where a person would even get a picture like that. frankly i dont even understand all of that kevdude, srayzie, etc shit. i like a lot of the q and GA folks, and i think they are being misled by social engineers who's motivation is to keep people in their chairs and not going out and dragging into the street the fuckers that have caused all of this chaos nationally. when you tell someone the cavalry is coming, they are unlikely to go out and do something risky. its human nature. something social engineers know well. i think maybe that's what everyones problem with them was. am i off base? or else you, zyklon, and half the people on voat are secret squirrels working for intelligence agencies and organizations, and your intentions were to set a precedent that those agencies could have legal reason to throw open the doors to voats records, and all of its data. deleted and undeleted. I've seen preview voat. i know many of my old deleted posts are there. along with many others. its possible that zyklon achieved this purpose, and killed voats canary. in other words. all theater. but you told me the whole thing is a misunderstanding and you guys made an error in judgement, so......that's cool!

Crensch ago

because of the nature of that lie, the liar is a social engineer that is actively working to harm americans. except i have no reason to doubt the other guy yet.

If I show you that bitch accused srayzie of putting CP on her phone and threatening to kidnap her kid, will that change your mind?

If I show you that gothamgirl presided, as wife or girlfriend, over your buddy zyklon threatening to rape, cannibalize, and murder children for a month, will that change your mind?

If I show you that she lied about where she got her doxx info, and went out of her way to make anyone but kevdude the source of the info, just like many other SBBH, will that change your mind?

If I show you that the fat hog above lies constantly, will that change your mind?

I doubt it. I doubt if I showed all of these to you that you'd change your mind, you'd just change your narrative and keep attacking, just like every other (((SBBH))) poster.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove that I accused her! I didn't... I asked her, do you actually know the difference?

Crensch ago

Did you rape your daughter to death?

Is that just asking a question, you think?

Gothamgirl ago


It is a question.

You're a POS for continuing to talk about my deceased child. I apologized for asking the question. Not you, you are trash.

Crensch ago

Why did you rape your daughter to death?

Is that still just a question?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, a distasteful one.

Why do you like 90lb females is it because it's is basically the same size as a child?

Why do stick up for a manipulative married whore if you like kids?

Crensch ago

Why did you rape your daughter to death?

Why do you like 90lb females is it because it's is basically the same size as a child?

Why do stick up for a manipulative married whore if you like kids?

You're a special kind of stupid.

Gothamgirl ago

Na that would be your mom, for not aborting you.

Crensch ago

I bet you don't even know why I said that.

God this victory is going to be so sweet. And you won't get to come back like some of those other faggots with the hand on the tombstone instead of grass.

Gothamgirl ago

Like I care why you say anything at all... You give your self way to much credit.

I am kinda running out of time for this place anyways plus your constant drama fagging all over the site is really making this place seem like a shithole. Which is sad because I have never said a negative word about this place before...

Crensch ago

I am kinda running out of time for this place anyways plus your constant drama fagging all over the site is really making this place seem like a shithole. Which is sad because I have never said a negative word about this place before...

You're on your way out either way. Pretend it's you doing it if it makes you feel better, cave troll.

Like I care why you say anything at all... You give your self way to much credit.


CaveMan can't understand why I quoted her words and told her she was a special kind of stupid. JFC THIS IS RICH

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch is crazy.

Crensch ago

See that's where your wrong they're just as entitled to this land as you.

No, they're not.

My kid's ancestors on both sides fought really hard for it.

Your kids are taco shitniggers from Mexico. The losers of everything from military conquests to civilization-building.

Did you know I have designed a bunch of roads, and subdivisions in Florida?

Like the bridges that collapse? Frontholes don't belong doing anything outside of the kitchen, and they're inferior at that, too.

What do your kids do?

Live in their own country. Built by their own people. Invaded by shitskins like your offspring.

Gothamgirl ago

My aren't Mexican Fucktard thats Skrayzie.........

No like all the on ramps to 95 from WPB to Jacksonville. I did the launch pad for Space x also. Most of the projects I have worked on was for the military, and title companies, mortgage brokers, home builders, lawyers, and realtors.

Crensch ago

My kid's aren't Mexican

And yet you've admitted they are, already.

They don't belong here, and you know it.

Gothamgirl ago

My kid's are Irish polish and Puerto Rican.

Crensch ago

Oh, now they're commonwealth scum? PR should not be part of the U.S. at all; it houses subhumans that are not American.