golgotham ago

oh, pizza, have a heart - these are WOUNDED veterans! :-)

massconception ago

I had some number at one point in time, and now I have zero. Sorry but I don't think this system is very useful.

Dsonophorus ago

Shills got me to -6. Voat needs to get a handle on this. It is hurting voat.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Time to contact admins about checking the voting history, and banning the shills.

Doc_Holiday ago

There's a Twitter user with a verified account calling on people to join VOAT to "down vote nuke" the good info on here. Any ideas on how to counter this?? Please excuse me if this is the wrong place to ask this

Cuckbot ago


RedPowerRanger ago

I haven't yet been able to break 100 points to downVoat, but I've noticed that every time I get up near 50s, I get downvoated back down to 30s again.

TaveuniThunder ago

Yeah, my benign Pizzagate subverse comments were downvoated but not my other Voat comments.

Just helping to confirm the shilling. I'm a lost cause at -11.

Maybe Voat is invite only so they can track who is daisy-chaining accounts together. Seems like something is up.

VieBleu ago

makes me smile.

VieBleu ago

you just did.

charmeuse ago

You folks who got downvoated by the frantic shills - whatever you were looking at must have been right on target.

followthemoney ago

@Crensch @kingkongwaswrong

i strongly suspect the interaction between user webofslime owner of subverse webofslime and user sanegoatiswear owner of subverse clintongate the preceded the downvote storm is directly related

webofslime shared a spreadsheet of news aggregation related to pizzagate and the clinton foundation that user sanegoatiswear took exception to and became hostile

sangoatiswear is already under scrutiny from other users for using multiple accounts to upvote his own posts

given sanegoatiswear's emotional reaction to aggregating news articles i would say it is safe to assume that he is a shill and seeks to disrupt the progress of the investigation

TheUltimateDebate ago

I ask myself, if PizzaGate is just "Fake News" as they try to propagate, then WHY all this coordinated activity to destroy our communities and the people involved with them? Mhmm.... :-/

Aysemari ago

I posted this link, they talk about the underground tunnels and if you forward to 6.35 you can hear mention tiles. It reminded of the disturbing artwork https://youtu.be/LRcXOSh3S1E https://www.google.com/search?q=disturbing+podesta+artwork&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifqebX_YPRAhWMOSYKHRgECHQQ_AUIBygB&biw=375&bih=559#imgrc=0GsoaGm8kHkAxM%3A

Pwner1775 ago

thank God the shills didn't touch me. anyone need upvoats?

VieBleu ago

I could - went from over 400 (or more can't remember actually) to now 5 so can't vote and for awhile was deep negative so couldn't even comment. cheers.

Pwner1775 ago

upvoated :) you have a TON of SCP's

VieBleu ago

Thanks! yes, I had hundreds of comment points too, but a couple of mods attacked and manipulated my comment points. I wrote about it on the thread. Overall this is a ridiculously hostile environment for us to be working in. Thanks again.

InfiltratingAuditing ago

@sanegoatiswear is purportedly the user orchestrating downvotes

he was mentioned in /v/mods as orchestrating upvotes for himself as well

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the above user @infiltratingauditing is a known alt of @webofslime.

it is purposefully spreading disinformation because:

it posted a google link to v/clintongate which breaks the rules of the sub, and requires deletion.

it got very mad about it, even though i told it it'd be great if it repost the data not on google, or at least an archive of it, and then the awful shit-level link to google within the post at the absolute worst.

it wouldn't delete after 3 hours.

so i deleted it.

it then got ever so mad and called me all sorts of mean names.

now it's telling other people lies about me

instead of doing what everyone else who is human on v/pizzagate is doing: commenting here for upvoats to undo the attack.

webofslime ago

Nobody is going to buy that I am a bot, friend. I don't know what has you so worked up, but collecting news articles isn't that big of a deal.

Can you please just stop using your alts to downvote everyone in Pizzagate?

Stukov ago

Mine has dropped as well.

j_m_d ago

How have you downvoated so many comments? You haven't even made 1 submission and you can downvoat but I still can't? Voat is getting very annoying


My account fell to -26 ccp. I knew the shills were attacking they do it nonstop every day all fucking day.

Thorshamster ago


VieBleu ago

I was just going to write an initial comment of the day, trying to find an honest mod and ask what is the deal with points - they seem to swing wildly. Because of these manipulations I lost all interest in the points per se - they are clearly worthless and subject to mod or other manipulator's temper tantrums. They are also used to "silence" ironically by some who consider themselves big crusaders for free speech here - Crensch and KevDude waged an unreasonable campaign on me because I repeated what mods told us all - call out shills on bigotry, hate speech, violence promotion etc in a post that brought in hundreds of new subscribers who, as idealists thought pretty much the same way. Next couple of days the forum views seemed to be on some sort of lock down and now this. Meanwhile the race baiting bots were discovered. So there's some history of the past couple of days and I'd like to hear others bout what they've witnessed.

I had around 400 comment points about 4 days ago, then overnight while defending myself against "unpresidented" sub deletions with Crensch/KevDud (the liars cited rule 3 when there were three links as just one example) it was at -15, then plummeted to -60s, that day then swung in a few minutes up to +11 then back down to the -60s, now overnight I somehow gained points back to +2.

WTF?, but also ::yaown:: clearly this isn't a stable long term forum.

Seems like a kind of programmed bot down voting. Obviously the forum is ridiculously manipulated and is not reliable. I join others suggesting a migration asap. Upvote if you like but don't hold your points too dearly, they are just a method of control over you. (a fairly lame one, but nonetheless the intent is there). No doubt my points are going to plummet again after this post.

Antonius ago

I must not be important...I rarely get downvoted.

Godwillwin ago

Can we get a list of obvious trolls? What are their usernames?

micha_ ago

Where's the problem? The downvotes occured in a short timespan. So the downvoting accounts can easily be identified, banned and the IPs blocked.

VieBleu ago

That's completely logical, hence, it will never happen here.

Catsfive ago

I'm still trying to get to my +100 that I need (didn't it used to be 40?). I wasn't attacked, though.

Trying to create a professional "FBI profile" of an "Elite pedo" here:


bolus ago

i haven't been able to comment all day - still says i'm commenting too fast. deleting a downvoted comment didn't change my count - this is a test.

if this works, check my history, i've been knocked into oblivion. i was around 90 or so comment points, and hit a low of -128. it started before 10:00p pacific yesterday. by 1:00a mountain I had -2 votes on every comment. by 4:00a central i was at -3 on every comment and stuck at -128. around 8:00a eastern i was back to -2 on every comment, i think they deleted one of the downvoters.

it worked! i promise i'll be a more active up-voter from here out, i was trying to stay as vote-neutral as possible, 'cause i was new, and neutral = probably not a shill, right? i guess that was stupid.

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Could it be an idea to keep track of which content was downvoated? Could give an ides of which information they want suppressed

ProudTruther ago

I'm still not impressive enough target. but i'm hungry for my own down voating

SaneGoatiSwear ago

why are you having trouble understanding me. i'm always very clear, and space out different ideas, so they're all very separate. is that a problem for you? humans don't have that problem. why do you have that problem? you just upvoat yourself with all your alts, phobos!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

in the above comment @millennial_falcon suggests that

because the downvoats go only to a certain point and then SUDDENLY STOP


it's bots

while it may be bots, it does look like it with such even dvs. i note those that dv me in an organized fashion like to spread it unevenly.

so yeah it may have been bots based on the pattern,

but millennial said

because the downvoats go only to a certain point


then suddenly stop


clearly showing he has no idea of the 7 day limit.

so you said

nobody claimed they did

yes, millennial did.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You're right. I wasn't aware of a 7-day limit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

all good bro, knowledge is power! what do you think happened last night?

Millennial_Falcon ago

No clue as of yet. So far, only a few people claim to have been targeted, right? How many confirmed targets do we have? I noticed Phobos had a run-in with Amalek 2 days go. Maybe related?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

also, like i said, you've got 200 upvoats above 0 now. i told you, pizzagate is strong. you'll just upvoat yourself back into the positive, no problem, right?

Atlantean120 ago

I'm at -79, I had the big post about the yoga teacher. Please help me!!!

Atlantean120 ago

I'm at -79, please help!

GermanynamreG ago

Lets make Alantean great again

Atlantean120 ago


TheUltimateDebate ago

How can I check my total downvoat status??

Atlantean120 ago

It's the middle number of the three in the header

TheUltimateDebate ago

Ok, mine's 128. That means that I probably wasn't struck by the downvoating attack, right?

Atlantean120 ago


golgotham ago

The more single-word posts/replies you make, the quicker we can get your numbers back up. :-)

ThorTheWonderful ago

Awesome! lol

Atlantean120 ago

Great! ;)

anonymousgate ago

Still at -129 here.


EDIT: THANK YOU GUYZ <3 I can message again

rodeo13 ago

How do the shills get enough points to be able to downvote? I still can't do any downvoting. This is the only thing I don't like about Voat.

Sentastixc ago

They are trying to attack you, because you don't have a strong connection to the community. If you got the community behind you they can't do shit (like you see now, you will get your voats).

Fact is some of these donwvoted people are arrogant autocrats.

ThorTheWonderful ago

How do I tell all this stuff? I see I was hit too by my 3 lowest rated comments

3 lowest rated comments:

I am glad Trump is President submitted by mediaiscool to whatever ThorTheWonderful -16 points (+13|-29) 22 days ago You're a racist fucking Obama shill! No president in history has ever been worse than Obama!

permalink I am glad Trump is President submitted by mediaiscool to whatever ThorTheWonderful -12 points (+13|-25) 22 days ago Well you better get to Cuba while you still can then commie!!

permalink ANON HACKS PEDO SERVER!! Connects Comet Ping Pong to Austin Pizzaria submitted by Julian55 to pizzagate ThorTheWonderful -1 points (+0|-1) 21 days ago On the other hand, we still have to watch for things hiding in plain sight. If they devise a way to make it look like innocent script, but its not. We have to look carefully at everything before ruling it out!


webofslime ago

I was brought down to a total of -127

wecanhelp ago

I've got your back, your knowledge is important to this investigation. I've spent my 100 upvoats today on bringing you guys back up again, you're at -81 at this moment. I'll use my next 100 exclusively on you so expect to be free from the curse in about 24 hours.

webofslime ago

Much appreciated. Thank you.

wecanhelp ago

I'm glad you didn't need to wait that long. This is a strong community.

wecanhelp ago

Thank you for the work.

GermanynamreG ago

You should make more comments I upvoted them all and still have some left

Freed0mFighter ago

I have upvoted some people here. The ones that seem credible.

GermanynamreG ago

Yes, me too, I wonder what caused the massive action, was it a single post that was dangerous? Or was it generally to corrode us?

Freed0mFighter ago

I'm a quiet dude. =)

sensitive ago

In my most recent post, I offered to do some of the dirty (research) work, but all I've got are 2 downvotes! Why would an offer like that be downvoted???

gopluckyourself ago

Because you offer no description of what it is. It's literally just a clickbait post leading to a random website. How is this relevant to pizzagate?

LockedPost ago

You do make a good point. I didn't want this to be too obtrusive though (and the opening paragraph on the site explains a lot - .

So for anyone who want's to know more before clicking:

Locked Post is a free, anonymous, uncensorable, decentralised and eternal post board. All posts are stored in the unmodifiable Bitcoin Blockchain along with a post verification sequence number (used to easily verify that our web-site displays the same complete data as within the Bitcoin Blockchain). This is relevant to causes such as this, as it provides a platform (backed by millions of millions of dollars) for free-speech in these unstable times.

gopluckyourself ago

cool make a post saying that you found what you think to be a good alternative to voat. And that when it comes time to migrate because it probly will this is the place that you think will be the best for it. Start up pizzagateover there now with summaries and such and you'll have a small crowd. Otherwise this post is not related to pizzagate in the slightest and is just a random link with a clickbait title. edit: there is also a meta concern thread if you would like to post in there.

LockedPost ago

Thanks for your response! I will definitely do this!

redditsuckz ago

Phobos_Mothership has the SAME web background as pizzatrhowaway777 who was a mod here who has AT LEAST 32 accounts...


32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;



The odds of that are astronomical...

Archive of "pizzagate" forum showing previous mods;


WokeHermit ago

So, how are they getting all these accounts passed the probational period? Do they have a private sub where they upvote their own accounts non stop? Some Shill-Circle-Jerk type sub?

Phobos_Mothership ago

would LOVE to find that subverse... lets start looking?

Pwner1775 ago

whats the average of all dislikes? it would be a good idea to narrow sub counts

WokeHermit ago

Holy crap, take my upvotes

samhara ago

I guess it proves we are on the right track! I have three numbers .. the third "total upvotes given" Total up votes seemed to trend down. Overnight.

Freed0mFighter ago

It's my organization process.

Ciscogeek ago

Can @atko comment on this?

Phobos_Mothership ago

Thank you for your opinion, shitlord!

victuruslibertas ago

I just thought this was a mean thread.. :-)

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I was attacked last night and thankfully I'm up to positive 4 now. Thanks so much!!

Phobos_Mothership ago

we are getting through this shit like a community, keep it going everyone

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Upvoating every last comment.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Correction...like family! I truly do love you guys!😄

Sushilover69 ago

Damn. At least you know you're doing something right?

happyme73db ago

My posts were downvoted right away and then I was blocked for 3 days making any comments.

blind_sypher ago

Seems like the tactic of someone who is frightened of whats going on here, not someone whos acting from a position of strength.

Bigglesworth45 ago

I am unclear on how anyone account can down voat a comment more than once. Or did I miss something?

gopluckyourself ago

Probly alts running a script to downvoat every comment/submission a user has made

Phobos_Mothership ago

Not one account, but possibly one person behind many accounts (vote bot accounts which you pay to use)

Millennial_Falcon ago

Seems like bot-controller(s) downvotes a comment, then bots do the same action. It doesn't seem to be individual users, nor does it seem to be bots set to independently downvote a user's comments, because the downvotes go only to a certain point in comment history, then stop suddenly.

EDIT: Nevermind! Apparently, there is a 7-day limit for being able to vote on comments. This explains why the downvotes stop suddenly.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

seriously though i can't believe you two mod a major sub like v/pizzagate when you know fucking nothing about voat.

do a little research.

NO ONE on voat can downvoat comments/posts page 7 days old.

pay attention


@phobos_mothership i literally told you this an hour ago.

are you not listening? why do you fail to respond to comments that are broken up and have many subjects?

GrendelKhan ago

Why would someone do something like that? I mean, if there's nothing to any of this. This is all just tinfoil-hatty stuff. Right? Right?

Or maybe you're getting close...

shortymcbossypants ago

We're getting close, mark my words, we are all getting very close. First it's Anti-Semetic attacks, then the lying shill posts and now this. While I wasn't affected, I have had some pretty ugly nastygrams from people in private, so come on guys, lets keep this momentum going! We are so close we can smell it!

2impendingdoom ago

I was asked to move my post for not being related to pizzagate, although I think it is. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1502956 mostly you all upvoated so if any one needs to be bumped, pm me and i try to help out. Thank you to all who upvoated and conributed to my comments, I learn a lot from this community.

gopluckyourself ago

try this on /v/clintongate it's much more relevant there and will not get deleted. I'm pretty sure the reason it got deleted from pizzagate is because there is no direct tie in to the current investigation.

2impendingdoom ago

actually my post is still there and still getting comments. I added more from the source link where additional direct connections to Hillary and Assange are mentioned and the political motivation of falsely blaming Russia, which is very, in my opinion, pizzagate related. So thanks, I did check out v/clintongate but at the time there were only 3 subscribers and seemed not worth the effort to learn how to move my post (which I dont' know how to do).

gopluckyourself ago

copy paste over there and delete the current post basically.

Sushilover69 ago

lol I almost got downvoated past 100. Probably not shill related, I just told people I wasn't a white male and I'm able to take care of myself 😅

Pwner1775 ago

that's when you know youre dealing with beta-male virgin sjws who tried to seek revenge after the electoral college voted for Trump with more than 300 votes lol

Sushilover69 ago

Hahaha honestly I think it was more along the lines of "only white men work and if you aren't one I'm automatically taking care of you" definitely pro trump, still naive.

Kwijibo ago

I guess I am not important enough for the shills to attack. ;(

AdVict0riam ago

Shocked I didn't get clobbered yet. I think we all know who was behind it...


redditsuckz ago

Phobos_Mothership has the SAME EXACT web background as pizzatrhowaway777 who was a mod here who has AT LEAST 32 accounts...


32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;



The odds of that are astronomical...

Archive of /v/pizzagate showing previous mods;


Phobos_Mothership ago

Excuse me, but you didn't post @pizzathrowaway777 's web background for comparison? here, allow me.

My web history which you offered above

pizzathrowaway777's web history which I screenshotted.

Gee, look at that, you're talking complete bullshit.

redditsuckz ago

When I said "Web Background"...i meant web "theme"...you both have the black background on your web browser....right Phobos_Mothership...i mean AssuredlyAThrowAway?...I mean....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you linked the "under heavy load" voat page. thanks for updating that. you're welcome.

standalone ago


Phobos_Mothership ago


Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

These shills need to be stopped. They are weak manipulators and enemies of free speech.

Freed0mFighter ago

An Account with a CCP value of -84 is limited to 3 posts(s) in 24 hours... It hurts when i'm trying to bring some stuff...

Phobos_Mothership ago

This is true, but it is WAY more of a problem for non-moderators. I still have mod tools, but the users who aren't mods who got downvoted now can't even downvote posts themselves. We need to support those people.

SpikyAube ago

If everyone affected comments here we can have a concerted effort to up vote them and go through their posts re-upping them?

Nahte27 ago

I'm a lurker who hasn't had much to contribute to pizzagate, but up voting, that I can do! :)

sleepingbeautycan ago

@Pizzagatethroaway499 got hit with 3 downvoats for every post.

I did not get hit.

Pwner1775 ago


hafen ago

Just like "Moderation Logs", this site could use "User vote logs" that show who's voted and how. Perhaps make it toggle-able by mods depending on the sub or something. It's just an idea, but something like that could seriously help combat the shills.

bikergang_accountant ago

Haha, no. If your account is old enough it is invincible. I don't want someone comming after me just because I disliked their particular nsfw contribution.

At the very least the admins have the vote record so they can identify abusive behavior. What we really need and I've argued for about a year and a half now is downvote rations.

When you are new you can't downvote at all, but when you are not new there is no reason you need more then 10 downvotes in a day. Instead they get hundreds per day.

HarveyKlinger ago

I would disagree. Once the shills start posting bullshit, it's important to seek out all of their posts and comments and hit them all. It's pretty obvious who they are.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

because i disliked their particular nsfw contribution

so you're saying you downvoat on preference

that's cool, they're your voats to voat with but ummm....

there is no reason you need more than 10 downvoats in a day

um wat?

bikergang_accountant ago

There was a time when none of us could downvote because none of us had the points. No one on the whole site. The site functioned fine. Then a few of us got downvotes but a limited number and you had to think if something was really worthy of downvote. It was reserved for false information and spam. Then everyone could downvote, with an unlimited number, the place turned into a circle jerk, the majority of people left, the alexa rank started going down (alexa rank is logorithmic), and the subverses began to come into disuse because every thinks the same so lets just use /v/whatever. Most subverses died at the same time and there is a reason.

Voat thrived while under attack and down half the time, yet we lost people when it was running fine. Something changed that was more damaging than 50% uptime. Downvote restrictions were the best thing to happen to the site because it forces people to consider other peoples opinions and forces you when you disagree to articulate a better position if you want to negate them at all.

The sad thing is that the shills are almost necissary. What we really should have is the ability to invite people with oposing views that don't need to manipulate votes to express them. I'm against shills but we could have opposing views from regular users but we don't. There's a reason. If you are downvoting 30 things a day you are doing more harm than good, just as the shills downvoting 100 things per day are doing more harm than good.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

something changed that was more damaging than 50% uptime. downvoat restrictions were the best thing to happen to the site.

  1. i would really like you to prove that downvoat freedom = alexa ranking going down, most subverses dying. no really, by all means, show a correlation. until then, this is just wild speculation.

  2. and anyway, i see that freedom with a voat without -ccp restrictions. at this fucking point you don't even hear me saying "and remove all other free speech restrictions," just getting rid of the -ccp restrictions would go a long way to solving this sissue.

  3. "shills are almost necissary." i'd agree, but i think for a different reason. i'd say because we ought be enjoying ourselves and furthering our enjoyment of our time here, rather than freaking out over shills. there will always be shills. identify, name and shame, and move on.


if you are downvoating 30 things a day you are doing more harm than good.

listen here you stupid nigger, i'll have you know back when i voated, i downvoated an average of 70 posts/comments a day. shitposts, shills, and spam. are you saying that you think downvoat curating voat from shills, shitposts, spam... is "doing more harm than good"?

what we should really have is the ability to invite people with oposing views that don't need to manipulate votes to express them

and how do you proposed we go about finding out whether a stranger on the internet is stranger danger or not?

grlldcheese ago

I am so glad you're around.

The shilling is so fucking strong today i don't even feel like arguing.

logical-explanation ago

Haha, no. If your account is old enough it is invincible.

this is incorrect

bikergang_accountant ago

Ok guy with 3 days on voat. I'm sure you know more about voat than me.

Very old submissions cannot be downvoted. This means that for my comparatively few submissions that are available to be downvoted they would need hundreds of accounts to counter the year of upvotes I've had on this account.

But if we put in downvote rations then they would need even more accounts because they would want to use their accounts to downvote other people and would have none left for me. That is more than 100 accounts would need to be managed for them to do what they do now.

Right now what they are able to do to you can be done with 8 accounts. They just downvote everything you have. If you make 25 posts or comments they can knock you down 200, and they can repeat for as many users as they like.

200 against me would do nothing. If I post more 400 would be nothing. They could keep it up and then it would be a problem. They could take me out on CCP in 10 weeks if they worked it straight. But some simple downvote restrictions of some kind would stop them dead. It would stop them dead on your issue as well.

logical-explanation ago

listen buttmunch, i am smarter than you.

gopluckyourself ago


bikergang_accountant ago

No you're not. Do you have an IQ of 180?

If you were smarter than me which is statistically possible even when the threshold is 180 you would have maybe capitalized or recognized that I'm not arguing with you but providing more information. That fact that you can't differenciate an informational conversation from an emotional one tells me that you aren't 180.

So I am factually smarter than you but I'm not trying to have a fight over. You can take my information as you will.

I don't care who's smarter. I provided information and you can't articulate a better point. You can only say, hurr durr, I'm smarter as if that's an argument. I'm making Tucker Carlson face right now. Dumb ass milinials that think because that they have the right politics they are somehow smart. Describes the both of you and it's sad how dumb the world has gotten.

Must be why you need downvotes because you only know how to lash out against things you disagree with instead of thinking about them.

gopluckyourself ago


logical-explanation ago

doesnt matter, youre still incorrect. Same with every statement you made, wrong, wrong, wrong....and wrong.

smokratez ago

It's happened to lots of us before. Admins won't do anything.

Phobos_Mothership ago

We don't know that.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oy just so you know, it used to be you could downvoat someone's account all the way back

now it's just to the last 7 days.

once, and he's honest about it, although he doesn't remember how many downvoats it was - i do - a goat - who is not a shill. hear me derka, i don't think you're a shill lol - downvoated me 1,700 times. he woke up every day and downvoated everything i said and did. for a month.

and you know what? GOOD. he got his fee fees out. whatever. they're made up points that don't matter EXCEPT the -ccp limits. although you'll see me pop this huge list of all the restrictions on commenting, posting, and voating, the real kicker is the -ccp limits (post/comment restrictions). if that didn't exist, there'd still be lots and lots of anti-spam protection and -ccp would be a badge of infamy or being atypical to the crowd... not something that restricts.

anyway phobos, i'm the goat always screaming 'voat-conspiracy' over here, so don't get me wrong, shills, yeah, but it could be goats that think you suck. i've seen a number of posts and comments on how you guys don't really gel with the rest of us goats, don't post/comment anywhere else, don't upvoat.. some hope you'll see our goaty ways as applicable, others just say fuck that and block pizzagate.

i'd caution screaming shills until you know. and also, i saw you call for ips before in the other post, i remember long ago atko saying something like a vote logs an ip, i don't remember if they keep it, but asking for ips on voats is like asking the admins to potentially dox users... calling for doxxes isn't exactly very goat like, just fyi.

ANYWAY, enough voat-info dump,

i'm sure you'll get your votes back up in a few minutes, anyway broski, you guys are like 10k strong almost. i lurk v/pizzagate and i regularly see a rolling 2000 people here...

this sticky is an upvoat magnet!

good investigating, phobos.

Phobos_Mothership ago

You are mixing a lot of different messages. You really think that 3 mods and many users on this site got HUNDREDS of downvotes on their post histories OVERNIGHT and it wasn't a controlled downvote brigade?

gopluckyourself ago

Depending on the actual number of downvoats it may have been more than a 6 or it's a couple porn spamming bots with a crap ton of upvoats. Source I just hit my downvoat limit.

Welcome to Voat!

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SaneGoatiSwear ago

what do you mean mixing a lot of different messages?

there's a difference between organization and shills. shills are here for a purpose other than to simply use voat, such as to manipulate opinion or change the conversation, like CTR came here in a giant wave of stupidity a little while back before y'all got here.

they were shills. anyone can downvoat. anyone can pm. so with pms... any group of users could theoretically conspire to downvoat another user.

i mean,

i've had HUNDREDS OF COMMENTS with chains 10+ long of around 4 voats, chains of 16 voats chains of 10 voats, etc. why? because some people here really don't like me and group up and downvoat the hell out of me.

some even organize to sit on v/all/new and downvoat me to "slide" me into voat's oblivion.

it's fun!

are they shills just because of that no hell no, every voater ought be able to downvoat everything and everyone all the time with no restrictions - but hey i'm a voat voat freedom fighter on that right there. most people here settle at the "remove -ccp restrictions" level.

i think some of those downvoating me are shills, but they are downvoating a lot of people here, and using other tactics...

so fuck yeah it was a "controlled downvoat brigade" look at those numbers! but shills? i'd say along what you were saying: fuck 'em and keep investigating.

ah, an idea! sticky the most important lead to follow up right now instead of this

what messages were hard to understand?

Phobos_Mothership ago

ah, an idea! sticky the most important lead to follow up right now instead of this

No. Why would we do this? This is important.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


some users got downvoated to hell

investigating the international elite pedo rings

which is more important?

and... nothing on anything else i said.. interesting.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

We can't investigate if we don't deal with the shills, good contributors are being stopped from posting and such

SaneGoatiSwear ago

not at all. pizzagate is stong. look at how the upvoats have come pouring in!

Phobos_Mothership ago

Because you are trying to downplay this, and I don't trust that at all. You're not offering anything. There are people on here who are not moderators who now can't downvote or send PMs. That's fucked up, and we want to investigate it.

so you're saying that you want to focus not on the pedo rings but on meta investigations?

We can focus on many things at once, we have proven that. Asking a community to focus 'either on one thing or the other' is a fracture tactic.

asking admins for ips

I am asking the admins to investigate simply whether the accounts in question were associated with paid voting sites. If you don't like this idea, good for you, and you're entitled to that opinion.

Edit: This post was edited to answer your response because I can't comment anymore, because I was downvoted negative.

Edit 2: The only thing I think should be removed is the comment restriction on negative users. I still like the fact that you have to earn the downvote somehow.

Edit 3: I definitely do think that once you gain the ability to downvote by getting 100 ccs, you should never lose that ability to downvote. If that's what you mean, I agree.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

when you put it like that, then yes. i look at it from the overall perspective that the right to vote on a social network is protected free speech in the u.s. (facebook likes are protected) which means they ought not be abridged.

i'm all for ownership building of the community, but not at the expense of our rights.

so i "get" the idea behind it, but i think there's a better way than restrictions in general. have a goat step up with a new goat in v/introductions and have 'em be like a goat-buddy for a week, show 'em the ropes, get 'em posting and commenting, say hi to familiar goats...

i 100% agree with "never lose the ability to vote" not just downvoat. upvoat, too! when you hit -ccp you can't comment and post nearly as much as the general restrictions. that's - to me - egregious abridgement of free speech. a no no! but here we are, still doing having it done to us.. :(

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well, the "downvoat right earned = ownership" argument is a different one. we're talking about the -ccp restriction on commenting and posting and a few other things, i believe, depending on how low... i'm not sure, i don't actually read code, and i've been trying to learn. i agree the -ccp restrictions should be removed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh yeah :(

well fuck these stupid -ccp limits. 1,000 people on; shouldn't be long.

i guess, yeah, just add edit1 edit2 edit 3, etc :(

so fucking stupid goddamn it that pisses me off every time.

yo, one time this dude wrote such strong and amazing shitposts at me for HOURS AND HOURS he kept shitposting

so much, that puttitout gave him a unique badge for it, just for having to deal with me "in a sea of insanity, a lighthouse of blah blah" some sappy shit.

but check it, i mean yeah i was getting d'vd to hell, no worries

but the problem is that HE got dv'd. like hundreds into the negative, and to this day there he sits.

i think he should be free to use voat with -ccp like anyone else.


SaneGoatiSwear ago

why did you just edit the above comment instead of replying to my comment? what kind of weird shit is that? edit: what kind of idiot am i?! i am talking about the very restrictions on you and forget about what they do... lolllll

please answer:

you're not offering anything

what does that even mean? do you need a gift?

good point, heck i'm with you on that. i just wanted a clarification on your end. i have the same logic behind v/clintongate


associated with paid voting sites

well that's new. you never said that.

interesting, if someone paid for these... that would mean "not for personal use" and a breach of the user agreement. surely the admins would do something if a couple users breached the user agreement, right?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyy lol downplay?

i gave you a bit of the history of voat.

i gave you a personal anecdote of my time here on voat - it's called empathizing.

dude, seriously, people can just upvoat them back up, it's not that hard.

wait you're telling me

we want to investigate it

so you're saying that you want to focus not on the pedo rings but on meta investigations?

rational thinking against your confirmation bias and calls to action such as asking admins for ips is not downplaying, it's rational thinking.

i've been here a fuckton more than you have. the information i've tried to relay to you may actually be of benefit to you.

spookybm ago

When youre posting in a public forum, the shillz get thrills.
I am not actulyvfollowing pizzagate, just lurking. But i am noticing all the counterattacks get mass upvotez in 30 minutes or less. It really is time you guys went undercover so that you dont get sidetracked

Phobos_Mothership ago

Undercover? How?

spookybm ago

Gather and migrate. When i was on the othersite, tumblrinaction was being compromised, so the mods made a private invite to active users that were deemed their norm.
Not sure if a private website would do if your host disagreesa and dimes you, or if hozting your own is good either

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Gather and migrate.

aaaaaaaand that's how you do exactly what "they want" you to do
Persistence and continuity is how you gain momentum, anything else is simply willful compliance in self censorship

Phobos_Mothership ago

We will absolutely not run away to some private site. We will stay right the fuck here, thanks.

SpikyAube ago

Yes absolutely. Stay and ignore them and keep on going keep on going! Nothing is more important than this. As if we would all just give up and run away over some downvoats.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

I'm just viewing all Pizzagater's research and am astounded at how thorough and deep the research and findings go. Anyway, I do believe Pizzagate leads to something mammoth at the very highest levels, however, I also believe that it could be set up as a false flag, in turn gaining sympathy from the masses against alt media, which is defeating mainstream bull crap, as is depicted with Trump's miraculous and magnificent glorious win for all man kind because Americans have rejected the lies and deceit. Yaaaaaaaaaay.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Doesn't look like your account was affected