ESOTERICshade ago

Q predicted this.

La Bamba | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

Crensch ago

More niggermusic posting from the nigger.

ESOTERICshade ago

All Along The Watchtower | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

Crensch ago

Always posting nigger music.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

That poor, poor wahmen.

Rotteuxx ago

You should read the censored version of this post :

Crensch ago

User posts to /welding with @rotteuxx.

Either you're the same guy, or you're white-knighting for him. Which is it?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Your post is an attempt to white knight. Matter of fact, that seems to be all you do as of late. @Rotteuxx can defend himself, I just hate your faggot ass.

Crensch ago

Your post is an attempt to white knight. Matter of fact, that seems to be all you do as of late. @Rotteuxx can defend himself, I just hate your faggot ass.

So... you're white-knighting for Rotteuxx? Because the best response you have is "no u"?


Rotteuxx ago

Would you quit arguing with my alt @Thyhorrorcosmic103, we've got other convos going on.

Crensch ago

Aww, is your butt buddy getting his ass handed to him?

He really wasn't prepared for this. And yea, that 30s wait time for comments sucks.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Lol who prepares for a keyboard war?

Crensch ago

Someone smarter than you, apparently. You got wrecked, and you wanted a graceful way out of it. Now you're in it, and you're a white-knight cuck.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

You’re so angry... you need some calming tea.

Gothamgirl ago

I broke it I knew I could 🤣

Rotteuxx ago

Aww, is your butt buddy getting his ass handed to him?

You pinged me...

Crensch ago

You pinged me...

I quoted his ping, retard.

Rotteuxx ago

Hence you pinged me, Einstein.

Crensch ago


He pinged you, and I quoted him. Were you not going to see this? Is there something wrong with me pinging you? Does my pinging you force you to respond?

Rotteuxx ago

Then why are you acting as if I replied to save someone's ass ?

Crensch ago

You called him an alt. He jumped in and got wrecked, and you wanted me to stop responding to him.

How else am I supposed to take it?

Rotteuxx ago

How else am I supposed to take it?

Like a mentally sane person ?!?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I’ve lost track of which account I'm signed into.

Rotteuxx ago

Imagine being so lonely & angry around this time of year that you'd dedicate your day to sperging out at SBBH posts and throwing tantrums at users.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Yeah... dude needs a hobby to take his mind off his loneliness. Maybe we should teach him how to fabricate stuffs.

Rotteuxx ago

Not sure if we can be the masculine father he never had, it's worth a shot though.

What'd ya say @Crensch ? You up to learning how to be a man ?

21839705? ago

Aw, so all Crensch needed all along was a good father figure...I think this is the root of many problems here, you know dads are just sooooo very important... so much!

Rotteuxx ago

Sometimes it's just too late, the damage is done :/

21840636? ago

:( I want cute puppy pictures now...

Rotteuxx ago

I seem to recall a sub in the old days that had killer puppy pics... gosh darnit, what's that sub called ?

21840856? ago

DUDE!!!! Yas!

It’s on the tip on the tip of my tongue, k9 supremacy ultimate power or something ;)

I was an honorary member too, had a cool flair there... okay give me a hot minute and I will be back, I have to finish something I started and if you mod me I could make an event out of it... lol ;D

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx white-knights for Trigglypuff constantly, and called in his /welding buddy to white-knight for him.

Soyboy material talking about being masculine and having a father.


21840448? ago

They are buddies and have been for a long time. He is genuinely capable of being a good friend through thick and thin. Rott saw the hypocrisy and called Srayzie and Shizy out with the alt business. Triggs was defending her privacy been aired in public at the time by the same people. Obviously alliances will fuse in these moments.

I liked you Crensch, there is still a part of me that does. You have some old-school thinking at times which is good but this Srayzie business was a mess. Yes, she was a good researcher on things she was interested in.

She was an active mod here, this is true but as most people here, she had a manipulating side. Every-time I suggested she take a break, she grew more intense in defending herself to the point where she even called me out for being too prudent on chat, remember that night. She just couldn’t understand me being there and having a voice in matters and cussing me out like a sailor in her hurt and anger defending herself.

Admittedly, attack is the best form of defense. I guess the point I am trying to make is she was no angel, neither are you and me btw. We have all messed up in life.

You have always been respectful to me and I cannot fault you for this but when you gloat over people leaving Voat that once were your friends it saddens me. I genuinely miss kevdude and I am gutted he left.

With much respect I genuinely suggest you just focus on your subs and stop feeding the trolls. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring Srayzie back, just let her naturally and organically do what she does without wanting the fame and fortunes that surround it, this certainly would be best. You are actually better at being that which you are attacking and it’s not a pretty sight.

Crensch ago

They are buddies and have been for a long time. He is genuinely capable of being a good friend through thick and thin.


Rott saw the hypocrisy and called Srayzie and Shizy out with the alt business.

Not using alts to push some COINTEL narrative versus using alts to push a COINTEL narrative.

Triggs was defending her privacy been aired in public at the time by the same people. Obviously alliances will fuse in these moments.

Trigglypuff attacked srayzie and tried to "handle" her like she did with Empress. Only after both did srayzie post the PMs.

Then Triggly started going IRL doxx on srayzie, like a kike would, since fighting online fights online isn't a kike's style, apparently.

I liked you Crensch, there is still a part of me that does. You have some old-school thinking at times which is good but this Srayzie business was a mess. Yes, she was a good researcher on things she was interested in.

I don't know you.

She was an active mod here, this is true but as most people here, she had a manipulating side. Every-time I suggested she take a break, she grew more intense in defending herself to the point where she even called me out for being too prudent on chat, remember that night. She just couldn’t understand me being there and having a voice in matters and cussing me out like a sailor in her hurt and anger defending herself.

I bet that never happened.

Admittedly, attack is the best form of defense. I guess the point I am trying to make is she was no angel, neither are you and me btw. We have all messed up in life.

It took triggly the better part of an hour to admit why she attacked and helped dox srayzie. Triggly knew it was wrong and never once seemed to feel the slightest amount of remorse - and in fact, she came back the next day as if nothing had happened.


You have always been respectful to me and I cannot fault you for this but when you gloat over people leaving Voat that once were your friends it saddens me. I genuinely miss kevdude and I am gutted he left.

He worked with a reddit shadow cabal to fuck this place over, and then he dropped info srayzie shared privately with him about her real life that was posted in anon - stuff she hadn't shared with anyone else. Stuff that idiot katharzso couldn't have found online.

He also dropped her name and that video, that she shared with him on a private link-only site.

With much respect I genuinely suggest you just focus on your subs and stop feeding the trolls. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring Srayzie back, just let her naturally and organically do what she does without wanting the fame and fortunes that surround it, this certainly would be best. You are actually better at being that which you are attacking and it’s not a pretty sight.

This doesn't end with me. Kevdude made the right choice. Finally.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

What'd ya say @Crensch ? You up to learning how to be a man ?

Thats mighty big of ya Rotteuxx. I always knew you was da real mang deal bro.

Crensch ago

He needs butt-buddies like you to defend him.

But you wouldn't understand what that means.

Crensch ago

From a white knight for an illiterate fronthole, and a white-knight for the white-knight's dick?


Rotteuxx ago

It's interesting how you associate any man remotely associated with me as a white knight.

One could say it denotes hostility towards any form of brotherhood.

Why do you harbor these feelings of hostility Crenschypoo ?

21839731? ago

This is a very good question, the brotherhood of man is such an important thing. Clearly by throwing Kevdude under the bus over a disagreement on a woman makes for interesting speculation on whether he grasps this concept at all.

Rotteuxx ago

A woman or a man solely raised by a vindictive womsn would struggle with that concept for sure.

21840560? ago

This is sad :( you know people are often attracted to similar people that reflect their parents... deep mahn... I think we need puppies to cheer us up! :D

ESOTERICshade ago

Clearly by throwing Kevdude under the bus over a disagreement on a woman makes for interesting speculation on whether he grasps this concept at all.

I think you just cut a diamond :)

ESOTERICshade ago

21840534? ago

I know... let’s not bring out the dire straits mahn... hehe

ESOTERICshade ago

Another version from playing from change on Otis Redding.

ESOTERICshade ago

I know... let’s not bring out the dire straits mahn... hehe

Me thinks that might be a double entendre. Surely you wouldn't, naaa, you wouldn't do that.... :)

A double entendre (/ ɒ̃ ˈ t ɒ̃ d (r ə)/; French: [dubl ɑ̃.tɑ̃dʁ(ə)]) is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to be understood in two ways, having a double meaning.

21840813? ago

Darn I do that without trying apparently, so clearly this has a double meaning. Oh boy, what have I done now... put my foot in it I suppose, dont make me blush it ain’t hard btw... lol...

ESOTERICshade ago

You might be a lot of things sweet baby but you damn sure ain't bluish :)

21841448? ago

Bluish? What does that mean? And, umm I am notses yer sweet bebe, I am positive about that. Yikes, what have I done nau... @heygeorge halp!

Crensch ago

Here, let me help:

That was pretty good. Thanx for that. I love you sweet baby :)

Shewhomustbeobeyed was the target of that one.

You can't get knowledge like this from a crack deal sweet baby:)

srayzie was the target of that one.

You are welcome. We are on the same team. I am sorry that you got caught up in all of this stuff with Jem. We both liked Jem, in spite of some flaws. Merry Christmas Sweet Baby!!!

srayzie was the target of that one.

That's it. No more.


What a creep.

ESOTERICshade ago

"sweet baby" is a term of endearment that comes from the south. We country boys say that a lot. Its like saying "darlin" or "babe" and other generic shit. Don't take it seriously.

21841623? ago

Right, like umm, dear or poppit etc, I hadn’t actually noticed many terms of endearment down South. I use terms of endearment irl haven’t met enough country folk to have noticed it. Thanks for explaining and the bluish reference? :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Right, like umm, dear

Yes. I used to get in trouble when I went to bars in Ohio over my speechisms.

Bartender: What do you want?

Me: mmmm....I don't know "darlin" can you mix me a Long Island Icead Tea?

Bartender: "darlin" why you call me darlin.

Me: Sorry, its just stuff we say in the south.

It don't mean nothing.

21841762? ago

Haha... so you speak online as you speak in person? Yeah me too, kinda all over the place... sheesh calling a bloke darling can be a messy situation in the wrong place. I bet you made a friend that night though? Lol...

ESOTERICshade ago

Haha... so you speak online as you speak in person?

Yep :) After I started wearing a suit and got into a professional atmosphere I had to learn NOT to do that.

I bet you made a friend that night though?

Yep. But its get worse than that. All the girls at the immediate bar crowded around me and wanted to hear me talk. I was so embarrassed. They kept saying shit like "oh my god, listen to that accent" and shit like that. They were asking me all kinds of questions about where I was from. I was so embarrassed that I just left in a hurry.

21842583? ago

Haha that is so funny. I understand about that people ask me about my accent too but now you have me curious. Do you sing with an accent, is it like a heavy southern drawl or cajun like... I am trying to find a song I have in mind, bear with me taking longer then expected.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't sing. Nobody should have to endure me trying to sing.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanks for explaining and the bluish reference? :)

bluish means jew.

The rest is just stuff country boys say. And I'm damn sure country, to my bones.

21841745? ago

Lol, aw yeah phew that flew right over my head... haha... Yes I am not a jew... I hate the suburbs and cities, so freagin fake, many country folk I have met are great. Some are weird like cabin fever space cadets but they are uniquely off their trolley which can be endearing when one gets to know them.

I think that is what makes country folk great, they give you opportunity to get to know them, however they may be. Obviously some hermits exist but even in that is found some charm.

Hard working people in general are always just such a value to life in general and country folk tend to stick together. So why princess Srayzie then ES? What is the appeal of a city princess to a country fellah like you? Just being curious, lol I suffer curiosities often...

ESOTERICshade ago

So why princess Srayzie then ES? What is the appeal of a city princess to a country fellah like you? Just being curious, lol I suffer curiosities often...

No real appeal on my part. She just sort of latched on to me from forum banter. She seemed spunky at first. I didn't mind.

We developed a friendship. Then a darker side started to emerge. She started sending me pictures of Jamie Curtis bent over with excercise tights on and stuff. She said "she just thought it was funny."

I knew better. I knew she was propositioning me to play internet sex games. I also knew she could not be trusted because she was sending me a lot of private messages from other people. If she would do it to other people, she would do it to me. I knew that.

She wanted pictures of "muh dick" but I never gave her any. She sent me some pics and stuff. She was sort of upset that I didn't brag and heehaw over her pictures.

Then she got into Qanon. Q gets on my nerves so I started drifting away from her. All she wanted to talk about was Q. And then after that she decided to nuke me from the platform with her false flag picture ordeal. It backfired on her in big fashion because Kevdue figured it out and told me what she did to me. I was pissed off but decided not to retaliate. I am above that shit. Fuck it. Ya know?

Considering recent events, and my reflections on the past, I am starting to suspect that crensch might have talked her into a lot of bad decisions she made. Maybe not. I can't be sure. But, as much hell as crensch is raising I suspect it is possible that him and srayzie were in on that scheme together. Maybe not, maybe so.

The good thing is that >>>>I don't give a fuck because none of it affects me. I have just tried to be kind to people that might be collateral damage in this whole UNNECCESARY shit show.

The Cringe on a a mission of destruction. Is he getting paid? I don't know. Is he just a little bitch? Yes, thats pretty obvious.

21842288? ago

Lol, well for being sincere in the matter, this pretty much sums up a lot of hoohah, thanks for that.

I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to write all that out btw. Dude, I am like a nobody here but a curious one that genuinely cares and tries to give all an opportunity to be themselves. I love Voat and miss putts being around but some of these people just play damn dirty with each other and I bet you they hounded him awfully.

In the old days we would only ping him if we wanted to say hello or report a bug, it was so civil and respectful. Now everyone pings him to wazoozie like a waiter in a restaurant and Crensch quickly gets his knives out like he is filleting fish badly to dissect literal poop, I mean who does that? Then naturally the trolls get their poking sticks out ready to poke the weirdo at a drop of a hat... what a freaging hullabaloo!

Sidenote: I hope kev comes back...I miss Empress but family comes first so I understand.

I mean everyone makes mistakes but those that are honest about it and actually care about stuff make the world of difference around these parts. It seems the only thing Crensch cares about is his ego and reputation and Srayzie’s ego and reputation. I guess I should be happy he found her so he doesn’t have to be alone in this world, but at what cost?

Anyway, I am borderline going into waffling mode nau, I need to stawp but it’s been good speaking to you :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Sidenote: I hope kev comes back...I miss Empress but family comes first so I understand.

I am hoping that Kev is still here in some capacity. I learned a lot from Kev and I have a lot of respect for Kev. I have a feeling he is probably still around here somewhere. :)

Crensch ago

Literal evidence that the guy you're talking to is a dishonest prick, aaaand all i care about is my "ego" and "reputation"

Kek. If I cared about any of that I'd still be under kevJew's thumb.

Crensch ago

No real appeal on my part. She just sort of latched on to me from forum banter. She seemed spunky at first. I didn't mind.

He used his alts to attack her relentlessly, then came in and "saved" her from them as ESOTERICshade.

Kek. @Nadesh I'd link support for my claims, but I know you won't read it anyway.

ESOTERICshade ago

Comment stalking? Yes you are. How bout that...

Crensch ago

Hey @nadesh here he is talking about himself on his alt!


But you don't care, because you're a fronthole.

ESOTERICshade ago

I trolled the fuck out of you. You need all the trolling you can get you evil fucker. Guess what? You are already in flames, and we still got matches.

Crensch ago

You voted multiple times to determine the path of Pizzagate, when others only voted once, like a human would. You're Jewish, and @nadesh doesn't want to see that.

ESOTERICshade ago

I was your herd dog. I drove you into a corner that I specifically designed for you. And then I left you no options when I flushed you out of that corner. I beat you. Stop snorting meth and go to bed.

Crensch ago


Thought you could use a laugh.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator don't like me, but like I said, when it comes to intelligence, he is about 100 times smarter than you. He now controls v/pg and I KNOW he ain't dumb enough to let you get back in that pocket.

In the last few weeks you have pinged me and dozens, and dozens, and dozens of people that you intend to trap into your little web of bullshit.

Vindicator, smart as he is, has ignored you.

The rest of your pings just get you beaten to hell and back every time.

These goats you are fucking with are way too smart for you. I guess we will have to design a diaper for you.

Crensch ago

In the last few weeks you have pinged me and dozens, and dozens, and dozens of people that you intend to trap into your little web of bullshit.

Trap with the truth?

That's what's biting every one of you in the ass.

The rest of your pings just get you beaten to hell and back every time.

Rose colored glasses. You've helped tremendously with my wrecking of SBBH and their narratives against me. Bumbling blockhead ESOTERICshade wrecks some of their favourite vectors of attack. Kek.

These goats you are fucking with are way too smart for you. I guess we will have to design a diaper for you.

I caught you pretty easily. The Dunning-Kruger effect would suggest that you're unlikely to be a good judge of who's smarter than whom. If you had a 3 digit IQ, you'd see that I've actually wrecked them consistently today. They did nothing but lose ground.

Absolutely entertaining.

ESOTERICshade ago

I steered pizzagate away from the Qanon virus. I did that shit on purpose, for better or worse. I think it was for the better.

Answer my question: "what are you looking for as a solution to this situation? What do you need to see happen for you to feel whole and feel like a winner?"

Crensch ago

You dishonestly manipulated PG researchers into liking you by attacking them with your alts and "saving" them with your main username. That's how you manipulated what they researched, too, since you're admitting to manipulating the whole sub right now.

Then many disappeared after getting close to you.

@nadesh doesn't care about this, either.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am admitting to trolling you into the fuck out of you. I beat you at your own game. You know how I did that? I did that by simply having a goal that meant something to me which was saving pizzagate from the Qanon scum.

I also did it by understand YOUR tactics and I flipped those tactics backwards and used them against you. It was a lot easier than you realize. I drove you like a fucking herd dog and i'm proud of it.

ESOTERICshade ago

I can dig it :)

Crensch ago

It's interesting how you associate any man remotely associated with me as a white knight.

  • Posts on same sub as you

  • Swoops in to help you with votes and arguments


Rotteuxx ago

Posts on same sub as you

Irrefutable & coincidental unless proven otherwise.

Swoops in to help you with votes

Proof required.

and arguments

Citation required.

Crensch ago

Irrefutable & coincidental unless proven otherwise.

You called him your alt.

Proof required.

Citation required.

Rotteuxx ago

How did that help me out with any of my arguments?

Crensch ago

Another "voice" here to help out with downvotes and arguments doesn't help you? It's a lovely way to consensus crack. I'm sure you know all about what that means.

Rotteuxx ago

You're paranoid, you seriously are.

Take good care of your mental health, a damaged mind is a heck of a thing to heal.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#85973) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Rotteuxx: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

You're paranoid, you seriously are.

You're the one with buddies from /v/welding coming here to circlejerk with you.

Take good care of your mental health, a damaged mind is a heck of a thing to heal.

You're the one that called him your alt. Either you're damaged and forgot he wasn't, or he is and you're talking to me as if you're two different people.

You're making this way too easy.

Rotteuxx ago

No, you've just proven my point.

Crensch ago

Nice Jewing. Words have no meaning in Jew world, right?

Consistency is a white man's invention, right?


Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Is that a yes?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Is that a yes?

Thats mad homosexual speak. Its hard to understand them when they get upset.

Crensch ago

Since the above precludes you and rott of being capable of acting like men, exactly how would you teach it?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

It’s called physical labor. I know you’re unfamiliar with such things.

Crensch ago

Apparently it's practiced by some of the most beta soyboys on this site.

Is that where the faggots gather? Welding forums?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Can you make a post about me being a Rotteuxx alt? I want to get dogpiled by qtards too.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Can you make a post about me being a Rotteuxx alt? I want to get dogpiled by qtards too.

Wait now! @crensch promised to write a whole dossier about me next. You have to get in line bro!

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I demand at least a 500 word essay about me as soon as he’s done with you.

Crensch ago

Can you stop being a white knighting faggot?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Are you gonna make the post?

Crensch ago

Is this what he came up with to allow you to bow out of this gracefully? Kek.

Just shows you being a limp-dick white knight for a soyboy that you happen to like.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Who bowed out? I’m still here to call you names. I know you crave the attention.

Crensch ago

He's giving you an out, and you're too stupid to take it, white-knight-for-penis.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

You sound like you could use a friend?

21839753? ago

You are cool bro...

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I’m aware.

Crensch ago

You sound like you could use some @Rotteuxx dick, since that's what you're here white-knighting for.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You sound like you could use some @Rotteuxx dick

crensch, do I make you horny?

Crensch ago

You do seem like you created this username to fuel your own masturbatory fantasies. How does it feel to know that the reason your username exists is because of me?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

He won’t give it to me no matter how hard I try.

Crensch ago

I'm rooting for you, buddy. I know he's all over trig, but if you try really hard, maybe someday you can pass.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

One can dream...

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Sure, sperg. Think whatever you like.

Crensch ago

"I can't win so I'll pretend that you're just a loser or something and that I don't have time for you despite coming over here to write a comment in response to you when I could have fucked off to that mystery thing that is more important to do than comment to you... or some thing"


Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I’m only here to insult you and downvoat your posts. Fucking nerd.

ESOTERICshade ago

I’m only here to insult you and downvoat your posts. Fucking nerd.

roflmao...I like your style bro :)

Crensch ago

I know. He had to call in help because he was losing his narrative and people were upvoting me instead of him.

Good job, white-knight-for-dick!

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Does it make you feel better to think there is some conspiracy to attack you?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Looks like you brought all that upon yourself.

Crensch ago

Except it happened for months with be barely responding.

But go ahead and keep pushing that narrative, because it's about the best you idiots have left.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Oh boo hoo. Grow a pair.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Grow a pair.

He is definitely missing something isn't he? Could you weld him a pair on and see how it works?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

If only it were that easy.

Crensch ago

  • and that it's totally not niggerish to spit on a man when he's already down and you're in a pack of other niggers.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

How many people have you & your friends kicked when they were down?

Crensch ago

Neither me nor any of my friends have attacked the victim of a pedophile threatening to rape and murder their kids. We certainly didn't help facilitate their doxxing, either.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're lost. You're sense of justice is misplaced. You're running through a forest at night not realizing that there be cliffs.

Crensch ago

You're lost. You're sense of justice is misplaced. You're running through a forest at night not realizing that there be cliffs.

So your sense of justice suggests that attacking the victim of a raging online pedophile because you just don't like her is moral? Justified? Righteous?

Your buddies lost their ass today. Multiple vectors of attack they've been using have been completely shut down.