Intrixina ago


That's what I was thinking the whole time, hahahaha.

theworldburns ago

this is clearly an NPC.

boekanier ago

Wow, this IS stupid!

SearchVoatBot ago

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JimSoddell ago

She saw him doing it a sensible, rational and easy way and decided she was going to do it a way that made no sense and that she had to be rescued from.

Looks like he helped her without comment. I have no doubt based on his previous experience with her he knew that if he said anything helpful like "it's easier to go under" she would have been in a sulking snit for days about him mansplaining.

TurquoiseLover ago

How do you know it's a girl?

Men13 ago


IGiveZeroFucks ago

Can confirm. Live on planet earth and deal with women daily. They are stupid.

Wonder_Boy ago

Could have just titled it "girls"

UnknownAlias365 ago

All female coworkers of mine are retarded, and most are lazy as well. There's always a major difference in work done when there is one male working before me vs one female. Every time she is scheduled, seems like literally half of everything got done, often times a few things weren't even touched, whereas the guy gets 100% of it done nearly every day.

Women are useless.

Gorillion ago

"Imagine the barrier is Chad!"

instantly drops to her knees.

Suzyboots ago

What's the big deal?? Men under women on top.

bambou1991 ago

Gotta train those biceps somehow!

CowWithBeef ago

There's a camera running because this is intentional comedy.

JimSoddell ago

It's probably the normal motion activated security cam they have for road gates. People smash through these. The camera gets their license plate.

prairie ago

A normal motion-activated handheld security camera with instant zoom?

Doglegwarrior ago

That physicaly hurt to watch the level of stupid. So are girls dumber or blacks after seeing that video it might bebdebatable.

99887766 ago

Very good illustration, I could also see most black people doing that.

Derpfroot ago

...and he goes back to help, this ensuring that she will never learn from her mistakes.

cinewhale ago

It's common sense ...

Firevine ago

Oh god, she doubled down on the stupid

thelma ago

Look at that toxic masculinity !


Maybe she was just really fatigued from riding the race due to the fact that women have less physical stamina than men do.

SocksOnCats ago

Wow. That’s actually an amazing amount of stupid.

Neverthink ago

What a disgrace to the gender

KVD ago

She's just doing what she's used to doing - climbing on top of poles.

TheTrigger ago


Orfion ago

...and the man helped her out.

Omnidempotent ago

Who the fuck was recording this?

SushiMasa ago

It's a fake

fartyshorts ago

Sounds like they are speaking Thai.

RivertothePeople22 ago

I mean she got over

ToFat2Fish ago

"when they go low, we go high" - tranny gorilla

VoatMikeNolan ago

Guy goes under 'cause he doesn't have to prove himself.

Crinkus ago

I think the video is gay and cherry picking but is she really not able to lift the bike over her head? Like it's not that heavy.

hafen ago

I think the video is gay

Moreover this post is fairly Jewy. There's a real concerted effort being made to divide the sexes, and schoolyard 'shit-posting' like this is only excusable in so many ways...

My-Name-is-Mud ago

<30 lbs. Just an awkward shape.

Phantom42 ago

One would be amazed at how hard it is to lift something light that provides no grip, handle, etc....

TheTrigger ago

The heaviness of something is subjective, and inversely proportional to the amount of soy in your diet. Congratulations: you pass the estrogen test.

Crinkus ago

...I would have no problem doing what she just did, my bike is even a "heavy" mountain bike

Sometimesineedhelp ago

This can't be real: 1) why was anyone filming, & 2) someone this challenged can't possibly ride without training wheels

huhWHAThuh ago

I see them doing things more stupid than this all the time. It normally comes and goes before i could get out the phone to tape it, and i really don't care to cause everybody sees it regularly and i don't post vids anyway.

eongoat ago

could of just walked around it

satisfyinghump ago

I'm convinced the ONLY reason her brain didnt even THINK about the option to go under, was because this girl has been brainwashed to go OVER all walks and challenges "just like guys do!!!", when in fact most men will go under a barrier if it's easier and just go on with their challenge/day!

Broc_Lia ago

Or because she's tired from riding and wasn't paying attention.

6gorillion ago

Do you do that? You get tired so you just stop paying attention to life and surroundings?

wild_injun ago

That is yet another reason women do not belong in combat.

Broc_Lia ago

Have you never played a sport while fatigued and made mistakes?


If you've never put the milk away in the cabinet before then you're not pushing yourself hard enough.

6gorillion ago

I'll give you that one but this is a way different level than that. Someone else didn't put the milk away right beside me when I put the milk in the cupboard and the cereal on the fridge.

Quasarback ago

She has an emotional reason to go over "just like guys do", while most men are rational and practical by going under. The fact that the man returns to help shows what gender roles have been like for millennia.

con77 ago

and weak. nice ass though

YoHomie ago

It's spooky how alike you and I think sometimes.

con77 ago

Soldiers of Odin!

WesternCarnival ago

And boys have a penis

fuckingmockies ago


Xekoroth ago

Nothing says M'am like threatening to kick someone's ass in an alley beside the store.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Take it outside if you want to call me Sir!

denirodepedo ago


MassTooter ago

Literally "gender-fluid"

denirodepedo ago

Did you just assume his/her/its/xe/xer/etc.etc. genders? omg.

Reverse-Flash ago

Step outside and we'll settle this like ladies!

137 ago

Freemartins have a penis and theyre women

immatureusername ago

Would that not make them a man? Penis dictates male soooo...... Youre fucking gay.

137 ago

Skulls and bones determine gender. Intersex disorders are a thing that change genitals but the skulls and bones always tell true sex.

immatureusername ago

Cannot argue that. :)

Maroonsaint ago

Send me a picture of your penis

Sosacms ago

Even had an example to copy....

WakkoWarner ago

She is a strong, independent, whatever woman... she doesn't need any pig-male to show her how to properly and easily do something. Also, stop assuming her gender.