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Crensch ago

You sound butthurt. Why not enjoy the mood?

Crensch ago

You sound butthurt. Why not enjoy the mood?­

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You sound butthurt.

Pretty painful. You want to see a picture of my hemma roids?

Crensch ago

I already saw a picture of Gothamgirl. Hideous. No thanks.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

By the way. Gothamgirl is a looker according to "Hot Or Not" ya know? A lot of guys want to hit it. You orchestrated that. Sodomized yourself again. lol


"that site is now run by bots instead of humans blah blah blah"

save it.

Crensch ago

Caterpillar eyebrows, 80 year old's hair, cataracts, floppy tits, and cheekbones like the missing link.

And desperate enough to put her face on a website that 'changed to a social network' five years ago.

Kek. You don't think it's a bunch of bots? I heard some gorillions by 24h.


Probably the first picture posted there since 2014. DESPERATE ugly cunt is desperate.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

WOW im impressed. You can insult white women on the internet. Kudos to you big Pedophile Warrior Protector.

Crensch ago

Kudos to you big Pedophile Warrior Protector Of The White RACE.

You're the one protecting a pedophile. THe bitch had CP on her phone, and instead of going to the police, she spent weeks shouting from the rooftops here that another PG researcher put that CP there.

Gothamgirl ago

No I did go to the police. How can you lie like nothing on Jesus's birthday?


Crensch ago

There is no rooftops here.

This is why you lose.

It's a turn of phrase; I would never actually suggest there were rooftops here, you retarded Missing LInk.

Gothamgirl ago

I know what it means lol. Stop over exaggerating your making yourself look ridiculous.

Crensch ago

No, you didn't. And your pedophile buddies downvoting me doesn't make me wrong.

Gothamgirl ago

My pedophile buddies? Am I supposed to know who your talking about?

I don't know any pedos and I if did it would be during his/her last breaths, and I wouldn't have wifi at all anymore.

Crensch ago

You see one every morning when you look in the mirror. You had child porn on your phone and instead of going to the cops about it you accused someone here of putting it there for weeks.

You saw another one every day while zyklon was with you

Gothamgirl ago

No, no, no you got it all wrong. You get a big fat F, for failure, for everyday this week.

Crensch ago

Am I supposed to believe you're horseshit backpedaling narrative? Or where your tell me he's not a pedophile yet I have proof that he thought about raping a child multiple times a day for over a month?

Gothamgirl ago

It's not proof it's shitposting. If you want to call him a SHITBAG for going so low, by all means I won't say a word. You weren't calling him a pedo when it was done to my child, at the time you were asking him for info on me, and you ate it up, and spewed every lie he told you.

Do you think this is going to win Srayzie, maybe get her to leave her hubby? Like what is the goal of this?

Your not really hurting any one other then yourself.

Crensch ago

It's not proof it's shitposting.

It's 100% proof he thought about it. Every single time he posted about it.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes he thought out his jokes and shitposting, just like everyone else. Do you want a Scooby snack?

Well Crensch, I am about ready for my vacation destination, so I am not going to have very much time to feed you, for a few. Me and my kid, are going to ride horses, and play in snow. I haven't went snow tubing, skiing or snowboarding in a really long long time! I am so excited! Indoor heated pool and jacuzzi. This is going to be so much fun! Enjoy and have a happy and healthy New Year!

Crensch ago

Yes he thought out his jokes and shitposting comments about raping children, like a pedophile with a group of other pedophiles that would cover for him and chide others because "it's just a joke".


Gothamgirl ago

Actually I don't know anything about pedos at all, what I do know is he was going to make sure she wasn't coming back, and he took his shitposting and jokes to far.

Crensch ago

Actually I don't know anything about pedos at all

Funny, because you are one. Who else has CP on their phone, gets freaked out about it, and accuses a PG researcher with no physical access to the device of putting it there?

Gothamgirl ago

You don't need physical access, she had me clicking on all types of numerous links, to investigate a made up alt of hers, named Sarah. Which by the way those links were full of a bunch of mind control craziness. I am not tech savy so I thought she may have had me download something or possibly the algorithms on my phone were taken over. Then she began chasing zklon around on voat saying a bunch of sexual things, while he was calling for pedos to do something to my kid.

She was barely a PG researcher at all. She spent more time on SBBH chasing dick.

You want to blame him for his actions, that's fine, well deserved, but you are NOT going to blame me. I would never ever in my life hurt a child or allow a pedophile near us.

Crensch ago

to investigate a made up alt of hers, named Sarah.


Which by the way those links were full of a bunch of mind control craziness.

Lame story.

Then she began chasing zklon around on voat saying a bunch of sexual things, while he was calling for pedos to do something to my kid.

And yet, you still got with him, because you like that kind of thing.

She was barely a PG researcher at all.

She isn't, and didn't get with, a pedophile, so... you really have no room to judge, do you?

You want to blame him for his actions, that's fine, well deserved, but you are NOT going to blame me.

You just admitted you got with him after he called pedos to your child. Why wouldn't you be to blame? You think that cave troll face is going to get you a pussy pass or something?

I would never ever in my life hurt a child or allow a pedophile near us.

Literally exactly what you did.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have evidence I just feel she is Sarah.

Srayzie has all those links, she inboxed them to me, ask her for them. See what you think of all that craziness, and get back to me.

I knew zyklon as a person prior to his comments, and I know he isn't a pedo, and understood he only said those things out of anger towards me, and he has Asperger's. He also told me the people he tagged are most likely law enforcement. So I believed and forgave him. He also told me in the beginning, that nothing he says on here is true, and this place is all pretend. Whatever that means. I probably shouldn't have continued the relationship. Thanks for drilling it my head, and I certainly don't condone what his words to her.

How did hurt a child? I never talk or see any outside my own family?

Srayzie is not a child, and I don't recall kids ever being on here.

Crensch ago

I don't have evidence I just feel she is Sarah.

Feels>reals for you fat, ugly frontholes.

Srayzie has all those links, she inboxed them to me, ask her for them. See what you think of all that craziness, and get back to me.

1) Her account is deleted and not resurrected

2) She isn't around anymore.

I knew zyklon as a person prior to his comments, and I know he isn't a pedo, and understood he only said those things out of anger towards me, and he has Asperger's.


He also told me the people he tagged are most likely law enforcement. So I believed and forgave him.

Feels > reals

He also told me in the beginning, that nothing he says on here is true, and this place is all pretend.

What would a pedophile that wants to type out his fantasies tell his meal ticket?

I probably shouldn't have continued the relationship. Thanks for drilling it my head, and I certainly don't condone what his words to her.

Your continued association with him demonstrates unequivocally otherwise.

How did hurt a child? I never talk or see any outside my own family?

There were two things you said in that quoted text, try again.

Srayzie is not a child, and I don't recall kids ever being on here.

You supported pedophilic attacks on her children for over a month. You supported attacks against shizy's kids.

There is no world in which you are innocent in all of this.

Gothamgirl ago

Holy Fuck, she is not even in your life anymore and your still carrying the fuck on like this? You have to be fucking kidding me!

  1. She has everything saved externally, cause you people are like the eye witness news team from hell.

  2. She can still us PM's on here and has, from what I recall reading.

Actually I didn't support his pedo posts, I was driving for some, tried to make sense of others. Then I was to embarrassed to look anymore, and I still haven't really looked. I want no part of it. I did beg him to delete the dead kid photo, which by the way was already posted in Voat and no one said shit, and others were posted after but you did not make a peep about those at all.

As far as my making fun of her, and making memes it had nothing to do with pedophilia whatsoever. You people have been doing it to me, for YEARS. You fuckers even put my house on here. To this day I have pics of dirty shitty house and wouldn't do that.

Crensch ago

Holy Fuck, she is not even in your life anymore and your still carrying the fuck on like this?

It's hilarious that none of you understand why I do what I do.

She has everything saved externally, cause you people are like the eye witness news team from hell.

Maybe. I don't know what she has or doesn't have anymore.

She can still use PM's on here and has, from what I recall reading.

Oh? Think you could delete your account and still use PMs here?

Actually I didn't support his pedo posts, I was driving for some, tried to make sense of others.


You stayed with him for over a month while it was happening.

Then I was to embarrassed to look anymore, and I still haven't really looked.

Begging for a pussy pass. Your stank slot holds no value with a face like that.

I did beg him to delete the dead kid photo, which by the way was already posted in Voat and no one said shit, and others were posted after but you did not make a peep about those at all.

Stickied. With a cannibalistic message from him. With enough Os to remove it to suggest they wanted it there. That includes you. If you didn't want it there, you could have deleted it, and he could have reposted, and you'd have that paper trail. But you don't. AND you admit to knowing about it.

You people have been doing it to me, for YEARS. You fuckers even put my house on here.

Another user started posting stuff here when your boyfriend wouldn't stop, and you did nothing to try and stop him. You keep blaming us for it, but not one of us posted that stuff.

To this day I have her address and pics of her dirty shitty needs a powerwashing badly, house and wouldn't do that.

You really don't understand that you pissed off a lot of excellent researchers, do you? Do you think they've let it go? Maybe. Do you think they found enough before they stopped posting and fighting in the open?

That's your gamble to make.

Gothamgirl ago

Why you do what you do?

What's that?

It seems like you whine like a miserable brat. Is that the right answer?


Well I am not going into my personal business with you. But that guy is a bit stabby and liked to set off my PTSD intentionally in cars . So I have my own personal reasons for the time I took to get out.

I really don't understand what researchers you speak of, but what is your excuse? You run people off by the hour around here. Where are these researchers now? Hiding?

Gamble? what are you even trying to say? I have the luck of the Irish, I always win when I gamble.

Crensch ago


You're the one talking about what happens with a deleted account.

Well I am not going into my personal business with you. But that guy is a bit stabby and liked to set off my PTSD intentionally in cars . So I have my own personal reasons for the time I took to get out.

You invited him in in the first place.

I really don't understand what researchers you speak of, but what is your excuse? You run people off by the hour around here. Where are these researchers now? Hiding?

Kek. Ask someone with a 3 digit IQ to piece that together for you.

Gamble? what are you even trying to say? I have the luck of the Irish, I always win when I gamble. Rent free cuck.

And yet you show up constantly to defend your "stabby" man. You know you could have taken him out any number of ways and hoped the police didn't identify you as a cave troll when they came to investigate, right?

Gothamgirl ago

The only people I would take out are home Invaders, or pedos. He was a resident and not a pedo. He didn't hurt any children ever, just the feelings of some tramp and her soy boy.

Good night

Crensch ago

He was a resident and not a pedo.

Thought about it multiple times a day for over a month - pinged other literal pedophiles, too.

Also made cannibalistic threats.

But feels>reals

The only people I would take out are home Invaders, or pedos.

Multiple. Times. A. Day. For. Over. A. Month.

Kek. You wouldn't do shit to anyone, cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

Well I have never had a home invader or pedo here so, that remains to be seen, and hopefully never happens.

I grew up in NYC you have no idea what I have done in my life, or what I am capable of 😆

Crensch ago

Well I have never had a home invader or pedo here so, that remains to be seen, and hopefully never happens.

Yeah, you did.

I grew up in NYC you have no idea what I have done in my life, or what I am capable of 😆

I know you're capable of blaming others for putting child porn on your phone instead of going to the police immediately. I know you're incapable of realizing that no man would think of child rape multiple times a day for over a month and not be a pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

What is your goal? Just to sit online and just repeat the same phony verbal vomit all day?

Crensch ago

Fact: You claimed to have child porn on your phone

Fact: You blamed srayzie for it

Fact: You invited zyklon into your home after he pinged pedos to your kids

Fact: You admitted knowing about the dead kid on the sub and did nothing

Fact: Zyklon posted about raping children constantly and you did nothing

Fact: You claimed to be with zyklon for the over-a-month he was doing this

Fact: You've said multiple times that srayzie deserved it despite not showing that she did anything at all to you

Want some more?

Gothamgirl ago

I want to know if this was reported to police yes or no?

Not very much of that is fact at all, you assume alot.

Crensch ago

I want to know if this was reported to police yes or no?

Is this supposed to be a cogent thought?

Not very much of that is fact at all, you assume alot.

Zero assumptions. Every one of those is an outright fact. There is zero paper trail of you doing anything, meaning, effectively, you did nothing. Not even removing a picture of a dead kid.

Gothamgirl ago

I want to know if this was reported to police yes or no? And why hasn't she filed for an injunction?


Also, again your assumptions are wrong, you did nothing yourself the 1st time the photo of the dead kid was posted to Voat, or thereafter. I didn't accuse Srayzie of shit I asked her.

Fuck your friend, her feelings, and fuck you to 😊

Crensch ago

I want to know if this was reported to police yes or no?

This, what? What are you referring to?


How can I, when you can't even properly communicate something to me?

Also, again your assumptions are wrong, you did nothing yourself the 1st time the photo of the dead kid was posted to Voat, or thereafter.

I also wasn't made aware of it, but you admitted to being aware of it.

I didn't accuse Srayzie of shit I asked her.

Hey GG, let's see how this works when it happens to you:

Why did you rape your daughter that died? Was that what killed her finally?

Gothamgirl ago

I am asking did you people make police reports you seem to think you have slam dunk case for pedophilia on him, me and others on here.

I know no injunction was filed and he is still free. So that contradicts everything you are stating.

My daughter died of anencephaly at just a few days old.

Crensch ago

I am asking did you people make police reports you seem to think you have slam dunk case for pedophilia on him, me and others on here.

Thanks for clarifying.

I know no injunction was filed and he is still free. So that contradicts everything you are stating....

TIL you can't hold someone accountable for the things they say or do unless they see the inside of a courtroom.


My daughter died of anencephaly at just a few days old.

Because you raped her?

Gothamgirl ago

You most certainly can file for injunction if you can cite 2 qualifing

reasons. No injunction has been applied for at all, therefore a judge has never been notified of his actions, and to apply for one is free.

So did she even make a police report at all?

You complain about dead kid photos on Voat, do you think talking about a dead baby is acting any better?

I never in my whole life had to rape anyone. Men are whores naturally.

Crensch ago

You most certainly can file for injunction if you can cite 2 qualifing

And this is answering which question or statement I made?

reasons. You state you have months of threats. No injunction has been applied for at all, therefore a judge has never been notified of his actions, and to apply for one is free.

Typing is difficult for a cave troll.

You complain about dead kid photos on Voat, do you think talking about a dead baby is acting any better?

Whoah! Whoah... I'm just asking questions here! Remember when you said this?

I didn't accuse Srayzie of shit I asked her.

I wasn't accusing you of killing your baby, I was asking!

I never in my whole life had to rape anyone. Men are whores naturally.

Babies, too? I'm not sure I agree with that one. Kinda sounds like you're a sick fuck.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't say you were accusing me of killing a baby, where did that come from?

So srayzie didn't file any police report, and didn't file for any injunction. As s matter of fact, zyklon was banned from here and skrayzie ran right to the site (Poal) he was on. Imagine that....... What a poor tormented victim she is 😆

You should really look up the meaning of men, and also learn some comprehension.

You are the one associating with pedophiles, and I already proved it, plus you want to kill Skrayzies and many other kids..

Crensch ago

I didn't say you were accusing me of killing a baby, where did that come from?

I'm just asking questions!

So srayzie didn't file any police report, and didn't file for any injunction.

I'm wondering why you think I would know this.

As s matter of fact, zyklon was banned from here and skrayzie ran right to the site (Poal) he was on. Imagine that....... What a poor tormented victim she is 😆

Not how it happened, but thanks for the story.

You should really look up the meaning of men, and also learn some comprehension.

You should take a writing course. Maybe a reading one, too. Try some nootropics to get that anancephalous mind of yours working.

You are the one associating with pedophiles, and I already proved it, plus you want to kill Skrayzies and many other kids..

You had child porn on your phone, and invited a pedo into your home.

I can't imagine a non-pedophile doing those things.

Gothamgirl ago

You should end your miserable life, no one likes you. It would make alot of people here very happy.

Crensch ago

It would make alot of people here very happy.

Seems like it would only make the PedoFriends of SBBH happy. I'm not really interested in making them happy.

In fact, more users are happy that I'm here than are unhappy that I'm here. What does that tell you?

Gothamgirl ago

You left off the fuckton of Pizzagate researchers that want you gone.

Skrayzie was a mod on SBBH, so a some point she was head pedo.

Don't fucking fool yourself clown no one is happy dealing with you. Alts don't count.

Crensch ago

You left off the fuckton of Pizzagate researchers that want you gone.

The ones that got fully indoctrinated by ES? or the ones that are paid to look like researchers that aren't researchers at all?

Skrayzie was a mod on SBBH.

Was this before or after you figured out SBBH was a hive of pedos and pedo lovers?

Don't fucking fool yourself clown no one is happy dealing with you. Alts don't count.

Thanks for admitting you and your SBBH buddies aren't happy. Alts? There are more mains active on GA at any one time than there have ever been humans behind the keyboard on SBBH.

Gothamgirl ago

Well SBBH mod Skrayzie wanted everyones dick on SBBH so who is the pedo lover?

She once made a post about wanting to buy Shizy a black dildo dick... 🤣 Haha the things I remember...

I don't have any one I am really friendly with on sbbh.

No one really gives a fuck about GA and why would I even care at all about that sub? A cheating whore was running it, and that makes it distasteful, and dishonorable. SBBH was never my cup of tea. So what are you trying to prove exactly?

Crensch ago

Well SBBH mod Skrayzie wanted everyones dick on SBBH so who is the pedo lover?

Are you capable of telling the truth? She sent pics to one(1) person on here, then when leaked, she called kevdude's bluff about deleting them before looking (or was it because cheating?).

She once made a post about wanting to buy Shizy a black dildo dick... 🤣 Haha the things I remember...

Yeah, you know, the actual shitposting that is nothing but harmless fun, that she thought SBBH was.

I don't have any one I am really friendly with on sbbh.

And yet they defend m'lady-the-cave-troll's face and honour pretty constantly.

No one really gives a fuck about GA and why would I even care at all about that sub?

Because it disproves your previous claim.

A cheating whore was running it, and that makes it distasteful, and dishonorable.

You had child porn on your phone and invited a pedophile into your home.

SBBH was never my cup of tea. So what are you trying to prove exactly?

Seems like you both have skin in the game defending zyklon, the pedophile. And you both attack his innocent victim.

Gothamgirl ago

She already admitted to video sex chats with someone from sbbh, and again she tried to send her pics to others and they turned her down.

In what delusional world do you live in, innocent? 🤣😂 Why cause she said her husband knew what slut she was first?

You, Shizy and skrayzie had no problems joining in with zyklon to attack me, why should I care about what happened to her?

Sbbh is friends with zyklon and doesn't like you.

Crensch ago

She already admitted to video sex chats with someone from sbbh, and again she tried to send her pics to others and they turned her down.

Prove it, pedolover.

Gothamgirl ago

I would however she deleted that account and all its comments (Clitorissa) which I am sure maybe still available on preview Voat, the person she did it with has been banned from here, and I am on vacation. Go look for it yourself.

Crensch ago

Trying to find a new pedo to diddle kids with ?

Gothamgirl ago

Nope just loving life.

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Crensch ago

Poor horses. At least lose 300lbs before breaking their backs, you sick fuck.

Gothamgirl ago

Well you said you hate that this place turned into social media so I was adding to the cause.

300lbs haha you wish better to skrayzie, before Photoshop and drugs, or the other whore addict Katfatzo.

Crensch ago

No matter how awful things may or may not be for me, I don't have to look at that face in the mirror every morning.

And there's not a single thing that's not going well for me at the moment. Including any dreamed up retraction in that caveman head of yours.

Gothamgirl ago

You like morbidly obese woman. I wouldn't want to look at skrayzie's horse face everyday either, and you have spent time with fatsKat. I read she smells like tuna, is that more your type?

"Not going well for you" I couldn't have said it better myself

Crensch ago

No, you couldn't have. Because you're too stupid to even right at the level of a middle schooler.

You don't even have the situational awareness to realize that things are going quite well for me. It's either that or your reading comprehension is just as bad as your writing ability.

Gothamgirl ago

It's "write" jackass 🤣

I am getting to intoxicated to go back and fourth with you, 😁 deep down you know the truth about yourself, and so does everyone else hehehe.

Crensch ago

Speech to text. But we both know I know the difference in the words. You, however, don't understand that people tend to think you were a pedophile when you have child porn on your phone. Especially when you try to blame it on someone else in the most absurd way possible

Gothamgirl ago

I don't care what you and your alts think, so it makes no difference to me. I definitely ain't a pedo no matter how much you say it, it isn't true.

Crensch ago

I've never had child porn on my phone. So I would have no reason to get spooked and accuse someone else of putting it there.

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck off Sancho.