generate ago

say it for yourself idiot. Putt is a dumbfuck who couldn't hide his identity and fucked it all up

Derpfroot ago

"Why doesn't the admin respond to me? I'm too important to ignore."

"Voat's such a honeypot...but I stay here, anyway."

"You tell me who the investor is! I wouldn't ever leave or anything. I just want to pester you and cause drama."

BraunF14 ago

What are you on about? This place has been under attack for a long time but everything's kind of ramped up lately.

Derpfroot ago

I was agreeing with you that, despite the whining of others, I am appreciative of putt, voat, atko, everyone here. And the responses I noted are from people are fucking retarded.

BraunF14 ago

I thought so. Couldn't tell though because the people that speak like that have poor grammar skills. Hard to understand what they're whining for in the first place.

Crensch ago

and long live v/SoapboxBanhammer

Home of the pedophile-defending @trigglypuff. TWO pedophiles, now.

Home of the faggots unable to put up any legitimate arguments that Q is a LARP, like they keep saying. They also won't shut up because they have no sense of shame - like Jews.

Home of the Christmastime upvoted post about [raping children(

Home of the pedophile-defending @Rotteuxx.

Home of the excusing threatening to rape and murder children constantly because "trolling"

Home of the nullifying of cop stings against pedophiles because it doesn't matter what age zyklon THOUGHT the children were, just how old they ACTUALLY are.

Home of the teaming up with a pedophile to attack his victim (((shitposters))).

Home of the biggest pussy-pass in all of Voat history.

Home of the most prolific (provable) doxxer on the site @Trigglypuff.

Home of the most overlap of modlist/posters of a sub that stickied a literal dead child with a cannibalistic submission title for over 24h

Home of the submission-deleting, banning hypocrites that attack me constantly for what I do in GA.

Home of the attackers of srayzie because "she went after me" except that's a Jewish lie from @Trigglypuff

Home of the TROLLING a woman who is being threatened with rape and murder of her child is not ATTACKING her @Rotteuxx.

Home of the predictable butthurt attacks when @srayzie predicted attacks because she banned a zyklon alt for shitting all over GA and breaking the rules.

Home of the narratives that align most closely with /v/anonall.

Home of the usernames specifically made to attack me.

Home of @Expertshitposter who won't turn his back on his buddy that threatens to rape and murder a child multiple times a day for over a month.

Home of constant dox attempts against me.

Home of the 1-year-time-delay Jewdar eyes of @Expertshitposter that somehow didn't notice @srayzie's "jew features" until his buddy zyklon decided to target her child.

Home of @heygeorge that accuses me of not being able to let this go, but clearly is the one that could not let it go.

Home of the eternally inconsistent, hypocritical, pilpul-using, Jew-narrative-pushing, multiple-alt-using, PEDO LOVING kikes.

Merry Christmas.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Q is a LARP

Crensch ago


Get after it, son. SBBH couldn't manage even one decent argument for it.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Lol okay, I'll play.

  1. Where's the drained swamp?
  2. When's Hillary getting locked up
  3. When are the big happenings happening?

Come back if you want more questions to not be able to answer, retard

Crensch ago

None of that has anything to do with whether or not Q is a legitimate Op or a LARP. Even so:

Where's the drained swamp?

When's Hillary getting locked up

I'm not a date fag.

When are the big happenings happening?

See #1

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Let's see here a list of nobodies is a drained swamp to you. Delusional retard

Crensch ago

Apparently a ton of CEOs and both elected and unelected officials leaving in droves is just another Tuesday for you.

Dozens of high-powered individuals leaving their cushy jobs each day is just normal happenings.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

More than half of your bullshit list isn't even in the US

Crensch ago


MDEneverdies1488 ago

So daddy trump is draining the swamp half way across the world?

wokeasfook ago

When exactly did we not claimed this is worldwide?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

See my other comment, shill

wokeasfook ago

Shill in both comments. How original. Low iq response.

Crensch ago

You mean like how he brokered peace with NK when it was considered impossibly by literally everyone up to then? Nah. It's totally ok to leave places for the swamp to go while he's president, only for them to flood back in when his terms are up. Totally ok.

Is that what you'd do? I bet it is. King awesome MDEnverdies1488 burns bright but fizzles the moment he's out of office.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

The fact that your submitted evidence is a list with over half of its contents outside of the US proves that you are grasping at straws. But let me go ahead and address your weak argument. You really think that shit happening across the world equates to Trump's achievement. What a joke.

If trump were able to make that happen, he'd have a wall built, Clinton would be in jail, Obama, biden, etc would be in jail, etc.

But instead, the reality is you worship a weak president who caved on his shutdown, twice. He's impotent. How quick are you to defend him by saying "the Democrats blocked his bill. Pelosi and Schumer block him from everything he tries to do wahhhhh." Pretty fucking quick, I'd imagine

If he had a by real power, or maybe at least intended to use it, he wouldn't have to deal with them blocking his shit. Wanna know why? Because they're part of the swamp you say has been drained.

All of this is pointless. It's like pissing into the wind. I know you are going to ignore what I say and forget it as soon as you read it. You're literally incapable of seeing your own ignorance. So again, I will call you a delusional retard.

Delusional retard

wokeasfook ago

Hes delusional? Youre the one arguning against something ypu dont even have a basic understanding of.

Oooh your examples are outside a border; you must be a retard. Everyone knows elite pedos only work within the US borders.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Attacking a 27 day old comment lol. Fuck off, shill. What swamp is daddy trump going to drain? Oh right, the only one he supposedly has power over. So yea, the borders matter in this circumstance

wokeasfook ago

It was pinged today retard.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

"Omg his plan is so genius because he boils the pot slowly"

Who gives a fuck about the steinlight llan. First I've heard of it. It's just putting a nobody's name to something we all know is happening.

Why the hell was this comment pinged anyways?

wokeasfook ago

The fact it's the first you've heard of it goes to prove just how little you know. Who gives a fuck? Everybody who knows about it and isn't a kike.

You cast aspersions on people who follow Q yet you yourself are as clueless as the brain dead liberals lapping up the Hollywood propaganda.

At least Q people are engaged and trying to make a difference.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Lmao imagine sitting on a high horse because you have a fancy name for something.

My dude, none of what they are doing is new. I was already aware of the situation at hand, just didn't know there was a name for the slow boil strategy.

Thing is, you qtards haven't made a difference. None. I'm not even sure how it is you think you're trying to do anything. You just sit in your own echo chambers and take the abuse from the rest of the world that knows just how retarded you are.

Whatever, I'm done with you wasting my time

wokeasfook ago

Bla bla bla mate you're not convincing anyone. Everyone I know is now well aware of the Jew problem. Everyone from my granny to my 10 year old nephew. Almost everyone I work with except for the Jew sister company next door who have become very quiet and almost reclusive over the past few months in particular.

The kikes biggest fear is the light. Goyim awareness.

When you say awareness is the key kikes panic and go on the attack because they know it's true.

I'm wasting your time. You're a fucking retard mate. For a person who is so busy doing so much to help you've got plenty of time to attack Q followers.

Awareness is the key you degenerate kike cunt. It's time. You're panicking. We're laughing at you panicking. Fun times.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

You make too many assumptions. No wonder you qtards jump to conclusions and make yourselves fools so often.

Whatever, gas yourself

wokeasfook ago

Pot meet kettle

Your opposition to the great awakening is very heroic.

Crensch ago

The fact that your submitted evidence is a list with over half of its contents outside of the US proves that you are grasping at straws. But let me go ahead and address your weak argument. You really think that shit happening across the world equates to Trump's achievement. What a joke.

So you are stupid enough to think that cleaning out the US without cleaning out the deepstate worldwide would actually get you somewhere.

Got it.

If trump were able to make that happen, he'd have a wall built, Clinton would be in jail, Obama, biden, etc would be in jail, etc.

And they'd have their deepstate buddies around the world breaking them out, they'd have already had a civil war with roughly half the population against the other, instead of what they have now where dems have almost no support. But hey, let's just act like a bull in a china shop when the other side has been weaving webs for over a century.

But instead, the reality is you worship a weak president who caved on his shutdown, twice. He's impotent.

You're not even very good at checkers. Damn, I hate to be that "read sun tzu" faggot, but read sun tzu.

How quick are you to defend him by saying "the Democrats blocked his bill. Pelosi and Schumer block him from everything he tries to do wahhhhh." Pretty fucking quick, I'd imagine

What are you even talking about?

If he had any real power, or maybe at least intended to use it, he wouldn't have to deal with them blocking his shit. Wanna know why? Because they're part of the swamp you say has been drained.

If he'd done what you wanted him to do off the bat, we'd have had a civil war already, and likely been invaded at the same time.

All of this is pointless. It's like pissing into the wind. I know you are going to ignore what I say and forget it as soon as you read it. You're literally incapable of seeing your own ignorance. So again, I will call you a delusional retard.

Nice job still not being able to prove Q a LARP. Happy to have this tangential argument, though. You're more than a little stupid, I think.

Delusional retard

How's that hero's ride off into the sunset working out for you?

Humansized ago

youre both shit. nobody gives a fuck about either of your retarded subs.

ExpertShitposter ago

Have sex.

Crensch ago

Why would I listen to a guy with a pedophile buddy, that he defends, when it comes to sex?

HbMcNutt ago

Why to people seem to attack your persona? Also whats your relation to gabara? I just see lots of posts with both names. I feel like people are throwing retarded arguements at you

Crensch ago

They don't like me. They don't like what I do. I keep the Q posters safe from them. I call out all of their bullshit so that others can see what they are doing.

They are retarded but I'm pretty sure they're paid to do what they do

MadJackChurchill ago

Dude. I hope I've always seemed at least somewhat friendly to you. And that has nothing to do with me thinking you were a @gabara alt all these past few months.

But I like you just fine, mang. Make a little lighthearted fun of you from time to time, but I do that with everyone including and especially myself.

Crensch ago

I've given up trying to figure out who is who. I hope, if you're just a good-natured shitposter that you don't get caught up in it, but if you're standing in enemy ranks when the cannons start going off, well...

Chempergrill ago

I keep the Q posters safe from them.

Actually you exposed all the Q posters with your retard moderation. Thanks for doing the work for me XD

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Crazy place, eh? Merry Christmas.

Crensch ago

Yep. Merry Christmas!

BraunF14 ago

@crenach I'd love to say right now that I have one account and I will always use this one account. you have evidence against such a nature. And so does crazy srayzie. Fuck off with all this. You're the reason I made this post. I can link 3 users with inflammatory posts against Putt to your subverse. But yet again, I commended you. I said I was glad your retarded people had a home. I was glad you like loving, forever grateful, FOREVER REPENTING against Israel dumbasses had a home, had a place amongst all of us. Everyone has a place to speak.

The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords. Sharing the heavens with us? With European man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on Earth.

Crensch get out. You are done. No one I nthis site trusts you, even your own cronies. You once were a follower of voat's core principles until you sold your account for $24.79 and now you just uphold the principles of talmud. I'd like to talk to the original owner. Get over yourself, Joel Osteen.

Crensch ago

You could have chosen to fuck off and leave me alone the first time around.

You could have chosen to leave your band of leftist, pedophile-loving kikes out of your post to putt.

You could have prevented this.

BraunF14 ago

"you could have chosen to fuck off and leave me alone the first time around"

The why the ruck are you still here? GTFO

Seriously leave if it hurts you so much!

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

"you could have chosen to fuck off and leave me alone the first time around"

You don't appreciate me pointing out where you fucked up?

The why the ruck are you still here? GTFO

This doesn't end with me.

Seriously leave if it hurts you so much!

Oh, it's hurting someone. Me? I'll make a post for you here in a few.

OutragedForNoReason ago

I'd like to add, as a testament to his hard work, even though there's hiccups here and there the site is still up and running. So I don't understand all the bitching moaning. And I definitely agree about the glowniggers. Seems to be a lot of newfag accounts constantly doomsaying about how Putts left, and Voat has went to shit. I can't put my finger on it, it's just a feeling, but it seems like there's a concerted effort to bring down morale.

Rawrination ago

Because shit is about to kick off in Virginia, which will ripple across the US and then the world as a world wide civil war between We The People and the satanic kikes running things. They want you depressed and hopeless, and not ready to fight.

Morale is the most important thing to any army of any time frame.

BraunF14 ago

Are you going to fight?

Rawrination ago

I'm disabled and live hundreds of miles away from Virginia. Still going to do whatever I can. I'd gladly take a bullet or shoot a gun or anything else. Just kind of hard when even typing is difficult, and I'm mostly home bound. But yes I want to fight.