goldnsilver ago

that's is not a very smart move! I guess she wanted a teeth redo.

elitch2 ago

Is there video of this?

Niggertown ago

They should have a weak men versus strong women fighting league.

collin6173 ago

Why does it say "female S.A.S."? Are you telling me that women can join and actually complete the British special forces training?

wokeasfook ago

More info? Was the guy trained SAS too. Or was he a stoner drunk who had just slinked off the couch. Either way she gets murdered but just curious. She may have list to a guy that can also beat most guys.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

No mention of the equal right... and lefts comment?
I am disappoint.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Bigbensbathroomstall ago

I wrestle with my woman every so often. It's sort of comparable to how a lion humors its cub in play fights to encourage it to learn and grow. The woman is going 110% thinking she's got me on my back and I just don't have the heart to tell her I could put her on her ass in a split second, let alone actually do it. Thing is, shes a pretty tough gal too. Puts up some serious weight in the gym. But there's something about a womans physique that just makes it so easy to manipulate. Shes probably 10% body fat with great muscle tone and it still feels like shes breakable. So soft

recon_johnny ago

She wanted to fight a man.

How fucking stupid could that bitch be? Did she think she actually had a shot? Did she not know how much stronger men are than women?

Did she have any training at all, or just went at it trying to slap the guy?

Blue333 ago

As a woman, I will never understand these women who feel the need to "prove" themselves against men? What the hell is the point? Can't we just co-exist peacefully? What are they trying to prove? Obviously some jacked dude will be able to beat the living hell out of you - isn't that obvious? Obviously men are stronger, like probably 99% of the time. What the hell is this need about? I just don't get it.

Oh - and full article is here where you CAN see her getting hit: Full article

Saturday405 ago

Thanks for the link -- to an actual article -- which OP should have posted but didn't due to mental retardation.

goytoynamedtroy ago

As a woman

Seek attention somewhere else.

Blue333 ago

Stop projecting.

goytoynamedtroy ago

Leave the internet.

Jewed ago

Women should be pro 2nd amendment in far greater numbers than men, but then women don't have the same tenacity towards thinking with logic instead of feels that men have.

Quasarback ago

That'll show the patriarchy!

Crackrocknigga ago

We need more of this. Have feminists work as a plumber's apprentice for a week. Send them to a one week boot camp where they get yelled at and hit like the Vietnam era guys did. Put a feminist on an Alaskan crab fishing boat for a week. Equipment operator at a landfill.

They'll shut up and realize how unequal they really are after those life experiences.

blargh55 ago

Deadliest catch actually did have a woman on one of the crew for a season. I dont remember right now but i think she did ok

Jewed ago

Equipment operator at a landfill

That's a cushy job. They have nice air-conditioned cabs and beautiful new machines where I live. If you're concerned about the smell of garbage there are battery powered gas masks that completely eliminate odors and take no effort to breath.

Crackrocknigga ago

Not bad for us men but women can barely keep a Prius on the road they'd struggle to handle a trackhoe

phillyjoe ago

there are battery powered gas masks that completely eliminate odors and take no effort to breath.

Please tell me more! N95 masks are such a fucking pain the ass, but you know, I don't want to die.

phillyjoe ago

sweet! I know what I'm buying in the spring!

I don't care if I look like a fucking retard, I'm tired of having my googles fog up, and feel like I'm fucking drowning when cutting fiberglass.

JohnOneill ago

It is removed now

Mikel777 ago


NosebergShekelman ago

That hook nose will never be the same

Feces_the_clown ago

Now she can whine and cry about how she's traumatized and sign a book deal for a couple of million. Women have it way, way, harder than men...

Steinmacher ago

Hope she learned something from that beating...

Like, get in the kitchen.

andrew_white_forever ago

In the end, she just wanted to be hit-- and she had to go this far to get put in her place. We should've done better goats.

andrew_jackson ago

Wish more people understood that what we're seeing with this slut is a combination of virtue-signaling, attention-grabbing and sexual masochism. It's a total win from her perspective.

carlip ago

Just you know faggot. You should switch your terms and use > to be proper.

Korinthian ago

Its very telling just how many women actually believe they are equals of men in every way. Disparity is the entire goddamn reason our species has men and women in the first place. Men do men things. Women do women things. Neither is superior, but theyre sure as fuck not equal. May as well say your left hand is equal to your right.

drozzxd ago

If neither gender is superior it is impossible that they aren't equal.

IDintDuNuthin2 ago

Shovels are superior at digging holes over buckets. Buckets are superior at transporting water over shovels. BOTH ARE EQUAL THOUGH.

drozzxd ago

That's nice. Men are far superior to women in every aspect.

IDintDuNuthin2 ago

Except baby making and nurturing. There is also a case that women have comparable reaction times to men. Otherwise 99.99% of the time Men have the edge I agree.

If women were indeed inferior beings, wouldn't the world have more total men than total women? Were about equal in size population wise...

drozzxd ago

Artificial wombs will become a thing in the future. That is literally the only thing they have going for them now, we need their wombs to make more men. We coddle them because they're children and they can't defend themselves, hence the white knight culture. If men weren't protecting them by default, they would be strictly used for breeding and there wouldn't be as many of them.

IDintDuNuthin2 ago

Damn eggs though, them are special. Women need to return to the old days, knowing their place, scavengers on the gills of sharks; harmony.

16148650? ago

That grammar! Lol where did you go to school? In the ghetto?

drozzxd ago

Kill yourself

16163041? ago

You first you illiterate retard.

drozzxd ago

Play in traffic cunt

16163123? ago

It is very fun, I highly suggest it.

Read a book while you're at it.

drozzxd ago

Sure, as soon as you point out how my grammar was incorrect and thus implies I'm a nigger. I'll wait.

16163280? ago

The two negatives negate each other - "neither" and the "not".

Also, you illiterate moron, I asked if you went to school in the ghetto which doesn't necessarily mean you are a nigger or that I was calling you one. You sure do act like a nigger, though.

drozzxd ago

Is that it? Really? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

pardon me

ha ha ha ha


16163366? ago

Yup, you are an emotional retard of a nigger. You poor thing.

drozzxd ago

I hope you sent that from the middle of the street.

anoncastillo ago

There's more than one kind of inequality. Are apples and oranges equal because neither is objectively superior to the other? No. They are different in ways that may make them preferable for certain things or to certain people, but not objectively better or worse.

AinzOown ago

They're superior at different things. One is better at making babies or whatever, the other is better at lifting heavy objects.

Korinthian ago

Women work in the areas relating to life. Homemaking, babies, food preparation, everything you need to sustain life.

Men work in fields relating to death. You need something killed, send a man. You need someone killed, send a man. You need to send someone to die, send a man. Men hunt, and war, and work, men die gladly to ensure women can live and sustain life.

Women abandoned their duties long ago, and we have been coasting off the labor of men that either havent realized this or are in denial towards the fact.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Insane mental gymnastic liberal logic here.

Downvoted, faggot.

BumFightChamp ago

"But my 370Z isn't the same as my Ram 2500 so one HAS to be superior!!!"

Lafall ago

Difference of sex - they can choose, pop a sprog can be almost 100 percent sure it is them, can you?

drozzxd ago

You failed in math didn't you

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

In what way is ANY of this math?

Room temp IQ confirmed for you, nigger.

Only liberals, like yourself, deal in absolutes.

You're looking as this as

A < B = False B < A = False Therefore, A = B

If so, you're a fucking idiot.

drozzxd ago

You're obviously a little bitch from reddit so I'll just let you figure it out on your own

CameraCode ago

Noted as shill.

slwsnowman40 ago

No, you pulled some seriously impressive mental gymnastics.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Way to ignore my refutation and slink back into the shadows, you JIDF piece of shit. Can't wait until the world wakes up to this type of bullshit and ignorance, says "NO MORE STUPID PEOPLE" and savagely murders dumb motherfuckers like you en masse.

drozzxd ago

If neither a man or a woman is superior they are both equally useless. Men are superior. JIDF laugh, is this how you dumb niggers act when you disagree with people now? I beg you to start murdering people that you disagree with.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

What you just did is, by definition, incitement to violence. You directly asked me to start murdering people.

THAT is against the law, you dumb fucking moron.

You have been reported to the authorities, you raging fucking faggot.

drozzxd ago

Such a child.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Yeah, it's almost like it's impossible to create new accounts whenever you want...

You evil fucking Jew.

fuckinghell ago

God damn you're retarded.

ArbeitMachtPepe ago

Mein sides

AhnuldDwight ago

Nah, pre-puberty girls >

kevo7777 ago

Yes officer, this comment right above me

uvulectomy ago

Member for less than 90 minutes, already trying to post some pedo shit.


Korinthian ago

Kristallnacht soon, CTR.

jollux ago

Not clicking that, whatever that is

Korinthian ago

Its pedo shit. Hes going to tell you its not, and try to pilpul you into thinking hes technically correct, but its pedo shit.

AhnuldDwight ago

just an almbum of a hebe magazine model, relax

Korinthian ago

Your entire country is going to be turned into an oven, heeb.

Jehoshaphat ago

I applaud the effort. At least she put up. Most people who make such claims slink away when time comes for proving.

Tiptop88 ago

Dude. She actually thought she could win. That’s a huge fail on society.

badruns ago

Hope it wasn't her first time in the ring with a dude... While stupid of her, still commendable in its own way.

Charilko ago

Nothing like being thrown into a wall and choked by a man to illustrate to you just how unequal we really are physically.

Its_over_9000 ago

I was gonna say the same thing. As a fighter she probably knew what she was getting into. Takes a lot of courage to fight somebody you know will kick your ass. (assuming I'm right and she knew that)

anoncastillo ago

If she's this tough she'll produce quality sons.

Provided she doesn't get killed trying to prove how tough she can be.

andrew_jackson ago

Naw, she's just in the way of progress.

Lafall ago

yeah let's examine caveman all makes sense and its simple biology and physics, women's chest hold tits they feed new humans when women pop out babies, the guy throws a punch, swings a sword, chucks a spear while the female sex feeds the child...i suppose if you were alien first time on earth? an amazing thing and they in a way should be respected for this nurture....the plus side for women sex is that every child she pops out is probably 100% her DNA the man however has to trust the woman has never cheated and trust the fertility clinic and hospital... Women can be respected, however typically throw like a retarded handi cap no aim, no power no sense of direction, no muscle. A man is simply physically superior to a woman, she has to try grapple and the woman throw kicks to try close the gap, what else? there is a rumor floating around some species of women can take more pain due to hormone genetics, but that does not make them stonger, they simply take more damage. Sexes are different not equals.

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

Im afraid in grappling it will be just as bad provided the man has some technical abilities

Justwanttovoat ago

Absolutely true, men are much more equipped for physical activity like a provider role while women are more equipped for a nurture role. Almost like nature evolved to compliment each other. Wow! How fucking genius! Huh!

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Well, they really couldn't "evolve" to complement each other.

Justwanttovoat ago


The_Raven ago

Women can be respected, however typically throw like a retarded handi cap no aim, no power no sense of direction, no muscle.

While men are typically stronger than women, you shouldn't go so far as to say that women can't fight at all. Have you ever read about Spartan women?

women were encouraged to be physically strong in order to bear many children. The act was revered so dearly that women who died in childbirth would receive the same honours as soldiers who died in battle. Women were free to refuse a suitor if she could fight him off

Lafall ago

We all pass along the planet as dust passed,it will all dry and roll by flesh, earth and poetic confusion.....the only people who should get gravestones are farmers who feed their nation, feed the economy in drought famine, 2nd stone is for women who died in child birth honor them with a statues and family name, 3rd stone also militia who fight rebel, cops, patriots, home guard and solider who died in time of war give them a stone...everyone else just passes by

mattsixteen24 ago

I wouldn't applaud stupidity.

TestForScience ago

Stupidity and bravery are usually interchangeable.

RoundWheel ago


TestForScience ago

Bravery; when the odds are against you. Stupidity; when the odds are against you.

Trash_Panda ago

It's not something to be applauded. Those are the most dillusional ones who actually believe the bullshit, often found going to Muslim countries for hugs and kisses or inviting "12 year old" refugee men with beards to live in their homes with their daughter.

recon_johnny ago

Let the bitches come. I have my grill out and ready to cook some ass.

freedumbz ago

And with that she went back to the kitchen and never said a word again... I hope

Lafall ago

i dunno fuck feminsts but i always see something, a woman who fought with guys is worth while....not always but some times, had to scrap twice as hard maybe, got her ass kicked but knows how it works, probably has a sense of realism

Pintac ago

I don't know what she expected. She got her reality adjusted correctly.

Morbo ago

And permanently to boot.