Part 2
There has been a force on this website that has operated with near impunity for years. This force engages in harassment, threats, doxxing, character assassination, spamming, sliding, lying, porn-posting, bestiality-posting, loli-posting, and all manner of nigger and Jew-tier antics.
Why is Zyklon_b untouchable? Who is the biggest Jew on Voat? What is his real purpose? Why does nearly everyone hate him? Are those that associate with him suspect?
First, we need to know some things about @Zyklon_b:
He deletes commentsPNGPNG, effectively gaslighting anyone that wants to look into him. This practice makes posts like this one less likely to happen. He also erases them on, which means he knows very well what he's doing, and what it will accomplish.
He spams low-effort, nigger-tier content so much that his available comment history goes back only barely 4 days. 475 comments consisting of "1990", ebonics, veiled threats, and "trufe". One could build a bot to post 99% of what he posts; it's not content, it's spam.
He created his own License to JewPNGPNG™ that he uses as a get-out-of-consequences-free card. You can tell it works because thisPNGPNG is what he originally said in that link. What more could a Jew want? It's like having "berg" in your name when you want to suck mutilated baby penis. Zyklon has said worse. He's doxxed. We'll get to that. Maybe we'll even get to who recognizes and accepts his bullshit license without batting an eye.
He presents exactly zero links to anything that supports his supposed position. No content whatsoever, just obnoxious outbursts that make him a veritable pantomime of a Nazi and KKK member. The notable exception is his recent posting of an imageJPG that has never had a valid source presented for it. That image made its rounds some time ago, and was quite popular, but nobody was able to prove that those words were said. Why, of all things, post an image like that? There's plenty of real evidence of Jew fuckery out there.
Let's get to know @Zyklon_b! (And why everyone hates him!)
States that we are only free by embracing crime and murder. He is never to be taken seriously. Loves to write in niggerspeak like this: "vote is muh kanvas n am an arteest". "Joking" threats to destroy an entire community. "Joking" about cannibalism and butchering others in their houses. More attacks on subverses, suggesting organized spamming. Claiming an alt that posted porn, then claiming it wasn't porn. Alluding to/acknowledging a protection racket where users attacking certain other users will be censored.
Is this normal-sounding family-man comment about kayaking in Mulberry River supposed to be satire? It's posted in /v/SoapboxBanhammer. How about this where he wants to seem less drugged out than he is? Oh, wait, he wants to sell drugs! Notice that deletedPNG comment? You can tell it's the same one by the link in the lower left of the image; mouse over the "comment" link above and you'll see the same numbers. He says he scored a house from his voat personaPNG. Is he a literal shill? I might not think so if he hadn't deletedPNG it. Out of so much of that nest... why that one? Satire? Is it really? You decide.
Says he is pro-first amendment but continually tries to shut down other communities that keep to themselves and want to exercise their first amendment. These two subs. Where he encourages people to post gore and tranny porn Ask yourself, between the Qtards and Zyklon, who is acting like whites, that want to be left alone, and who is acting like a Jew?
He posts a kid-shooting gifGIF after a veiled threat to @shizy's kids. He uses the same gif asking another user if he wants to "go hunting". Did he go to jail, and have his drugs confiscated, or is it all just satire? Did he really lose his other pocket sword when he went to jail a few weeks ago? Is it satire when the guy brags about being a legend for robbing and stabbing people in one of the few nests he seems to actually talk about himself? Is that the kind of guy you want to have doxxing or threatening you?
He got mad at his fiancee and threatened to dox her HALF NIGGER son's name, address, school, and pic. The next day he posted her address WHILE PINGING THE KNOWN PEDOS OF VOAT. Posts the kid's name and saying that he's being fed bugs. Satire? Maybe.
The morally bankrupt individual states, "is the lack of control over life choices and my inability not to prey upon weaker ppl is what caused me most issues". Satire? I wonder who he satirically stabbed? Or otherwise took advantage of? Speaking of morally bankrupt, he's too much of a fuckbag to give up drugs so he can see his daughter. Here he mentions again how he won't get to see his daughter and how it affects him but he wants his pills too bad. Hell, he says he was in jail for the first year of his daughter's life, and given what you've seen of him, how AWFUL does it sound that his nephew was GIVEN to him?
WHEW! That was a lot of either Jewish or Niggerish bullshit, wasn't it? Was it ONE link of him being semi-serious that wasn't about him being a druggy or degenerate or criminal or doxxer? I believe the ratio is far worse for anyone digging through his comments. I had to LOOK for that one. Is it REALLY all satire? Art? If not, can anyone find a way to delineate what we are supposed to think is real or not? What should we default to if no real way to tell is presented?
Part 2
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huyhanh11 ago
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