VoatContainmentGuard ago

I never tried to erase anything.

Crensch ago

And yet, those comments are deleted. Meaning you did. trying to scrub your history so you look like a reasonable username instead of created specifically to attack me.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm too low IQ to understand. I'm just a destroyer, I guess. @PuttItOut

virge ago

Like most accounts with this particular posting habits, even the recently re-activated sguevar, they're all probably mostly kevdude.

Crensch ago

That would not surprise me at all.

virge ago

I envy that dudes free time.

Crensch ago

And beyond that, how much do you have to pay someone to have them say Gothamgirl is pretty? Honestly. When that pic comes up I have to keep swallowing because I worry I'll vomit if I don't.

virge ago

I give absolutely zero value to any photo on the internet. If I don't meet someone in person, I don't care what they allegedly look like.

Crensch ago

Eh, that's fine and all, but no amount of anything will make that mug any more palatable.

Crensch ago

That is a massive amount of free time and drive to be an absolute sack of shit.

virge ago

Imagine how bored you'd be if you were a handicapped autistic drooling mouth-breather on disability.

Crensch ago

Good point.

m_1 ago

Do you play Murderball?