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Broc_Lia ago

Is this normal-sounding family-man comment about kayaking in Mulberry River supposed to be satire? It's posted in /v/SoapboxBanhammer.

Kinda stopped reading there tbh. Anyone posting in a soapbox sub is bound to be bullshit.

Crensch ago

Some good goats post in those subs. This place is pretty serious a lot of the time, and shitposting is how many let off some steam.

I used to think the same way, once upon a time, but I found some really good folks that just really enjoy shitposting.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm not saying shitposting should not be tolerated, just wondering why we should take anything a shitposting account says seriously.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What's a "shitposting account"?

I have posted on soapdox. I also tell people to build guns and give DIY instructions. Those guns actually work. No shitposting.

u/Empress posts in soapdox. She also runs v/TraditionalWives. Is that entire sub BS or does it give actual useful advice?

Broc_Lia ago

If an account is only used for shitposting and taking the piss then it's probably not worth worrying about.

Sorry for branding you all with the same iron:

Anyone posting in a soapbox sub is bound to be bullshit.

That might have been too harsh.

Vindicator ago

Yes. I actually think one of the reasons the Zb shill persona exists is specifically to smear SBBH. I don't participate there, but I know many who do and they are among the best goats on Voat. What I've observed is that the farting around, hilarity and hazing that goes on there builds a bond between them -- like siblings horsing around, or a football team snapping each others asses with towels in the locker room.

That camaraderie brings a resilience to Voat that the enemies of free speech can only envy and abhor. It's no surprise that the same people who badmouth Voat are constantly targeting SBBH.

Broc_Lia ago

Why would anyone care about a shitposting sub's reputation though?

And if it's really a problem, just ban them.

Vindicator ago

Well, the way I see this come through v/pizzagate works like this:

  • Shill reeeees about SBBH being a gang of brigaders
  • Shill uses sock to post on SBBH to establish 'membership' there
  • Shill uses same "SBBH" sock to hijack pizzagate research submissions' Comment discussions with off topic "racist" "antisemite" and other comments designed to offend the Christian do-gooder subscriber base so he gets everyone's attention and makes SBBH into a Boogeyman
  • Shill then uses the original anti-SBBH account (rPV denizens come to mind) to attack the pizzagate mod team as part of the evil "SBBH" brigaders whenever content is legitimately removed for violating submission rules

This little operation has been played repeatedly for the past two years -- which is why I don't participate in SBBH. I try to avoid giving shills ammo to use against me as much as I can. They've been trying to get people to leave v/pizzagate for years, now, claiming mods are compromised. :-) But we've added almost 6,000 subscribers over the past year, so that's a fail.

SearchVoatBot ago

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

specifically to smear SBBH

Wow. This is a disturbing possibility.

It's no surprise that the same people who badmouth Voat are constantly targeting SBBH.

Many people don't get SBBH, but the truth is anybody is welcome to post. The more you post, the more you get to know everybody. It's something that can't be faked like in more superficial subs. You can't just post something about niggers or fat people. There's no specific topic, so the only way to earn respect is by joining in and spending time. Like you said, building camaraderie.

Vindicator ago

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. 9-11 attempts to use Zb's behavior to smear and discredit Peaceseeker.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah... He does make things difficult....

Vindicator ago


ExpertShitposter ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago


ExpertShitposter ago
