Rotteuxx ago

I voted for you cuz I'm a cuck not gay :)

15962452? ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

im just glad your cheating wont win the day here

Goathole ago

I got to admit that holding the foot pedal between your ass and your heels is pretty damn smart. Not Osha approved but.......well, fuck osha, there's work to be done.

ExpertShitposter ago

thats rotty, not me

15959948? ago

Pic 1. Hands down.

Sorry @Triggpuff. You have great legs, no doubt but I'm 100% hetero.

Rotteuxx ago

I didn't have 5 months to plan my photo shoot, i was working and the first up to bat ;)

hangry ago

I wish we had more than dudes or trannies to choose from....but then, I am a FUCKING BOOOOOMER

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff yumyum

ExpertShitposter ago

And so it begins. The long awaited, voats first ever beauty contest. The contenders are numbered in the photo as follows:

1.. @ExpertShitposter Some say that he survives on cocktails made from ice cream, pizza and absinthe blended together, and that he worships a mysterious entity known only as "Machine God". All we know is, hes called the Expie.


2.. @clamhurt_legbeard Some say that she is a he, and has a single testicle, and is the the most wanted terrorist in all of England. All we know is, she called the Clammy.


3.. @Rotteuxx Some say that the Krupp steel construction he is working on is a U-boat, with witch he plans to destroy Pear harbor, and that he once shot a man just for disrespecting the TIG process. All we know is, he's called the Rotty.


4.. @Trigglypuff Some say that she has more alts than even Amalek had in his prime, and that she secretly starred in a nazi porno flick. All we know is, she's called the Triggs.


Cast your votes here: Time to vote is 24ish hours.


1st prize: one month of unlimited power modship in v/whatever, sponsored by @puttitout.

2nd prize: large case of ammo or liquor of your choice, sponsored by SBBH.

3nd prize: medium case of ammo or liquor of your choice, sponsored by Monster Energy.

4nd prize: small case of ammo or liquor of your choice, sponsored by Sellier & Bellot.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol bs

u/trigs isnt even in cargo pants

Rotteuxx ago

I protest this easily corrupted poll. Let's take it to preview vout !


clamhurt_legbeard ago


i rig those polls too

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah she's cheating for sure.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i voted for you

multiple times just to be sure lol

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL well thanks. Tho i'm sure the IP protection canceled all your extra votes. This thing is safer than US election.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


it didnt lol

hangry ago

lullz that fucker is rigged!

ExpertShitposter ago

How? It even has IP protection from duble voting.