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jewd_law ago

This is virge 2.0 - same jewish tricks:

Delacourt ago

Remember when you lied yesterday, saying that I would ask for money in these threads?

I am going to keep posting these threads, and I will never ever ask for money or any donation or compensation for doing so. That is my promise.

And I will post this link every time you post slander on one of my threads. The more you slander me, the more I will post it to expose you as a liar and false accuser who should not be trusted.

jewd_law ago

I"m not a liar for saying that jew boy, I am pointing out that's what Virge did and you are doing the EXACTLY the same shilling they did with the same titles and speech mannerisms. You are working for an agency and you've been exposed. No level of pilpul jew tricks will negate that. Go ahead and postulate your falacious arguments - ultimatly the good Voaters on here know me and can judge us by our deeds and history. I think it's time for your coffee and bagel break at the Fusion Center.