Creggieb ago

They are jokes. Some are even pun basedm Jokes are different than hate. This post reeks of virtue signaling. Keep up your war against toxic masculinity

hafen ago

They are jokes.

Being referred to here is intention behind the joke. That it could either be petty hated for sex differences, or shilling on Voat.

This post reeks of virtue signaling.

You have no clue what that phrase means. Arguments were made that such posts reek of ulterior motives, and that being a socially corrosive degenerate wrecks nations. "Hur durr we're different" is exactly what I'd expect of a shill, or retard that expects women to be more like men. As I said, there's a real concerted effort being made to divide the sexes, and schoolyard 'shit-posting' like this is only excusable in so many ways...

What's next? Are some gonna joke about babies for being weak when they leave the womb?

Modern feminism has caused women to resent biological differences, and the last thing we need is that stoked.

“We cannot ask ourselves whether ‘woman’ is superior or inferior to ‘man’ any more than we can ask ourselves whether water is superior or inferior to fire … There can be no doubt that a woman who is perfectly woman is superior to a man who is imperfectly man, just as a farmer who is faithful to his land and performs his work perfectly is superior to a king who cannot do his own work.” - Julius Evola

It could be exactly what some here want though...

TeddyJackson ago

Yet another shill Alpha user. More than a coincidence now. So many Alpha users support MSM, jews, feminism.

Starts with insult, and defending modern feminism.

Just like "Moderation Logs", this site could use "User vote logs" that show who's voted and how.

The user is literally a fascist who wants to stop "wrong-think".

LibCucks ago

It's important to shame behavior that is shameful.

The "Girls are Stupid" post is petty and pandering to incels, but the others poke fun at some tendencies that should be mocked.

Women have no business being in the armed special forces.

Women do hyper exaggerate their lives slightest inconvenience and can't even visualize actual hardship that is reality for many men.

Women should be slut shamed for riding tho cock carosel throughout her 20s and 30s then wonder why "good" men are scarce. (They already got married and started a family, like she should have)

SteaksUSA ago

It's called taking the red pill. Ever hear of hypergamy?-Debt-free virgins are a meme and pretty much don't exist. Get your head out of the sand.


Takes effort to find them, but worth it once you do. Don't be a Negative Nancy.

Crikes ago

They want us divided. Some of us are stupid enough to fall for it.

Damnpasswords ago

The fishy cunt containment thread

Arms_Dealer ago

Remember "White Sharia"?

weev remembers.....

Ken_bingo2 ago

It was over the top, but the point was just to promote patriarchy which is responsible for civilization. Weev is a kike faggot, but that DS shit wasn't far off the mark. It was just stated in a retarded manner, as is their trademark.

wakkablam ago

Operations designed to paint the voat userbase as misogynistic incels?

Javik2186 ago

Just incels trying to brainwash us Goats into their brainless way of thinking by refusing to name the jew. Incels of consider the jews as incels too by giving them names such as Hewbrewcels and Jewcels.

Mike123 ago

If it bothers you go back to Reddit, faggot.

hafen ago

Reddit may actually be more in order for some of you. Resenting sex differences and the divine feminine/masculine is more of their shtick. Voat instead loves it's women.

Peddle socially corrosive BS meanwhile, and it may be referred to as such.

"If it bothers you go back to Reddit, faggot."

bourbonexpert ago

Haven’t noticed

forget-me-not ago

Because muh blackpill. Just to discourage other men from building healthy relationships and families. Why? Personal bitterness, maybe.

lexsird ago

OP is a white knight faggot or whining cunt.

Le_Squish ago

Just incels. They don't realize hanging around sluts hoping for easy lays chases away the debt-free virgins.

CameraCode ago

Mocking and belittling people isn't an effective way to change people. They are simply lashing out because of the Gillette commercial, directing it at women instead of Jews. There will always be people that improperly deal with anger, but we can't let division lead to even more division by amplifying it.

22trilionAsecond ago

incels should asked themselves what type of women they want to attract. Then what would attract that type of women.

chances are they will see that they are not what their ideal women wants.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


yewotm8 ago

That's a big false. If you're cheating on her sure, but a woman isn't gonna give a fuck if you've banged your share of sluts.


You are out of touch with females. I'm a virgin. When I first began dating men with a long list of sexual partners was a big turn off for me.

I quickly learned that I respect men with self restraint and standards. It's one of the reasons I am so attracted to my current boyfriend.

Gonna snatch that man up for marriage as long as he's open to being more redpilled by me.

Le_Squish ago

Debt-free virgins don't go for whoremongers.

hafen ago

They don't realize hanging around sluts hoping for easy lays chases away the debt-free virgins.

That's an excellent point.

If/when "incels" come into the equation though, I don't suspect it's ever "just" them. That term became popular due to a movement/dynamic that I suspect was artificially created. The social engineers must also be accounted for.

The right-wing resentful incel stereotype is just a little too convenient.

Justwhiteofcenter ago

The incel term has been around for a long time in one form or another.

Eualos ago

Maybe people are having relationship issues and feelings bitter or they're pissed of that the decisions women are making are making society worse.

Pintac ago

Sounds about right.

Mumbleberry ago

Did reddit ban another incel sub?

hafen ago

Maybe it is a coincidence....

All I know is that there's a real concerted effort being made to divide the sexes, and schoolyard 'shit-posting' like this is only excusable in so many ways... Some are attempting to blackpill whites as opposed to redpilling/whitepilling them as to their women.

I'm thinking of the anti-white (((natbols))) in particular who wish to deconstruct the nuclear family in order to destroy the west, and promote asian/white racemixing. The symbiosis of the nuclear family is feared.

fightknightHERO ago

whoa, that meme is so fucking JEWISH i can already smell the Matzos from here

MrDarkWater ago

A day after the toxic shave we all had yesterday.

This does smell rather jewish

Charlez6 ago

Great image, thankyou. It's tempting to be down on them sometimes, especially being a single man.

But we need to remember that White women are our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. And they're hurting far more even than us.

The difference is one chromosome. There is a 50% chance that any of us could have been a White woman, and 50% chance that any of them could have been a White man. We're not that different. We are the same people. Of course with very different roles and responsibilities, but ultimately one people.

It frustrates me to no end seeing how much effort is invested in dividing us by gender. I want to tell White women that they can be proud of the achievements of White men because they are us. I want to tell White men to show empathy and respect for White women because they are us. Don't hate within.