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SpecterPelt ago

what am I looking at here, can someone give me a quick description?

VoatsNewfag ago

Qanons dismiss any criticism by claiming that no one would ever criticize them if they weren't close to the truth. ("You're only taking flak when you're over the target"). It's almost Kafkaesque - You agree with them - they're right. You disagree - they're right.

They don't just use this catchphrase in comments but in submissions they frequently upvote to the front. Most recently this one.. Not even 24 hours old.

I decided to collect some of them all from 2018 to show they claimed this last year all around. Just as they did this year (like the one I just linked). And they will try to claim this next year at least unless we start reminding them of their past and ridicule them for it.

If you want to know how credible their beliefs are check out this thread. it's 1.1 years old. It was made by a former moderator of their subverse. Got a decent amount upvotes for voat. It's claiming "Something big is about to happen" and "Are you ready to see arrests?".

Because what QAnons believe is that Patriots took over the deep state and will SOON, VERY SOON start mass arresting politicians or release videos of those politicians committing pedophile and cannibalistic crimes. Last year many of them also believed that the military started executing politicians starting with McCain. In short, the government is corrupt. But don't worry, the government is about to fix itself from within and I need you trust into this. Trust the plan.

If you want to check some of these threads out yourself here:

SpecterPelt ago

Anyone who possesses the ability to think critically would never even give the Q movement any serious thought once they spend even an hour researching it as I did. The proofs are laughable and every single one of them that I investigated I was able to prove false. Some where blatant manipulations of tweets and the time stamps on them. The thing is whoever is doing it knows they can do this kind of thing and no one will bother to actually research it. I found several altered tweets right on the Qmap proofs page and it took me all of one or two minutes to find that they had things changed on them from the original tweets. I wish it were real but the whole thing is just so silly I find it so hard to believe that people so passionately believe it.

VoatsNewfag ago

Agreed. So far I never much argued with them since I thought it would solve on It's own and they want similar things: fix a corrupt government and punish pedophile elites (Epstein I think shows there is some merit to these claims).

But instead they make up most of the frontpage and their arguments to defend Q reached a point I find intolerable. New age esoteric including but not limited to timetravel or changing the past if you believe strongly enough. At this point I no longer care if they're "on the same side".